
Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Ice Follies on the Hillside -

Just about the time the yellow daffodils are starting to look tired, there is a second round of spring loveliness emerging from the depths of winter on the hillside.

I have no idea how long these bulbs have lived in this location - but I love the name "Ice Follies" as told to me by a gardener friend - this variety blooming stark white against the early spring green.

Seen in the background - the Old Fields Woolen Mill stands silent and empty.

But the cows don't seem to mind!

They are usually not back in this space though!  And that one cow to the right could just meander right up the driveway and on to the highway - there isn't a gate!

If you are looking at the upper left of the photo you'll see one more cow on top of the hill likely looking down with a tsk tsk tsk! "You aren't supposed to be down there on that side of the creek!"

Further behind the inn, the remaining yellow daffies look tired!

And the cow looking back says "Moo!"

Aren't they just so pretty??

White Ice Folly daffodils blooming for Easter.

Root canal day.

When you live in a small rural community and there is a procedure that takes a specialist, we just know we are going to have to drive hours away to be seen.

Such is the case with tooth #2 - the furthest back upper right molar in a very small mouth.

We've babied it along trying other things for a long time.  First we replaced the old amalgam filling, and that gave me a couple of years.  But eventually that wasn't enough and a crown became necessary.  The crown happened about 9 months ago and we were hopeful that would save the tooth -

But the nerviness of that tooth never settled down.  It has been sensitive to everything, finally giving me an abscess over New Years that was pretty much the last straw.

At my last cleaning my dentist suggested I go see an endodontist in Winston Salem.  I waited another month for an available appointment hoping all the while it wouldn't flare up  (too badly) before that day arrived.  Yesterday was the day.

Now I am not afraid of dental procedures.  Never have been.  My grandpa was my dentist from the time I first sprouted teeth.  I always knew that "Numb is my friend!" as grandpa would say.

But an upper way-back molar in a small mouth was not an easy task for the poor endodontist and I was in the chair for 3 hours before they said "Okay, we're done!"

Whatever it takes to keep my own teeth is worth it to me.  But this one had me on the edge of thinking "Maybe we should have just pulled it!"

I was numb from my eyebrow to my neck on that side of my face - it felt like Botox gone bad as I couldn't even move my eyebrow.  LOL!  

This morning all is much better and other than the injection sites which are still a bit tender, I think I'm on the mend.

Good thing - I've got to go back in 3 weeks to redress an old root canal on a closer-to-the-front tooth that is decades old and was revealed to be starting up a problem thanks to the panoramic x-rays. 

I just keep repeating to myself "Numb is my friend. Numb is my friend. Numb is my friend."

Thank you, grandpa.  I miss you!

It was 6pm by the time I arrived back home to a reheated dinner of leftover pasta - soft food to the rescue.

No sewing happened - but this is underway!

I've got something coming up for Pat Sloan's new book release Tantalizing Table Toppers!  

Yes, there will be a blog hop and a gift-away.  I'm so excited about what I'm making - I'm pacing myself to get it done in time.

The biggest thing on my agenda is to get the photography done for April Showers - It's looking more and more like that will release on Monday, after Easter - and I'm fine with that.  There is enough going on this week with the winding up of our Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along on Friday.

Today is also for getting The Hubster's truck to the collision place after being smashed by a deer.  At some point there is a rental car to be picked up - 

I'm just going to take it one thing at a time and it will work out however it works out.

How are things looking for your mid-week Wednesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

This morning I awoke to the beautiful sounds of birds chirping.
You can either be mad that birds woke you up too early. or put a smile on your face that you've got more hours to your day, and be happy that there is birdsong.
The choice you make can affect your mood and your productivity for the whole day.
I chose to be up with the birds and sing along!



Cats said...

the daffies are as glorious as the quilts you showed us yesterday! For a moment, i thought those buttons were real and wondered if we were expanding our stash to button collections??? smiles. my first AND LAST root canal was a nightmare, as is much of my dental experience, wish your grandpa was mine and yes, numb is my friend, I'm glad the worst is over on this one for you... sore mouth for a few days, i find to be true for upper work more than lower... so glad Dave is ok and the truck will be all right, I think you posted: "It's always something!" -- but holy cow (whoops they are loose!) you've had your share in bunches... have you alerted the neighbor as to the chances of his cows going walk about are imminent? Bonnie I'm laughing at you singing with the birds, i wonder when you manage to sleep! You are a phenomenon (or is it phenomena?) a force of nature... thank you for managing all you do and sharing it with us... Happy Easter and God Bless... Cats in Carlsbad, CA Sorry this is so long, but you are such a busy one and I wanted to acknowledge it all... hugs.

Mary said...

Very nove that the Ice Lollies were planted there and still surviving. Thanks for sharing the name. Mine are in a big clump. We can divide that and move a few later. Tulips are timid in the shade. Chilly weather they close up. I love to find the beauty in everything spring. It's our Miracle that happens each year after the snow. The foothills got more, but none fell here. Hurray, no slick roads. I hear you on the numb thing. Too many dentists in my history.

Leah said...

Glad the root canal went okay! The icy daffodils are lovely.

Those old woolen mill buildings are so neat. They're handily close to the road, but they look to be in pretty tough shape. Too bad someone couldn't renovate them. How cool would it be to have an an old brick factory building turned loft-style home, but in the country instead of downtown? Sign me up! I'm guessing the buildings might be too far gone for that, though. Cool photos!

Linda Swanekamp said...

Well, I had the upper left molar done on Monday. I had a crack under the filling which was removed. My dentist used a bonding procedure and reshaped the tooth. We are hoping the crack did not get into the pulp, or it will be a root canal for me also. A whole weekend of misery and two days of dental work, hoping that it is fixed.

Unknown said...

Loved the pics of the cows, daffies & old mill. Dental work is never fun! I plan on working on this month's block for a wool BOM I'm participating in. I dearly love wool applique, but then again, I love all things quilt related. Guess that is why I will never run out of things to work on.

quiltpiecer said...

I did the 2 crown thing on Monday, with the replacement of the filling off the back side of my front tooth. I now have 5 new crowns, one with a root canal since the first of the yea r. Totally understand the numb. The gums are still tender today but this too will pass. My azaleas are in bloom, dafidils still haven't opened up but have 4 iris blooming already. The Peonies are about to open. I have officially turned off the heat and ac completely. See you in july, Betsy

stitchinpenny said...

I understand the issues you have with your small mouth and a dentist. I did have a tooth extracted because after 2 root canals and pain and infection for 10 years of and on we found out I had a Crack on an I terror portion of the root. In the process of trying to save that tooth my dentist figured out that he couldn't effectively work in the back of my mouth because his hands were too large. He worked on children's mouths but not mine. Later for a recovery procedure for a tooth an endodontist couldn't find hardware to set up a bridge in my mouth. As my favorite dentist once said You just have to put up with me because I'm doing the best I can with your mouth.

cityquilter grace said...

i used to have ice follies daffs in my yard...they are so beautiful...

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