
Thursday, April 07, 2022

They Say It's April Showers -

I still say it's MUD SEASON!

It poured like crazy last evening - the sky just opened up just before bedtime with the whole sky-show of thunder and lightning, the rain coming in torrents.

I thought about The Quilt District gals - all tucked in for their first night of retreat at Quiltville Inn, so glad that yesterday afternoon truly was lovely at 73 and sunny for their arrival and unloading of ALL THINGS QUILTY.

They didn't arrive in the rain - and this is a good thing.

My lilacs are leafing out!  Hooray!

I know April can be so iffy - the ladies from Georgia laughed when I told them to expect snow on Saturday.

Yep.  It's coming.

I keep hoping that it will warm up enough to just be rain by then - but temps are dropping steadily over the next couple of days and I think we are in for winter's last hurrah.

As they say - let it come!  The quilters are in the Quilting Quarters sewing up their own kind of storm and these gals brought enough food to feed an army for weeks on end.  So bring it.

TOMORROW!  Part 3!

Are you ready?

I need to thank Kate Spain for the shout out in her most recent newsletter.  Catch it HERE if you haven't read it.  (And sign up - she has the COOLEST stuff, and signing up for her newsletter unlocks the free patterns she has for you.)

Here I am sporting Kate's Sunflowers in my Heart shirt she designed with proceeds going to World Central Kitchen in feeding those in need in Ukraine.

Thanks to so many of you - in the first month of offering Sunflowers in My Heart T-shirts, you've raised $7,500.00 for World Central Kitchen.  Let's keep it going!

If you would like to donate directly to this amazing organization, please visit WCK's website.  Visit the WCK Facebook page to watch videos and keep up to date on their daily work in cities throughout Ukraine.

Part of my day yesterday -

Any time I sit down for even a spare moment in my studio chair - Lola has to climb right on up. 

In between getting the finishing touches on the inn for The Quilt District's arrival - I had some time to play with some ideas OTHER than those blue string blocks that are still waiting for their stitch-n-flip corners. 

It started here.

Cute?  But way too much effort.

So I went bigger:

It all started with a leftover strip of the blue plaid from a recycled shirt.

Well dang.

Sometimes bigger is better -

It left room for some fun centers.

I'm going to have to set these aside.  I'm just going to have to!  At least until Hearts of Hope #2 is a top.

Finishing touches are going on Part 3 so we'll be ready for tomorrow.

This is hanging in the front foyer at the inn!

If you remember anything about this quilt - you'll know!

I have a special guest arriving later today.  I can't wait! I can't wait!

And there is going to be a quilt turning of antique and vintage quilts that is bound to be awesome.

I've gathered up an armful of some of my favorites I am dying to share with the ladies.

And yes there will be loads of photos.

What do you have in store for today?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Talent is not instantaneous. Talent is only the seed!
Nourish it, work hard at it, and watch it grow!
Tumbler Leader & Ender challenge! Remember this one?
It's still up under the Free Patterns tab on the blog. Such a great scrap buster!



Darlene Hennlich said...

Thanks for sharing the tee shirt info, just ordered one!

maryofkern said...

Great that the ladies got in during a "dry spell", today it will be 75-78 but snow on Saturday here in the valley, so will get a walk in the park in Salem to see what flowers have survived the latest windstorm and finish prepping my own garden for transplanting my seedlings (hopefully next week). Hope to get a bit of sewing done. Have a great time with the Quilt District group.
MaryAnn in Oregon

Mary said...

Fun to have a Quilt Turning at the Inn. Waiting to see Pictures. Remind us about where that Quilt came from?? I forgot. It was chilly for the last day of Grandma Quilt Camp, have to schedule a Part 2 to finish them up. 3 days just isn't enough time to finish a Quilt top. The 11 Yr old got her rows sewn together and on the design wall. I love to see their wheels turning as they piece the fabrics and Block parts together. Nice to see the Bumbling Barkers out and about.

Carol M said...

Love reading your post 6 days a week and I would love to send you some sunshine today because it is going to be 95 degrees in my part of the southwest coast of California. How is Mona? Haven't seen or heard about her in a while. I hope all is fine. Big quilty hugs to all!

Mary Ellen said...

I'm looking forward to the pictures of antique quilts!

ShirlR said...

I love your big blue blocks! The one with the lemons fabric and blue plaid is especially pretty. Blue is my favorite color and star blocks always grabs me! So great the ladies had a sunny arrival! I so look forward to your blog 6 days a week and all the pictures you post. And hearing about your beloved pets is always icing on the cake! Thank you for this happy spot in my life.

Nannieannie said...

What is the name of the last block in the free patterns tab? It looks like a spinning pinwheel on stilts. Very cute, very bionic.

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