
Thursday, September 20, 2007


I did it. I have been working Wednesday afternoons only at the chiropractor's office. I gave notice yesterday that I will finish out the month of September with them, but I need to streamline some things in my life. I've been building my own clientele for my own practice, and lately I've been turning down Wednesday appointments because I had this thing at the chiros. No more! This will free me up a bit I think. Besides, I don't have to work on commission on my own clients. I like being my own boss better....

Now for the other big change. DH's plant is closing. They are consolidating plants and moving this plant to a more central location in Iowa. I'm sorry to any of you Iowa gals who would love to see me come that direction, but I have really put down roots here! We want to stay here. Both of my boys are here, not to mention my businesses etc...we have been in South Carlina for almost 5 years now and I really don't want to move anywhere else. So we are looking around this area for another job for DH.

His job here is probably good til December. Hopefully we will find something by then. It's just a very stressful situation and I haven't wanted to post about it because...well, I like to live in denial on some things! I don't do well when the rug is pulled out from under...(instead of rug..can we say SECURITY BLANKET?!) So I am trying to not get all stressed out and just take things day by day. We've always landed on our feet in the past, and this time should be no different. It's just scary thinking we might be without a job right at the holidays.

Through it all...I keep on quilting! I don't have anything of my own to post today, but I wanted to post pics of a quilt I thought was so cool! Any of you out there with H for your initial might like this one! :c) I'm thinking this would be a good use of the 1.5" strips that are overflowing!!


  1. Dear dear Bonnie, I can certianly empathisize with your anxiety. Been there, done that! It WILL work out even though things are unsure now. I know this doesn't help with the stress though. Just gotta have faith!

    Aren't you grateful for your quilting?

  2. Oh I'll wish the best of luck for DH - why do they do this to people right before the big holidays - it always happens. Darn and here I thought maybe you would be closer to me!

  3. Wishing lots for luck to DH on his job search. I have a friend who always tells me things happen for a reason. Hopefully DH will be able to find a job he likes even better. Everything will work out. We're all pulling for you.

  4. oh, i'm a denial girl too. I know that you are strong though; and thats what matters.

  5. I'm so glad you chose to share with us. A burden shared is always much lighter! I too believe things happen for a reason, so maybe when this door closes a window will open to something better for you and your family! I will keep you in my prayers.

  6. I'm of the same mind as Tami's post - often when you look back you recognise that things have happened for a reason but boy is it hard to recognise it and see the bigger picture at the time.
    I wish him well in his search for alternative employment - I'm sure the perfect thing is waiting just around the corner

  7. Bonnie, I'm so sorry. I do hope your DH will land a great job quickly that will not require a move. Good luck to you both as you deal with this uncertainty in your future.

  8. Anonymous5:56 PM EDT

    Sending good toughts on the job situation. I have walked in yor shoes. You're right--usually things turn out fine, but it's always a stressful journey.

    THe H quilt is great. Just so happens my daughter is marrying into an H surname within the next year...!

  9. Change is almost always stressful. Hopefully, your DH doesn't dislike job hunting as much as I do. Thankfully, he's got time to look for a new job while still employed.

    If you start feeling overwhelmed, stop and take several good deep breaths. It helps relieve the stress.

  10. Bonnie, I am so sorry about this. Sometimes change can bring about very good things, so I will pray for this for you. I hope he gets another job quickly and that it is better than ever!


  11. Oh Bonnie, I'm so sorry about your news. That's scarry I'm sure. But it's certanly understandable about you not wanting to move. I'd do the same in your shoes. At least you have two solid businesses that are bring in money. With all the quilters in blogland sending lots of positive thoughts to you and your husband I'm confident he can't help but find something. And it may turn out to be much better than what he has now. Seems like it's often that way in life as long as one can keep the faith.

  12. What Patti said.

    Will be thinking of you and sending good wishes your way.

  13. I can sympathize with your situation, you're not the only one who lives on the banks of Denial! ;) We've been in your situation a couple of times and ultimately did land on our feet again, but the uncertainty does take a toll. The best thing is to keep quilting and remain in the place where you know you're happy! We moved once to a place where we weren't, for a job, and it was torture; we left after nine months and didn't look back! ~hugs~

  14. Dear Bonnie, it'll work out, it always does, but until then, keep your chin up and focusing on the path ahead.

  15. I am sure he will be able to get something in the area. There is so much going on around there. It is stressful though...I think most of us have been there at some point (at least once!)

    The quilt could also be an I!

  16. All the best for DH's jobsearch, perhaps he'll find something better and then be glad of the enforced change. It's never nice to have these decisions made for you, but you'll be fine of that I am sure!

    I have an H surname. But that's a really cute quilt H or no H :O)

  17. So sorry to hear about your DH's job. I'm sure he will find something soon. It's scarey though while waiting.
    Love the H quilt...I could make one for my sister in law, whose first and last name start with an H!

  18. The quilt pictures "spoke" to me as I read your post. They said, "'H' is for HOPE... may you have some..."

  19. Hi Bonnie, now that "H" quilt is something I'm going to have to make for sure! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Best wishes heading your way for a job for DH by the new year.

  20. Bonnie, You and your family will be in my prayers. We've "been there and done that" twice in our married lives. It is not easy, but it can be done... and your friends will be there for you as you take it one day at a time. Keep the faith ~ Julie


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