
Friday, April 22, 2022

Borders for the Win!

I ended up working from home yesterday due to the dogs.

You know they rule the roost around here, but truthfully it was easier to just take care of all of the computer work that needed to be handled with them here, then to put them in the car and haul them to the QPO to try to do it there.

Sometimes having two office spaces has its benefits - and conveniences.

But after they spent quite a bit of time outside and I was sure it was naptime for them, I did duck out and head over with one mission in mind - getting borders on my patriotic version of Hearts of Hope.

String border happiness!

I've made changes with this version.  Some things are the same, but some things take a spin and I'll be showing it to you down the line.  June I think - 

Flag Season starts with Memorial Day in May, continues through Flag Day in June, Independence Day in July, ending with Labor Day in September.

But then ANY DAY is a good day to fly your flag and keep it flying.

Fun fabric scraps!

I love what I see in these red border strings - the tiny left triangle is a Canada print sent by a friend.  The two above the inner triangles are 1980s scraps that have finally found their way into a quilt to live out their days.

I see so many prints that have also appeared in other quilts leaving only these strings and strips behind to find their place here.

Stay stitching from the back!

I know this looks like a thready mess.  I'm rarely as concerned about the back side as I am the front - but I DO like to stay stitched pieced borders from the back side up so I can manage the direcctions all of the seams are going.

I can keep "most" of them from flipping this way.

It also gives me a good glimpse of any seam allowances that may be a bit to skimpy and I can fix them before loading the quilt into the longarm for quilting.

I'm watching your Hearts of Hope shares through Social Media!  Check this one out:

Beautiful finish by @sjholman

And a fun table runner by Paula Smith!

Thanks for posting ladies - and please keep the shares coming!

As to how things are going here at home?  Crazy girls!  Click to Play:

So muddy!  But it's kind of hard to be mad with the mud when they are so joyfully happy.

Baths can happen.

I want to live my life with the determination and happiness of a dog. Seriously.

Friday - what's happening?

Today's plan - fixing up a backing!

I have some leftover lengths of string piecing that I want to use up.  

There is also one leftover block that was lost - which meant I had to make another to replace it - and then of course it showed up after the top was together.

And Martha is planning on coming by with a box of scraps to cut down to strip widths with the Accuquilt.  Sounds like some good chat over good tea can happen.

It's a lovely day - supposed to be warmers so there may be a hike with the dogs after that.  We'll see.

What's happening on your end?

Monday's April Showers PDF pattern release has exceeded all expectations as we are all (in this hemisphere anyway!) clamoring for spring followed by summer.

Thank you so much for your positive response!  I see photos of you digging through your stashes, posting images of fabric pulls and first blocks already.  Sew! Sew! Sew!

I love how ALL of the purples are so varied and play together so well.  Mother nature knows what she is doing!

I used my Essential Triangle Tool for the half-square triangles in April Showers.

I used the Simple Folded Corners ruler or Simple Folded Corners Mini for the stitch & flip corners on the diamond rectangle units.  

I use these rulers all of the time.  If you don't have them, invest in yourself and get them! You'll find them in the Quiltville Store.

Traditional rotary cutting and piecing methods are given to those who don't have the rulers.

Does your purple or green (And neutrals - always!) stash need a bit of enhancement?  Check out these color rolls by Cotton to Quilts!

The best variety and fantastic service!  And I'm so grateful that Cotton to Quilts is once again offering up 2 fabric rolls for this gift-away!

We'll be drawing for one winner who will receive the PDF pattern for April Showers and a facets of purple color roll, and a second winner who will receive the April Showers PDF pattern and the facets of green color roll!

Head on over to Monday's Gift-Away post and get your entry in!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't let uncertainty keep you from starting.
Pushing through the uncertainty opens doors you never thought possible!
Have a terrific Friday everyone!



robynfam said...

Love the dogs playing! Today I am going to the "Tree City Quilters" quilt show in Wooster, Ohio. First real show in 2-1/2 yrs. Stopping on the way home for Lunch at "The Barn" Restaurant ( yes it is a real barn).

Ruth McIlwain said...

I always look forward reading your blog, Bonnie. I had am early eye appt today, and the prognosis was excellent. No appt for a year. Now I am heading out for a walk with Lucy, my dog, and then do some cleaning and grocery shopping and before I know it, Lucy wants to go on her second walk. I have a worn string quilt and I made enough hearts to hand sew over the worn areas. It is Lucy's quilt that I put on the couch for her. It gets worn due to frequent washing. We'll, I better get going. I wish you and all who read my comments a beautiful weekend.

Ruth's girl said...

Thanks for your blog and for posting pictures of Hearts of Hope that quilters have completed. I love seeing the dogs at play.

Cats said...

omg, omg, omg... Bonnie! you "lose" parts??? I thought I was a bad quilting mama, cause i have ended up "short" for the ending and have to "build" some more parts!!!! Unfortunately, they don't always magically re-appear for me.. but i do so love you sharing a mis-step here or there, makes me feel less wonky!!! And, thanks for sharing the girls' antics... it's interesting that Mabel appears to have become the alpha dog... while she has a sense of fun, i doubt she's the clown that Zoey is. My sister has a dog that "Looks" a lot like Zoey, she was a rescue from the streets of Baja! And is such a clown and acrobat, we thought she had Whippet or Greyhound in her, she's faster than a wild streak, but perhaps that Kelpie has appeared... thanks for the hearts of Ukraine quilt... and the RW&B version... I finally got the binding on Grassy Creek!!! There's lots of Grey & Green in this one... so many opportunities... have a great weekend, we've got more rain promised in Carlsbad CA, <3 Cats

Paci said...

Hello, I am writing to you from Spain. I really like the work you do, you are a source of ideas. Mabel Mae and Zoey are adorable. Best regards
(I am using a translator because I can't speak English)

PalmerGal said...

Today is day3 of my groups mini-retreat. I am getting things done! and when I was getting things ready earlier in the week I came across a fully done top - and the backing - ready to go to the quilter!! It's a smaller quilt but still, it needs to be done!.

Mary said...

This morning, yes I am 3 hours behind you, i will see if I can get a doll quilt worked on for Lori D's Swap. It has been keeping me awake. Mine arrived last week, feeling a little guilty for not sending mine yet. Happy Fri-Yay

TrulyBlessed said...

Seeing Zoey and Mabel play just makes my heart smile. Thank you for sharing them with us! Everything here in Bloomington is Blooming!

Lorraine said...

Going on a quilt shop hop tomorrow with a friend of mine. She spent the winter in Florida so it will be good to get together.

Shelnjohanne said...

Dogs and cats love our quilts!

UptownConnie said...


Bobbini said...

We used to live in Wooster and when the boys were growing up we went to The Barn restaurant all the time! I'm glad it's still open for business.

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