
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Top Dog!

Zoey's acrobatic antics never stop.

And that includes her new favorite place at the back of the couch where she looks over my shoulder at whatever I'm doing.

She is the queen of all she surveys.

This little photo op happened just this morning when I was settled on the couch, coffee in and, scrolling through the news.

As you can see we have a wet and rainy Saturday ahead for us, and for once I'm glad that it is not my responsibility to make Easter egg hunting great for the kids even in bad weather.

It does, however bring to mind many Easters past when my boys were young and they sported matching shirts and ties for Easter services and family photos.

And raising boys - this is the kind of Easter display they'd rather have than anything sweet and fluffy.  LOL!

Good times, boys - good times!

Back to quilting:

This hand quilting happened last evening after a long day of yard work at the inn - mostly performed by The Hubster while I worked on other things getting ready for Monday's April Showers PDf pattern release.

I smelled fresh cut lawn through the open windows of the QPO.  It doesn't get much better than that!

I am on the 3rd side of the 3rd round of fans in.  I'm getting awfully close to the thick spots where all of those seams in the center of the stars come together.

Sometimes I have to resort to stab stitching to get through those areas, and stitches may not be completely even, but it doesn't matter to me.

I often worry if sharing continual progress on this quilt is boring to my readers - the view from my hoop doesn't change much.  But hand quilting is not about how fast you go, it's about forming habits around when you sit and stitch, no matter whether it's simply an hour at a certain time of day, or more while you watch evening TV.

I don't count the time it takes me to get it done - I just do it while watching TV.

On deck last night:  Ghosts (the American version) Blue Bloods, and Manifest (just starting season 3 and it continues to get weirder and weirder!)  

Meanwhile - Ivy watches on!

Trying out this new leash connection!

I wanted a way to be able to walk two dogs with one lead and found these couplers on Amazon. So far so good!

We'll see how it goes with walking them up at the part to see the ponies once the rain has abated.

This morning I awoke to the French and German translations of yesterday's Part Four.  You'll find them linked beneath the PDF for English on that post.

And my eternal thanks to Elisabeth for offering up her time to get us the French and German translations for our international quilters.  I appreciate it so much!

Hearts of Hope quilt top finishes are already being seen around social media!

This is Teresa's!


This one by sjholman!

Keep up the good work, and please share your photos everyone!  

Please use tags #heartsofhopequilt #heartsofhopesewalong and #quiltersforukraine.

And tag me on Instagram @quiltville-bonnie so I can find you and see your progress as well!

Today I'll be quilting from the cabin as The Hubster is taking the van (leaving me without wheels!) to go to an archery thing.

There is plenty to keep me happily busy stitching in the sewing room here.

First up is working on that sample for Pat Sloan's Tantalizing Table Toppers book. I'm loving how it is coming together.

It's had me digging into a bit different fabric combinations - my colors are constant fabrics! And only the neutrals are scrappy. which has been a fun switch for me.

I'm thinking I'll be gifting this one so I am trying to keep that recipient in mind as I work on it.

Easter will be just the two of us this year, and our dinner of BBQ ribs and all of the fixin's for two sounds just perfect for me.

I want to wish a very happy Passover to my Jewish friends, and a wonderful Easter full of memories for those who celebrate.

Make some great memories and love your loved ones.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I think the trick is to be open to the wonders of any experience from the beginning!
Don't wait until it's over having to look back to find the silver lining!
Vintage nine patch and star quilt found in Kentucky. I love the use of solid red in this one!
Happy Easter Weekend, everyone!



Unknown said...

We also are watching Manifest. And you are right! Weirder and Weirder!
We keep watching to see the ending! Nancy O.

Debcal1946 said...

Thank you Bonnie and a very happy holiday to you as well.

Astrid Reflux said...

Personally I appreciate your showing your hand stitching - it's been both inspirational and educational, and I like seeing your progress. My two cents!

Mary said...

I made my Homemade Cherry Marshmallows eggs, gotta cover them with Chocolate. Easter for old folks, No real egg Hunts have happened here for a very long time. I got an old Hexi, handsewn quilt at Quilt Guild this week. I want to Hand quilt it to honor the maker. You inspire me with your Hoop view! Happy Easter! It brings many promises of New life. I remember the new Easter dresses and ties for Family photos on Easter when all our 6 kids were young. Got my New Dress ready for Easter Morning, no Easter Bonnet, lol

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I see that you enjoy watching tv while quilting. If you have Netflix, I highly recommend watching Barack Obama's new documentary on national parks. When I first heard of this I assumed it pertained only to our national parks, but covers several all over the world. The photography alone makes it worth watching!

Peggy F said...

Love seeing the progress on your quilt. Slow and steady completes the work. Zoey looks quite comfortable on her perch.
What are the words in the border of your quilt?

Judy in Michigan said...

Happy Easter to you and your family!! You are a blessing to us quilters and your daily chats are cherished. Hugs.

Lynette W said...

Bonnie, I for one, enjoy your hand quilting "updates." Especially in a time when people want "instant" and everything seems to be so hurried, it's nice to watch the pace of hand quilting. I honestly think you're getting so much done! It seems to be going fairly quickly to me!!

Unknown said...

Bonnie, I love seeing your progress on all the Quilty loveliness that you do, especially the view from your hoop! No matter what is happening at my sewing machine I always need a hand sewing project (or knit/crochet) to occupy my hands while I wind down for the night. I'm currently hand quilting Rhododendron Trail each evening ;)

Marcia said...

Love the Godzilla eating the Peeps!

We stopped watching Manifest because it got too weird (not sure which season).

Looking forward to table Topper pattern, your preview looks interesting.

janie said...

Your hand quilting with Baptist Fans inspired me to quilt my handpieced quilt with this pattern. I am doing it with big stitch quilting although it is difficult to use slightly bigger stitches after many years of small quilt stitches. Happy Easter.

Sherry said...

I love Ghosts! Gasp, yes I am a gasper....

Shelley said...

About Manifest, hang in there! Things will soon start connecting ๐Ÿ˜ kinda like when it took Lost to start making sense but totally not like Lost๐Ÿ˜€ I can't wait for the next season!!!

Unknown said...

I agree!

Judy said...

I agree 100% and that is my two cents for whatever it is worth. It gives me inspiration when I think I am never going to finish. Happy Easter to everyone who follows Bonnie's blog.

Judy said...

Happy Easter from another Judy in Michigan.

Irene said...

I love seeing your hand quilting. I like the Baptist fans and have quilted a couple of quilts using the Baptist fans. I want to use the Baptist fan on one of my quilts that has been waiting to be quilted for a few years. I have always liked to make queen size quilts. I also like to make wall hanging quilts, they are nice for a change and something that doesn't take a long time. I want to read again about making the Bishops fan without marking it this time. The leash looks interesting for walking 2 dogs. HAPPY EASTER

Gail said...

I enjoy your hand quilting updates. I have two quilts waiting to hand quilt, and as least one will be with Baptist Fans. You are giving me the boost I need to get going on my project.

Jacqueline said...

I absolutely love seeing your progress on your hand quilting. You have “almost” convinced me to find my hoop and give it a try! (Almost) I love seeing all the secret projects you are working on also. Can't wait to see more! Your blog is like opening a little Christmas present every day! Lol. It’s always exciting!

mangozz said...

Beautiful quilt and beautiful dog on top of it!

Barbara said...

Zoey has claimed that quilt as her own! You have inspired me to quilt my next top in Baptist Fans; I usually tie, or straight line quilt my smaller quilts, and the large ones go to my LQS for longarm quilting.

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