Oh you guys...life has completely run away with me and I don't know which way is up! Working at the massage clinic has taken over everything, and it is great and exciting. Yesterday I had the priviledge of working on an Olympic Gold Medalist! I was SO nervous, but she was so great. She has a meet this weekend at Clemson, and we needed to get all the toxins and lactic acid flushed out of her leg muscles so she is able to compete at her best tomorrow. I enjoyed her so much! So that's the kind of exciting thing that has been going on here.
I leave for Lucy's one week from TOMORROW!! Have I packed? NO! I'm quilting customer quilts like crazy so that no one is waiting on me when I get back.
I bought a new camera, would you believe I haven't even had time to load the software in my computer? I took the following pics with my old camera because I didn't want to stop and do all that with the new one yet. I've got a week to learn to use it! *LOL*

I'm posting a pic of a customer quilt...there were two identical ones. I thought this was a GREAT pattern for signature blocks! She used 5" squares of red prints, all different red prints...and then the signature blocks were 5" X 2.5" I believe, she put it all together basket weave fashion. I thought it might look fun scrappy too, if anyone needs an idea for a signature quilt...This one has ease of construction, and definately possibilities.
These belong to an "older" (Oh I hope she doesn't read my blog) gal, and she still does not use rotory cutters! I showed her how I used mine, and she said "This old gal is too old to learn new tricks". She learned to quilt with scissors, and scissors it is. When she brought me the tops they didn't have borders on them...I offered to add the borders for her because she didn't know exactly how she was going to cut 2" strips with scissors and have them straight, and her tops were a bit wibbly wobbly. Adding the borders squared them up and stabilized them a bit better.
The quilt also has a musical theme, being centered around black gospel quartets and their members, promoters, church members, too...so the outside border (and backing fabric) is that fun sheet music print you've probably all seen before. It just doesn't photograph very well. I had fun reading all the signatures and quotes and imagining the great southern black gospel music ringing through these churches. I've always wanted to go hear that. I love quartet music!

The only dang thing I still need to do is add hanging sleeves to the back. I FORGOT! Which means that I don't have the ease of sewing one edge into the binding...and only having to stitch one side to the back...I'm going to have to stitch both sides to the back and not into the binding because the binding is DONE! It's machine topstitched binding, and I'm not picking it out to insert a hanging sleeve under it.
So that's the kind of stuff that is going on here! Nothing really super exciting in the way of my own quilts, but sometimes life just goes on day by day in it's own normal routine, and that is okay too. Can't have excitement every day, right?