
Monday, January 06, 2025

Ice, Snow & Bugging Out!

It's All Fun & Games -

Until it looks like continuing ice and snow could make it extremely difficult to make it to the airport in time safely tomorrow morning.

So guess who is bugging out and getting a hotel room near the airport in Kingsport TN so there isn't so much worry and fretting over the drive to the airport tomorrow?

Me. Which means there is packing in hyer-drive going on over here currently.

I thought I'd have today and this evening to pull everything together.

Turns out I only have this morning.

This was yesterday!

Hubster Dave has been plowing the drive and shoveling walkways and decks as this storm continued to bring us more. 

Sometimes the flakes were beautiful thick and heavy - I love that kind - and then things would turn to ice pellets. YUCK!

And here is our little Polaris RZR shuttle down to the cars in action.  Click to Play:

Weehaaa!  Yes, it's fun, BUT.

It's also freezing cold, windy, slippery, and feels a bit treacherous, especially when climbing out of the RZR and carefully stepping my way to the car.

The Subaru handles these road conditions far better than my all wheel drive van does - so the van has been parked at Barbara's across the street for the time being.

When we get a thaw, Dave will drive it back up to the top while I'm gone.

In the meantime, I spent the snowy weekend with this:

Remember these?

I pieced them ALL and then turned to an audio book to start trimming up into these:

It took all evening between trimming them up -

And getting the paper off.

I think I made it through 3 episodes of New Amsterdam on Netflix before the paper removal was complete.

I'm trying to finish the series because it's leaving Netflix soon....so yes, I'll be bingeing that tonight from Kingsport too.

Last night with the fire going and Back to the Future on the TV.

And Ivy Lea in my lap!

What are you looking at, Ivy?

Maybe she is checking out my stitch consistency?

Just remember, Ivy - Done is better than purrrrrfect!

Okay guys. You know how this goes.

I'm not readily able to blog when I am traveling, but I do try to post updates to InstagramFacebook and YouTube

YouTube - not as much, because most of my posts are just photos. Not videos.  If I do video content long enough to post on YouTube you'll find it there too.

Huka Falls will be releasing with a Gift-Away while I am gone - keep watching for that mid-January around the 16th -17th or so. It will depend on our itinerary when I can really set it to go live.

Of course, it will be Australia time and will likely be the middle of the night.  LOL!

We'll draw for the winners when I get home.

I think that's it for now?

Be kind to each other while I am gone.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It feels weird to be packing for 100 f heat when it is doing all of this icy blustery stuff outside!

Catch you when I catch you -



  1. Anonymous9:17 AM EST

    Safe journeys and soak up the heat while you can. Hope all your travelers can make it out too.
    Love seeing Ivy doing her job as quilt inspector!
    Anna in Illinois

  2. Well, even though it looks beautiful it certainly puts a damper on your plans! I'm loving the hand quilting, and apparently Miss Ivy knows the warm spot to be as well! Safe travels & enjoy the trip! I'll be looking forward to seeing your updates!

  3. Anonymous10:48 AM EST

    I watched New Amsterdam when it came out on network TV. Great show. Be sure to watch the series finale if you run out of time on Netflix. Sue

  4. Have a wonderful trip!!!!

  5. And a Goodday Mate to you! Fly Safe and enjoy all the tours that are planned Down Under. We'll miss the daily blog but have much stitching to get done while you're out of office. Old Town can't make itself. Thanks for a beautiful pattern.

  6. Got a good chuckle with your Quote of the Day. You're smart to get into a hotel near the airport. You'll be much more relaxed. Have fun and safe travels!
    I spent as much time this past snowy weekend as I could working on the little flying geese blocks. 30 more to go. 😳 We got 16" of snow in mid Kansas on Sunday! Glad my husband and I are both retired so we can stay in the house.

  7. Safe travels Bonnie. I love seeing Ivy. She had such a pretty face. I would love to visit Jen Kingwell's shop in Australia......Love her hand piecing and quilting. xo

  8. Funny you mentioned washing a hoody in your quote of the day. I''ve washed a puffy jacket this a.m. and when I went to dry it, I found a COVID mask (cloth) in the hood!!! Have a safe and fun trip, and enjoy that HEAT!!!!

  9. Funny you should mention a hoody in your quote of the day this morning! I just finished washing a puffy jacket and as I put it into the dryer, I found a cloth COVID mask hanging on it!! Have a safe and fun trip, and enjoy that HEAT!!!

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM EST

    That's a steep drop on one side of the driveway, RZR or not, lol. Good neighbors and good partners sure make life easier. Love those pretty colors and am itching for some string piecing. Huka Falls is also beautiful. Safe travels.

  11. Anonymous5:08 PM EST

    safe journey, Bonnie! Linda

  12. Anonymous7:20 PM EST

    Back in December my co-teacher found a pair of underwear on the classroom floor! They must had clung to someone’s pants and as the student moved around they fell. We had a good laugh about it. So yes, check out your clothes after you remove them from the dryer. Dianne

  13. RuthW in MD2:50 PM EST

    Looking at your red and white quilt, oh, I have some of that red bow fabric in my Christmas stash! I've been making Christmas strippy squares 4 at a time, and it keeps showing up saying, "Use me!" Good Luck on your trip!

  14. love your daily quotes :)


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