
Saturday, April 02, 2022

An April Out And About Day!

New Haircut? Check!

Lunch out with a friend?  Check!

Feed store run for said friend's cow-goat-chicken-bird needs? Check! 

(And yes we appreciated the potted germaniums and other blooming babies also on display.  SPRING! YES!)

A visit to the friend's mama's house to say hello and pick up some needed things.  Check!

And what about a visit to the antique mall to spend some more time?  Yes please!

I will wander anywhere Mz Martha wants to go! There was so much to see!

Not much came home - but I did find a LARGE depression glass mixing bowl that will complete my set of 3 that was missing the large one.  I've now got a set of 4.  It's living at Quiltville Inn.  Happy happy!

Feed sack Ohio stars.

GREAT colors!

Aren't these prints great?

And of course you know how I feel about those Baptist fans in the quilting.  THE BEST!

All of the blocks were feed sacks, but the sashing and cornerstones must have been chosen specifically to put this quilt together - it was "regular" cotton fabric.

The sad part?  Someone had placed this in full sun on one side.  While this half of the quilt looked pretty darn good, the other side is faded and shredded and falling apart.

Did it perhaps block a window at some point, being used to darken a room as a curtain?  Who knows.

This piece is so pretty!

The pattern on the veneer is so gorgeous with those diagonal lines - I don't have a place for it or it would have come home. 

My only hope is that someone does not chalk paint it and make something "new" out of it.

The highlight of the stop was being spied and spotted by a couple of other shoppers  - QUILTERS!

It had been a long time since I was recognized in public, and it was fun to talk quilts and fabric and where else they'd stopped on their own wandering journey to enjoy the day.  Thanks, ladies!

April First is Season Opening for Scoops!

I swear this is the cutest little ice cream stand ever.  It's on the highway between Mt Airy and Sparta NC - the back way we take to get back to Martha's place in Piney Creek, NC and from there I go across the state line back into Mouth of Wilson, VA.

Our joint haircut days have previously been Monday or Tuesday, (Because it is always more fun to go with a friend!) but this time we moved it to Friday because I didn't have a group this week.  And they were open - where they generally are NOT on Mondays.  We'd always missed them being open in the past.

Open! Open! Open!

Scoop me a double, please!

Pretzel - with chocolate and peanut butter.


The whole property is so cute!

You can shelter in the little shed to eat your yummy!

The owner is also big into metal sculpture and there is something to tickle everyone's fancy as you find a place to sit and devour your chosen frozen treat.

They are only open seasonally - I think they close back up sometime in October, but suffice it to say that haircuts will be happening every six weeks on Fridays through the season just so we can stop here on our way home.

Life is too short not to have the ice cream.

Last night's stitching companion.

Careful or she will hook your thread with her paws!

It only took about a month of being out of sorts for Ivy to get over the fact that Mabel is here to stay.  For several weeks she kept herself to the upstairs loft for whatever reason, but she is back to owning the place and could not care less about the dogs. They are beneath her.  LOL!

I've finished the 2nd round of fans from the outside edge in - I'm now on round 3!  I'll have more to show on Monday because TODAY - I'm trimming this quilt up and putting the binding on.

There is no need to have excess backing and batting hanging out any more as I have moved far enough to the inside.  

I'm leaning toward a dusty purple - I'll share more then!

My thanks to Elisabeth for getting me the French & German translations to yesterday's Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along, Part Two.

This morning I converted them to PDF and uploaded them to the website.  They are now linked on Part TWO right underneath the PDF link for English.

Thank you for understanding that translations come to me a day or two AFTER the part is released.  it takes Elisabeth some time to get them done and get them back to me - we both appreciate your patience so much.

I'm jumping in to make more!

Please keep sharing your progress through instagram and Facebook using tags #heartsofhopequilt and #quiltersforukraine so we can all follow each other's progress.

I'll be doing some more of the Part One units through the weekend - I hope you get some time to sew, too!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't just dream about where you want to be - work for it!
And don't give up on the dream just because it will take a long time to get there.
The time is going to pass anyway, work for it!

Have a great weekend, everyone!



Patty P said...

Always have the ice cream, lol. Life is to short to not. Looking forward to checking out these haunts of yours when at retreat in Aug. Dreary, rainy day in Iowa....perfect for sewing!

robynfam said...

We have a little ice-cream place about 5 blocks away. The custard is sooo good. They usually open late Feb and close 1 week before Thanksgiving. They open again day after Thanksgiving and sell trees and Ice-cream. It opened the same year I was born and it is still the same family! 69Years!
I asked if they would be having Orange-pinapple this weekend and Dan was kind enough to find a quart for me in the freezer. Now Today I have cake from the local bakery and Magic Freeze Custard! Local places are the best!!

Francine from Iowa said...

Love reading about your antique shopping and out and about adventures. Ice cream also has calcium which makes it healthy for you. Heavy snow falling in my part of Iowa this morning. What can you do but sew.

Mary said...

Rainy Saturday Morning. Clearing stuff, piling totes high to get ready for Grandma Camp. But first Strawberry Waffles for the Annual General Conference sessions today!

Elaine said...

Look at Ivy smile!

Merrie Star said...

Ivy has captured my heart, such a sweet kitty! Thanks Bonnie for Hearts of Hope sew along. I have Ukrainian ancestry but making this quilt for our dear neighbor who still has friends in the nation of her birth. I'm sure she will be in love with the pattern and can't wait to finish it up!

Nan said...

That is a gorgeous wardrobe. The veneer is in amazingly good condition.

Mary Ellen said...

Ivy is definitely smiling and happy to be back at her inspection position! If I were closer and had room in my home I would love that piece of beautiful furniture in my sewing room. Bet it would hold a lot. And, no, painting it or changing it in any way would ruin it!

Karen Markley said...

Miss Bonnie! how nice to be famous!! You have had a profound effect on me and my quilting. I guess you would call me a loyal devotee! I just adopted a 4 month old puppy advertised as Kelpie/Shepherd mix. We shall see. After a tumultuous first night, she is settled in at my feet and follows me everywhere. The cats don't seem to mind much either! We just can't figure out what to name her!

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