
Monday, December 13, 2021

Appalachian Blues & Communication Thoughts:

When people ask me why they are called the Blue Ridge Mountains - 

I don't even need to speak a word.

Just look.  SO many different shades of blue!

Ridge after ridge after ridge as far as the eyes can see -

We took this little drive yesterday - about 20 minutes from the cabin to the top of White Top Mountain to get this vantage point.

The sky couldn't have been more captivating.

I see so much in this photo tying me to the quilt I am currently quilting.

Click to Play:

Short muddy hike along the Appalachian Trail over White Top Mountain, VA.

Elevation: 5525 feet.

While it is only 20 minutes drive from the cabin to here - the elevation climbs steeply and we lost nearly 10 degrees in temperature by the time we had reached the top.

The west facing foliage was all covered in ice and frost - while the east facing sides of trees and plants had been in the sun since dawn and weren't frozen.  it was an amazing sight.

And I carried those colors home with me to work on this.,

I have endured a lot of "I don't like brown" comments from a lot of people.  I mean - A LOT.  

It amazes me what people will say when they are not really face to face with you. Seriously.

And comments like "I am not really a brown person. (or not a fan of brown) but I really like this." come across as insincere.

I've talked about this before.  And knowing we can always do better, I am going to issue a challenge to everyone, myself included.

"I am not really a brown person. (or not a fan of brown) but I really like this." 

EVERYTHING from the BUT backwards needs to not be said. PERIOD. 

Just stick with the "I really like this!"

Can you see what I mean?  Any sentence that has BUT in it includes a problem for the recipient of that sentence.

It negates the positive aspect that "compliment" is meant to have.

If you start a compliment out with "I am not really a brown person."  You are making what you are saying to the other person about YOU - not the other person. Can you see that?

And if you wouldn't say that in person face-to-face with someone - don't bother to type it out in a comment either.

Let's just strive to be a little kinder, a little less about ourselves when talking to others about things they have put so much work into.

It's a wake up call to me to go over this again, make sure I am implementing it in my conversations with others, and to share it with you.

Only ONE square of this favorite 1980s fabric was found.

But it is in here!

I've already forgotten the name of this quilting design, but I'll be finishing up today and can grab it from the QPO when there.

I'm using a sand colored thread - my go-to with quilts that have creamy neutrals and warm tones.

This is the paisley that will not die.  LOL!

That's the last of that piece!

Though there will be scraps from the margins that will end up in the Scrap User's System when the quilt is trimmed and made ready for binding.

Some wanted closer pics of the backing fabrics!

The bottom piece is all sewing pins - and they are shiny!  It's perfect here.  I had loads of this, but not enough to do the entire backing with it so that is how I ended up adding some other fabric stripes between these pieces.

The sewing machines - I only had 1/2 yard - and this worked out just fine!  They are directional, so on this quilt (square) the pieced stripes will go across the quilt back instead of up and down.

Lola in the backing bin!

I see so many of these beautiful browns in Lola's coat!

The supervisory squad at work!

It's been a slower paced weekend - and I've enjoyed it.

There have been Holiday movies playing while I mindlessly stitched string blocks at the cabin, or depapered them after trimming.  (More on that project later.)

There has been a lot of hand quilting as I work on getting that last section of the eternal hexie project quilted.

I've worn a hole through my TJ Lane thimble!  So that is getting sent off today to be either fixed or replaced according to their warranty. Good thing I have a back up!

My plan for today is to get the brown/turquoise quilt quilted, trimmed, binding, sleeve and label on and have it ready for hand stitching through the holidays while we do more hunkering in.

Son Jeff is on his way up - the next big Quiltville Inn project is putting in a pavers pathway from the loading zone to the east of the garage/shop to the back porch so ladies don't have to walk through wet grass as they pull their loaded wagons to the back porch.

That also is going to include a pavers pathway from the porch to the garage side door so I don't have to walk through wet grass when carrying over loads of laundry.

How was your weekend?  Are you making progress with things on your own to-do list?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Vintage bow tie quilt found in North Carolina.

Our best teacher is our last mistake! Learn from it and move on.
Don't let it define you, it’s just a stepping stone, not a stumbling block.

Make it a great Monday, everyone!



  1. Your comment about folks not liking brown because that's exactly what I would have said. It never dawned on me how that might be offensive to the maker. Thanks for the enlightenment. We do better when we know better. I love this blog. You are a welcome bit of sunshine in my day. <3 Yuki

  2. I love your brown and turquoise quilt! Can't wait for the pattern

  3. Love the quilt. I had to laugh about "hating brown" - luckily I like brown a lot. I won the fabric for a very large ALL BROWN quilt - many shades of brown. Some day it will probably go into a "Bonnie" project.

    1. I like brown too. It reminds me of the hills I grew up playing in when I was a child. Everything turned to beautiful browns and golds in the hot summers. The ALL BROWN quilt you mention made me think of all the browns and golds in picture Bonnie showed and all the browns and golds in the summers of my child hood.

  4. I LOVE that quilt, the blues/turquoises as well as the browns. Love EVERYTHING about that beauty! You guys certainly put your 2 month 'retreat hiatus' to good use. A little work and a little rest.

  5. there is always a place for brown--or green or yellow or purple...like everything it's perspective...pretty quilt

  6. i love the brown and blue its gorgeous everyone to each his own just scroll by if it isnt striking your fancy why not just like it and keep moving

  7. I’m working on my to-do list, but every time I scratch one off, 2 more appear !!!!!! 😢

  8. I love the brown and aqua quilt, can's wait for the pattern.

    1. I agreee! I love browns and am ready for the pattern. Thanks Bonnie, can't imagine what all you put up with.

  9. Thanks so much for continuing to provide my daily “talk with a friend “ despite the unfortunate comments from the quilt police. I love hearing about your animals and hikes as well as your quilting adventures.

  10. I personally just LOVE the quilt pattern and the brown and turquoise colors you've used in your latest quilt! I can't wait until the pattern is released so I can make one as well! Thanks for all you do...we appreciate you!!!

  11. I see the brown issue this way... I believe it is a clumsy way of trying to say that you are a master at putting colors together and making many of us who maybe don't like a certain color think twice and try to use colors we don't like. You have taught many of us that we can use all the colors in our quilts and have beautiful results. Thank you.

    1. Once again - if you do that, stating that you do not like something before the compliment - (or even after) it NEGATES the compliment. You are making it about YOU, not about the person you are complimenting. That whole "I don't like XYZ" is about YOU, not the other person and does not need to be said AT ALL. It's not about you. It's not.

    2. Thanks, so glad you said this.

  12. I really love the colors of your brown and turquoise quilt - I love seeing all colors of quilts - whether I like the original color or not - it just pops seeing them!! Thanks for getting us out of our comfort zone!!

  13. This quilt is so lovely! I really don't understand people who profess to dislike (or hate) any color. It is a color, part of a wonderful array of visual color we have been given. Why would anyone dislike any color?

  14. I understand what you are saying. I have said that but when I do I mean it as a huge compliment, extending the scale of how much I like/love something! If I don't like brown but I love this quilt the scale lengthened! It means I REALLY love it!
    It's an interesting study how each of us process and communicate things!
    BTW, I do love the quilt. It will be on my to do list when it comes out!

    1. Once again - if you do that, stating that you do not like something before the compliment - (or even after) it NEGATES the compliment. You are making it about YOU, not about the person you are complimenting. That whole "I don't like XYZ" is about YOU, not the other person and does not need to be said AT ALL. It's not about you. It's not.

    2. 100% agree, Bonnie.

    3. Okay, I've tried to interpret the "don't usually like brown, but..." comment the same way you are. However, I just do not get it. To me, even though I may not like brown, this quilt is SO BEAUTIFUL it is changing my mind. Does that make it about ME? Perhaps. Instead, I think it is saying this is an over-the-top quilt that YOU created.

    4. I agree with you TerryAnn. It means that my perspective has changed after I see what a wonderful quilt that YOU have made. It is YOU that I'm complimenting. Not only have you made a lovely quilt, but you have opened up my mind to accepting brown as a color I might use.

    5. Thank you Janet. When I was teaching, sometimes I was surprised at how my students interpreted my instructions, coming up with a totally different (than my) outcome. We bring our own experiences to a situation, influencing our understanding.

  15. I usually do not comment, so I definitely wanted to post this one today. I was so excited when I saw the beginnings of your latest quilt ~ brown, turquoise and creamy neutrals. I absolutely LOVE this. Teal/turquoise has always been a cheerful color to me and when combined with the browns ~ just WOWWY! I am so eagerly awaiting the release of this gorgeous pattern. I also wanted to say that my day doesn't really start until I have my breakfast with me while I read your blog. Best way to start the day. Thank you so much for all the creativity and encouragement you share every single day. It is so very appreciated. God Bless and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.

    1. Agree. The combination is a very 19th century combo in clothing and one of my favorites. I about fell over with joy when Bonnie started posting teasers of this quilt and I saw the colors.

    2. Anonymous6:51 PM EST

      I love brown so seeing this combination is something I will use in the future. I've made a few quilts using brown and loved them all!

  16. Love the quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  17. I just love the Blue Ridge Mountains, they are so beautiful. I am so thankful for you Bonnie and others like you with such a positive attitude towards life and people. Even though some are not always so considerate to you or others around them you are a wonderful mentor to us all. You are blessing to all of us quilters and I truly appreciate all the wonderful things that you provide for on your website. Your scrap user system has allowed me to be more creative in a way that soothes my soul. I hope you have a blessed Christmas holiday season.

  18. I love the brown and aqua!

  19. Appreciated your words about what comes after the "but" usually negates the positive comment! Good reminder for all of us. As for me, I have collected a pile of brown tones so I can do a brown quilt. I love those earthy tones! Your turquoise and brown quilt is beautiful!

  20. My living room is done in brown and teal and my Christmas tree is white with silver and teal ornaments. This quilt would look beautiful in my living room. No sewing for me for a while - my son and his family are having to move in temporarily after the first of the year while they sell their house and look for a new one. Closet cleaning is about all I can do right now and re-organize. I am doing it out of love but boy what a job. I know you can relate Bonnie.

  21. It’s a beautiful quilt!

  22. do you think maybe quilt apathy means your creative child has gone to the studio to work out a problem??? the solution to the brown & turquoise border is genius in my mind!!! Yes, there may be some tedium/repetition invovled, but really, isn't quilting by it's very nature repetitious??? Sometimes we need a walk-about and other times we need a "gentle, caring" PUSH to just keep on keeping on and an audible, movie, book, music to carry us through... Bonnie, again, thanks for working on these issues with us... your contribution to my life is remarkable and I thank you -- be blessed and happy and healthy and just put your hand up to the "helpful harriets" who might mistake their comments as compliments... I'm pretty sure that's how they're meant, they just don't always come out that way (I'm probably guilty too,) and thank you for helping me to be more aware of how i speak. Love and blessings from Cats in Carlsbad CA Merry Christmas, I'mma thinking it's a wonderful time to "take off" and recharge your batteries... not that y ou ever quit altogether!!! Now, pavers?!!! Hugs

  23. It's not that I don't like brown but I don't own much so I will get to go shopping for some when the pattern comes out..yeah!

    1. What fun it is go shopping and add to our collection of certain colors. I have a lot of browns in my stash but sure could use some more to make the brown and turquoise quilt. The same goes for turquoise colors.

  24. With a Maiden Name of Brown I am a fan. My Daughter has made 2 pieced Quilts and one was Turquoise and Brown, she called it Chocolate Covered Blueberries. I quilted Hershey Kisses all over it. I've wanted to make one in those colors ever since. There is always a Kinder way. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. I love the name Chocolat Covered Blueberries. It is such a fitting name for your daughters quilt.

  25. I LOVE the brown and turquoise quilt. A favorite color combination of earth tones, reminds me of Native American art of the the Southwest. Can't wait for the pattern to be released!

  26. I love brown too. thanks for the reminder of thinking before we type. I appreciate you telling us the quilting design and thread you use. I have bought a couple of pantographs that you used or found something I have that is similiar. Hardest part is deciding on quilting design for me. I am finishing up Christmas sewing and quilting and candy making. Then can start this year's mystery. I have a retreat first week of January that I can work on it at.
    thanks for all you do for us.

  27. I use brown often in my quilts and find that it makes other colors pop. Bright colors shine when paired with brown. Love this combination of blues and browns.

  28. I am another one of your followers who is eagerly awaiting the pattern for the brown and teal quilt. Love the combo of colors and the many pieces that allow us to use many fabrics for interest. You are an inspiration always and your positive attitude is something I strive for!

  29. I can't begin to imagine how long it took to wear a hole into a silver thimble! Your blog and your enthusiasm and joy in your quilting journey give me so much joy and encouragement. Thank you for sharing with us all.

  30. I find that brown is an excellent way to get some "dark" in a quilt without always using black.

  31. I love this quilt and the colors you chose to put in it! It's happy and at this time of year, we need cheerful somedays.
    When this pattern becomes available, I'm grabbing it!
    Anna in IL

  32. I love that your backing includes neutral prints that are really fun but that might be tricky to use in blocks. Great way to feature them and let them shine, and they complement the front really well.

    That one brown square of favorite 1980's fabric? I inherited several yards of that same print on navy blue from my grandma's stash. More than ten years ago, a bunch of it became the back of a throw for someone suffering from cancer. I used your Scrappy Trips Around the World pattern to put a top together very quickly, back before I had much variety in my stash. That pattern can make even a weird mish-mosh of 'beginner stash' look good. :)

    Have really enjoyed seeing the progress on Lola's unnamed quilt.

  33. I love the brown and turquoise! I've been hesitant to step into one with sooo many pieces but this I think will be it! Can't wait til the pattern comes out.

  34. My grandmother used to say, "If you can't say something nice don't say anything at all."
    That paisley had been around forever! I remember buying it in one of its multiple colors back in the 70s! I believe it's still available.

  35. I've followed you for a long time and I always get inspiration from you. Thank your! For your wonderful patterns, your great blog and the inspiration and hope that you provide every day!

  36. One thing I have learned from many years of quilting is an appreciation of all the colors. How they play with others is what makes it interesting and fun to do.

  37. When you use the word but in a sentence I call that a but sandwich sentence. I try really hard not to serve them to others. No one likes but sandwiches. Love your wisdom Bonnie.

    1. How clever - "but sandwiches"! Going to remember this. Quilters, it is okay to sometimes keep our dislikes to ourselves. My Dad always said that if we can't stay something nice don't say anything at all. Thanks, Bonnie, for all you do.

  38. Beautiful quilt and colors. I think this also ties into the mentality of "I have to" (this makes it an unpleasant task)instead of "I can", "I get to" or "have the opportunity to". Those simple word changes can totally change your outlook to being more positive.

  39. I was shaking my head reading your comments this morning about brown. We LOVE autumnal colors around here, which includes brown. If you want a nice dark color in your block but don't want black, brown is the one I always choose. Reading Debcal1946's comment reminded me of my Grammy:"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Fits all occasions, doesn't it? Merry Christmas, Bonnie!

  40. Does this Blue Ridge Wonder - brown and turquoise quilt have a name yet? (Did you notice, planting a little seed there!)I love it! I find myself saying Oh, I love that one best, after every quilt!

  41. As usual, you have made a beautiful quilt. Looking forward to the pattern. BTW, I still have some of that 80's fabric in the purple colorway, and probably others as well, since those little florals went nicely with solids for LeMoyne stars and 4-patch blocks.
    Keep up the great work, happy holidays.

  42. I did not know how the Blue Ridge Mountains got their name. And now it’s making me curious what color the mountains around me appear. I have a new curiosity itch I need to go satisfy :-)

  43. I have a 24 hour rule--before I respond I gave myself 24 hrs to calm down and think about the response. Sadly one of the downsides to social medial is people are willing to type what they are afraid to say. And I remember the words of my very wise Grandmother "if you don't have something nice to say, then say nothing at all."

  44. Bonnie, When I first saw the block for this quilt, I said to myself, "that's an interesting color combination". Then when I saw the completed quilt, I went, WOW, that's amazing!! I am also continually amazed on how quickly you can put together a quilt, no wonder you wore thru your thimble!! Thanks for the reminder to always be thinking of others when we post-you are a gem, not only to the quilting community but to the world at large. Your influence will be scattered much beyond, more than you will ever know.

  45. I just love this quilt--turquoise and brown is such a lovely combination--why don't I use it more!?!?! I can't wait for you to release the pattern!

  46. I love brown with pink.

  47. I love the brown! And the brown paired with the turquoise is great. Haven't seen much brown in quilts in a long time - to me it's so inviting looking, like a big hug!

  48. Blue and brown are a timeless pair.

    1. True. Years and years ago walked into Sears to buy my very first couch. I was thinking mauve, sea green, blue and pink floral. Left after I bought a blue, brown, tan and white couch. Don't have the couch anymore but still like the color combination.

  49. I love the brown and turquoise quilt. the colors compliment each other perfectly. I had to giggle when I saw the floral brown square. I had that fabric in purple back in the 80's and I wish I still had some. I loved that fabric and I adore the Paisley fabric. I would buy yards of it if I ever found it. It is perfect for backing. I say if you don't like a color in a pattern, just change it. Not a big deal. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Bonnie. XOXO

  50. This color combination sings! I admit to being a bit prejudiced - my living room is light teal walls with tan furniture and chocolate brown shelves. Every time I see your quilt, it makes my heart happy <3

    Thank you, Bonnie, for sharing your joy, creativity and talent so freely!

    Happy Holidays!!

  51. I love brown. When people tell me they don't like brown, I respond that brown is the result of mixing all colors together, so it just means I am extremely well rounded and like ALL colors. :-)

  52. I am in love with this quilt! I'm finally finishing On Ringo Lake, using some browns I collected in the 80s, and thinking I'll probably pass them on. Then you come up with this beautiful design! Love it!

  53. I guess I see the opposite in the comment. I see a person considering change. I see the beginnings of open-mindedness. I recognize this phraseology as a completely Midwestern was of saying I never considered that option before and I should rethink my opinion of brown in the future.
    I'm sorry but dealing with comments has to get old.

  54. Thanks for the lesson on "but". Lots to contemplate here as we learn and grow in wisdom. You give so much, Bonnie, thank you so much and thanks for the insight on blue ridge, too!

  55. I just inherited about 6 yards of that paisley in a nice blue/lavender color way. I'm sure one day I'll think of it as "the paisley that won't die!" lol

  56. I LOVE browns! And I LOVE this quilt!

  57. GORGEOUS quilt, and I cannot wait to buy the pattern and make it!


  59. I recently read that "Thimbles for You" bought T.J.Lanes business. I would assume the warranty will be acknowledged by the new company.

  60. I've learned over the yrs. that even the fabric you think you don't like looks wonderful in my quilts & helps to add a little pop of something that wouldn't be there otherwise. We just need to open our minds to other opportunities for a spectacular quilt. I was in thew Blue Ridge mtns only once, it was so awesome. I would love to do it again. Happy sewing to everyone.

  61. My post this morning was not about whether you like or dislike brown. It's announcing that you dislike it before telling someone you like their quilt. There is no need to say that when complimenting someone else. If you start the comment by talking about yourself and your own dislikes, the compliment is about you – not the person you are complimenting. My post was not about color it was about behavior. Thank you.

    1. The quilt is beautiful and I admire your ability to push through quilt apathy. I've fallen prey to it many times.. add a border and get this over with. :-) I'm going to be careful and watch for the word "but" in my compliments from now on. It makes a lot of sense. I wonder too, if someone starts out a compliment saying "I love the ___ color" does that also lessen the compliment? Reading the comments here it looks the same - still about their preference for color and less about your work of art. It makes me wonder if anyone really understood your post at all!?!

    2. Interesting debate this morning Bonnie. Absolutely agree that we do not pay attention to the meaning of the words we choose, or the way in which we construct our sentences when speaking and writing. I quite often cringe at social media posts, & wonder that people will sit down and type the hurtful/derogatory comments to others without considering the impact their words may have on the recipient. I guess the distance - emotionally and physically makes them feel safer to say whatever without thought of consequence. If that person was face-to-face with you would they have made that comment that way, or would they have been more respectful of your emotional committment to your work, more considerate & cautious so as to not see either the hurt on your face or hear the indignation in your verbal rebuttal? Because I would bet that/those poster/s will not come back on to the blog to read your comments or those made by others. Keep up the good work Bonnie in educating us (from a distance) and providing an invaluable quilting & human resource for all of us. Thank you!

  62. I am a brown person. I especially love browns and blues together. To me the brown and aqua quilt is beautiful! Bonnie, you are the most wonderful quilter.

  63. If you live in the So Cal high desert you had better like brown!! That's what all our ridges are! And it's amazing all the undertones they can have depending on the time of day.

  64. I like blue fabric and I like brown fabric and I especially like blue and brown fabric together. Plus I love Paisley!

  65. While my immediate family were always positive and supportive, my maternal grandmother was the polar opposite. She was always critical. I often sounded just like my grandma. Then when I was in my early 20s, my boss tossed the book "How to Win Friends & Influence People" on my desk and said, "Read it." I did. And it changed my perspective for the rest of my life. Recently I saw a quilt that to my eye had ugly colors; what I said to the maker was "My, I would never have thought to put those colors together but you made it work well." The reward of her smile was enough to make my day! I'm forever grateful to my old boss for his command that I read that book.

    1. That is a very good book, I read it twice.

  66. I love brown and teal! I have them on my bed now. Can't wait for this pattern!

  67. I love your quilt reminds me of South West. Gorgeous

  68. Guilty! I do that too! "I don't like (colour) but I really like this quilt". Over my quilting journey and most particularly with Good Fortune I have verbalised my astonishment at how a colour I don't particularly like on its own becomes stunning in the right combination and setting! Since Good Fortune I have found myself gravitating to orange when I wouldn't previously have considered it! Thank you Bonnie for opening my eyes to the myriad possibilities of colour combinations. I'm gradually getting over the 'I don't like that colour' mentallity and looking instead at the possibilities. I do find it difficult to look passed a particular combination to see a pattern in different pathways. So, I get your point about putting the compliment first before discussing one's own feelings or just giving the compliment and leaving it at that. Love your work Bonnie!

  69. Zoey looks like she's thinking, "Mom I have brown too." Love the quilt!

  70. I love this quilt and can't wait for the pattern to come out. BUT, what I love most about it is the combination of blue and BROWN!!!! It makes me think of a member of my quilt guild who passed away this year and I can just hear her telling me that you can't go wrong putting blue and brown together.

  71. There are many colors I am so drawn to, most lie on the cool side of the spectrum. Your new quilt NAILED my color-heart with the blues. I definitely want to make this exquisite quilt - the pattern is just amazing. Now, those less-preferred colors on the warmer side really make my cooler colors sing...yeah those reds, oranges and yellows play the perfect harmony to the lead singer, so I use them (sometimes, to my shock, as the lead singer!!). A quilt of only one color doesn't sing the song in the same way a quilt of many colors does. I think that is why I am drawn to your quilts using so many fabrics, each fabric adds its note to the harmony, making it so vibrant and rich. You have taught me that everything can go together in a quilt and make it beautiful. Thank you for creating so many quilts that play a symphony!!!

  72. God made brown just like he has made all colors. My maiden name is Brown. No problem here.

  73. Well said Bonnie, well said.

  74. omg-- that brown paisley on the back! I cut many bolts of that for customers when I worked in a fabric store in the 90's... everyone loved it! I also had that print in purples! ;-) Brown is the ultimate earth tone!
    That hike up the mountain is so worth the effort, too!

  75. I heard a story of a little girl who wrote a letter to God.
    She said - Dear God, I never thought orange and purple went together until I saw your sunset last night.

  76. That’s an interesting perspective and I think I can understand what you’re saying. When I’ve said something like that, my *intent* is to show that something is so well done it has overcome my negative feelings about a color. Obviously, that is not the message that comes through. I’ll do my beat to do better.

    1. Intent NEVER negates IMPACT. It isn't the responsibility of the person receiving your words to unpack what the intent of your statement is/was. They only know how it made them feel. No amount of explaining your *intent* will ever make them forget how what you said made them feel.

    2. Whenever I received a "but" compliment I never felt complimented. Now I know why.

  77. These are the same colors as one of my earliest quilts, made around 1983. Think I need to revisit this color palate. And love the design! Ohio Stars are one of my favorite blocks, along with Sawtooth Star.

  78. I don't think there is a color I don't like. They all have a place. I think brown and blue make a great combination and I really like this quilt.

  79. I squealed when I saw that patch of 80's fabric. I have been collecting these sweet prints for years and try to put a piece in every quilt.
    I loved the 'but' sandwich comment. So perfect. Nowadays, people hide behind their screens and forget feelings and politeness. This is great post to remind us to be kind in all of our thoughts, so that if our mind turns off our filter, the only words released are kind! Can't wait for the pattern!

  80. When I see your cat and then that beautiful browns /teals quilt what popped into my mind is the Barry Mantilow song, Her Name was Lola (she was a show girl)!! hows that for a quilt name and ear worm!!!

  81. It is not written in stone that you must make any of Bonnie's quilts in the colors she used. If you like the pattern, choose your own colors. And if you can't envision the pattern in other colors, make a few sample blocks and lay them out to see if you like it.

  82. I love brown in quilts. I love all warm colors in quilts.

  83. The quilt is gorgeous! I will be eagerly awaiting the pattern :) I think I also still have some of that paisley print in aqua LOL!

  84. I can't imagine anyone not liking Brown ! It has always been one of my favorite colors, and have made several quilts using it..I think some (and myself included at times) sometimes, speak without thinking about either what they say, or how it comes across..I have tried thinking of others feelings before I speak, or either just don't speak..
    I like to think they 'meant well', and hopefully, since you pointed this out in a nice way, they will think, before they speak in the future..

    Love your quilt, and will definitely be making it just like yours !!

  85. I find that most people are either fans of cool colours or warm colours - in this quilt you have the best of both worlds, and it's stunning. I can't stop looking at it, might have to make one in that colourway. Thanks for your great thoughts each day.

  86. I am LOVING how the colours work together in this quilt! Your comments have made me pause and think about how I voice my thoughts, and how I need to change/be aware of how I may be saying a comment in a way that I do not mean. I can’t wait for this pattern to come out.

  87. I do like browns in a quilt, but I would never have thought to combine it with turquoise. What a wonderful combination, it's lovely. Now I have to start collecting!

  88. I love browns and blues together. I always have. I also really like pinks and browns. Many years ago , when I was young and thin, I made a dress for myself that was a dark brown background with pink flowers. You're quilt block reminded me of that dress. It had little cap sleeves. I loved that dress. Thanks for the memory.

  89. I have always liked browns and teals together. They are just lovely! BUT, I LOVE YOUR QUILT AND THE WAY YOU USED THE COLORS. Absolutely beautiful! lol

  90. Bonne, you have a wonderful way of wording your constructive comments. You are a teacher and a mentor and a lovely human being. Person, I can't wait for this new pattern to come out. It reminds me of the blue ridge mountains 😉😊

  91. I forget how much I love the Turquoise/Brown combo until I again see something as lovely as your quilt! You are so right about it being such a "nature" colorway with the beautiful outdoors to the varying shades of Lola's coat. I love it!

  92. Love the quilt pattern!

  93. I love your reminder to not say anything from but back to the beginning. Great advice! Love the quilt too.

  94. Brown is my favorite color for quilts! I love repo fabric.im making my quilt in the same colors you did. I love it!

  95. Something with

    Something with Blue Ridge Mountains sounds like a good name for your quilt since it reminds you of the mountains and those pictures you posted sure reflect the same colors. Beautitful!

  96. I love the brown and turquoise quilt. It reminds me of the desert Southwest. It is so warm and cozy. And I think the design is gorgeous. I know almost any design will look good in any colorway, but I can't imagine this one in any other scheme.

  97. Thank you for that ‘reminder’. I for one, need to post that and remind myself each day. I never have ill intentions, although sometimes I feel like my words come across as those you spoke about. I will choose to be more mindful.
    And I personally LOVE this quilt. Our master bedroom is blues and browns!

  98. Brown, blue, turquoise are my favorite color combination. I use it a lot. It is so relaxing and tranquil.

  99. Hmm. I can see your point, however I AM sincere when I say "I usually shy away from ___ (food, color, whatever), but this is so delightful!" As in a nice surprise for growth in diversity of tastes. Sorry you've been offended. Hope you can see this other side as well. BTW, I haven't ever posted here (I don't think!), so not feeling guilty, just pensive!

  100. I'm afraid I was guilty of saying that I generally don't like brown. I apologize. I did not mean to make it about me. Genuinely, I was trying to compliment you and I'm sorry that I did not. I will refrain from making "but" sentences in the future. At 73, I'm not too old to learn to be kinder to people. I promise that it was not my intention to upset you. I'm sorry.

  101. I won't say that I like this quilt because the truth of the matter is that I absolutely LOVE this quilt! I have often thought about doing a blue and brown quilt someday, but because of your gorgeous quilt, I am changing that to brown and turquoise. Stunning! Thanks for sharing your talents with us out here in Bonnieland.

  102. There used to be a saying if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. I hope others realize the issue! I have watched you make this over the last few weeks and personally love brown!! And I can't wait for the pattern. It's going to get made in between my mystery from quilt maker. I love your blog and patterns!! Please keep up the words of hope and inspiration!! Merry Christmas and enjoy your down time! Fyu I personally spent my day making 10 batches of Christmas cookies dancing and singing Christmas carols!!

  103. I love your turquoise and brown quilt and can't wait to see the final product. You hear it all, don't you? Thanks for sharing. I've heard lots of "compliments" of that type too....... always have left me with a not so good feeling.

  104. It's like the lame apologies that go something like "I'm sorry...but you made me angry." You're not sorry and the "but" erases the apology.

  105. I love brown and teal together, I think this is a favorite! Awesome job, absolutely beautiful!!

  106. I love this color combination and I really, really love the design. I try to abide by the Four-Way Test: "Of the things we think, say, and do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendship? Will it be beneficial to all converned?" P.S. When will you have the pattern on sale?

    1. Be watching for this one in March, 2022!

  107. I'd love to see more about your Hexis. I started making them on a vacation without a sewing machine in Hawaaian fabrics, and I'm not sure what to do next. A friend appliqued 'flowers' onto solid blocks, which isn't my preference. I saw some pics of hexis joined with white hexis, and that looked like a lot of work, but thinking if I put so much hand sewing into my Hexi's it would be worth it in the end. So please, more Hexi blog posts!

  108. Another word that negates is 'just' as in I am just a housewife. Own it, whatever it is, and be proud of it. Thanks for the kindness reminder.

  109. I love all colors and feel they have a place in some quilt. Love your current brown and blue quilt. Stunning!

  110. It’s interesting how many comments missed the point of your post and again made it all about themselves. Social media have made us less empathetic: it’s all about ME!
    I’m looking forward to seeing you complete the quilting on your amazing hexie quilt! I’ve worn out a few leather thimbles but wearing a hole in a metal one is crazy!!

    1. Unfortunately, this is where we are. People expect the recipient of the comment to interpret what the person's INTENT was when making the comment. That shouldn't be on the person receiving. People will never forget how what was said made them feel. Deciphering isn't up to the receiver. Things just should not be said - (I don't like brown BUT) just should not be given wrapped in a so called compliment. Thanks, Jane.

  111. I am just amazed how people can write things and think it's ok..... What?????? No, no it's not. Personally I love browns, I absolutely love aqua and brown together. I just love this quilt. We've all seen quilts that are not our "taste" so to speak, but we can appreciate the work gone into them. I'm not sure what has changed in this world, but people have become totally rude. Makes me try to be a bit nicer to combat it.

  112. Anonymous1:40 PM EST

    That paisley, ha, ha, ha! Show me a long time quilter that doesn't have some of that line in their stash or quilts. For the longest time, that's what was available and we all used it!

  113. Bonnie, I love this conversation about compliments, intent and "but". I really appreciate your perspective. Lately I've come to think that anything someone says is about them. Thinking that way makes it harder for me to take offense. I can just go on being me and let other people be them. I really appreciate this conversation because it helps me think about what I say and put out into the world. Thank you!

  114. Your quilt is just beautiful Bonnie. Nature certainly knows colours, and you have combined a few of them beautifully in this quilt. Thank you for your blog posts, they are interesting and informative and encouraging. Bless you, have a lovely Christmas season.

  115. Love Love Love the browns in your quilt.....and those tourquoise are absolutely luscious with the brown! Your work and color choices amaze me.....so much talent! Thank you for all you do!

  116. The reason Lola has all those colors is because she is an integrated Tortoise shell cat. Perhaps that could be included in the name. "Tortoise Shell Stars," "Lola's stars," "Tortie and Teal." Have fun with the name.

  117. Love the quilt, everything about it. Thank you for sharing the photos and for the wise words, as well. Definitely gives me something to think about.

  118. I never thought I was a brown and teal fan (I'm more blues and greens), but this quilt is a stunning beauty! I just love it. It makes me think of the Navajo turquoise, which is just gorgeous. Maybe "Desert Turquoise" or "Southwest Turquoise" for name inspiration? I can't wait to make this quilt.


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