
Monday, February 10, 2025

One By One!

This was our first Over-the-Porch-Rail photo op of 2025!

And you may notice that there aren't as many top finishes as some are still on design walls and didn't make it as far -

You also may notice we are short a few people.

We've got awful weather slated for tonight and all day tomorrow, into Wednesday so those traveling home to areas that will be impacted by this storm are heading out this morning in an effort to beat the bad weather before it arrives, cutting their retreat one night short.

I don't blame them!  Safety first. Four had already taken off for northern states.  As of last night one of our group had made it to Indiana and will make the final leg home near Chicago by this afternoon.

There are some great things sewn this week!

I love the colors in this Old Town in progress - and next to it a donation quilt just waiting for borders.  So soft and springy!

These two tops are Charlotte's - her Big String Quartet is sewn from selvages, and I love that she made her Silk Path in scrappy rainbow.

I always love a simply marvelous sixteen patch!

Beautiful in blues!

Morning Glories in progress!

Oh, I love those purples!

Renee was one of our "early exit" girls but she did finish this cute tumbler top before she packed up.

We'll see you next time, Renee!

And I did some sort of non-quilty sewing at home this weekend.

We had a pet pillow that had seen better days.  It had gotten to the point where Zoey was pulling the stuffing out of the holes that had formed - time for mom to step in and do some quick pillow cover sewing.

I used legs from Hubster Dave's old jeans that we'd been saving - cut them into 8 1/2'' widths, however long the length was, and made a front, and a back.

The front is longer then the back so it can be tucked in like an envelope (Or a fold-lock-top sandwich baggie!) with a couple of large safety pins to hold things closed for easy washing.

No zippers, no bu ttons, no velcro - I needed this simple and quick.

I think she approves!

With the crummy weather inbound, Housekeeper Susan is coming this afternoon to get an early start since the house will be empty.

I'll get started on the laundry as soon as I get over there.

I've already called the chiropractor and moved my appointment to next week.

This HAS to be the last vestiges of winter? Please? 

I thought I had avoided most of it by going to Australia for most of January.

But you know how that goes - we make plans and Mother Nature laughs.  And laughs.  nd laughs.

SO - what did you get uo to this weekend?  Did you start anything new? Finish up anything on-going?

This happened - did you see it?

If you haven't started your Old Town yet - did you enter?

This time I even included the paint chips in the pattern. It's ALL in there, even the printable paper piecing templates for the square-in-a-square star block centers, and the small flying geese for the pieced sashings.

And YES - there is introductory pricing for those who have been waiting to start their own Old Town when it was released in pattern format.

The price is already marked 25% off and is good through 2/17/25 at 11:30pm Eastern time. No coupon needed.

International customers:  Please DO NOT USE THE BUY NOW BUTTON. It uses autofill to put in your mailing address. This causes a problem with international folks as I do not ship physical items internationally.

Instead - place the pattern in your shopping cart, and go to the cart directly to choose your payment option (Which does not use autofill) Things should work fine for you this way. You do not need a physical mailing address to receive a PDF file. Just your email.

You can also enter the Gift-Away on THAT POST.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I detect no lies!

Happy Monday, everyone -



  1. Oh, it is so good to see the "over the rail" quilt photos. Missed them. Great job ladies.

  2. Excellent Quote of the Day.....applies to yarn shop, book shop, thrift shop,.....

  3. I'm calling it ##ficklefebruary. Snow packed roads and snow dusting my car every day is No fun. Glad a few got away before more weather comes. Be Safe! I like the Silk Path Scrappy. All the Quilts look great over the porch Rail!.

    1. Bertha Goggin3:17 PM EST

      It is crazy - Like Mother Nature is off her meds!!! We had over 80 degrees F a week ago in Oklahoma. In two days there is expectation of near 1/2 inch of ice and high of only 35 - maybe!! Back into the deep freeze we go! LOL

  4. I missed the over the rail photos....they are all so inspirational.
    As for winter...February can be a cruel month as you well know. It went from 65 here in Canton, GA yesterday to 45 now and lots of rain forecast...we'll see....you never know with the weatherman!

  5. Hey Bonnie! This weekend I worked on my hexie project. I have a question. How do you join sections together? I've made "blocks" like yours and am trying to join them together but can't seem to get my left hand in position to hold the pieces together correctly to stitch easily. I can't fold them together to hold vertically either. I've resorted to putting a pillow in my lap to support the pieces flat, butting up where the seams need to be sewn together. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but it's taking me forever to get each little 1 inch long seam sewn. I'm working on adding block 4 of the 9 that will complete the center diamond of the quilt. I think once I finally get the center diamond done, I'm going to have to add hexies one by one around the edges - but working it like a counted cross stitch pattern is going to open me up to making lots of mistakes in hexie placement. Any ideas?

    1. It's fiddley, but you have to work one hexie side at a time, the same way you join hexies together. Work corner to corner, then reposition and work the next hexie side corner to corner. Take your time with it. As I said it's fiddley, but it's all set in seams.

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM EST

    I have been working on Old Town. Just finished Part 7. Last week here in Amarillo,we went from 89 degrees one day to 40 degrees the next, TWICE!

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM EST

    I always think it is best to be safe so leaving early was a great decision. 😘 What did I do on the weekend? I drove to an Embroidery meeting and hour of so away on Saturday. Sunday was meant to be a morning at the beach (yes, it’s summer here in 🇦🇺🇦🇺) to watch my grandchildren who are involved in “Nippers”. Unfortunately their mum hurt her knee so i got to sew instead. I. started a new quilt as a gift for an April birthday.

  8. Oh, hello porch rail photos!! I miss them as there is always so much inspiration! Talk about fickle February... we are on a weather roller coaster this week here in South Central Texas. 60's one day, 80's the next type of thing! At least we have a little chance of rain to go with it. This past weekend I quilted a few small projects. But one I have to rip out the pattern that I stitched out because when I rolled it to start the next row it was too big! Agh... I should have measured it before I started quilting the next row. It's all good though. Safe travels to those heading home & the next group coming in. Have a great week!! :)

  9. Those Morning Glories blocks in purple are stunning!


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