
Saturday, January 11, 2014

“Shed Happens!” & Cabin Shenanigans ---

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While I thought we’d have a relaxing weekend at the cabin this weekend….

Things have been MORE than busy up here!

Just WHEN is a girl supposed to sew?

While I was in Arizona, the shed we had ordered was delivered ---here it is being backed into the driveway and up to where it is going to live –placed artistically at a pleasing angle in the yard at the end of the drive next to the propane tank.

The cabin doesn’t have a garage ---and just WHERE are we supposed to safely store two 4-wheelers and 2 kayaks and the other large amount of stuff that also needs to live up here?

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Here it is maneuvered into place –and we didn’t have to cut down that tree!

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It’s been leveled with cinder blocks…and today we ended up running into Boone for some things we needed….a shed on an incline needs a RAMP.

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There is room for the two 4-wheelers in here with room to spare.  You can barely see it, but the bottom of one of the kayaks is visible in the rafters at the top of the photo.

Being a person with need for space to store my sewing-machine herd – I can appreciate the need to have a shed up here for all of the guys' outdoor stuff.

And while Mr Fix It was in a fix it mood ---remember the 47 kitchen knobs I wanted replaced for Christmas?  Well….I must admit he kept his cool really well when I mentioned that I had just bought 47 round back plates to put behind the knobs to hide where the brass ones left their mark.

Yes.  This meant that all 47 knobs had to come off again.  And be reinstalled again!

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This is the problem.  The base of the brass knob was wider, and left a tell-tale circle.

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Oil rubbed bronze back plate covers the circle!

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All 47 of them!!

I love the knobby pine of these cabinets.  There is some scratching and wearing on some of the cabinet doors and drawers around the knobs from frequent use, so I picked up some scratch cover at Lowes today to also see if I could make that look a bit better.

I picked up sets of furniture sliders for going under the wheels of the treadle machines so I can slide them on carpet.  Their little metal wheels are leaving marks on the cream berber so that should solve that problem.

And while we are at it…

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I LOVE sewing with my 301 in the card table at the cabin, but I am a tall girl at 5’9”! 

A simple fix of raising the legs by 2” made my sewing much more comfortable so I could sit up straight with no strain and no caving of my mid-section.  It’s not gorgeous, but having a handy man around is a good thing!

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You can see this table is about 2” taller than the one to the side of it, so my machine is the same height it would be if sitting on top of a regular table…the height I like it!

A bit of Netflix on the laptop, some Wonky Wishes star blocks and I’m a happy girl!

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Crumb bins provide hours of entertainment and variety!

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Six so far today – but more to come tonight!

Darkness has fallen and I’ve got dinner on the go.  I froze the rest of the family-size package of pork chops from Christmas, so those will be thawed and grilled shortly.

And the yummy aroma of roasting root veggies fills the cabin:

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Inside my dark oven!

I’ve got sweet potatoes, red skin potatoes, carrots and onions in this batch –seasoned with olive oil, garlic, dill, parsley, celery salt, rosemary and pepper.  YUMMY!  The basic recipe can be found under my recipes tab HERE.

It’s been a full day – I’m sure glad we've got tomorrow!

Love from Buck Mountain, NC

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  1. It's always nice when hubby gets in the mood to play handyman! We bought our home three years ago and added our "touches" that make it ours. I'm trying to decide what I want to work on tonight--hand quilt or machine sew. Maybe both!

  2. Anonymous7:00 PM EST

    Hi Bonnie
    I love how the table has the cut out for the machine to fit into. Did you do that yourself? If so, any chance of showing a photo of what machine is sitting on? I am keen to do that for my machine.
    Thanks so much for everything.
    Cheryl Hansen

  3. Oh wow, Bonnie, you are so close to me. My family just bought a cabin in Boone, NC this past March, we love it here! We are full timers. My children go to school here, my daughter is at Green Valley elementary (5th grade) and my son goes to Watauga high (senior) soon to be an ASU student. I was so excited to find someone else that knew my small little town. Just saying hi, who knows we may have rubbed shoulders at the Boone Lowes, lol.

    Blessings to you,
    Jodi Connors

  4. Dinner looks delicious! Great work hubster on the knobs and the shed! He is quite the guy to remove them all and redo them! I spent today sewing maverick stars while you were doing wonky wishes, love, LOVE, love it as each little star comes together! What fun!

  5. Hello and thumbs up and a smile to the hundred. I love your shed (enough that I have the exact one only mine holds my "crap" as my hubby calls it ). Glad to see y'all getting Quiltvilla like you like it.
    Robin Wood in Knoxville, Tennessee

  6. Sorry....hundred = hubster. I hate auto correct.

  7. would love to know where you got the table that is cut out to fit machine or did hubby do that for you but would love to have one. Hope you will share? Have fun and hope you get to sew some.


  8. Hi Bonnie, I tried your roasted root vegetables and brought them to a covered dish dinner I went to on New Years Day. They sure were a hit, and I really enjoyed them too. YUMMY!

  9. Janice from Omaha7:30 PM EST

    Bonnie, try Howard's Wax and Feed on your cabinets, it's an amazing product to cover scratches and makes wood cabinets look almost new!

  10. Anonymous7:50 PM EST

    Be sure to tell hubby to paint/seal that floor in the shed. We recently bought a cabin that came with 2 sheds. Both floors have rotted due to quads being parked in side when wet. Of course being north may have something to do with it...but better safe than sorry .

  11. Love the picture of your almost empty "shed". You will be amazed by what a picture taken a year from now looks like. While hubster might have wanted to balk about 47 knob redos, I am sure he paused and knew that it was far easier to cover up rather than redo the finish on 47 pieces. You all are supper doooers! So fun to see you enjoying your things.

  12. Gee, That table looked familiar and now I see you have my mom's machine and table...She is gone, but it has many miles on it and my niece has it now...Almost wish I had the table now....Enjoy...

  13. Nice looking shed - looks like it belongs right in that spot. And to have a perfect spot to store kayaks!

  14. Love the pic of the wood blocks under the table. We have some very old bricks that we will someday use for a fireplace, but in the meantime they are on duty under the sewing table legs. Just the perfect height!

  15. For the ladies asking about the table it was made that way by Singer. These are sometimes available on eBay but can be pricy, I have one dor my featherweight. Wish I could find one for my 301, Bonnie is one lucky girl...

  16. You are amazing! And the hubster is pretty cool, too.....

  17. Tracey Honig9:58 PM EST

    while you where busy with all of your "fixer-uppers"...I got to work on the first block of "Celtic Solstice"...(FINALLY!!) Sounds like it was a good, busy day...maybe tomorrow will find you with more sewing!! Much love from Texas!!

  18. No rest for the weary Bonnie ;).

    I have that exact sewing table your machine is dropped into. Do you know ANYTHING about the age etc. Got mine for $5.00 at a thrift shop I had walked into to waste some time before an appointment! Love it.

    All looks great at the cabin. Have a grand time...what a wonderful place.

  19. Anonymous10:15 PM EST

    I also have wood blocks under my sewing table legs, but i had DH drill shallow divits in them for the legs to sit in, now the table won't come off the blocks easily.

  20. wow--I am tired just reading of all your shenanigans! nice shed--I bet hubby is happy! love the stars blocks--thanks for sharing your day!

  21. I made roasted root veggies tonight too at a friend's house! She cooked curry, I showed her how to do the veggies. Mine were 2 sweet potatoes, 1/2 rutabaga, 3 small turnips, 4 carrots, 1 pack of mushrooms. I seasoned them with salt, pepper, and cumin. Yum! I let them keep the leftovers since I'm using the other 3 turnips and 1/2 rutabaga to cook in with my roast tomorrow!

  22. WOW!!All I've done today is get my CS webbed and the top assembled, adding the Inner border now. Watching Figure Skating while I continue sewing tonight. Making the roasted veggies for Sunday dinner. THANKS!

  23. Bonnie, Thank you for sharing the roasted veggie recipe. Your picture got me going and my husband really liked it. He grows delicious carrots and I need to find as many ways to use them as possible.

  24. Anonymous4:19 PM EST

    Thanks for the photo of your uplifted 301. I am 5 foot 11 and I have blocks under mine, too. I thought I was the only one and my husband thought me a little strange. I have the knee control, which I really like.

  25. The round plate behind the handles not only covers the ring, but really adds a touch of class to the new knobs! Love the look, enjoy your cabin and time with hubby!

  26. Anonymous8:00 AM EST

    Looks like you're well on the way to getting all of his stuff out of the way! Congrats! Just make sure that the kayaks aren't stored so well that they never come down again LOL!


  27. The round plate behind the handles not only covers the ring, but really adds a touch of class to the new knobs! Love the look, enjoy your cabin and time with hubby!


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