
Monday, April 04, 2022

New Fridge Day!

This delivery happened a few days ago - 

But Friday's release of Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along Part Two took center stage on Friday, and well - 

Things got pushed back to NOW.

I hope everyone had a great weekend - I concentrated on relaxing and doing little to nothing - I sure needed it!

But I digress - that fridge delivery!

We had to do some changing around - because this new one is just that much wider even though it is the same cubic feet.  Isn't that the way it goes?

Where it is sitting now is where the corner cabinet USED to be - they just did a switcheroo to make things fit better.

Corner cabinet is now HERE -

Which means the light switches aren't covered up and neither is the door fame.

It does mean people have to walk a bit further into the back foyer to turn right or left.  It will take some getting used to, but it will do.

The truth is we needed a bigger guest fridge.  This is where everyone puts their personal beverages and snacks, and having it on THIS side actually makes it better access for coffee creamers, etc.

Because the coffee station is right here next to it now.

And I still giggle at this sign.  LOL!

The fridge that was in this space is now at the cabin and Lowe's hauled off the old cabin one that the compressor was going out on, and I think we are all back in business as far as major appliances go.  At least for a while!

This cute project was sent in by Barbara Ann!

She used 6 of the Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along blocks to make a cute cushion cover.

I love that she used sunflower fabrics as a framing border.

With pillow insert!

Simple envelope style backing.

This would be a super quick project, and a great gift to a friend with Ukrainian heritage.

I do not know if she enlarged the blocks or what size the finished pillow cover is.  It's just posted here for inspiration.

As to my own progress - 

I need MORE of these -

I'm back at Part One as I dive into a second quilt so I can sew along with everyone else.

I hope to work on the rest of the blue string units today, and start adding the neutral corners for the heart tops.

There are plenty more blue strings to sew up -

That is, if you can get them out from under Lola!

How are you coming along with your own progress?

Temps barely reached 50 over the weekend - it was still extremely windy, so my plan of getting the dogs out for a good long exploratory hike didn't happen.

But it's coming!  Things are greening up, and even my lilacs at the front of the parking area at the cabin are leafing out just a bit.  COME ON SPRING!

Sweet Girls!

Though it was a bit chilly, I'm happy to report that the lawn at Quiltville Inn got its first mowing of the season on Saturday.

Do I have to tell you how wonderful it is to smell fresh cut grass for the first time in a long time?


I'll be taking today at a more leisurely pace than at break neck speed - gearing up for Housekeeper Susan to come tomorrow to get things ready for The Quilt District ladies to arrive on Wednesday afternoon.

The breaking in of the new guest fridge begins!

How was your weekend?  Did you get any stitching in?  Did you do anything fun?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Being creative is not just a hobby, it is a way of life and living!
Never stop thinking about that next project, about different techniques you want to try!

Have a terrific Monday, everyone -



Mary said...

I played Quilt designer with my Granddaughter. Grandma Quilt camp starts today. Spring break in the PNW. Windy outside. A good day to Quilt all day.

JMOT said...

I had to laugh at the first photo. I can't see the dolly under the frig and that makes it look like they are levitating it to your back porch!!

Rhonda said...

Oh, there are so many thoughts that make my heart sing, spring, beginning a new quilt, reading your blog, learning new quilting skills and trying them out. Thanks for your uplifting blog, yes, my heart is singing.

sue s said...

I'm reading this late today but the weather was so peculiar that it was a good sewing day. We had snowflakes that came down as HUGE clumps for about an hour after the rain stopped. Very weird weather here in SE Mich! I'm working on a couple of donation quilts so no pressure.

Donna Endresen said...

Hi Bonnie:
Even before I saw the bottom line, I was thinking that quote sounded just like a Dr. Seuss one! I Love it.
- No, I didn't get any stitching in this weekend, but, On Saturday, we had our first semi-Annual Kenai Peninsula Quilt Guild Meeting in person, in two and a half years. We only had about 50 people there, but Hey, It's a start!
_ I did get pictures of the 4 projects I completed last month, and the three I hope to complete this month. Other than that, this is the switch over month from Quilting to gardening, so I do a little of both the next couple of months.
-Enjoy the new fridge, at both places! Happy Sewing of the blue strings!

Kasilof, AK
Where it snowed really hard this afternoon, and we have snow or rain in the forecast the next two days.

Linda K. said...

I just love Barbara Ann's rendition. That sunflower fabric edging it is so cute.

Elaine Nemeth said...

On to yellow strings and cutting neutrals for bottom of the hearts. It's a lot of hours to sew and pray for peace to those homeless now due to crazy people.

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