
Thursday, April 14, 2022

Down a Winding Dirt Road - ((And Quilt Stuff Too!))

This little jaunt happened on Tuesday evening after my return from the endodontist.

There was still plenty of daylight left, and what else can you do while you wait for your face to un-numb itself?

Spring is my favorite season of all and I want to grab as much of it as I can while observing the changing world around me!

Of course Zoey and Mabel are not going to say no to any kind of outing.

We kept a wide berth from the 3 big bulls in the "bull pen!"

Ummm yeah!

There is no filter here!

Things are definitely greening up1

What's crazy is that less than 100 miles away trees are fully leafed out - but out higher elevations won't see green leaves for another few weeks yet.

hen leaves are out you won't see this cabin.

Dusk was getting closer - see the moon?

Yellow blossoms!

Click to Play:

So many smells out here too!

But the best showing of all:

Forsythia hedges gone wild -

the yellow was riotous!

(This barn needs a barn quilt!)

Some of yesterday's kitting up became these cute blocks -

Part of the upcoming blog hop for Pat Sloan's new book release - Tantalizing Table Toppers!

More to come on that.  I'm still deep in the process of making my project from the book so I can share it with you.

And there WILL be a gift-away!  Be looking forward to that coming up.

This is also coming up!

With Easter happening this weekend along with Part 4 - the finale- of our Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along happening tomorrow, I'm looking at Monday 4/18/22 for the release of April Showers.

It celebrates the arrival of spring in purples and greens - the colors of new leaves and redbud blossoms as seen on my way to the dentist and back on Tuesday.

Yes, there will be introductory pricing.  And a beautiful fabric roll and pattern gift-away.

So there is more to stay tuned for.

Which means my day today will be another desk day to get this all taken care of.

Yesterday morning's dropping off of the truck.

We don't know how long we'll be without Dave's pickup but suffice it to say we are down to one vehicle for now.  We'll get a rental car when it's needed but we have no idea how long it will take the repair place to get parts in - and the rental car through the insurance only goes so far.  So it's a bit of a juggle right now with just the van between us.

It's one more reason to be grateful that he works from home and if he needs the van he can always drop me off at the QPO and come back to get me later.

I think that just about catches me up to now - how are things where you are?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -
Ohio Star quilt found in North Carolina.

Those small, sometimes mundane, everyday things don't get as much credit as they should.
Celebrate the small things that lead to big victories!
⁣ Ohio Star quilt found in North Carolina.

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



Unknown said...

Bulls are very respectful of anyone/thing that is taller than they are. So the secret is: have a long walking staff with you and if the bulls get out and approach you, hold the stick as high in the air as you can. I have kept a rampaging bull in a field when the fence was down, by holding my broom above my head as I stood in the gap. I'm only 5 feet tall and it was a Holstein bull (very,very large).

Jacqueline said...

All things Quilty!! I just LOVE them all! But that April Showers Quilt!❤️ If Dave drops you off at the QPO and you have no vehicle then you will be “forced” to sew all day! “🥺” 🤣🤣🤣🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Sara said...

April Showers is lovely!! And I can't wait to see what you are creating with Pat Sloan. Looks fun so far!

I've been driving a rental car since mid-January, because my daughter's car has been in the shop - waiting on parts. So she is driving mine, and I'm driving a rental because she couldn't afford to rent a car. Their insurance only covered the rental for a week. The dealer says the part finally arrived so I'm trying to be optimistic that we'll both have our own vehicles back by next week.

Alice-in-Stitches said...

My car was in the shop for three months , my husband had a small fender bender. Good luck

Teresa said...

OH NO!! What happened to the truck? Everybody ok?
I had a fender bender in our work SUV on March 29 but thank the Lord above it was minor. I should have it back by next week.

Leah said...

The little "x" blocks for the table topper project are super cute!

Tammie said...

Oooh! Can’t wait for April showers! Those are the colors of my bedroom! Perfect for the bed quilt I want to make.

Linda P in IL said...


Patty P said...

Still working on getting my sewing studio put back together after moving it from small 2nd floor bedroom to basement space twice as big! Old sewing room will be a nursery for 1st grandchild, due in Aug, who will be living here with his mama's for awhile. So fun!

sue s said...

Lovin' that April Showers quilt!!
We are in the middle of trying to fix a dishwasher on warranty. But the parts are somewhere in a country far away and so they are paying for a new dishwasher! Strange times.

Glenda said...

Deer vs truck.

Ruth McIlwain said...

I went to my quilt guild today and showed RT quilt. Everyone loved it. Thank you again, Bonnie Hunter, for sharing with us this beautiful quilt.

beth said...

Oh dear, good luck on truck repairs. Had to get new door and took 4 weeks, parts were hard to get (shortage with Chev). It was terrible.

Irene said...

Recently a small happening turned into a BIG happening. I was looking through a box of UFO small wall hangings for something to hand quilt. I did find a small wall hanging and took it out of the box so I could do some quilting on it and maybe get it finished. Laying hidden under the wall quilt was a huge surprise. 20 plus years ago my son and his girl friend came to see me and to show me the engagement ring for my son had given his girlfriend. I was so excited for them. I got out a few quilt magazines and asked them to see if they could find a quilt they liked. They chose a Tripple Irish chain in blue and yellow. I spent a year cutting and piecing and hand quilting their extra large queen size quilt. I entered it in my quilt guild's quilt show. Their quilt won Best in Show. Boy was I ever thrilled. I had won a few blue ribbons which thrilled me. But to win Best in Show was a wonderful achievement for me. The newly weds kept the quilt on their bed over the years. Then the quilt got damaged beyond repair. Their dog liked to sleep at the bottom of the bed and before they knew it the quilt had a lot of holes in it. My son and daughter in law brought the quilt to me and asked if I could repair it. I still had left over fabric from making it and tried to repair it. But the damage was just too much and after a couple of years I apologized and said I couldn't repair the quilt. Well the day I was looking for a wall hanging to hand quilt was a surprising day to say the least. The surprise under the wall hanging was a twin size Triple Irish Chain I had made with some of the left over fabrics from the original wedding quilt!! I had pieced it with 1" squares and the same muslin background fabric of the original. I didn't even remember piecing it, but there it was just waiting for a couple of borders and to be quilted. By the way I had enough left over blue and yellow fabrics to make two borders. I was so happy about that. I decided to have it machine quilted by a friend of my who has been machine quilting for years. So the quilt will be going to my friend so she can machine quilt it very soon. My son and daughter in law will be so surprised when they open their Christmas present this year. I am just tickled pink that I found the forgotten quilt top. It will be big enough for a topper on their bed.

Dallas D said...

Good to know!

Sharon said...

The forsythia are beautiful! God knew we would need bright yellow daffodils and forsythia in the spring, There is a long row of them on the edge of a neighbor's lawn, I look for them every year.

Hennetta said...

Hi Bonnie from a wet and devistated Kwazulu-Natal in South Africa.
We have had the most horrific rains the past week with much damage to just about everything. Roads, homes, communities and businesses. Over 300 people dead and rising and more rain expected. It's just horrible the damage here. We are so fortunate and thankful to not have suffered any damage except to the roads in our small community, but so many left without water. At least I still can sit and keep myself busy sewing. Thankful for small mercies. But more rain expected. We had 307mm on Monday alone.

Rtrittel said...

What a fantastic find - well done! I am sure they will be very happy to receive their quilt, again!

dottieanddaughterquilting said...

Bonnie, Love those colors in April Showers! And congrats on the article in https://www.quiltingdaily.com on April 14th. But they didn't mention my favorite which is Straights of Mackinac which I'm currently working on.

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