
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Finding My Sew-Jo!

It has taken a few days.

I only returned home on Thursday - and when I returned things were busy beyond measure.

Some things just can't be forced, but yesterday, in between rounds of laundry - I was able to finally sit and do some string piecing just for pleasure.

I had played around with some block ideas before leaving for Ireland, and now that those ideas have gelled into something with great possibilities, I am diving in!

What is it about string piecing that captivates me so?

I don't have any answers - other than the ideas for places where strings can be used is infinite.

Strings can cover any shape in any size - and I've been playing with traditional block designs in "biggie size" with string piecing as a way to keep things interesting, while fulfilling my need to "string all the things!"

Click to Play:

This was where I began yesterday.

I tend to make a few sample blocks first - which had me going from neutrals to aquas and back to neutrals to get the units made that I needed for the few test blocks I was making.

And once a resounding YES was reached - I turn to assembly line production mode and do ALL of the steps for each unit as needed - no switching back and forth.

All of the squa/turquoise rectangles are done - 

Yesterday was bout power sewing the neutrals to go with them.

So much variety in here!

As I am pulling the ones long enough to use on my phone book paper foundations, anything shorter is being put into a "short bin" to use in the next step to come.

Sometimes that means turning fabrics back-side-up if the front side isn't doing it for me.

There is a place to use EVERYTHING, and maybe that's what I like about string quilts most of all.

Done and de-papered!

When I say everything goes in - that means everything.  Even novelties and weird fabrics you can't see to use any other way than to string them down and use them as a color or a neutral. Like the fabric with the shoes.  It needs to be cut SMALLER! LOL!

BY the time something is put together like this - I don't notice each individual print as much as the overall variety, colors and contrast.

If I can get this together, be looking for Huka Falls to be ready by January 2025 - which is the one year anniversary of my visit to New Zealand.

And I'm happily back to my evening hoop sessions.

There are 2 1/2 rows of blocks let to quilt on this one - It's getting there, but there is still a lot to go.  I'm looking at releasing Ladder Star sometime in the fall.

Today - finishing up the towel baskets for incoming retreaters.

There are beds to make and finishing touches to be done, but we'll be ready by 4pm to greet Judy's Stitchers who are on their way from Mississippi.

And into another retreat week we go.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This is after yesterday's adventure with an unbalanced load out of control!
That lid lock feature is holding things hostage.

You have to press pause and hold to get the lid to disengage, and it took 3 tries to finally get that load to spin out. I miss the washing machines of my youth!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



  1. The hand quilting on Ladder Star is looking so great! That quilt looks 10/10 snuggly.

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM EDT

    My washing machine had a latch problem and there's a video on YouTube on how to easily fix it .
    Good luck!
    Bonnie Irby

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM EDT

    Your Ladder Star quilt looks so soft and comfortable. I like looking at all the novelty prints in your string pieces. Dianne

  4. Anonymous11:48 AM EDT

    My new top loading washer did some wandering in the laundry room yesterday. I did not hear it until I walked by. It completely blocked the door going to the garage. My husband came home a little later and got it back in place. He said it must need to be leveled, but he has so much arthritis in his hands he can’t do it so we will some help. Crazy day. I was able to get the lid opened from locked position but don’t remember how. Have a great time with your new quests and happy quilting.

  5. Your quote today had me laughing out loud! Thanks for that!

  6. This is why I bought a machine without a lid lock, ha, ha, ha. I'd like to know what you pack to cover 3 weeks of travel? Someday I may be able to take more than day trips. Glad to see your kitty finally let you get in some hand quilting. I wish I could still find phone books for the papers. Have a great day. Thanks for sharing your time & talents.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM EDT

      My kingdom for a machine without a lock lid!

  7. Anonymous12:18 PM EDT

    Your string piecing is like a Monet painting you look too close it does not seem to go together but if you stand back it is beatiful.

  8. Loving ladder star, it sure is gonna be a great quilt! I finally bought myself a "Speed Queen" washer and dryer, nothing fancy just hard working machines :0), they never give me any grief! Happy hand quilting Bonnie :0)

  9. Kelly W-S3:38 PM EDT

    Yeah, you are nailing the colours of Huka Falls on a sunny day :)

  10. Anonymous4:24 PM EDT

    Bonnie, too funny….my new washer locked up this morning off balance with a bulky load of blankets! I was wishing for a tub and washboard by the time I got it unlocked and open to redistribute the load THREE TIMES! Modern conveniences mmm…..! Love your string piecing adventures; creative peaceful piecing for certain.
    Blessings, Dawn
    Central Valley California
    Note: we haven’t seen Cat from Carlsbad post lately, hope she is well. Her posts are always delightful!!

  11. Beautiful quilts! I hate that lid lock feature especially when you push hold and push and just can't get it to unlock.

  12. My, you have a lot of neutral strings. Have fun!

  13. Oh, I am so glad to hear that you have gotten back to sewing at the machine! I get "hangry" when I can't sit & sew for a few days. I'm loving the hand stitching coming along... & that was the funniest quote in a while!! Happy quilting & have a great evening!

  14. Amen on that washing machine out of balance with the locking lid! I fight that mess all the time! Hate it!

  15. Anonymous8:18 PM EDT

    Amen on that washing machine! I have that problem all the time! Hate it!
    Sue S.

  16. Love the blue and turquoise. You are a bit younger than I, and I can tell you I do NOT miss the washing machine of my youth. We had a wringer and clothes lines outside. LOL

    1. Lynn from Australia10:25 AM EDT

      I love my washing going outside in the fresh air to dry, although a dryer may make washing softer, there's so much fresh free power from the sun.


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