
Sunday, October 04, 2020

Leaf Peeper Season Kick Off!

Autumn color in the Blue Ridge mountains dazzles the eyes, captures the senses, and submerges one in beauty impossible to capture with words.

Even the camera can’t do it justice – and I count myself so blessed to live right in the midst of it.

With the onset of cooler temperatures we chose the warmest part of the day, around 2pm, to head up to Grayson Highlands for a little hike along the Rhododendron and Appalachian trials.

The sky was the kind of blue I wish I could capture in fabric.  It was magical.

We have a couple of weeks yet here in the south before we reach “peak” color – and I plan to catch a glimpse every day while it is happening.

 Oh, that blue sky!  Nature knows how to do art best, doesn’t it?

Even the grasses are turning a rusty shade and many of the bushes and brambles have already lost their leaves.

I just can’t get enough of this place – every time I come up here it is a bit different.  This time, temps were hovering around 60f and I was hiking in jeans and tee shirt – no over shirt or sweatshirt required.

This little young one looked like she wanted to fall asleep on her feet! I love that short short baby mane.

Little sweet one, blending in to autumn surroundings!

We spent quite a bit of time watching this pair – they didn’t seem to mind and watching them graze was almost a zen moment.   

I fell in love with this brambly tree and the delicate gold colored berries on those twisted grey limbs.  COLOR EVERYWHERE.  Even the grey of tree bark has beauty. 

Look at that color making itself known!  I just want to soak it all up until there isn’t any left on the trees.

The rest of my Saturday was spent still shuffling things in the QPO studio.  I emptied tote bags and bins, stuff that was in boxes and bags and determined if it was also going to be shelved, stored, or stripped down. 

That job will be on going and endless through the winter I fear – but I figure it took me this long to accumulate all of this fabric, it can take a while before I get it to where I really want it to be.

I settled in for the evening, finishing one hoop area of quilting, and needed to move my hoop to the next area -

Someone thought this was all for her benefit!

One of the reasons I find the quilting easier on this one than on the Oak Leaf (which will get more time this coming week – gutter guys are coming to install gutters at Quiltville Inn tomorrow and I’ll be on hand!) is this one requires no marking.  I’m just doing it by eye.  It’s easy stitching.  I’m glad I grabbed it from Wallburg when we went down to get my stash cabinets.

I am anticipating many winter evenings putting stitches in.

But once the quilt was back in my lap, and my attention taken to needle and thread, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to find:


This is Ivy’s usual spot.  That tiny little round nest bed! LOL!  She jumped up there and sat in the nest as if she were the Queen of Everything. (I guess she is!)

Before I could disengage myself from the quilt and grab my camera she was laying down, butt in the nest.  LOL!

Crazy Dog!  I wish I could read her thought bubbles.  She brings us so much joy every day!

Today should prove to be restful.  Nothing big or urgent going on. Just a day to relax and enjoy. My legs are feeling the effects of the last two days hikes, but another easy walk up Round House Road may be in the cards.

How do you plan to spend this first Sunday in October?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage quilt found in North Carolina.

In this day of a very heated political climate, I am watching brothers against brothers and sisters against sisters and relationships are exploding at every turn.

The political news is a circus, and respect has completely gone out the window.

We can do better. We can be better. We need to be better.

And it all starts at home and in our own communities.

And it can start today.


  1. I hope to come down your way someday and see those ponies. And maybe sweet Zoey. Thank you for your posts. I look forward to them every day.

  2. The whole world seems to have gone made. Conditions same here in UK. Complete madness. I pray things will soon get better. No rhyme or reason, just worries as to what the future holds. Still got our quilts to make though thank God for my stash. Not very big, but taking a hammering at the moment.

  3. The photos are so beautiful and so restful. You bring peace to the day.

  4. Your quote in the picture has never been more truer. The quote "sticks and stones may hurt my bones but word's will never hurt me" has been coming to mind. When are words more damaging to some. When they are just words. Love Zoey's antics. Pets are so funny and my make our lives special. I'm grateful to have them and very happy that you do too. They make our lives so much better to have them in it. Enjoy your day and time quilting.

  5. What is the quilt on top of the crate? It caught my eye!

  6. Quiet Sunday here. Enjoyed your colorful photos --You live a beautiful part of our country. Agree - present chaos/hate is not the same country I grew up in. Almost thankful to be a Senior. Later-

  7. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous early autumn day with us. Mother nature is indeed the best artist. And for sharing the antics of your furry family members - constant entertainment. In crazy times we must seek solace where we can find it, and for quilters that is most likely in our sewing space. Enjoy a lovely Sunday

  8. Thank you for the beautiful pictures. We were in VT a few years ago at the peak season and it was amazing! Yes, our world needs to be "better" and it begins with each of us. Focusing on what we are grateful for and what is good in our lives really helps. Susan

  9. Bonnie:
    I am so grateful for your daily posts.. You brighten my days and give me hope. The world seems to be going mad!.. I look forward to meeting you one day, but the tide is against this happening any time soon!.. THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart! Fran, in Pickering, Ontario, Canada

  10. I do not comment often but really wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog. The quilting is wonderful, the hikes you go on but most of all I cannot wait to see what Zoey and Ivy are up to. Thanks for sharing more than just your quilting.

  11. What food sources do these horses need during the winter? When everything goes dormant, I wonder what they eat to survive the winter?

  12. That quilt is gorgeous. So many stitches so many hours...it’s a treasure for sure. Love the horses. Do they belong to anyone or just a Virginia treasure?

  13. I had just read your blog post, as I do every day, when I started to cut out some pieces for some RSC blocks accompanied by my favourite UK Radio Station, Classic FM. And they played a section from Appalachian Spring by Aaron Copland, the one based on an old Shaker Hymn. This is my husband’s absolute favourite too. And I though of you enjoying being where you now live, walking in those Mountains. Happy sewing, Bonnie.

  14. Loved your pictures. Such beautiful colors, I can see why you love your hikes. I always notice the artist in you, how you look at things, how you bring it forward to the rest of us. Thank you for sharing your artist eye with us. Zoey has found such a good home along with Ivy and your beautiful cat at the Post Office. I welcomed the quote today and your comment. Thanks for keeping your blog as upbeat and focused on the good things we have and need. It is so needed especially now.

  15. I've been pulling out my fall quilts. I already have too many and have more in the works. :)

  16. "Ivy can have my bed because it is all riptid and hers is nice!"

    Beautiful scenery and I understand the draw of the ponies - I spent a lot of time with grandparents who lived in the New Forest (England) - ponies outside the garden and heather, bracken and gorse making super colours on the hills.

  17. I love you beautiful pictures of your walks to the highlands! I feel like I am with you and breathing in that crisp air and enjoying the amazing nature on your walks! Thank you for taking the time to post the pictures and let us enjoy it too! Zoey is so precious, you have been blessed with another sweet furry family member.... and of course Ivy and Lola! All are precious! You amaze me everyday with all that you do..... such energy and strength. Thank you for letting us share your journey 😊 Betsy

  18. Oh, those splendid mountain views! For today, though, thank you for the burst of laughter to lighten my mood. Thank you for that, Bonnie (and Zoey Jo!!)

  19. lol ZoeyJo is so cute squashing her but into Ivy’s bed. Just love the antics of your cuties, thank you for sharing the fun.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xxx

  20. Well said, Bonnie. More people should listen to you!! :)

  21. The colors of the trees, bushes, etc. is truly beautiful! Yes, that sky is amazing, too! Love Zoey taking over Ivy's bed-such good pals! You are such a warm, bright light for us. Thank you!

  22. Bonnie. Thank you for sharing your pretty photos of our lovely state of Virginia. And Zoey, And your beautific hexie sewing.

    Politics makes me sad. We are a laughing stock of the modern world. Bickering and so insular. Sweating over petty things indeed.
    I am hoping and praying that we can be strong and vote against more government intrusion. Think "media intrusion" on steroids.
    Be well Bonnie

  23. Love your quotes....especially this one today. I look forward to "checking in" with you each day and reading about your family and furry friends. It "sets" my attitude for the day....in a good way!

  24. Beautiful hexi quilt, I love all your hand work Bonnie, it’s gorgeous. What quilt do you have on top of the crate?? It’s really lovely. Thanks for sharing all your nature pics from around Quiltville Inn — simply spectacular. ~Diana K., Hamilton (ON), Canada.


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