
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Time Out for Piecing!

And sew - it happened!

Beds were made, things made ready - and with rain falling outside, I took the opportunity to sit myself down at my machine and continue on with the string piecing of parts.

"But I HATE removing paper!" I hear some say.

Just make sure you use a paper that is easy to tear away.  Make your stitch length SMALL so the needle holes are very close together and the paper comes off easily.

I don't mind paper removal.  I actually find it rewarding and therapeutic.

It's all in your mindset.

Say you hate something enough, and you'll convince yourself that you do.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

At Halfway -

Halfway done - with the last block in row 4 which means I have reached halfway to complete on the hand quilting of my Ladder Star quilt.

I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to finish that block so I could move the hoop to the first block in row 5 which would put me on the downhill side -

But that's okay.  There is more evening hand quilting time to come.

Putting that hoop in my lap is like saying "What a day!" to a good friend as I settle in for the evening to put some more stitches in.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

While Rhododendrons Bloom!

I know I posted about the rhodies blooming earlier -

And everyday more blooms are opening leading me to think that "Today must be peak!"

And then the next day it outdoes itself once again.

And I take more pictures.

Because the blooming season for this ancient bush is just not long enough.

All it will take is one big hard rain and all of the blossoms will be on the ground.

And.....that kind of storm rolled through last night in the wee small dark hours and I"m not sure what I'll find this morning.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Short & Sweet (Weekend!)

These kinds of skies.


But daunting!

It's this kind of weather that says "Maybe it's not the best time for over the porch rail photos...."

But it also came at the RIGHT time.  Because the upstairs AC unit decided to go on the blink. 

Oh, it blew air - just not cold air.