
Saturday, April 30, 2022

All The Purple Feels!

Yesterday was a cutting day for me!

I was eager to dig into the purples and begin cutting out and kitting up the blocks in the May/June 2022 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine - Ruby Jubilee Part 3 is included!

Often times when I am choosing blocks to include in my Addicted to Scraps column with Quiltmaker and making them in a few different colorways for photography samples I think about  what I would do if I were to make a whole quilt out of those blocks - Sometimes the ideas take me over and I dive right in, sometimes they percolate a bit in the background.

Basket blocks are a favorite and I love that Denise Starck is also varying the sizes of blocks from my Addicted to Scraps column in this quilt.  It makes creating these in different sizes so much fun!

Friday, April 29, 2022

Quilting All Day! ((DRAWING!))

Having one vehicle for the time being - and the fact that my studio and the inn are 7 miles from home can make things interesting.

We are learning to juggle the use of the van like we have never had to juggle before!

Sometimes - like this morning - means I am working from home while The Hubster takes the van to town for an appointment, and then when he is back, I can take it down the road to get done what I need to get done.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Blossom Explosion!

Remember my lamenting earlier this month with the snow and ice - worried beyond measure that the late freeze would cause us to lose our apple blossoms?

I arrived at the inn and QPO yesterday morning to an explosion of blossoms visible in the side yard - 

The apple trees have burst into bloom and it is such a beautiful sight to behold!

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

When Good Dogs Go Bad!

Monday night while clouds gathered - would we get caught in the rain?

It had been a long day of appointments, and the dogs had been cooped up at home while I was gone, so even though I had driven miles, and was wet-noodle-limp, I corralled Zoey and Mabel into the van and headed up to the Appalachian Trail.

Why does it seem like such a trek?  It's only 3 3/4 miles up the road from home to the entrance.

It takes 4 songs on the playlist time wise - about 12 to 15 minutes because the road is so winding you'll find yourself only going 12 to 15 mph around those curves.

But it's NOT FAR - so why is it such a struggle to go sometimes?

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Start With Something Quilty!

I'm putting this quilt backing at the top of this page - 

Not because I think you will think it's wonderful - but as a reminder to myself "Now that the backing is done, what is stopping you from loading and quilting this thing?!"

I felt a stall out over the weekend.  And that's okay.  We all have that from time to time.

But this is a reminder to me that any lack of sew-jo will find its way back if we just give it space.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Quilt A Little - Relax A Lot!

If any sewing that happened over the weekend amounted to just the hand stitching of the binding on this table runner, and a bit of evening hand quilting on the "this is taking forever" string star project, I still consider it good!

When the weather is finally nice enough to focus on being out there - the sewing can wait! What's the hurry?

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Earth Day 2022 - Love & Peace Quilt-Along!

The ancient dogwood tree in front of Quiltville Inn is blooming!

And not just starting - 

It seemed like overnight the blossoms opened and took over for Earth Day.

And it brought to me so many feelings - Grateful for spring.  Grateful for the earth's beauty that still exists while so much turmoil is on-going in the world. And more.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Borders for the Win!

I ended up working from home yesterday due to the dogs.

You know they rule the roost around here, but truthfully it was easier to just take care of all of the computer work that needed to be handled with them here, then to put them in the car and haul them to the QPO to try to do it there.

Sometimes having two office spaces has its benefits - and conveniences.

But after they spent quite a bit of time outside and I was sure it was naptime for them, I did duck out and head over with one mission in mind - getting borders on my patriotic version of Hearts of Hope.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Creativity (And Thoughts) Out of Control!

I turned around yesterday as I was heading out the door and simply laughed.

What a disaster.

But what a creative mess of happiness!

There are strings and scraps everywhere as I turn my attention to upcoming holiday seasons and summer.

Red, white and blue - in an explosion of scraps.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Time Out For Discovery!

This is the sleepy town of Saltville, Virginia - nestled into a valley tucked deep into the Blue Ridge mountains of Middle Appalachia.

For more than a year now Martha and I have put off and put off again plans to take a little field trip to visit Saltville (only about an hour away) and the Museum of the Middle Appalachians.

The history of Southwestern Virginia is fascinating and I love learning about things that have happened here over oh.....the past 25 million plus years or so.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Easter Eve - in Search of Ponies:

With yesterday's April Showers PDF pattern release following an Easter Sunday day off - I'm doing a bit of back-tracking this morning.

It slushy-rained yesterday.  This morning it is 28 degrees with frost and snow flurries. (Can we fast-forward into June please?!)

But Saturday evening was in the 50s and dry enough to grab a hike with Mabel Mae and Zoey Jo.

They love it!  We have to force ourselves to get out there and get our activity levels up.

But we did it!

Monday, April 18, 2022

April Showers Gift-Away!

Good Morning, Quiltvillians!

There could not be anything more apropos than releasing April Showers on this rainy April Monday.

But unlike "Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down" ala Karen Carpenter (who is greatly missed, believe me. I loved her and wanted to sing like her so bad!) this is a happy rainy Monday.

As they say "April Showers Bring May Flowers." and things are greening up as we speak!

The lilacs are leafing out - soon will come the purple blossoms, and my April Showers quilt brings all of that purple and green spring feeling together with fabric and thread.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Top Dog!

Zoey's acrobatic antics never stop.

And that includes her new favorite place at the back of the couch where she looks over my shoulder at whatever I'm doing.

She is the queen of all she surveys.

This little photo op happened just this morning when I was settled on the couch, coffee in and, scrolling through the news.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Down a Winding Dirt Road - ((And Quilt Stuff Too!))

This little jaunt happened on Tuesday evening after my return from the endodontist.

There was still plenty of daylight left, and what else can you do while you wait for your face to un-numb itself?

Spring is my favorite season of all and I want to grab as much of it as I can while observing the changing world around me!

Of course Zoey and Mabel are not going to say no to any kind of outing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Ice Follies on the Hillside -

Just about the time the yellow daffodils are starting to look tired, there is a second round of spring loveliness emerging from the depths of winter on the hillside.

I have no idea how long these bulbs have lived in this location - but I love the name "Ice Follies" as told to me by a gardener friend - this variety blooming stark white against the early spring green.

Seen in the background - the Old Fields Woolen Mill stands silent and empty.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

So Many Antique Quilts!

This is what I waited all weekend long for!

Saturday's Sharing of the Quilts.  Oh how wonderful!

When I received Tara's email that the ladies wanted to do an old fashioned "Quilt Turning" while on retreat, I knew the perfect location where everyone could gather around.

A place where natural afternoon light comes through windows -

A place where a tall antique queen sized bed would be perfect centerstage with everyone gathered around to see closely.

Monday, April 11, 2022

Too Much Quilty Goodness! (Never!)

How do you get group photos when a snow squall is on its way?


And bundled up.

If you want to know just how windy it was, just look at the quilts that wouldn't lay flat - or check out the blowing hair.  What a CRAZY WEEKEND for weird weather.

I don't think it was a snow show that anyone will forget any time soon.

Saturday, April 09, 2022

Hangin' With The Quilt District!

We have had nearly 3 seasons of weather up in the Virginia Highlands - and the weekend has just begun!

From 73 on Wednesday afternoon as cars began to pull in - to snow last evening and overnight.

Add to that wind, and the hilarity of trying to capture quilt photos in a stiff breeze - 

But who really cares about the weather when we've got good food, good friends, good fun and tons of fabric around for boundless creativity?

Thursday, April 07, 2022

They Say It's April Showers -

I still say it's MUD SEASON!

It poured like crazy last evening - the sky just opened up just before bedtime with the whole sky-show of thunder and lightning, the rain coming in torrents.

I thought about The Quilt District gals - all tucked in for their first night of retreat at Quiltville Inn, so glad that yesterday afternoon truly was lovely at 73 and sunny for their arrival and unloading of ALL THINGS QUILTY.

They didn't arrive in the rain - and this is a good thing.

Wednesday, April 06, 2022

What Jeanne Brought By!

I had such a welcome visitor yesterday!

Jeanne and her hubby stopped by on their way up north to New Hampshire from Florida  -  The snow birds are returning to take care of their home nest.

They are spending a few days in the area, and came on by to show me some even smaller versions of mystery quilts that Jeanne has finished while RVing through the winters.

Spending the winter months in an RV with a small featherweight also means there isn't a lot of room for workspace to lay things out - OR to travel with a bunch of stash so Jeanne made her creations in half size!

Not half the number of blocks - but the same number of blocks, with the units being half the size of mine!


Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Opting For Some Outside!

I arrived home around 5pm yesterday to the question of "Would you like to take the dogs to the park?"

You don't have to ask me twice!

My only stipulation was that we take a trail we'd not been on before to explore a new area.

And I'm glad there were two people for two leashes, because I don't think I could have kept the bumbling barkers untangled and under control on this narrow trail full of sights, smells, and sounds -

Monday, April 04, 2022

New Fridge Day!

This delivery happened a few days ago - 

But Friday's release of Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along Part Two took center stage on Friday, and well - 

Things got pushed back to NOW.

I hope everyone had a great weekend - I concentrated on relaxing and doing little to nothing - I sure needed it!

But I digress - that fridge delivery!

Saturday, April 02, 2022

An April Out And About Day!

New Haircut? Check!

Lunch out with a friend?  Check!

Feed store run for said friend's cow-goat-chicken-bird needs? Check! 

(And yes we appreciated the potted germaniums and other blooming babies also on display.  SPRING! YES!)

A visit to the friend's mama's house to say hello and pick up some needed things.  Check!

And what about a visit to the antique mall to spend some more time?  Yes please!