
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Autumn Days of No Sewing!

Sometimes sewing opportunities are minimal - and daily life of taking care of things takes over.

I'm sure that's the same for everyone.  Projects get shifted to the back burner as available time is used to do a multitude of different things from cooking to cleaning to shopping and appointments.

That's the funny thing about this pandemic.  I've gotten so used to "social distancing" that when there are several days in a row where errands have popped up, I get cranky.  I just want to be home!

I grabbed this shot of the cabin from the front end of the yard, wanting to capture SOME of the remaining leaves before they are all on the ground.

It really has been the most amazing fall, and I am so grateful to be here to experience it in its fullness.

Can you believe that one year ago I was saying hello from Kenya?

All the DEEP shelves are in!

The emptying of the 13 big tubs of "stuff" from our Wallburg master bedroom, bathroom, linen closet, closet, dresser drawers, bedside table drawers is nearly a fait accompli.

I had to laugh - I went through every bottle of over the counter meds and vitamins culling those with unbelievably old expiration dates.  Antacid tablets from 1999??  REALLY??

At least half (if not more) from this round of "moving of the clothes" is either headed to thrift shops, or as in the case of old undies and socks - the trash.  

I am not sending anything to the thrift shops that they will in turn have to pitch.

There is one bin yet to empty.  And it has already been culled through once.  Shoes.

I have some shoe cubby things in Wallburg that I didn't have room to bring up last time.  I need those.  And the rest of my clothes hanging in the closets there will also come up and I'll do the culling thing again.

It seems ENDLESS.

I plan on a repeat Wallburg Trip tomorrow.

Yesterday - taking Ivy to the vet.

It's harvest season.  And there is a lot of this kind of slow-down happening on our mountain roads.

In this case - the Appalachian Traffic Jam was the result of two tractors (nice ones, too!) pulling two silage wagons.  Going about 20 mph.  And that's okay - as long as you aren't in a hurry to get anywhere any time soon.

It was a beautiful day, so windows down, and enjoy it!

The side benefit was getting to follow a classic '67 mustang!  Oh, how I wanted one so bad when I was reaching driving age.

That never did happen, but I do admit to finally getting my 74 MGB in my 30s.  I loved that car, too!

Back home again with Ivy Lea -

The main reason for her vet visit was to double check that her chin acne is healing, and not getting infected.  It isn't the acne really that is the problem, it's that she keeps scratching it.  And we all know where cat paws and claws have been  - in the litter box.  So infection was a concern.

We have some medicated wipes and some cream for her - but catching her to use them on her is another circus.  

The little stinker has also put on over a pound since her first vet visit in July.  DIET TIME!

We have found that we can't keep a big bowl of food out, or she will just eat the whole thing.  1/2 cup in a small glass bowl is the operation now.

Zoey, watching for deer!

The deer have been plentiful in the yard lately - they LOVE all of the acorns that are falling from the trees.  Last evening just at dusk the shed motion detecting light came on and we watched 3 in the yard for the longest time.  

We ended up putting a piece of plywood on the top of the crate to support her weight, because Zoey has decided that this is the most comfy vantage point ever.  

Instead of turning around to find she has gone to nap IN her crate, we will find her on top of it.

Today - the errands continue.  Last week's early show up to the dentist a whole week early for my appointment really DOES happen today.  Followed by Chiropractor.  So I don't know if this is going to be a "make headway on that behind the scenes project" kind of day either.

And Tomorrow is a return trip to Wallburg to refill the 12 remaining huge tubs by emptying of the master bedroom closet, The guest room closet, the coat closet, the pantry, and into the laundry room.

It's getting there. One trip at a time.

How are things looking for your Tuesday ahead?

Coni's Appalachian Autumn top finish!

She writes:

"Finished piecing my Appalachian Autumn quilt top! Thanks to all for the positive responses to my leaf blocks that I posted a few weeks ago. Really love it now that the top is complete. Thanks, Bonnie for a fun fall pattern! Wanted a photo in the leaves, & it is actually snowing in Minnesota today!"

Beautiful job, Coni!  I love the two shades of grey as the background!

Tasha's completed Punkin' Patch top from String Frenzy!

"Finished my Punkin' Patch top!"

So adorable!

Finished Bonnie's pattern for the Punkin' Patch table runner and attempted a new free motion stitch on my domestic Juki.

Well done!  I love the contrast of the orange thread against the black background fabric!

The PDF patterns for both the Punkin Patch table runner and Appalachian Autumn are available in the Digital Patterns section of the Quiltville Store.

Don't miss out on the $5.00 Punkin' Patch runner pattern sale!  No coupon required - only good through October.

The pattern for my full sized Punkin Patch quilt is found in my book, String Frenzy!  If you purchase String Frenzy through the Quiltville Store, you will also receive a bonus PDF of my Hunter’s String Star quilt pattern.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Vintage nine patch doll quilt in double pinks and muslin quilted by treadle, Circa 1890. 

Throw in 7 months of pandemic and what an awakening to what really matters. 

Home. Family. Health. Contact with friends even virtually is a lifeline. 

Creativity is the balm that holds it all together. 

Who cares about the Covid pounds? Good food and memories in the making. 

Make it all count! 

Enjoy your Tuesday, everyone!



  1. I just had 4 days of Grandma time with family that came to Nebraska to see us. Truest words were ever spoken, Grandma Bliss. I spent yesterday recuperating and resting. I know how it feels to put all the laundry through after visitors leave, kinda like your Retreaters. Still need to sanitize the room and return a few airbeds we borrowed. Have a safe trip to your appointments and return trip home. Counting the days until Halloween and not for the Tricks and Treats!!

  2. Your first 3 paragraphs indicate that you have been reading my mind. Last week had very little sewtime and it didnt make me happy, so I understand. My Murphy Jack also likes to be on top of his kennel for window watching. I guess it is easier to see those pesky squirrels that he wants to play with. fill your day with gratiude. Shaleen

  3. The cabin looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing! Cheers! ~M

  4. I love downsizing and decluttering. During this time at home, I've donated several carloads of clothes, shoes, books, household items and knickknacks. Still am surprised at what I find to part with after 10 years of doing this. I hope you find it freeing as I do.

  5. I so enjoy reading your blog in the mornings with my coffee. Can I ask what quilt pattern is the quilt Zoey is sitting on on top of her pen. I’ve looked in your books but can’t locate. Thanks for all you do.

    1. oh, I like that quilt, too. I thought it was a carpet square and went back and looked after your comment. Cute way to use the shirts we've collected!

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM EDT

      me too! I would love it if there happened to be a stand-alone quilt pattern that we could buy from your store, (hint, hint)

  6. Thanks for being a great way to start my day!! I love your positive attitude and of course, your quilts.

  7. My first car was a 1963 MGA, Mark 2! My Dad had it first, handed down to my older brother, then me. Loved it.

  8. How is hubby’s side of the closet stuff? I’m always shocked at how much the men in my life have! Lol! Keep it up. I’m picking away at mine here as well.

  9. Beautiful pictures today! Looking at Coni's quilt and I see aqua and blues as the background. Bonnie, you mention gray. Is it my eyes or my computer? LOL Like the dress a few years ago. :)

    1. You are like me I saw Blues. Scrolled back up to see and it still looks blue. But whatever color it is a beautiful quilt.

    2. I was seeing the blues as background as well.

    3. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I went back and looked several times. Still see blues and aquas!

    4. Anonymous8:44 AM EDT

      Me too! seeing beautiful blues in the background.

  10. A day trip to Sedona. We are enroute to our winter RVpark south of Phoenix. Quilt store in Sedona is suppose to be very good, one in Cottonwood too, Ive been there before but years ago. Report later

  11. I just read an article, that it is still better to donate clothes than to put them into the trash, where they will go to the landfill. Donation places are able to channel things to places that make insulation out of clothing, which is better than landfill.
    Personally, and I know people here are a bit squimish, I use cotton underwear as cleaning rags. In large parts of Europe this is very common.

  12. Love your traffic jam!!! My first car was a '65 Mustang rag top and my college boyfriend had a '69 MGB! They were both fun cars to drive, but the rack and pinion steering on the MGB took some getting used to!! The picture of your cabin surrounded by the beautiful fall foliage...stuff of dreams!!!

  13. I had a '66 Mustang and a MGB in my 20s. Loved them both - so much fun to drive. Don't know if I could get in and out of the B these days - LOL!!

  14. I also have gotten so use to being home to social distance that when I have errands to do I try to do them all at once but find it hard to get myself motivated to do them. Today was one of those days and I am using the excuse that the weather will be prettier later in the week. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. I do miss being able to do things with my friends now that the weather in Michigan has turned and we cant do the sitting by the water with our needle work watching the freighters go by like we did twice this summer .

  15. thank you for the pictures of your cabin. That is a gorgeous place.

  16. Your "moving" has been really drawn out so I feel for you. When we move it has had to be everything all at once. We have downsized a couple times and it is a very freeing feeling but lots of work!We have been here 3 years now and it may be time for me to do a "hoarding" check. Really like to see the quilts that are being made with your patterns. Your cabin is so beautiful! We had 2 inches of snow yesterday. I am not ready.

    Susan in Iowa

  17. I just love the design of your cabin & the setting!
    I also love Coni’s Appalachian Autumn quilt. It reminds me of the fall days we’ve been having where the skies are clear & blue yet you can feel & hear the autumn in the air!

    At 66 1/2 I Still love & enjoy learning new things; today it was “fait accompli”! What a great phrase!! And you are so good at completing your to do list... of will continue to try & improve!

    Zoe likes the top of her cage for the same reason I love driving our van; better vantage point!! Lol!

    It’s a day to do some cooking for our family night burrito bowls (I’m going to sauté a piece of a huge fall sweet squash with Mexican spices) & try to get patterns connected to fabric for prep for more Christmas sewing. I’ll try to send a picture. 💕

    Marci H.

  18. Last year, we were in Kenya on the equator, on safari, and planted trees. My friend, Barb, and I enjoyed traveling with you and were reminiscing yesterday. Best trip ever! Now we don't leave our houses!
    Take care. Stay Well. Joyce

  19. Bonnie, before you throw out those socks I thought I’d let you know they make great cat toys. Stuff one with small batting scraps, add a pinch or two of catnip then tie off the open end. My cat is crazy for hers and I made a bunch more for the local animal shelter. Thanks for all the great patterns. I’m binding Appalachian Autumn today.

    1. Thanks for the cat toy idea!

    2. If I have holey socks, I use them on my swiffer.

  20. Bonnie, love your blog... and now I have to "rub it in" about your love of a Mustang... I loved mine that I won in 1972 at our county fair!!! It was a beauty! I had just come home from a free trip to Michigan for a national event... Wow! That was my lucky year!!

  21. Loving your quilty shares of Punkin Patch & Appalachian Autumn - so inspiring to see other versions! Please continue!

  22. What a beautiful view from your cabin in the fall trees. I love the fall leaves but no longer have many trees in the yard living in a maintenance free neighborhood now. I have to walk several blocks down the street to our lake to get that beautiful view. I have been getting my 10,000+ steps walking down there 7 days a week. But with the weather changing I soon may need to start walking at our mall again in between my quilting and sewing.

  23. Zoey looks so cute on her perch on top of the crate lol, pets just crack me up with the strange places they decide are the best places to rest. So pleased that Ivy’s acne is under control, she is obviously very content living with you.
    Love the Appalachian autumn quilt the colours are so vibrant really pretty and the punkin patch quilt and table runners are beautiful.
    Stay safe
    Love and quilty hugs
    Anne xx

  24. I love Bonnie's daily blog, reading it with my morning coffee. I also LOVE reading comments from her followers! LOVE reading all the comments, responses. Makes my day! Thank you, all! :)

  25. I owned a 1967 Mustang back in the day...loved that car. I'm sure you know how to identify that model year. I bought the Pumpkin Patch table runner pattern and look forward to pulling oranges to strip piece. Moving to a new house is a PITA but you'll be happy when you're finished!

  26. Traffic in the background and moving kitties aside, I still miss your Quilt Cam time! It did work in the QPO, and hope that you will get back to that. You are missed!

  27. Thanks for featuring my Punkin' table topper with the orange thread machine quilting. My 15 minutes of fame!!

  28. It's turning cold tonight. I stumbled across your blog. Wow what a exciting woman you are. I would love to come to your place for a class. Thank you for your service.

  29. Being at home and being able to get all this done has sure been a blessing of sorts for you, hasn't it? I can't imagine how stressful having to get this done while traveling and teaching would have been.


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