
Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Well, Isn't THAT Special?

Half of my County Clare blocks were at home.

The other half?  At the QPO Studio.

I've been working on them fairly diligently in between the lines of stitching other things - just as Leader & Ender projects are meant to do.

It's time to set them together - at least I think I have enough to start laying out and determining how I want to go with them and then?

Oh no!

Monday, October 14, 2024

These Are My Peeps -

I'm looking back 7 or so years in time when I was sitting on Lisa's stoop to her quilting studio in her back yard -

"I think I want to do this.  I want to buy this house and turn it into a retreat."

I pulled up the listing and started showing her photos - this was even before I had done a walk-through on my own to know if it would work or not.  It was just a listing with photos and bit of history of the place.

It felt like an impossible pipe dream.  And here we are.

These are folks who belonged to the Winston Salem quilt guild I belonged to when I livlburg, NC.

These are friendships now more than 15 years old.

And along with that core group of friends are new friends who come as fill-ins and alternates and our circles expand with room for all.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Where the Fog Nestles -

Early morning, Highway 421 toward Boone, NC yesterday on our way to Hubster Dave's doc appointment.

I don't knot if you can see it off to the right - that white area?  

One of my favorite things about living in the Blue Ridge mountains is the magical fog that tucks itself in and around the hills and hollers like a fluffy white blanket.

There is something comforting about morning fog in the fall.

It's time for pulling out the warmer clothes (I've got my new cute ankle boots on this morning that I bought back in August.  YAY!) and planning for the pumpkin-spice-everythings that flavor the season.

Sweater weather! 

Adding that 3rd quilt to the bed, more for the weight of coziness than for the warmth I need - and then kicking one leg out of the covers half-way through the night because I'm too hot.


Thursday, October 10, 2024

Look What I Can See!

I took this photo last evening as we returned from a trip to town.

The objective was to get Hubster Dave out of the house and relieve his boredom.

I get it.  I remember well the time I broke my foot and was laid up for a while non-weight-bearing.

And then there was the time I twisted my knee in Vietnam and managed to fly home in a full leg brace...fun times!

Now it's his turn.

But I digress.  We have now lost enough leaves that I can see those ridges past the edge of our yard - and more mountain views are appearing to the east as things thin out more.