
Thursday, December 28, 2023

One More Border, Please!

I couldn't do it.

I couldn't leave the Winter Cardinal top as it was - it needed some intense color outside of the pieced geese border - it couldn't just fade out into nothing.

It needed something to contain it all.  

It needed something deep and rich, and I started pulling options. (Yes, there is a pile now to be re-stashed but I'll get to it.)

Normally I love a quilt that ends with a pieced border and just needs a good strong binding to say "That's it.  I'm done."  But not this one.

Two options are shown above.

And I chose this one.

Why was this in the stash so long?  It's a fairly large print, and it is not only directional in that it has a stripey look to it, but all of the motifs face only one way.

I made sure all of the "round tops" of the motifs were all facing out from the center of the quilt like clamshells.

I think I can call it done now - but what about a backing?

The LAST backing of 2023!

I have fabric stash I love.  And I have fabric stash that is "lesser-loved" some of which resides in bins in the inn's garage/shop because I don't have room for it in the studio.

When moving everything up here from Wallburg, NC I combed through everything, relegating the "lesser-loved" pieces to be used as scrappy backings.

There is a LOT that I feel this way about.  Mostly it's things that are directional and harder to use with my love of small piecing.

Some of this stash I inherited from other quilters -

That piece on the far left? I'm not sure what the pattern is.  Is it ears? Is it just fur? At any rate - it's going in this backing!

And that piece of yardage that looks like dirty Santa beards? Definitely directional and weird.  It's gone too! LOL!

Close up of all 5 pieces.

Like I said - I don't know WHAT that bottom right piece is supposed to be. Maybe just a texture. But it's weird. And it's now out of the stash. Hooray.

All in all - it will do.

And it's definitely one of a kind.

Meanwhile at the inn -

There is a bathroom counter top refinishing project in full swing thanks to Son Jeff and Hubster Dave.

They removed the counter tops and took them to the garage for sanding. (THANK YOU!!! Much less mess to clean!) 

The sink and faucet holes look like screaming faces.


Open wide and say ahhh!

(Once you see it you can't unsee it)

Marine varnish? Yes please. And everything can dry and seal in the garage, and all of the smells can dissipate before needing to be reinstalled in the bathrooms.

These guys are my everything. I couldn't do any of this without them.

While all of this is being one they are also reaming out the pipes to catch all of the residual hair clogs that made it past the hair-catcher chains we placed down the drains for that purpose. Shower drains too.

Ahhh, the life of an innkeeper!

Everyone thinks about how fun it would be to have a retreat place, but no one stops to think of hair clogs and stopped up toilets and leaking washing machines - or oven doors that won't close because someone sprung the hinges by putting too much weight on the oven door.

All of that and more - and I wouldn't change it for the world.

Today we are meeting with a guy to see about getting the sewing room floor refinished with a sturdy gym type coating - it's got to be sturdier to handle all of the traffic and rolling chairs.  You know - like your old high school gym.  That floor takes a beating and we've beat it to death.

And  haircut!  I leave for New Zealand in about 2 weeks, and it's the 2 weeks past hair cut mark that hair looks the best. LOL!

If I get time - in between finishing up Part Six of Indigo Way I'll see about getting Winter Cardinal loaded and the quilting started.

It would be great to be binding the old year out and binding the new year in.

What are your plans for this Thursday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Dang it!
Stop with the judging already.
I'm sewing it up as fast as I can!

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



  1. Anonymous9:55 AM EST

    Thank you Bonnie another mystery!! Diana Swihart

  2. My goodness! I love Winter Cardinal! Wonderful colors!

  3. Anonymous10:06 AM EST

    Beautiful! I love the border! I feel like this gives me permission to add borders when I want to make my quilt a little bigger! Plus permission to use up some not fabulous fabrics as pieces backing! Win win!!!

  4. Buying and sewing are definitely two different hobbies!!

  5. Anonymous10:15 AM EST

    Your cardinal quilt is so beautiful! I can’t wait to see it quilted!

  6. yes, so enjoyed your process for finishing the cardinals.... so pretty, thanks to the menfolk for helping w/maintenance! It's gotta be a constant upkeep kind of thing... and thank you -- Happy New Yer...

  7. Lorraine10:46 AM EST

    That border is perfection!!! And I have some of the same fabric in your pic of choices for backing fabric! I feel special! :-)

  8. Anonymous10:50 AM EST

    I would buy that lower right fabric for backing in a heartbeat - lol Isn't it great that we all have different taste? Happy New Year Quilters !

  9. I love the fabric you chose for the final border. It just makes all your blocks pop that much more. Can't wait to see how you quilt it and what you bind it with.
    I'm on a finishing spree. I finished binding a baby quilt earlier this week and am now about a quarter way around my tumbler quilt. Hoping to have it finished before the year ends. Oh, and I'm pin basting another baby quilt, when my cat lets me.
    Happy New Year and safe travels in the coming year.
    Anna in IL

  10. Wow - when you're right, you're right! The photo you shared of the quilt yesterday looked lovely, but that strong red border added so much!

  11. Anonymous11:08 AM EST

    Oh my! Love love Winter Cardinal! I can't wait till it's a pattern!

  12. Anonymous11:10 AM EST

    Yes, that border absolutely made the quilt!!! I love that rich, deep red!! Can't wait for the pattern!
    I hope to get to my sewing machine today or at least to play in my fabric! Haven't got to do that since before the holidays

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM EST

    No judging here!! I have a ton of fabric and just bought some more because it was "Calling my Name". LOL!! Sometimes you just have to have it.
    Mary B

  14. Helen Hewell11:56 AM EST

    Bonnie, You are so creative and generous. You should not have to explain why you do something a particular way, like paper piecing. I love your blog and following your adventures. Your finished quilts are always beautiful.

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM EST

    So beautiful I can’t wait to try this one thanks for your inspiration it looks like peppermint candies to me. I may need to start collecting reds.

  16. Anonymous12:03 PM EST

    My quilts always speak to me. And they are usually correct! Love your cardinal Bonnie and that block you used from Star of Hope is really special. Judi Butz

  17. Winter Cardinal is gorgeous! The little inner border before the flying geese, and the outer dark border just makes the quilt top pop! Love it! My Thursday will be just like the other days this week--family time with visitors. My daughter, 10 year old granddaughter, and 16 year old grandson are visiting. I'll have to work really hard to get caught up on Indigo Way when they leave. I started hand binding a baby quilt yesterday and plan to finish it today. My sewing room is in basement but I can do handwork and visit at the same time so it's a win-win. :-)

  18. Anonymous12:22 PM EST

    Oh, I have become so addicted to acquiring fabric. I adore petting it and looking at it. I have a problem.

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM EST

    I love this quilt! Can’t wait to see it quilted and to be able to get the pattern!

  20. Oh, that is lovely! Makes me want to work with red again after a long break.

  21. Yea, Binding the year our and in sounds like a plan. I have a haircut scheduled before my Birthday. Not counting the days. Getting older isn't all it's cracked up to be someday. Freezing Fog in SE Washington crazy people speeding by us. Happy Quilting!

  22. Anonymous2:03 PM EST

    Love the quilt - perfect "final" border. I gotta say that the first time I saw your counter top I thought it was a bum hole for the Out House. To be fair, I live way out in the sticks where some homes still have out houses so that is where my mind went. LOL

  23. Well I got my wallhangings pieced! I need to find something to back them with and hopefully get them quilted this weekend. This break is going by way to fast!!
    I love the Winter Cardinal... the colors are perfect together as is that border.
    The quote made me chuckle... my step daughter gave me a tumbler with that saying on it for Christmas!! I have so many ideas and patterns that I want to do, but no time!
    Have a good evening! :)

  24. Anonymous3:52 PM EST

    Perfect border! It just makes the deeper, richer reds in your quilt just ZING! I've been thinking about a hair cut, too. But I just have my hubby cut it for me (with a level used when he's done) and I trim my bangs myself. Easy project as my hair is thinning out SO much. Trying various projects to see what helps. I'm on round two of the test tries. If it thins out much more (I'm having trouble covering the thinner spots now) I may just have it all buzz cut to my head & let it grow out again. Ahhhh - this getting old is not for wusses! Deb E

  25. Hoped to quilt today. That got changed as my car has an issue. 4 hrs of waiting and the decision that I have to come back another day, they are keeping my car. They are paying for the rental. Hopefully after New Years it will be up to par again. Hopefully I can get some quilting in today is a plus even tho it is getting late.

  26. Love the cardinal quilt!

  27. I picked that border before I saw your final choice. Way to go Bonnie, It looks great on that quilt.

  28. YES! that rich red is just what it needed, love it! I was so excited to see the border in the Facebook page pciture and now you are quilting it :0). It's a lovely design Bonnie, another WINNER. Happy Binding!

  29. I love Winter Cardinal! Happy New Year, Bonnie! Thanks for all you do. I rarely comment but never fail to read the other comments and agree with so many of them.


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