
Saturday, April 30, 2022

All The Purple Feels!

Yesterday was a cutting day for me!

I was eager to dig into the purples and begin cutting out and kitting up the blocks in the May/June 2022 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine - Ruby Jubilee Part 3 is included!

Often times when I am choosing blocks to include in my Addicted to Scraps column with Quiltmaker and making them in a few different colorways for photography samples I think about  what I would do if I were to make a whole quilt out of those blocks - Sometimes the ideas take me over and I dive right in, sometimes they percolate a bit in the background.

Basket blocks are a favorite and I love that Denise Starck is also varying the sizes of blocks from my Addicted to Scraps column in this quilt.  It makes creating these in different sizes so much fun!

Happy Little Kits - ready to be sewn this weekend!

Come back on Monday 5/2/22 ! I've got 3 copies of this issue to give away, along with some other goodies for our Mother's Day Week Gift-Away!

It was also a working day at Quiltville Inn.

I'm looking forward to welcoming our next guests after Mother's Day weekend - and now that the weather is nice enough we are anticipating much porch time.

Over the winter months there were many bugs that thought the rolled up wooden blinds would be the perfect place to make their little hibernation habitats.  Yesterday the wooden porch blinds came down and got a good power washing.

Drying on the porch.

We'll get them hung back up when they are dry.  We also anticipate much porch painting in the future - if you remember last fall we had to stop because Lowe's was out of the paint we needed due to supply chain issues.  And then it got too cold to be out there doing it. 

We will be resuming Operation Paint Porch soon.

All the blossoms are out!

Beneath the dogwood!

I didn't realize until much later yesterday that it was Arbor Day. It was the perfect day to celebrate trees.



Over the next few days to a week or so we will completely lose our long range mountain views at the cabin.  

And for the duration of the next many months until autumn leaves fall, we'll be tucked into the woods.

I really enjoy the change of seasons that give me a different view month by month off of my porch.

I do NOT enjoy the sticky, watery, gooey, gritty eyeballs that nature has blessed me with during this season!

I'm in a Zyrtec haze.  I'm not Claritin Clear yet -  It's a repeating round of antihistamine eyedrops and Nasonex.  It's the cocktail of springtime where you wake up with your eyelashes gluing your eyes shut.

Ahhh, spring!

I finished the binding last night!

The hanging sleeve and label will be stitched down tonight and I'll be back to hand quilting fans on my string star.

As long as Ivy has a place to settle she is fine with it.

My plans for the weekend ahead are EASY.  I'm concentrating on these Ruby Jubilee Part 3 blocks and getting a head start on our new Leader & Ender challenge that will be going live in July.  It's going to be easy and super fun.  I hope you'll like it.

What about your weekend?  Share with me where your focus is!

It's the LAST DAY!

The PDF patterns for April Showers and Tulip Time are both marked 25% off through TODAY 4/30/22. Prices revert back to full TOMORROW Sunday 5/1/22.

It's time to quilt up some spring and chase this rain away!

You'll find them both in the digital pattern section of the Quiltville Store.

If this is your first time downloading digital patterns from my store to a computer click HERE.

If you intend to download to an iPhone/iPad click HERE.

They are also available in the PDF pattern shop on Etsy.

Rulers, notions, tools, books and other "shipped" merchandise are only available in the Quiltville Store.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I have a very sweet and special mom who often told me "Bloom where you are planted!" while I was struggling with growing up.
Sometimes. that means taking the focus off some far away dreams to accept and find joy in things as they are right now.
Don't miss the NOW!
Wise words, Mama! Thank you.
Enjoy your weekend, everyone!⁣



Mary said...

My Quilt Guild friends are stitching today. I need some ME time so I'm staying home to stitch on some Purples for the QM Jubilee Mystery. Forecast is for a rainy Sew Day. Love seeing all the Digwoods blooming on my street. My Snowball bush is next and the Rhododendron will be full bloom for my Mother's Day. Happy May!!

stitchinpenny said...

I am only allergic to one pollen that I know of. It is one that I am rarely exposed to since I found out when I stayed with an aunt in South Florida and was cursed with a reaction to Royal Poinciana tree pollen. I can't imagine reaching to lots of different pollens.

Sewquilty said...

I too have allergies, lots of them! I even react to cleaning chemicals and scents. People who don't have allergies aren't very simpathetic when you have a reaction. I had to stop going to my church because an old lady thought it was funny to covertly expose me to lavender after she found out I was allergic. What a Christian thing to do!

Michelle S. said...

It's a rainy cloudy kind of day here in western Oregon. My plan is laundry and sewing with 1 trip out to the chicken coop to gather eggs and feed the girls. I've got allergies and a cold so I'm not planning anything big this weekend. A nap might be on the schedule too ;-)

JMOT said...

The the "brain" on the used computerized midarm I just got 6 weeks ago died this week. The company no longer repairs the unit without an expensive upgrade that I don't think is worth it. I had a similar but manual setup beforehand (same sewing machine, same stitch regulator and same frame, the difference was the computerization and that the sewing machine on the computerized one is less temperamental than the one on the manual setup.) Now the question is do I sell one unit (which one and who would want to buy it??) and use the other in manual mode, sell both and get a larger throated machine to use sit down (For the last year the older machine worked better off the frame than on it and FMQ on a machine with a 9" throat has been heavenly compared to my 5.5" throated regular domestic machine.) or break down and buy a computerized true longarm? Decisions, decisions!!

Charlotte K said...

Spending my weekend kitting Ruby Jubilee blocks and other projects for my upcoming retreat. The best part of driving there is I don't have to make as many hard decisions. I can bring anything that will fit in the car!

zolaquilts said...

My focus: start handquilting in perfect circles (5/28/10 quiltville posting) on the Kaffe pattern Marble Tiles from Venice (?) not sure if that's the name of the pattern, also edging rows on alternate colorway Frida's Flowers by Janie Crow. Thank you for your 5/28/2010 tutorial, less stitch in the ditch for me!

Marianne said...

I'm working on Jubilee blocks, too, this weekend. I'm using Jane Austen fabric, so mine is called "Austen Jubilee." Can't wait for the final reveal!

Vintage Quilter said...

Love all your posts! Today though belongs to Ivy. She is such a beautiful cat and imagine that she just poped in for a visit and stayed for life!

Beth said...

Love reading your blog, every morning its the first thing I do. I am collecting quilts for Ukraine. I can't find the address in Utah. I am hoping some can help me out. E-mail address, emulkey73@g-mail.com. Thank you very much.

Alice Cooksey said...

My focus is definitely Hearts of Hope. I am behind most people because I had machine problems. I am working on my pieced borders now, trying to use up my leftover pieces, as much as possible.

KateCares said...

Prepare for paint sticker shock! It is now what I call "liquid gold".

Robin's Nest said...

Love reading your blog. Sometimes I get behind, then I enjoy all the catching up. You lead an exciting diversified life. Your quilts are quite nice too, very inspiring.

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