
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Quilt-Cam 7/30/2014

Welcome to Quilt-Cam night!  I’m really excited to sew..I’ve been cutting all day after waking up and feeling kind of punky.

It was a good day to stay in and just pet the fabric, press the fabric, cut the fabric, nothing with too much concentration.

I love hearing your real life stories, and this one is no different.  It come from Sharyn in Kalama.

She writes:

A few months ago I got a wild hair to do a shirt quilt. Problem is I am sole care of  my mom, 89 w/advanced dementia, so that pretty much precludes shopping, she won't go and I can't leave her.

So I had the bright idea to ask  if someone would be willing to shirt shop for me :)  Wasn't the best idea I ever had, but now I do have a little pile of shirts I've been working on.

I started just doing 4.5" strings in lights and darks and then I thought...surely I can do some paper piecing without too much brain strain (there really isn't any true think time with mom). That was successful, and very soothing I might add. I'm doing 2.5" flying geese, and 4.5" wonky stars. Way too cute to be legal.
The attached photo is my daytime with mom work space in the front room.
So just this note to say I'll start pulling papers during quilt cam tonight (she is usually asleep by then) and to say thank you for all your shirty goodness :)  If a quilter is determined to sew, we will always find a way.
Merciful Journey across the pond,
Sharyn in Kalama

I love this story, Sharyn!  Thank you so much for sharing.  I know a lot of us are dealing with the challenges of aging parents, or aging spouses, or aging ourselves!  A few stitches a day CAN make things better.

Pet the fabric, press the fabric, cut the fabric, sew the fabric….just one day at a time!


Pet the fabric, press the fabric, cut the fabric!


Count out everything in sets of 10, half with light chains, half with dark!

((This should be enough to keep me busy for a while!))


Lay out blocks on the floor ---yes, I think this will do!


Where I’m sewing tonight!

Are you ready to sew?  This is just a nice break from the string piecing I always seem to be doing….easy does it.  It’s a 9 patch variation, all rectangles and squares.  Because this was in a past magazine issue I can’t just give you the cutting measurements here but if I tell you that everything comes from 2” strips perhaps you can manage it? 

Click the screen below to start the feed!  Let’s SEW!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Bonnie Glad to be joining you tonight. Am working a a 2014 quilt row from one of the shops I visited this past weekend on my way with my quilt friends to our annual quilt retreat. Marie from Rochester NY

  3. After working on the longarm all day, I am sitting and prepping pieces for hand applique. In two weeks my youngest will be going off the college. I cannot take my sewing machine on this trip, so hand applique, cross stitch and knitting will have to do! Oh and two classes at AQS Grand Rapids to celebrate an empty nest!!

  4. Yippee! We were sent home early at work! Now I can watch you live on the commute home, I'm a passenger! My day was downhill from the start, losing money in the pop machine, etc. Now my day is fantastic thanks to Quilt Cam!!!

  5. I don't believe! I just opened up my blog feed and there you are, quilt cam time. Usually I have to watch via you tube but not today :) so hello Bonnie from Kim in Adelaide Australia where it's mid morning and I'm going to stop all my chores and sew along.

  6. I got my Row by Row quilt top finished and loaded. I'm ready to Quilt it as soon as QuiltCAM is over. Setting up my last 12 Blocks for sew for DS #1's 15th Anniversary Quilt. So happy you are feeling better for hanging out with us!

  7. Hi From Iowa! Working on a spider Web block! I made the template for it today. Looking forward to getting some scraps out of my baskets! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I love the block you're doing this evening! Julie Young

  8. I missed the beginning - what machine are you using tonight? It sounds like a heavy duty motor - growling away!! Sue K, Valparaiso, IN

  9. Anonymous9:22 PM EDT

    I guess it wasn't meant to be tonight. I can't get the feed to begin....its all blacked out. I can see the post pictures of what you're working on, but.....*sigh* no quilt csm tonight....I guess its just as well, I have about two bushels of pickles to can anyway!

  10. I am working on hexie flowers. I don't have a pattern worked out yet.I picked up some heavier cotton shirts, twill perhaps, will these work in a quilt?

  11. So happy to be catching quiltcam live! Love Wanderlust behind you :)

  12. Hi Bonnie, joining you today from Auckland, New Zealand where it is Thursday afternoon. I have the day off today as I work weekends, so get to join you. I am hand piecing a tumbling block quilt while watching you, love Quilt Cam. Have a fantastic time in England. Rhiannon

  13. Hi Bonnie ... Jean from AZ here. I went looking for the silver ink Uniball pens and no luck at Staples! May have to wait until Christmas! I'm sewing along with you ... it's Criss Cross Applesauce. I bought two more green shirts at a thrift store this morning. Love the pattern. Safe traveling!

  14. Hello Bonnie. Trying to comment tonight and didn't get it right the first try! Lol! This is Jo from Minnesota. I loved attending your workshops last week in Illinois! You are amazing teacher. I am working on my pink and orange fabric using the pattern My Blue Heaven. It was axing to meet you! I hope we cross paths again one day!

  15. Love this. A mini sew-in online. I've been standing at my longarm most of the day, quilting other gals' quilts. So tonight a bit of hand quilting on my own hand appliqued table topper. Relaxing to stitch along with folks all over the world. Look Bonnie! World Piece!

  16. Just wanted to check in and say hi and thanks! I so appreciate all you do to promote quilting and resourcefulness! You are a great example! THANKS! Can watch tonight but will catch this later....

  17. Anonymous9:31 PM EDT

    Hi Bonnie...this is Connie from Northern California! I am piecing some placemats (finished square size are one inch!) and doing it in all pastel/jewel colors...Love quilt cam!!!

  18. Hi Bonnie,
    Joining you while I prepare goodies for a bake sale tomorrow! I am hoping to get a label on a quilt and gift it to a special lady tomorrow at the sale.
    Meg in Michigan

  19. Now that I am retired I can stay up and watch quilt cam. Hooray! Stitching down a binding in a baby quilt I am gifting on Saturday. Thanks for all you do. Quick wuestion, do you ever have an issue with not enough light to sew on the plane? Last week I traveled to Colorado and it was a night flight and that little overhead light wad not enough light for me.

  20. Is the project you're working on tonight for the new baby coming in your family? I missed the first part of quilt cam, sorry if you already answered this question. Thanks-
    Joann in AZ

  21. Had so much fun on Saturday for the Sister's Choice workshop! It was my first quilt workshop and I had a wonderful time. Almost missed QuiltCam tonight - I was playing with my niece and nephew who missed me over the weekend. Lisa

  22. Hi Bonnie! Woo hoo..........FINALLY I get to watch you live again!

    It's been MONTHS! As you can see from my profile pic, there's been two little ones taking up most of my time! As a grandma they tend to take precedence over sewing right now :(

    soooo....not sewing tonight, just watching.

    I do have a general question though, about quilt cruises. Are the machines provided or do we have to figure a way to bring ours with us?

  23. Anonymous9:59 PM EDT

    Connie again...just to let you know my previous iron started smoking, so ordered the sunbeam Hot2Trot that you suggested and am using it for the first time tonight! I like it so far!!!

  24. Hello from Oregon. Bonnie when you do leaders and enders how much space between each piece do you leave? I have a problem with the stitching coming apart where the seams begin or end. Thank You

  25. Hi Bonnie - I'm in Auckland New Zealand.
    I too lay out squares or triangles on trays or cookie sheets but to stop the problems with slipping bits and pieces I have glued black felt on the trays - works a treat as the fabric sticks nicely to the felt.

  26. Quilt Cam is such a terrific teaching tool Bonnie!

    Your continuous piecing has so changed how I sew to the BETTER - this alone would be worth watching. Love see you work, there is a quite rhythm to you method!!!!


  27. Haven't caught QuiltCam live yet, but since discovering your postings, I've begun opening myself up to try some scrappy quilting and give "leaders & enders" a go. I've got lots of fabric stashed, most with patterns and planned projects allocated to family members. But as each quilt gets made, I've not known what to do with the scraps. Think I will give your fabric scrap users system a try. Thanks so much for the practical help and the inspiration.

  28. Had to skip Quiltcam, because of a very ill son.... He's sleeping now and I really hope the medication does the trick..
    So glad you have Quiltcam archived!!!! Hope to watch a bit now and the rest mabe later.
    And I absolutely L*O*V*E those little Carolina Chain Blocks!!
    Ofcourse we can manage with the 2" strips....... :D
    Let's sew a bit!!!
    Love from the Netherlands, Ria.

  29. This looks like Garlic Knot from Jan/Feb 14 Quiltmaker, and one I had earmarked to make. Now I definitely will as I have a grandniece or nephew due in December and need to get a quilt started. Thanks for the wonderful patterns, ideas and inspiration - even when you aren't feeling the best. You ARE the best!

  30. Can you sew hexes at the tennis tournament? I say YES. My hubbie and family went to Vancouver for the weekend, and he got tickets for a CFL game on our last night. We were going straight from the game to the ferry back to Vancouver Island. I don't get football (I'm Scottish) When we left the car to go to the indoor stadium, he said to me "Aren't you going to bring your quilting?" so I spent a lovely night while they all watched the game. The only problem was when everyone was cheering, I would ask what happened!!!

  31. I am so happy I found this. I'm from Fall River, MA and new to quilting and sewing. Joined a group on fb in which you have many fans. I learned so much from you in this webcam. Look forward to seeing more. I have clear boxes labeled with different size fabric squares and I use the plastic little bags you get curtains and linens in and have my strips of fabric by different sizes and am always looking to find something to do with it. I love this pattern and now I know what I will be using some of them on. Thank you.


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