
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Count Down to Christmas with Quiltmaker! ((Give-Away!))

The other day I was asked by my friend Diane Harris at Quiltmaker Magazine if they could do a little write up and shout out on their blog, Quilty Pleasures, and include me in it.

Sure!  Great!  Let’s do it!

And then yesterday I get another email from Diane asking if she could pull picutres and stuff from my blog to use, because what she was writing for today wasn’t just going to INCLUDE me – but be ABOUT me ---oh wow!  AND --- they are having a Give-Away!

So head on over to Quiltmaker and find out what’s going over there by clicking HERE!

They are giving away TWO COPIES of String Fling!

And to deepen the deal, I’m doing a little Give-Away here myself --

quiltmaker 050

Leave me a comment below and I’ll draw one lucky winner for Quiltmaker Magazine’s Jan/Feb 2013 issue, a Summer Breeze charm pack by Moda, and one of my new Sewing Machine Seam Guides!

This is the issue that includes my "Ceiling Fan" blocks in my Addicted to Scraps column!

Winner will be drawn Sunday, and announced on Sunday afternoon’s Quilt-Cam which will start at 2pm Eastern.

Speaking of Quilt-Cam ---I’m feeling pretty chipper and back to normal today, so how about we gather to sew at 9pm Eastern tonight?

And while I’m at it…HOLY MOLY!  You have to see all the progress people have shared in our Link-Up from Monday – and the links keep coming in!  Click HERE to view them.  I’m so proud of all of you!  We are at 197 participants as I post this.  Remember--- Monday's link up closes at 11:59pm Eastern TONIGHT because Part 5 of Easy Street goes live TOMORROW!

And speaking of proud….I’ve always been proud of my son Jason, but never MORE PROUD of him --- last night he let us know that he passed all his finals and is graduating with his associates degree in application programming.  Way to go, Son!  We love you so much!

I have so much to be thankful for…..my heart can’t contain it all!

Happy Thursday, Everyone!


  1. Wow congratulations to your son.. I would be so proud also. What a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Love the Ceiling Fan block!

  4. Congratulations on both the magazine article and your son graduating. What a lovely way to end 2012! Would love to win your give away, Bonnie.

  5. I love the block! Anything Bonnie is WONDERFUL GOODNESS!

  6. Your life is a amazing and thankful you write to us bloggers all the time. Thank you for thinking of us with this giveaway.

  7. Excellent news all around! Congratulations to your Jason for all his hard work, wishing him much success in the future. Keeping my fingers crossed for the draw.

  8. Love Quiltmaker mag. I would like to give this block a whirl! Thanks.

  9. Thanks so much for all you do for us blog readers!

  10. Great giveaway, and thanks for all the useful info.

  11. I love that ceiling fan block. I'm getting the Sew Adjust Table for Christmas although it may not arrive on time. Can't wait to play with it. I only have about half the number of machines that you do. I love seeing all your new acquisitions.

  12. Bonnie - sounds like you had a pretty wonderful day yesterday! thanks for the opportunity to win the prizes listed above - I would love to win. Faith in Maine

  13. Hello Bonnie. Hope everything faired well for you yesterday. Been there, done that and don't remember it! What great things are going on for you and your family-you are truly blessed. Heading over to Quiltmaker to see what's up. BTW, I will be subscribing because of you. I am want to do your upcoming series/mystery in future issues. Looking forward to Quiltcam tonight!

  14. Glad you are back up to par! I would love to win the drawing!

  15. Love the block! Congrats to your son!

  16. Thanks for the generous giveaway?

  17. Anonymous8:24 AM EST


    What a wondeful post about you. It really sums up how I feel about having you as a part of my quilting life.
    Have a wonderful Holiday and New Years
    Upstate NY

  18. Great to hear about your son!!!!! So glad that everything "came out" good yesterday, other than being ripped from your dream. Giveaways YAY! Enjoy the rest of your time home with the family!! Thank you for all that you do! Merry Christmas!

  19. Hi! Enjoy your blog very much! It makes my day!

  20. Hi Bonnie! Glad yesterday is behind you! LOL. Congratulations on Jason graduating! So wonderful. Thank you for the give away.

  21. Thanks for the giveaway, I would love to win

  22. Anonymous8:28 AM EST

    Glad you are feeling better and Congrats to you and your son!!! thanks for the chance to win...

  23. Looking forward to Quiltcam tonight, I haven't stitched anything in over a week, need to get my creative mojo going.

  24. Congratulations to Jason. What a great Christmas present! Thanks for all you do for us lucky quilters! My piecing has improved so very much by using your techniques!!!!!
    You're the best!!

  25. Thanks for the giveaway and for the mystery quilt. It's my first and I'm really enjoying it.

  26. Giveaways, Christmas and good test results...what could be better?

  27. Love that fabric! Congrats, Jason!

  28. Glad you're feeling so good today! I hope people who are nervous of getting a colonoscopy are inspired by your experience this week!

  29. I enjoy your column in Quiltmaker so much - I have lots of scraps so I'm glad for the ideas.
    Congratulations to your son for graduating.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  30. Hi Bonnie,
    So glad you're feeling better now. Thanks for the giveaway and another glimpse at those ceiling fan blocks. Several of my friends' babies absolutely love watching their fans spin. This would make a cute scrappy baby quilt with fond memories of the child's facination and delight. :)

  31. Love your new seam guides! Great promo tool! Merry Christmas!

  32. As Mother's, we are most proud when our children succeed. Congratulations to Jason! I'm going over to Quilty Pleasures Blog and register for your latest book. Oh how I'd live ot win it! Thank you also for your givaway. I just looked at this magazine in the library the other night. Must say, I love the block! Merry Christams & Happy New Year!

  33. The ceiling fan blocks look fun. Congratulations on your son's graduation.

  34. Ok Google didn't let me log in so,
    "Looking forward to Quiltcam tonight, I haven't stitched anything in over a week, need to get my creative mojo going."
    was from ME!!

    Ok now it is still saying unknown at the bottom and I am signed, it's Nanette from Florida.

  35. Looking forward to Quiltcam tonight. Thanks for the giveaway and motivation to quilt.

  36. I just wanted to say thank you for coming to the Ann Arbor quilt guild in November. I fancy myself more of an art quilter but after hearing you speak at the guild meeting I have discovered, through you, a way to organize and use up all of the fabric scraps I have as well as the hunks of "what was I thinking" fabrics that are sitting there making me feel guilty (well sort of) about changing course in my quilting endeavors. Until that meeting I was never a fan of scrap quilts but the way you use a unifying color or fabric makes them so much more beautiful. Your scrap system is awesome and I purchased your book Leaders and Enders as a guide, to use up all the scraps that I plan on incorporating into the system in 2013. It's great to think that while I'm doing something else, I can also be constructing lovely scrap quilts for charity.
    Thanks again!

  37. just wanted to say thanks for all you do for us quilters, you make it all look so easy. What would i do without you !!

  38. Hi, Bonnie! So glad you are feeling up to snuff this morning. Congrats to Jason-that's awesome. Thanks for the giveaway-you are such a giver. Have a great day! See you tonite!

  39. How I would love to win your give-away! What great prizes, and to also give away one of your sewing machine guides! Thanks for all that you do Bonnie!

  40. Happy news all around! Congrats to all and thanks for the chance!

  41. Glad you are feeling "back to normal" today. Looking forward to quiltcam tonight! Thanks for all you do.
    Meg in Michigan

  42. Tell your son Great Job from all of us! I have missed the last 2 quilt cams and will NOT miss this one lol. Thank you for all you do and all the time you give to help us become better scrappy quilters. I have a hard time with it as I am a little OCD lol, but am getting better thanks to you always cheering us on to try new things.

  43. Glad you're feeling better. Congrats to Jason! My kids love to join me when I tune into Quilt Cam--unfortunately 9PM is a little late for my 10 yo dd, but sometimes I let her watch for a few minutes before sending her to bed. My 13 yo ds always pulls up a chair when he hears your voice! Thanks for all you do!

  44. Congratulations to you and your son! I'm looking forward to quilt cam tonight! Tuesday I received the best Christmas gift ever a new grandson!

  45. Congrats to both!! How exciting! Thanks for the contest. Lcenlow (at) sit-co(dot net

  46. Anonymous8:40 AM EST

    Always lots of stuff going on with Bonnie! That is why I Love to have my morning coffee with Bonnie each day..............Thanks for all you do!

  47. Wow, how generous! See you on quilt cam tonight Bonnie! Congratulations to your son, way to go! :-)

  48. Thanks for the give away drawing. really love QuiltCam. Have downloaded but not started easy street yet, got to get to lowes to get chips :)

  49. What a great giveaway Bonnie! I would love to win that package :*) Now, I'm off to Quiltmaker to see what fun they are up to this morning!

  50. Thanks, Bonnie. I'd love a chance to win.

  51. Wow, how generous! See you on quilt cam tonight Bonnie! Congratulations to your son, way to go! :-)

  52. Can't wait to see what the new year will bring in my quilt room - - - definitely going to see more of Bonnie's quilts in there - I'm thinking that there should be a sampler quilt with a bunch of your "Addicted to Scraps" blocks involved - Merry Christmas to you Bonnie and definitely a Happy New Year!

  53. You are living my dream, and I am so happy you are taking us along with you. Just have to share, I have a dear mentor and friend who had her 89th birthday Nov. 21. She is an avid quilter, but REFUSED to use pieces smaller than 2 1/2 inches. I had finished lesson 2 of Easy Street, & was visiting her. I had taken along the flying geese to clip the "dog ears". She said , "you have made me curious, I think I want to do this project." LOL. I had to come home, print the lessons and return them to her. She is a happy camper. Thanks for all you do for us.

  54. Hi Bonnie,

    I'm so glad you are feeling better and every thing is "clear". I have cut up my Easy Street and starting (rather late), but I just love the colors and learning from you. This would be my first "Bonnie" book as I've been out of work for most of the last 2 years and will just be starting a new job on 1/2. I follow your blog faithfully and HAVE to hear what you've been up to or my day is not complete. Thank you so much for your generous and sharing heart.

  55. Four of my friends are making Easy Street. We are having so much fun comparing notes and encouraging each other.
    I would love to win the giveaway. The ceiling fan block looks like a good leader ender project after I finish the spools.

  56. Great news :) hoping to win ...

  57. thanks for the chance to win.

    love the block, and your blog

  58. You've been changing how I look at scraps. Yesterday I sewed up 7 strip or crumb blocks that are becoming highlights of Christmas gift blocks. Now I really need your books! I'm a fan of your page in Quiltmaker.

  59. Thanks so much Bonnie. I am really enjoying the Mystery quilt. Last year I only did a quarter of the blocks and made a lap quilt, but this year I am doing full size. Glad to hear all is well. I would love to win this prize. kind regards Sam samsandradownes@gmail.com

  60. Glad that you have recovered from the "procedure." I would love a chance to win! Hope I do. See you tonight on quiltcam.

  61. Wow! Good news all around yesterday. Thank you for the giveaway opportunity. I'm headed to the Quiltmaker blog now to read more about you ;-)

  62. Glad everything went well yesterday, Bonnie. Not caught up on Easy Street yet because of quilty projects I had to finish for Christmas but will be back at it after Christmas. Going to tune in to Quiltcam tonight. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway.

  63. Bonnie, You definitely have a good reason to be proud of your son, every success our children have makes our hearts sing. I love quiltcam. Thanks for all that you have taught me. I would love to win, thanks for all that you do for the quilting world.

  64. Congrats on the Quiltmaker article and to Jason :o) It sure makes a parent proud to see their children succeed. Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Holidays to all!

  65. Pick me, Pick me I love your article in Quiltmaker.

  66. Glad you're back at it so quickly. What a lovely prize - count me in!

  67. Don't you just love it when you get an abundance of good news all at one time.

  68. Thanks for all the free patterns you have shared with us over the years.

  69. Congratulations on all your good news! And thanks for the giveaway!

  70. Ceiling fan blocks are on the bucket list - near the top!! Merry Christmas!

  71. Glad you are back to your old chipper self! Thanks for the giveaway.

  72. I am happy that you have recovered speedily from your procedure! Congrats to your son. I know you are SO proud! I am throwing my name in for the giveaway too- what the heck?!

  73. Big congrats to your son! Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  74. Loving easy street mystery, and thanks for all you do!

  75. Hope your day continues to be perfect

  76. Congrats to Jason, you should be proud! I am so glad the "procedure" is behind you and you are getting back up to speed.
    Again, thanks for all you do for us and the quilting world and keeping it real! I have become a much better piecer because of you tips and techniques. And that makes me enjoy it even more!
    "See" you tonight.

  77. Glad you are feeling better! And congratulations to your son! My son just graduated from GA Tech last Saturday. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway!
    Merry Christmas!

  78. Glad you are feeling much better, not a nice procedure but it must be done. I just had a tooth extracted. I got a toothache over the weekend which just got worse and worse. Hopefully I will feel better soon. The dentist said to take it easy so I am going to go work on Step 3 and 4 of Easy Street - the housework can wait until tomorrow. Also huge congratulations to Jason - they make us so proud don't they. Thanks for all you do, Ann

  79. Congrats again on all the wonderful outcomes you had on Thursday! So wonderful to share in the joys and accomplishments of our children. Bravo Jason! Love that you are having this giveaway. Am keeping up with Easy Street and enjoying my first foray into piecing. Thanks again for all you are giving to all of us! Merry Christmas!

  80. I subscribed to Quiltmaker a month ago and have not yet received the first issue, so I would really enjoy the magazine as well as the gorgeous charm pack.

  81. Always wonderful when we have more moments to be proud of our children. Congrats to him and you and Dave.

    Wonderful giveways. Thanks for all you share. See you on QuiltCam.

    Marcia near Toledo

  82. Cant watch quilt cam due to slow internet connection. But would love a chance to win!

  83. Thank you so much for your generosity and another chance to win goodies. Congrats to your son for his achievements. Merry Christmas!

  84. Congratulations, Enjoy the holidays. Sally From Oregon

  85. Happy Thursday, your right life is good!! Thanks for allowing us to be apart of yours!

  86. Who doesn't love free stuff?

  87. Congratulations to Jason.
    I can't wait to start making these blocks from Quiltmaker Magazine. They will make a fun, scrappy, happy quilt.

  88. Love your quilts, love your blog, love reading it every day. Thank you for your story's, pictures etc.

    Anne Claudine from the Netherlands

  89. Glad you are back in your groove. Would love to win a little something. A Christmas gift for me.

  90. Would love to win. Mery Christmas everyone.

  91. Glad you are feeling much better, not a nice procedure but it must be done. I just had a tooth extracted. I got a toothache over the weekend which just got worse and worse. Hopefully I will feel better soon. The dentist said to take it easy so I am going to go work on Step 3 and 4 of Easy Street - the housework can wait until tomorrow. Also huge congratulations to Jason - they make us so proud don't they. Thanks for all you do, Ann

  92. I haven't been able to find that issue of Quiltmaker anywhere so it would be wonderful to win!

    crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

  93. Congratulations on a great week for you! As a parent, I know that you are so happy for your sons success. Thanks for everything you do for us. I love Easy Street,(my first mystery with you) and love quilt cam. I have learned so much watching and reading along with you.
    I guess I'm a Bonniac!!

  94. So glad it's over. Congrats on the magazine - thanks for sharing.

  95. Want to try the ceiling fan block. need something new at this time.

  96. Congratulations to your son! It's great to hear about the accomplishments of the kids of on line friends that I've "watched" grow up over the years! I really like your ceiling fan block - will have to make a summer quilt with it one day. One day soon if I win the mag!

    Andrea from Canada

  97. I became acquainted with your site and scrap saving methods about 6 weeks ago. It has transformed my entire thinking about the process if quilting and I love it. Friday morning is a highlight if my week. I can't wait to see what the final block looks like.

  98. Thanks for the give away. I've already made the ceiling fan block for a Christmas pillow.

  99. Thank you for the giveaway!

  100. Congrats to your son! How wonderful! I bet your the proud mommy indeed! Can't wait to sew with you on quilt cam! It's so nice to have you for a friend! I feel like I'm getting to visit you on quilt cam night! I have another quilt I'm working on for my daughter. Can't wait to see tomorrows clue!

  101. I can't miss a day of your blog! You go girl!

  102. Congrats to bot yo and your son. Exciting times in Quiltville!

  103. Congrats to Jason!! I really want to in so I can get the seam guide. Have a great day!

  104. I've been a Quiltmaker subscriber now since about 1989 (or thereabouts). While I haven't been consistent in keeping my subscription seamless, the last renewal stint (three years ago) brought Bonnie Hunter into my world. I love to scrap quilt and I have more then one of your blocks within them! Thank you for your great ideas and looking forward to continue watching and reading with you. Merry Christmas!

  105. Recognition well deserved. Thanks for the give away.

  106. Hi Bonnie. Glad to hear you are doing well!! I'm having a great time working on Easy Street and I have no idea how this will turn out! I love a good mystery!! Thank you for quilt cam because I live so far away from the nearest quilt shop that I don't ever get to take classes of any kind. I am a self taught quilter through quilt books from the library. I'm always open to new techniques and ideas. Thank you for all your time and hard work. You are greatly appreciated! Happy Holidays and thank you.

  107. Congratulations to Jason! What a proud mama you must be. ;-)

    Glad you are back to normal ... hopefully you won't have to do that again for another 10 years. ;-)

  108. oh, you're having a wonderful Christmas this year!! congrats to Jason,,,and to the proud Mama!! Blessings to your family!!

  109. Congratulations to Jason! And he deserves it, he worked very hard for it, even giving up a trip to IKEA with you.
    I'll be back home tomorrow evening (we are in Denmark right now, home is in the Netherlands), so I can finally sew on clue 4 of Easy Street. I did have time to cut all the pieces before we left, so bring on the sewing machine! And then continue on clue 5. I'm only making half of the blocks in my own choice of colors, but I like everything so far.
    Would love to win the magazine, I keep my fingers crossed.

  110. cool treats thanks for the give away

  111. Thank you! I'm having a ball with Easy Street...i think i see a second one in my future and i don't evn know what the first one is going to look like. BTW, after reading your post last nite about the coconut pineapple ice, i ordered five cases from Amazon!

  112. Congratulations to Jason and to his Mom! You did a good job raising him :) I love that Summer Breeze fabric! And thank you again for such beautiful quilt patterns (both online free and in your books (which I have all of))!! I'm happy to be on Easy Street with you! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  113. Watching quilt cam has really gotten me out of a quilting slump. Thanks.

  114. Merry Christmas Bonnie. Congrats to Jason. I am little behind on the Christmas preparations so no quilt cam watching for me. :( enjoy the day.

  115. A Merry Christmas to you and yours, Bonnie! Would love to win and thanks for opportunity.

  116. Glad your "up and at em" again. Great article on Quiltmaker site and looking forward to the spring mystery as I couldn't participate in the Easy Street. Newest grandaughter just arrived! Thanks for a chance in the giveaway and Merry Christmas. Butterfly George

  117. I would be happy to win, thanks for the chance & Merry Christmas Bonnie !
    Hugs from France

  118. Sounds like a fabulous prelude to Christmas--procedure behind you, son graduating AND a giveaway. YAY! AND (just so you know) there are more of us out here doing the mystery and just not linking up (for me, the pressure! HA). Thanks, Bonnie.

  119. Would love to win. Appreciate ALL your ENERGY!!!

  120. Glad everything went well yesterday! And congrats to your son!

  121. Congrats to both you and your son! We've got snow here in KS this morning, so making it feel a little more wintery. Wishing you and yours a very quilty Christmas!

  122. Would love to win your book. Congrats to Jason

  123. Would love to win your book. Congrats to Jason

  124. Congratulations to your son. That is wonderful. So glad you are feeling back to yourself again too.

    I can't wiat to read all about you in the Quiltmaker magazine. Congratulations.

  125. Thanks for the chance to win..love the Moda fabric, block and gadget. Congrats to your son and happy for the good outcome yesterday.

  126. Your heart can't contain it all!?!?!? But Bonnie, we are already sitting in there by the thousands, and there is no place left for maternal pride?
    Writing Xmas wishes for the family in rainy Amsterdam
    Love, Irene
    * sitting behing the front door near the mail box to wait for Quiltmaker fall on the doorstep *

  127. Oh oh pick me! I'm been dreaming of having one of those seam guide thingies. So enjoying Easy Street & of course Quilt Cam - you gift us all year long - many thanks. wishing you & your family a joyous holiday and a healthy new year. - Yvonne

  128. I just learned of you today via Quiltmaker's blog post (I'm new to quilting), and I'm now a new follower! Nice to "meet" you!

  129. Anonymous9:37 AM EST

    I would love to be the winner of the great 'prize' you are giving away. Count me in!

  130. So happy about your son's happy news! You deserve a great write-up at Quiltmaker. You do a terrific job and encourage us all.

  131. Congratulations! Would love to be your winner. I'm also doing your mystery (1st time) but got on board late and trying to catch up. I might be ready to link up next week :D Thanks!

  132. Who doesn't need more Bonnie in your life!

  133. Hope to win the Quiltmaker Magazine’s Jan/Feb 2013 issue, a Summer Breeze charm pack by Moda, and one of my new Sewing Machine Seam Guides! I have enjoyed your blog, website, patterns and workshops!

  134. Thanks so much for the chance to win. You are very generous. Also, congratulations to Jason. Nothing makes a parent happier than to see a child do well.

  135. Congrats to Jason ! Thanks for the chance to win and see you tonight on Quilt Cam

  136. What a lovely way to start the new year....

  137. Anonymous9:42 AM EST

    of course I'd like to win! A pattern &the seam guide!!!YES,YES.YES :>).
    glad you're feeling fine today and in the *happy groove* about Jason, congratulations.
    Karen (in Va.)

  138. Glad that your colonoscopy went well --- and I envy you the 10 year respite! ...and great news about Jason --- nice to see our children progress into adulthood (though time passes way too fast). Merry Christmas and thanks for the chance to win!

  139. This is my first time here - I came over after seeing you mentioned on Quiltmaker. WOW! Love your blog and i've added it to my blog reader feed. Thank you for sharing your quilting with us all. Merry Christmas!

  140. Wow great news for proud Mom! Way to go DS! See you tonight on Quiltcam and thanks for the give away you and Quiltmaker

  141. I would love to win the items! Especially the sewing machine seam guide - my mother just gave me the featherweight she made my clothes on when I was little and that seam guide "needs" to have a home on my machine! lol

  142. Way to go Jason ... it is NEVER too late to accomplish something in our lives. For instance ... 2013 is going to end with ALL of my UFOs completed ... I seriously believe I can do that and I WILL accomplish it. Having a copy of your book would help in that regard ... LOL Glad you're feeling better ... will try and join QuiltCam tonight! Linda

  143. What a fun giving, I was thinking of doing a pinwheel, and I like your ceiling fan so I might do that instead!

  144. Thanks for a chance to win. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  145. Congratulations to your son! Nice job! Thanks for the chance to win. Just need to cut the greens and I'll be caught up with Easy Street!

  146. Congratulations to your son!! I always enjoy your blog, love to read about all your travels!! and have learned so much from you! Thanks for the give-away opportunity!

  147. Anonymous9:49 AM EST

    It would be wonderful to win your giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

  148. Congratulations on all your good news today! Would love to win your giveaway!

  149. Merry Christmas to all my friends on Easy Street. And if you aren't living there yet, you probably will be soon. It's a blast.

  150. Congrats Bonnie! On both the article and the graduation! Thanks for all the opportunities you provide us to win fabulous stuff!

  151. Anonymous9:53 AM EST

    Count me in..... I WANT that seam guide and already have your book....

    Yikes! new part tomorrow.... good thing there will be CAM time tonight. On with the day

  152. Thanks for the great giveaway--luv the colors of the Summer Breeze charm fabric.

  153. Thanks for the chance to win, and congrats to your son!

  154. Glad all's well in your world ! Give-away is great ! and QM's blog was nice ! It's cold and white here in central Idaho ! Merry Christmas !

  155. Wow lots of entries before me. Thank you Bonnie for all your talents & gifts you share with us. Keep it up.

  156. I can't wait for Quilt-Cam! I've missed the past couple as I was off visiting my grandfather. Maybe this week we can come to an agreement on a name for your followers? Hunter-Gatherers? Huntresses?

  157. Do you know how many of us are entering here just for a chance at one of the new, exclusive Bonnie Hunter sewing machine seam guides!!! (Raising hand and waving it wildly!!) Of course the magazine and charm pack are great, too. CONGRATULATIONS, Jason! You did it! Congratulations Bonnie and Dave--you survived it!!

  158. I would love to win so I'll take my chances like everyone else. Thanks & Merry Christmas!

  159. My first comment ever!!!! Because I really want to win one of those seam guides. Can't find one anywhere. Just bought my own 301A and I'm anxious to get sewing accurately on it. Thanks Bonnie from us quilters up here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

  160. Bonnie So happy to here that you're feeling chippier and all is good. I googled your pineapple ice. Must try it! Would love to win your seam guide alone. These eyes are getting sketchy. Time for part 5 tomorrow already. Wow! time flies. Thank you!!!

  161. Congratulations to Jason...and to mom and dad!! Isn't it wonderful when everything falls into place for your children!! You must be so proud!
    Please throw my name into your give away hat!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  162. I would love a Summer Breeze charm pack by Moda. I love your blog, thanks for the giveaway.

  163. Congratulations, I am glad to see that you are being recognized,
    a much deserved acclamation of all your talents. Thanks so much
    for all your kind generosity of your time and wisdom. Thanks for
    offering a chance to win. You did good MOM, and have a graduate to
    show for all his and your hard work. Have a wonderful day

  164. Congratulations all around! You've worked very hard and made many sacrifices to get to where you are - you deserve these honors.

  165. Thanks for the give away! Can't wait for quilt cam tonight and so nice to hear that you are chipper today!

  166. Glad you are feeling better and CONGRATULATIONS to your son! What a wonderful Christmas gift for you all!

  167. Glad your ready to be back in the saddle again. I had to do mine with no anesthesia They told me it was pretty the same as going through childbirth. So proud of your son what a great Christmas present. Would love a wiff of summer breeze seems all I have been getting is Jack frost in Minnesota. Congrats see you on the other side of quilt cam! Carol

  168. I would love to win this, merry christmas and a happy new year.

  169. Congratulations to your son Jason and your successful procedure! I enjoy your blog daily and your scrap methods have made a dent in my stash! Sure would like to win magazine giveaway ....The ceiling fan block is exactly what I want to make for our new grandson arriving in March 2013 in NC. !! Thanks for all your quilt wisdom..
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours !!!

  170. Congratulations JASON!! Way to go!
    Glad you are feeling better, Bonnie.
    Lovely giveaway : )
    Good news all around your house today!

  171. I have my colonoscopy to look forward to early next year. It'll be great to have it behind me (pun intended). Glad you got it over with. Debbie in WV

  172. Congratulations are due from so many fronts. So glad your procedure turned out well. Congrats on your write up in the magazine, and thank you for your giveaway, also. Look forward to quilt cam tonight, and thanks for everything you do.

  173. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us. I just love Quilt Cam. I read your blog every day and for the first time are doing your mystery quilt. Thank you for all you do for us. Just love the book and the charm pack. Makes me think of spring. Have done a lot of quilts out of Quiltmaker. Thanks for the give away. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  174. You have two reasons to celebrate. Congrats.

  175. You have two reasons to celebrate. Congrats.

  176. You have two reasons to celebrate. Congrats.

  177. You have two reasons to celebrate. Congrats.

  178. Would love to win! I completed step one of Easy Street then got sidetracked wtih Christmas projects. Will catch up over the holidays, I hope!

  179. Amazing how far you've come in the quilting world, but it isn't a suprise...your work is varied and wonderful! Congrats.

  180. Thanks for this giveaway! And congratulations to your son. I'm so happy with all parents who are proud of their children, and so sorry for those who are not. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  181. I asked for a subscription to quiltmaker for Christmas! I hope I get it! it really is the gift that keeps giving!

  182. Thanks for everything that you do. I read your blog every day. I've been using your scrap saver system for several years and love it. Thank for another great giveaway!

  183. Love Quiltmaker Magazine...Thanks for the giveaway, hope I am the lucky person.

  184. Congratulations to Jason (and to both you and Dave) on his upcoming graduation. You have many reasons to be proud. I'm glad you are feeling chipper today and everything went smoothly yesterday. And, thank you for this give-a-way. Finally, thank you for being you and being so generous to share your time with us. I love quilt-cam and watch as much as I can. I feel like I am taking private lessons with you! I'll be with you tonight and Sunday.

  185. Anonymous10:38 AM EST

    This is a nice give-away! I follow your blog every day and I´m sewing the Easy Street quilt. I wish I could sit up all night, to watch you on quiltcam, but I´m to tired that time of the night :)
    Gun, Sweden

  186. Would love to win this = aren't those blues pretty? I never miss Quiltmaker - if I could only afford one quilt mag, that is the one. Bonnie, I have used your ideas for scraps many, many times!

  187. Bonnie...I subscribe to Quiltmaker just to keep up with your latest and greatest. Thanks for the opportunity to win this drawing.

  188. Thanks for all you do! Congrats to your son, whoohoo!


  189. Congrats to you and your son! (And thanks for the giveaway!)

  190. Way to go Jason and to you mom and dad. Awesome article on you Bonnie and what a great giveaway. Already have String Fling but would love the other gifties.

    Thanks - Terry

  191. Count me in. Love quilt magazines and fabric!

  192. Thanks for the giveaway chance! I appreciate all you do for us. Today I'm having a snow day and I'll be basting a scrap Bricks and Cobblestones from your fabulous free patterns!

  193. Love ya Bonnie! Think you need to make dvd's next, I would buy it, even of your quilt cam antics. :-). Love your site too! I'm thinking of doing more of your quilts, stuck on pineapple blossom, I have made 12 of them, I keep giving to my daughter's shipmates.

  194. Thanks Bonnie for a chance at the giveaway. Congratulations to Jason but also to his parents to steer him in the right direction.
    You guys must be so proud. Thank you Bonnie for all you do for us quilters. I decided to do the Easy Street this year and with all I had to do I am not too far behind. Thanks again and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family.

  195. Have a wonderful day. Thanks for the drawing and chance to win a Quiltmaker, and especially your seam ruler. Thanks for all you do

  196. Thanks for the give away and good news

    Anne Perry

  197. What a wonderful way to end 2012!

  198. Congratulations to Jason! Oh, how I would delight in winning. Quiltmaker did a great job at just touching on you...very fun write-up! I am loving Easy Street. Thanks, Bonnie.~

    Lucy (in IN)

  199. Congratulations Jason, Mom and Dad, too. Such a nice posting on Quiltmaker about you. Thanks for all you do for us! Just one of many cammies in Quiltville land! Merry Christmas!


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