
Wednesday, March 05, 2025

In Lieu of Sewing -

I spent Monday doing a clean out and reorg of my cutting table.

I just couldn't stand it any longer.

I was finding it hard to find actual cutting space on my mat as the available area became smaller and smaller due to the piles and stacks on both ends of the table - 

Random rulers, piles of strips and fat quarters -

Leftover lengths of backing margins -

Yardage not chosen to be binding even though it was in the line up, just stacked on the end until I could get myself around to putting it away.

The catalyst?  Somewhere under those piles was the rotary cutter and a pair of scissors that I could not find.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Out On The Porch!

The sunshine did not disappoint as we stepped out onto the porch with quilts (And jackets!) for our first photo-op over the porch rail of 2025.

We weren't sure we were going to be able to do it - it's been dreadfully cold and really windy - but here they are!

It's been wonderful having the March Quiltvillians in residence at Quiltville Inn over the past week.

They really put the pedal to the metal and kept the churning out of  precious things going!

Monday, March 03, 2025

Of Porches and Quilty Things!

Son Jeff and Hubster Dave have been hard at work replacing our weather worn and disintegrating porch railings at home.

They are making great progress on this big job, and I am loving it.

The current on-going discussion is that they want to paint the wire grids black.  I want them kept galvanized grey (So that they never have to be repainted!) and once again I am the odd one out.

I'll keep pushing the need to repaint scenario and see what happens.

The project is likely to go on hiatus shortly as Hubs surgery on his right hand scheduled for the 14th.  THey are trying to get as much done as they can before recuperation time sets in.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Hello, March!

Can it be that we've finally turned the calendar page??

Why is February so danged long anyway?

But March is here and I'm ready for it.

The rest of the world must be, too as I was out for some needed items on Thursday evening (cat food amongst some other items) and it was so wonderful to see the garden areas stocked with seeds and tools and other outdoorsy things.

And in the center aisles they'd pulled out all of the storage bins and reorganizing type stuff.

Spring fever is here.  Spring cleaning is next.

Anyone else feeling that excitement?