What's up with YAHOO MAIL!?? Every time I click to reply to an email, write my reply and click send, I am sent back to the sign in page asking for my password to be supplied. When I fill it in, check to see if the mail has sent...it's disappeared! I'm switching to GMAIL for a while to see if it works better. You can reach me at Quiltville@Gmail.com! I'm still keeping the yahoo email open, and will check there daily....but sheesh.
Of course, all this happens AFTER I just picked up my new business cards that have quiltville@yahoo.com written all over them :c|
Here is a quicky video filmed LIVE from Tomorrow's Heirlooms in Westminster, Colorado last Sunday!:c) we had a blast. And I have to say this was the nicest classroom I've seen in a shop....the tables and space for cutting were phenominal!
How can I break a travelogue down into parts and not overload you? I have so many pictures that I've uploaded them to webshots so you can view my slideshow. :c) Those of you using a 'reader' instead of my actual blog will probably have to click over to the "real" page to view.
I met up with my friend Randy at the Denver airport. What fun! We went to the rental car place, got our car (A red jeep!) and headed out. Randy is awesome when it comes to researching places and finding the most fun places to eat, stay, etc. The first thing we did was drive to Spinelli's Market...home of the BEST deli sandwhiches ever. I kid you not...they were SO yummy we went back again on our way back to the airport when the trip was over.
From there we went to Golden to see the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum. I have to tell you, it was smaller than I thought it would be. Barely two rooms. And the little gift shop was closed. It was kind of a disapointment really because I had heard so much about it. But we were not to be daunted! There were more quilt shops to be found, and restaurants to discover. Isn't this terrible? I can't even remember WHERE we ate the first night, or what we had!
The next morning we took a hike, intending to go higher than we actually did, but I am just not used to that thin air of high elevations, and we didn't go off the road into the brush. Still, it was a gorgeous morning and so much to see. We stayed at Table Mountain Inn....and I do remember breakfast ;c) We then met up with the staff of Quiltmaker Magazine. What a hoot! I've been dealing with these gals via email and phone for some time, but to meet them in person and see how the wheels turn at Quiltmaker was a real treat. We all went to lunch together at a little Italian joint...the calzones were HUGE, and even the salad (a SIDE SALAD!?) was huge. Yummy. And fun! Another fun thing....Quiltmaker's Editor, June (what a great gal, I love her in person, so easy to talk to and get along with!) presented me with the newest Quiltmaker just about to hit the news stands! My quilt "Patches & Pinwheels" is on page 30. How's that for a treat! Thanks, June!
Some of the pics might be hard to understand without reading the captions I've put on webshots. I had to giggle at ALL the rotary cutters all over the workroom. Want to make sure we don't run out, right?! :cD
From there we quilt shop hopped our way down to Woodland Park. Our host and hostess were Arlan and Ken. They have a lovely home in a very remote area. You actually have to drive through the national park/forest/woods to get to their road....which isn't paved. It was BLISS, it really was. they have 35 acres of peaceful surroundings, two great shelties and 6 horses. We had a perfect view of Pikes Peak!
Arlan showed me how to sew on her treadle machine. So...the thread kept breaking on me, but I guess I just need practice! Ken rebuilds pipe organs, and gave us a little mini concert.
I can honestly say that this was the most original teaching venue I've ever taught at.....the class was held in Cripple Creek, CO....in a CASINO! *LOL* What fun! We met in a conference room, great lighting, plenty of space, and lots of fun.
The next day Arlan and I hiked a bit while Randy and Ken took off on the horses. We arranged to meet at this one place where the red rocks stand. It was AWESOME! I wanted to ride too, but I don't have horse experience, and Arlan was afraid if I broke my leg or neck we'd be out a speaker for the guild meeting that afternoon :c)
After the guild meeting we headed up towards Evergreen so I would be ready to do my stint with that guild....and I'll post that adventure tomorrow!
I'm back from Denver as of midnight....and guess what? One of my bags of quilts got left behind in Detroit! :c( But according to the Northwest Airlines agent, it should be here today.
I had a great time in Denver, and want to write more about it. I've got pictures to upload, even some little videos to upload...but it's going to take some time.
So to keep you entertained for a bit, here is an interview I did with Cinea Dallinger of Legendary Quilters. She called from Australia, and recorded our conversation. I had a great time sitting on the front porch swing with a glass of lemonade and talking about quilting, from one side of the world to the other.
I have uploaded it HERE. It's in WMA format and it should open up in your windows media program.
Thanks Cinea! It was great meeting you via the phone line!
Hey everyone! I have resurfaced! I returned from Durham NC where I have spent the most FUN 3 days with the Durham Orange Quilter's Guild! Three consecutive days of workshops....Crumbs, Star Struck & Pineapple Blossom!
I've got loads of pics, but no time to upload them, I'm off in the morning to Denver, meeting with the Quilters Above The Clouds in Florrisant, and then off to the Colorado Quilt Council State guild weekend in Evergreen!
Not only that, but I've got ZERO VOICE. I can barely squeak.
I'll be back home late on the 28th....I hope to catch up with you all then.
I am so tickled to get a Shout Out in the July/August issue of Mark Lipinski's Quilter's Home Magazine! I love this magazine, I find the articles fun and informative, brash and splashy, what a great read! Who can resist articles titled things like "Bankrupt For Cotton" or "When Good Longarmers Go Bad" *LOL*
My blurb is found on page 46 of "Free, Fun and Fabulous Freebies on page 46.
It says:
I love Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville website and lost myself for hours, looking at all her great stuff. In addition to lots of free patterns and clearly written instructions, I love-love-love her pointers on managing your scraps and your stash. You'll find this info in her Tips and Techniques section. Bonnie also has lots of great strip piecing quilts, tips and patterns, many of which are perfect for charity projects.
When I read stuff like this, how trivial does a dress size become? Extremely!
Quilter's Home is published by CKMedia, and I am going there next week to meet everyone! Weeeeee! I can't wait. That and the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum are really going to be highlights of my trip I think. As well as meeting everyone in my classes.
Oh, and just for fun....last night before going to bed I was playing with some blocks on the floor. I turned around and lo and behold, Chloe had plopped herself smack dab in the middle of the blocks. They'd only been on the floor for 3 minutes! I guess I am in good company down here, we are both fluffy girls! I couldn't resist trying to get her to talk to you on camera :c)
Yes, I've been under a lot of stress with this move since October of last year. My hormones are fluctuating. I have entered the land of hot flashes and night sweats. I'm on medication for this,that and the other thing. I left a strenuous physical job of massage therapy where I burned so many calories a day....to starting a life of traveling and teaching where people feed you and you feel like you want to partake so you don't offend anyone. I admit that part.
I've put on about 20 lbs. I admit that. But what really hurts is when someone has to comment about it in my guestbook? What's that about? "I didn't know you gained so much weight, WOW!" Is this something you say to someone to their face?
The whole weight issue has me so depressed as it is, and this is supposed to help me...how?
Why are we so judgemental about weight? I have a good friend who's daughter is dealing with anorexia. Her whole self esteem is wrapped around her size and weight. She took her scale on vacation. She eats lettuce with ketchup. I don't know exactly why, but is our weight so important, a number or size so important, that we can look past the person inside to judge them by their outside? We judge people if they are too skinny. We judge people if they are too fat.
How about we judge people for being cruel for judging others. In other words, I might be able to change my weight, but to the person(s) who commented on it, can you change your personality?
I love Tricia Yearwood. She has a song that rings so true to me:
don't buy the lines in magazines That tell me what I've gotta be Don't base my life on a movie screen Don't fit the mold society Has Planned
I don't need to be 19 years old Or starve myself for some weight I'm told Will turn men's heads, been down that road And I thank God I finally know Just who I am
I ain't a movie star May never see the view from where they are And this old town may be as far as I'm goin' But what he'll hold tonight in his hands He swears is so much better than Anything this old world Can show him
Cause I'm a real live woman In love with this man I see lyin' here next to me Lost in the way that he's holdin' This real live woman In the arms of a man where I'll fall asleep knowin' there's Nothin' on earth he loves more than This real live woman
I work 9-5 and I can't relate To millionaires who somehow fate Has smiled upon and fortune made their Common lives a better place to be
And I no longer justify Reasons for the way that I behave I offer no apologies For the things that I believe and say And I like it that way
Cause I'm a real live woman In love with this man I see lyin' here next to me Lost in the way that he's holdin' This real live woman In the arms of a man where I'll fall asleep knowin' there's Nothin' on earth he loves more than This real live woman
I'm trying to figure out how many books I should start with when the book is released from the publisher in September. I want enough on hand to travel with, and enough to sign and mail to you if you want them direct from me.
I have put a poll in the side bar, just to help me with an idea of a count, would you mind clicking?
My body clock still says I am on West Coast time. It is so stupid! I feel like a zombie all morning..and then can't get to bed at night at a decent hour. I suppose that's okay...I leave for Denver on tuesday, and that is half way back to the west coast, I may as well stay screwed up until I get back?
Lori sent this funny picture of Lucy and I after the quilt show. We'd taken her whole family to the swimming pool in Sun River and went swimming, and lounged around. (Oh get this, I didn't have a swim suit, so we ran into Ross and I bought one off the rack without trying it on. It looked fine, until I tried it on at the house, and the cleavage went WAY down. I wore a tank top over it..*LOL*)
So tell me why Lucy looks so gorgeous and refreshed and glamorous in her silk dress, and I look like road kill? Here are a couple favorite photos from the show. This was about 8am and the sun was just coming in from the east. Look how the quilting detail shows up when the light is just right. Yummy textures! Lots and lots of baptist fans caught my eye. Just never get tired of them. EVER.
Isn't this the most WEIRD feathered star you've ever seen? I'd love to figure this block out. It's one of those things I'm in love with but will probably never do. Being a scrappy girl, I think I would die if I had to piece a whole quilt of just red and muslin. Seriously. Please don't make me, don't make me, I can't do it! But I love them. That and blue and white. Classic.
Today I have GOT to stop running around and clean house. Top to bottom. What day is it anyway..thursday? Sheesh..I leave tomorrow evening for Durham. I've got to get myself together!
It's a beautiful drive to Sisters from Sun River. Very high desert....lots of sage brush! I like seeing the ranches out in the middle of nowhere and imagine what it is like for that person living there, what they see as the seasons change and life goes on. We arrived in Sisters early! Friday night, we kidnapped a very special guest (who will be revealed later) and she spent the night with us while we left her 4 kids and hubby back in Bend at the RV park. It was good to catch up because I hadn't seen her in person in a year, and she hadn't met my other friends, though they knew about her by how much I talk about how wonderful she is :c)
Oregon is COLD in the mornings...and there we were with our sweaters and sweatshirts leaving Sun River at 7:15am.....and by the time we got to Sisters, it was warming up and we could leave the jackets in the car.
The first thing we did was hit the BEST antique vendor there. The photo ops were wonderful! I'm setting these on "small" format, so be sure to click each one and enlarge them to really sewe the brilliant colors and patterns. I've decided that I get as excited about fabric as a kid dose about a new box of crayons....open the lid...see all those wonderful colors....it's the SAME feeling! I think it's the "possibilities" of what we can do with all this color and pattern that just makes me feel like a kid in a candy store (Or with a new box of crayons!) We spent a LONG time in the antique vendor's spot! They had racks and racks...boxes of pieces and parts, tables piled high, and two antique bed frames for us to lay things out on to get the FULL effect.
Take a close look at the two ladies looking at the quilts on the rack! The one with the short blond hair is my friend Lori. She lives in Madras, not far from Bend. But wait....who's that bending over looking closely at the stitching on that quilted beauty?? Does she resemble anyone you know?!
If you don't recognize her, I can confess to you that someone ELSE did! It's our LUCY! :cD In fact, a complete total stranger came up and asked her right out....are you LUCY!?? And you should have seen Lucy crack up. Here she thought she was so incognito! It was so fun. Lucy and her Family came to the states to visit, and we were able to work out seeing each other for the Sisters show. We had a lovely time! I'll get some more pics as soon as I can get copies from someone else's camera.... I was also blown away by people who walked up to me and said things like "Aren't you Bonnie Hunter?" Boy does that feel weird! Randy was such a ham, she'd ask people if they wanted to have their picture taken with me and she'd be the photographer. Pfffttt...Silly girl! She also said later "sheesh, we can't take YOU anywhere!" What a kick, huh? It would only happen in a group of quilters. Anywhere else, I blend in fine,believe me. (and I like it that way) This is randy with the gorgeous curly hair, the tan, and the tank top! She's digging through the quilts! I am extra lucky because Randy is going to join me in Colorado next week for the Colorado Quilting Council retreat thingy I'm doing there. She's my helper and partner in crime! We are going to hit the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum while there, and we also have a lunch date with one of my editors from Quiltmaker magazine along with a tour of CKMedia. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone IN PERSON! There were SO MANY PEOPLE!! I even got calls from some friends from SC who were up there, but we never did run into each other. We missed phone calls and left messages, but by the time they caught me, we were shopped and showed out and ready to head back to Sun River.
I took close ups of lots of antiques. I want to show you them, but I'm going to do it more slowly so you don't get overload. Believe me, I still feel overloaded! As for the quilt show showing me new trends? I'm not a new trend girl. I'm just happy playing with my scraps and shirts, didn't see a lot else that really intrigued me other than the antiques. That ought to tell me something :c) I didn't even buy anything at the Stitching Post. It was too cram packed, and I really didn't need anything. That was probably good because I found these two goodies in quilt shops HERE in Winston Salem!! (trying the camera video again,it's like a new toy!)
Look at this little machine! Isn't it SEW cute?! I saw the little case with the singer logo buried under a bunch of stuff in a booth in the antique mall. I lifted it and it was HEAVY! I had to put down my other stuff to see what was inside. I snatched it up quickly...what a find!
I also snatched up this gorgeous Christmas Rose Applique....and have found that it is better to upload videos to You Tube..the size is better, and it doesn't take as long as blogger to upload. Plus it doesn't hog my picasa album space because they are BIG files. Just in case you wanted to know! Plus all my videos will be in one place for me instead of spread out willy nilly through my blog. Not that I'm sure what I'm going to do with them yet!Okay. It's 11pm. I'm still on west coast time zone....I need to TRY to get to bed at a decent hour....NIGHT!
My sister Joy posts the cutest videos of her kids on her blog! I emailed her last night and asked how she does it. My digital camera also has video with SOUND! Did I know this? NO. Duh. How stupid is that! But this is something I want to do more of in the future.
Here are my first two samples. Grainy. yes. Dark. Yes. Content....ehhhh...and you know what? I hate listening to myself. I sound just like my MOM! I don't realize how bad my Minnesota accent comes through until I listen to myself! (Oh you betcha, oh yahhhh, don'tcha know!!!)
I did my first test on Jeff...playing video games. And Sadie wanted right in the action.
Last night I hung the quilt I got in Sisters on this old rake I found in a 1/2 price booth at an antique mall yesterday. It will look better when the walls aren't so stark white I think. The hooks came from Joann Fabrics at 40% off in their garden stuff. The rake is cool...it's ancient. The tines are hand whittled. Cool quilt rack, huh? This inspiration came from my friend Mary in Asheboro. I consider her my Home Dec Advisor!! (*waving* Hi Mary!)
For a link educating you about the ancient symbolism of this block design, click here. There are Fly Foot quilts (would that be FLY FEET if there are more than one?) way predating WWII. I think it is time we quilters stop having to worry about offending someone because we want to rescue a beautifully made quilt that happens to resemble something distasteful. Likewise....we aren't going around pointing out that the 50 stars on the USA flag are all PENTAGRAMS are we? :c)
From "Quiltmaking & Quiltmakers" by Marilyn Lithgow, 1974:
---Surprising to contemporary viewers, the swastika is a good-luck symbol that is frequently seen in old quilt designs. It is a graphic symbol found in almost every ancient and primitive culture all over the world. It appears in both North American Indian art and traditional Pennsylvania-German folk art where it is often used as a decoration although outsiders have misinterpreted it as being a "hex" against witches. As a symbol the swastika represents the movement and power of the sun as related to the poles and the four cardinal directions, but it has lost its ancient significance and would be of little interest in the modern world had not Hitler used it for the flag of the Nazi Third Reich on the advice of his occultists. The swastika design used on old quilts was variously named "Crazy Ann," "Follow the Leader," "Twist and Turn," and the "Fly Foot," the latter name probably being derived from the "fylfot fret," a decorative detail based on the swastika shape and widely used in colonial architecture.---
I know I have to upload the sisters stuff. Oh..I'm choking myself for not doing some of this in VIDEO!!! But I'll hopefully remember that in the future...
This morning I'm running Jeff to the motorcycle place..his scooter was having some engine work done. I'll probably have to drive him into school. Luckily he is only there for 3 hours. It's too far to want to drive back home and go back out again with the way gas is, so I'll toodle around town doing errands a bit until he calls me to come back and pick him up.
TONIGHT I'll post some of the Sisters stuff. Believe me.....most of my pics are of the ANTIQUES!! They were fabulous! :cD
Has anyone seen that duo in "White Christmas" singing that song "Sisters"? It's what comes to mind when I think of the name "Sisters, Oregon". This first pic is an arial view of the 3 sisters mountains. And yes there is snow on them in July! There are snow capped mountains surrounding the whole area. It really is breath taking flying into Portland and seeing these from the air.
I had a WHIRLWIND of a time! I flew out last wednesday. I drove to Charlotte, (about an hour and a half) Found the long term parking and made it to the terminal in plenty of time. I brought one bag to be checked, and one carry on. So far Delta isn't charging for the first bag you check. I was good to go.
I met up with my friend Claire in Portland, and we drove to Sun River....after a stop at Fabric Depot! (I bought two backing fabrics, one at $2 a yard,and one at $2.50 a yard) We got to Randy's house about dinner time. She and Lori had been sewing up a storm for a couple days already! NO FAIR! Never mind, it didn't take me long to unpack and get going myself. I had a bunch of 3.5" squares to sew on to some pieced units, and I got a whole top center done. I still have borders to do,but I am not sure what to do there yet. Isn't this arial view from upstairs looking down great? Can you tell we were BUSY BUSY!? :cD
Randy and Claire and Lori and I go back over 10 years. Not that anyone is counting! But it is always fun to get together! Sun River is just gorgeous, and we did our best to eat right (except for the fact that the loaves of artisan bread seemed to multiply on their own in their corner of the cupboard!) We couldn't resist the yummy breads and it seemed there was at least ONE new variety with every dinner! We also were proud of ourselves for getting up early enough to power walk at least 2 miles every day. These pictures were taken on my walk. It was just BEAUTIFUL. After living in the South I forget how it cools down at night in the Pacific Northwest. One morning it was only 38 outside! That's brisk! It didn't take long to warm up to near 100 every day, but the other blissful thing is that it cools down nicely and quickly after sunset. Perfect for eating alfresco on Randy's patio! The deer thought so too....one evening a deer just walked right through the middle of the yard, not caring that we were there at all. I guess she felt she should have been invited to the BBQ too.
My second project was to inset those words into that border of the string star quilt with the half-done applique border. I really LOVE how it turned out! I can now finish the applique in just a few spots in the vine borders, and add a couple flowers and leaves here and there in between the words and call it good. You know what? I think I like it even better than if I *HAD* done all 4 corners the same with the appliqued pots. It's more personal this way. It's more me. And this is getting long already, so I'll post about the show tomorrow, breaking this up in stages! See this squirrel? Sun River has the biggest squirrels we've ever seen. Lori was commenting that she thought she saw a racoon, but no...it was a SQUIRREL. I swear it was as big as a house cat. They must feed them well in Sun River! And the racoons are pests too...they know how to undo the bungee cords on the trash can! Needless to say, we were about as pooped out as this squirrel by the time sunset arrived! We sure enjoyed that patio, the dusk, the cool air, the smells of fresh mown grass and pine and the sounds of the summer nights.