
Wednesday, April 06, 2022

What Jeanne Brought By!

I had such a welcome visitor yesterday!

Jeanne and her hubby stopped by on their way up north to New Hampshire from Florida  -  The snow birds are returning to take care of their home nest.

They are spending a few days in the area, and came on by to show me some even smaller versions of mystery quilts that Jeanne has finished while RVing through the winters.

Spending the winter months in an RV with a small featherweight also means there isn't a lot of room for workspace to lay things out - OR to travel with a bunch of stash so Jeanne made her creations in half size!

Not half the number of blocks - but the same number of blocks, with the units being half the size of mine!

Rhododendron Trail with tiny pieces and blocks!

But check out that piecing!  WOW!

Allietare in half size!

Can you see the fussy cut beaver?

All of the centers had fussy cuts!

She said that these are next up for quilting, and yes she WILL scallop the border on Allietare at binding time.

Grand Illusion in half-size!

Jeanne, I loved having you and your hubby stop by for a visit!  your quilts are gorgeous - you are a girl after my own heart!

Other visitors before the rain set in.

As things green up the space along the creek down below the back porch has been busy.  Luckily the fence has held and there have been no surprise cow patties on the lawn!  LOL!

Rugs airing in the morning sun.

I'm still hoping to get them flat - and to air them out a bit.  I moved them to the side porch when the rain started yesterday afternoon around 3pm.

The Quilt District gals won't be here until about 5pm tonight - so I'm hoping that most of the rubber smell that was locked in due to being rolled and sealed in plastic will have a chance to dissipate.

We are supposed to reach 72 today - a great welcome for ladies from the Atlanta area and beyond, but it looks like it is going to be another weekend of staying inside and quilting.

Am I thrilled about that possible S word on Saturday/Sunday?  NO!

I hope those Georgia gals remember to bring some warm clothes!

Under my needle yesterday -

I finished the remainder of the blue string piecing for the heart tops in my second quilt for the Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along

All of the paper is removed and I am ready to start in on doing the stitch n flip corners today. 

How are you coming along with yours?  Part 3 goes live on Friday!

What do you mean I can't go out and play in the rain, mama?

It POURED yesterday afternoon and into the night.  This morning there is more standing water in my front yard at the cabin than I have ever seen.  It just can't soak in fast enough.

How are things looking for your Wednesday?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Are you allowing yourself to break some rules, and make some mistakes along the way? ⁣
Get out of the safety zone and play your heart out!⁣
Scrappy Bargello in recycled fabrics from men's shirts found under the Free Patterns tab at the top of the blog. ⁣
Have you made one?⁣⁣



Quilter Kathy said...

Those half size mystery quilts are fabulous! I loved seeing them and am totally inspired to try that next year :)

Cats said...

Last night on Jeopardy, we had photo of two 'cattle dogs from Australia' == the answer? What are the Kelpie? Zoey was not mentioned in particular, the pic showed a bit heavier dog, all over, but no acrobatics... it must be Zoey's special talent! proud to say because of your comments and 'educational' contents, i knew the answer too... just a fun aside from Cats in Carlsbad CA Spring is creeping in... prayers for Ukraine and love to all...

stitchinpenny said...

Love the half sized quilts!so inspiring.

Mary said...

More Quilting and piecing with the Granddaughters. They surprised me by bringing a quilt they made at home with some gifted scraps a lady gave them. They want to finishit it and give it to someone. Such thoughtful girls. The older one is helping teach her sister, It makes me happy to see the next generation loving to create pretty quilts, like Grandma. The half size quilts boggle my mind. My Grassy creek and Rhododendron Trail still aren't done. Hope you don't get more of the S word. Chilly this morning in the PNW.

Unknown said...

Mabel is so beautiful- those eyes!

Ruth McIlwain said...

I made a block of the Tulip quilt today to be sent off to my on-line quilting group. The name of the winner will be drawn at the meeting im Ohio in July. I did not make the sashing. Because the requirement is 12.5". Nevertheless, it came out very pretty. I can't wait to make it, but there are 2 quilts that have priority. Wishing for sunshine and warmer weather in Maryland.

Unknown said...

Jeanne's quilts are inspiring me to try some downsizing. More smaller size quilts might help reduce the stash. Maybe? At any rate it will be a good challenge. Thank you, Jeanne.

Marcia said...

Jeanne's half size quilts are magnificent! I especially like Allietare. I didn't make that one, but it's lovely. Spring is really trying up here in New York, but mostly April Showers! The lawns are greening up though so mowing will be the next chore.

haybrton said...

If your rugs continue to smell like rubber, you might try sprinkling some baking soda on them, let it sit a while, and then shake or vacuum off. It's fabulous for removing odors.

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