
Monday, April 18, 2022

April Showers Gift-Away!

Good Morning, Quiltvillians!

There could not be anything more apropos than releasing April Showers on this rainy April Monday.

But unlike "Rainy Days and Mondays Always Get Me Down" ala Karen Carpenter (who is greatly missed, believe me. I loved her and wanted to sing like her so bad!) this is a happy rainy Monday.

As they say "April Showers Bring May Flowers." and things are greening up as we speak!

The lilacs are leafing out - soon will come the purple blossoms, and my April Showers quilt brings all of that purple and green spring feeling together with fabric and thread.

"Where have you been hiding this one?!" cane the questions when I first started showing previews.

The Quilt Vault holds many secrets! LOL!

This was a semi-ufo when Covid hit, and it too some time to get it done behind the scenes, but there were some sneak peeks along the way if you have followed me for the past couple of years and were paying attention.

There is a lot of "Squirrel!" playing going on herein the studio.

I adore these blocks - I love things that spin and twirl and look like they are in motion.

I also love things that bring secondary designs together, and trick the eye - is this quilt one block or two?  

And of course, you can't beat a quilt that comes out of the Scrap User's System.

Hot off the longarm before binding - with Quiltville Inn through the windows behind.

While the neutrals and greens are completely random in April Showers - the purples are specific to each block like the petals of a flower.  It added some continuity and interest.

Even though there is a wide variety of purple from royal to magenta-violet, there is a bit of order to the whole by keeping the same purple together in each block.

Lilacs, redbuds, hyacinths, wild violets - Bring it on!


I used my Essential Triangle Tool for the half-square triangles in April Showers.

I used the Simple Folded Corners ruler or Simple Folded Corners Mini for the stitch & flip corners on the diamond rectangle units.  

I use these rulers all of the time.  If you don't have them, invest in yourself and get them! You'll find them in the Quiltville Store.

Traditional rotary cutting and piecing methods will be given to those who don't have the rulers.

You'll also need a phone book or other foundation paper for the string pieced border.

Piecing Up Spring!

Quilt size: 72'' X 84''

Purples and greens twirl on a field of creamy white! Dig into your scraps and stitch up a garden of fun. 11 pages of step-by-step instruction with full color photos and graphics to guide you!

Does your purple or green (And neutrals - always!) stash need a bit of enhancement?  Check out these color rolls by Cotton to Quilts!

The best variety and fantastic service!  And I'm so grateful that Cotton to Quilts is once again offering up 2 fabric rolls for this gift-away!

We'll be drawing for one winner who will receive the PDF pattern for April Showers and a facets of purple color roll, and a second winner who will receive the April Showers PDF pattern and the facets of green color roll!

We'll draw for our winners on Friday, 4/29/22!

And since we are talking flowers - let's do this one too!

Irene sent me photos of the gorgeous tulips growing in her mom's garden over Easter weekend.  Bloom, my pretties - bloom!

And it got me thinking how we could sweeten this deal:

Better Together!

I've also placed Tulip Time at 25% off matching the introductory price of April Showers!  Price is good through 4/30/22 and reverts back to full on 5/1/22.

It's time to quilt up some spring and chase this rain away!

You'll find them both in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

They are also available in the PDF pattern shop on Etsy.

Rulers, notions, tools, books and other "shipped" merchandise are only available in the Quiltville Store.

We enjoyed a very low-key Easter weekend.  We walked with the dogs, we relaxed, took naps, ate good food, and I found plenty of stitching time to dig into another long-term piecing project that has been going on behind the scenes for a while.

I finished up the Benjamin Franklin documentary on PBS - SO FASCINATING!

I hope your weekend was wonderful - I hope you found some time to rest up away from the worries of the world, and make some good memories with family, friends, or even solo.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don’t wait until you know who you are to get started! Is that powerful or what?
You don't need to have it all figured out to start making progress towards where you want to be.
If we wait until we are ready, we'll be waiting for the rest of our lives!

Have a wonderful Monday, everyone!



otherussin said...

The quilt with the quote on it, do you know what the pattern's name is?
Now that would be a fun challenge.

Regina said...

Hi. Spring is looking good around here (Philadelphia PA) but it's still too cold for April. My husband is going to see Ken Burns today, along with others, to listen about how he developed the Ben Franklin PBS 2 part series. I'm jealous but it leaves me with more time to sew!!!

Mary said...

Love purple, using it up in the QM Jubilee Mystery Quilt. Never too many Purple Quilts. Love the spinning.

Quilter Kathy said...

Gorgeous spring quilts!

Unknown said...

Just this morning I placed all 49 6.5" blocks of Ukraine hearts in order on the guest room bed staging area and was wondering what I could do with all the two hst cut off each heart point.....and VOILA the green and purple block just might be a solution - it will be interesting change of colors but who knows..... time to try it out.... AFTER I complete the quilt borders of course....haha thanks for all the inspiration

Tammie said...

I was wondering the same thing!

Ellen in Arkansas said...

Beautiful as usual. Love your scrap quilts and admire your talent. Are they ever going to make purple fabrics again? It’s almost extinct and since it’s my favorite color I’m down to what I consider the dregs. Thanks for another great pattern.

spacer said...

We're still waiting for spring. Woke up to snow on the grounds most days last week and it snowed a good part of Saturday. Most of it is gone. Hoping for spring to arrive. Those tulips were beautiful. Love the April Showers.

Kathy B said...

Oh my goodness I love your April showers quilt! I am an April baby and my grandma always brought me lilacs from her bush for my birthday. Your quilt is beautiful!❤

DJ said...

Beautiful quilt!

Unknown said...

Beautiful quilt!

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