
Saturday, April 23, 2022

Earth Day 2022 - Love & Peace Quilt-Along!

The ancient dogwood tree in front of Quiltville Inn is blooming!

And not just starting - 

It seemed like overnight the blossoms opened and took over for Earth Day.

And it brought to me so many feelings - Grateful for spring.  Grateful for the earth's beauty that still exists while so much turmoil is on-going in the world. And more.

I don't know how long this tree has stood here in front of the double bay windows at the front of the house, but I can imagine generations past who have also looked out onto this tree in full bloom to appreciate how fleeting the season of blossoming is.

I can imagine windows being opened to let in the fresh spring air, and folks breathing deeply that winter is *FINALLY* past.

I can imagine other times of war where just for a few moments, focusing on the beauty of this yellow dogwood tree brought some respite to the mind.

Reaching up to the lowest branch to touch -

I can't help but look at yellow blossoms against a blue sky and NOT think of Ukraine and the damage that is being done there.

This war won't be over for a long long time.  And the need is continual.  So while we have wrapped up our Hearts of Hope Sew-Along, I want to present to you another opportunity to sew your hearts out in benefit of Ukraine.

The Quilt District on Retreat!

So many of you have asked for more information on Sherri's Love & Peace quilt, but I couldn't tell you until it was time on how you could make your own, with Sherri to guide you!

My friend Sherri is hosting her own fundraising sew-along with all proceeds going to UNICEF.

We were trying really hard to get artistic photos, but the wind had other ideas! LOL!

That's Tara and me behind the quilt!

The Love & Peace Quilt-A-Long will show this quilt being made in colors representing the Ukrainian Flag and Sherri will be offering the instructions on her Quilt-A-Long Page, as a fund-raiser for UNICEF

The Quilt-A-Long parts will be released each Friday starting 4/29/22 to get this quilt done asap! 

All Sherri asks is that you please make a donation to UNICEF, using the links in this post or from the QAL page

This QAL is on the honor system. Please donate what you can. I know quilters have the biggest hearts and every little bit helps! Consider donating the pattern price of $12 or more! Whatever you can do to help. We can collectively make a difference. We are always better together.

What can you do to help?

  1. Donate to the Love & Peace Ukraine QAL at  UNICEF!

  2. Bookmark the QAL PAGE so you can go back for your parts each Friday.
  3. Quilt with Sherri! We begin on the QAL PAGE April 29th! 
  4. Help spread the word! Please print the Love and Peace flyer to share with your guild and quilt friends.  More sharing options on the QAL Page.
  5. Please remember to use BOTH hashtags listed! #loveandpeaceforukraine #quiltersforukraine
  6. Donate your completed Love and Peace quilt to #wrapukrainewithquilts (see video above and info on QAL PAGEAnd print and share their flyer too!
The supplies list is up on the QAL PAGE so go check it out, watch Sherri's video, and start those fabric pulls!

I encourage everyone to ask any questions they have regarding this QAL to Sherri as it is her baby and I am just helping to spread the love. I may not have answers for you - so thank you for going to the source.

Leave any comments or questions regarding the Love & Peace Quilt-A-Long on the QAL Page. And sign up for Sherri's newsletter while you are there. Thank you!

And thank you Sherri Noel for stepping in and filling a need that helps in so many ways. 

This was my yesterday.

Friend Martha came with a tub of fabric scraps to cut them down into Scrap User's System sizes!  I think we've fully pulled her over to the scrappy side!

Coming up soon: I'm excited to be participating in Pat Sloan's Tantalizing Table Toppers blog hop for her new book release.
This Italian Cafe runner quilted up quickly and I found a burgundy stripe in the stash perfect to use as binding. That burgundy stripe is 1990s - it was used for Raggedy Anne style doll legs back in my doll making days.  Fun!
Funny story: I had two FQs of the gorgeous floral outer border fabric and knew they would be perfect for this. There was no selvage for info.
What I didn't know was this fabric is one of Pat's! Kismet all around!
More info on the blog hop and gift away to come so stay tuned!

Monday's April Showers PDF pattern release has exceeded all expectations as we are all (in this hemisphere anyway!) clamoring for spring followed by summer.

Thank you so much for your positive response!  I see photos of you digging through your stashes, posting images of fabric pulls and first blocks already.  Sew! Sew! Sew!

I love how ALL of the purples are so varied and play together so well.  Mother nature knows what she is doing!

I used my Essential Triangle Tool for the half-square triangles in April Showers.

I used the Simple Folded Corners ruler or Simple Folded Corners Mini for the stitch & flip corners on the diamond rectangle units.  

I use these rulers all of the time.  If you don't have them, invest in yourself and get them! You'll find them in the Quiltville Store.

Traditional rotary cutting and piecing methods are given to those who don't have the rulers.

Does your purple or green (And neutrals - always!) stash need a bit of enhancement?  Check out these color rolls by Cotton to Quilts!

The best variety and fantastic service!  And I'm so grateful that Cotton to Quilts is once again offering up 2 fabric rolls for this gift-away!

We'll be drawing for one winner who will receive the PDF pattern for April Showers and a facets of purple color roll, and a second winner who will receive the April Showers PDF pattern and the facets of green color roll!

Head on over to Monday's Gift-Away post and get your entry in!

Quiltville Quote of the Day-

Trust trust me. It ain't pretty.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!⁣



JeanGB said...

I just read the quote of the day (LOL) and have a picture in my head that just won't go away! And poor Lola is looking at you in such confusion.

Mary said...

Dogwoods are my favorite. They line our Street. I missed them in while I was in Nebraska. Interpretive Dancing made me lol.

jackiero said...

Your "Quote of the Day" has me still showing my food chewers! Still laughing, great start to my day. Thank you.
I was behind by days of fully reading your blog posts, just finished so they're in my brain as a four day mini movie. Appreciate all your sharing.

Joan E said...

Oh, Bonnie, thank you for your lovely post today, made me smile and anxious to quilt something :) hope you are having a wonder-filled day, too.

Sharon in Seattle said...

LOL thanks, Bonnie, I will be dancing too!🤣

Unknown said...

I can see you teaching the dogs to dance with you. Made me smile.

JMOT said...


Kathy O in GA/AZ said...

Hi Bonnie - I just printed out April Showers - is page 11 intentionally blank? Currently working on my hearts for Ukraine...

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