
Monday, April 11, 2022

Too Much Quilty Goodness! (Never!)

How do you get group photos when a snow squall is on its way?


And bundled up.

If you want to know just how windy it was, just look at the quilts that wouldn't lay flat - or check out the blowing hair.  What a CRAZY WEEKEND for weird weather.

I don't think it was a snow show that anyone will forget any time soon.

Bundled up for the last winter hurrah!

Click to Play:

I have never seen anything like this in April!

The Floridians in the house were ecstatic - including Teddy who was like a kid at Christmas.  

I'm so glad THEY were enjoying it! LOL!

Friend Martha came by at the right time to take this photo before we all froze to death.

I am laughing how the halo of sunlight shines right down on Pepper Cory.  LOL!

We still had our showing of antique quilts to come, and I invited Martha along to come see.

If you don't know what a "Quilt Turning" is, it's a method of stacking all the quilts on top of the bed "Princess and the Pea" style, and then as you view them from the top of the pile, each quilt is removed to reveal the one beneath it.

Every "turn of the quilt" give you a new one to admire and drool over.

Several of the ladies attending retreat are members of AQSG - The American Quilt Study Group.

And we were even graced with members-of-the-board.  So there was much antique quilt and vintage textile talk going on ALL WEEKEND.  So exciting!

And I'm giving you just a sneak peak of this fantastic string beauty -

With the ONE red quarter-circle!

Because I took over 80 photos of quilts and there is no way to share them all, so I'll be breaking them up a bit over the next few days.

I love how many of the string blocks in this quilt are "straight" while some are pieced on the diagonal - it's just a hodge podge of  scrappy goodness from a bottomless scrap bag. 1930s and 1940s fabrics.

So many Oohs and Ahhhs!

It worked really well using the queen bed in bedroom 5 for this purpose!

And there will be more quilts to come - there was just SO MUCH going on over the weekend.

Kathy in the Corner!

These blocks were set and getting borders!

Love the Nile green with the scrappy 30s prints.

This one was hot off the machine!

Phots of taking photos!

Tara was capturing the cows across the creek - their morning and evening mooing right along with the peeper frogs in the creek is another sign that spring is on its way even if it is a bit slow to get here.

I love that she just popped out of the kitchen - apron on, towel over the shoulder to catch the activity.

Dear Quilt District ladies - it was a joy to have you come stay - we'll see you next year, same place, same weekend.

Today I'll work on getting a slide show together of the rest of the quilts because uploading 80 photos one by one will just take way forever.

Sneak Peek!

I caught Lola nestling in to our April PDF pattern release coming up - April Showers!

April Showers sounds much better than April Snow Squall, doesn't it? LOL!

This is something that is on deck for me this week - and I was hoping for Thursday. If that doesn't happen, look for it Saturday or Monday.  It's Easter Week, and we have the last installment of the Hearts 0f Hope Sew-Along to happen on Friday as well.

At any rate - it's coming soon, so stay tuned.

 Did you get any quilty time in this weekend?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I admit it. This is something I have to tell myself nearly every single day.
Working hard and pushing yourself to the limits doesn't mean you can't also be kind and gentle with yourself.
Keep the focus away from your failures, and put it on your progress!
Happy Monday, everyone - What will you do with yours?



stitchinpenny said...

This Florida girl considers SNOW to be a very bad 4 letter word, but it looks beautiful.

Quilter Kathy said...

What a wonderful blog post to read on a Monday morning :)
I love the quote of the day! I am self employed and always say that I want to be the best boss I ever had. But sometimes I am mean to myself and work too long and too hard, so thanks for the reminder today!

Cats said...

Good for you, Kathy... BE the best boss! I suspect we all tend to be our harshest critic(s)... I know I was the best employee any boss ever had, so don't hesitate to be the best boss... we all need that little bit of appreciation and applause. Hugs from Carlsbad CA, where it's been in the mid-90* the past few days. Cats

Mary said...

Wonderfulness before the squall. I love a good Bed Turning, waiting for the Slide show. I saw a couple faces I know. Pepper Cory is a sweetie, What was she working on??
Good thought for a Monday! Yea for Martha to see the fun!!

Kristy said...

What a fun post today Bonnie! That picture of Lola and the new quilt is adorable! Plus the quilt had purple and green two of my favorite colors! Can't wait to see it! Love your blog. Thanks for all of the quilty encouragement each day. K- lkw2x6-apq@yahoo.com

Valerie said...

The quilt behind your quote is wonderful, Bonnie. Any idea if that is a named pattern or just a quilter doing her own thing with diamonds?

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

It's 60 degree diamonds. I have no idea if this arrangement of diamonds has any particular name other than a star.

Colleen in Alaska said...

I think it's known as Broken Star.

Da Momma said...

I have to admit I am a seasonal quilter. When it's sunny out, I can't think of Christmas or snowflakes. When it's snowing, like today,I am to finishing my snowflake quilt I started earlier in the winter. Three inches and counting in Garden Valley Idaho, so beautiful! Thank you for all your encouragement and beautiful patterns!

sue s said...

Boy, Lola looks comfy! Can't wait for the slide show! I needed this quote for this week. Driving myself crazy trying to finish two quilt with "deadlines". I decided yesterday if I don't get done, then I don't get done. I'm doing what I can.

Wendy Caton Reed said...

Oh what a group! You can't go wrong with this gang! Have fun!

Virginia said...

Bonnie, the weather is crazy everywhere! I live just outside of Portland, Oregon and we had 4 inches yesterday at our house. We lost power in the morning and internet in the afternoon - thank goodness for our generator! I have lived in the northwest all my life - let's just say for over 70 years- and I don't ever recall snow in April here. Didn't stop 3 quilty friends from going on an hour's drive to a beloved quilt shop for a deal of the century (and yes, the drive was easy once we got below 500 feet.) Ahh - Spring.

Cindy said...

To get caught in a surprise snow with my BFFs at quilt retreat is a fantasy of mine! What fun!!!!!!

Valerie said...

Thank you both.

Marianne said...

I am loving this post!! What is the name of the quilt pattern with the Love and Peace rainbow? Such a fabulous quilt!!

spacer said...

Oregon and Washington have also had a turn in weather. Snow yesterday, flurries today. Really strange. Last week it hit 80 one day.

nancy c said...

Love the colors of your sneak peak of "April Showers". Can't wait to see it!

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