
Saturday, July 06, 2024

2024 Leader & Ender Challenge: County Clare!

After spending 2 weeks in Ireland in June - I KNEW - just KNEW that I wanted to do an Irish Chain variation of some kind.

It would make the perfect Leader & Ender challenge - but what?

What would make it fun, leave loads of options for others, and put good use to scraps?

We had the most beautiful weather on our trip - I'm not saying that there wasn't any rain, because there was - but there was enough rain to make us appreciate the abundant sunshine we were graced with.

So many of my photos are blue and green.  More blue and green.  Even more blue and green.

And so I've had just 2 weeks to pull some scraps and get things going so I can show you just how it is going to go.

Friday, July 05, 2024

It All Starts WIth One.

What else is a girl left alone to her own devices to do on a long independence day holiday weekend?

It all started with yesterday's Quote of the Day.

Star quilts have always been a favorite.

I'm down to only 10 blocks left to hand quilt on my Ladder Star, so SOMETHING has to fill the hoop next, don't you think?

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Independence Day 2024 -

It was one of those nights where deep sleep eluded me.

So it was a surprise to me to finally wake up this morning, look at the clock and find it was already 8:30am.

I guess I made up for lost sleep after all!

Independence Day.

And I'm solo because Hubster Dave went to Oregon for a friend's celebration of life  - and is spending the extra holiday time with his brother and family.

Son Jason arrived at uncle Bruce's yesterday - and they will be together for the next few days.

I love this for them.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Tuesday Time Out!

It was 11 am...laundry had been running since 9 am.

I knew I had an afternoon chiropractor appointment - what if I went early and filled more time?

What if I treated myself to lunch out and a bit of antique mall time?

I put the last loads into the dryers and away I went.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

From Virginia to Mississippi!

And Judy's Quilters are all on the road back to Mississippi.

I wanted to get to the retreat earlier this morning to wish the last of everyone off - but alas - Zoey Jo has decided to take an extra long walkabout this morning and I can't leave without knowing she is back home.  Crazy dog! She hasn't done this in the longest time.

We had an amazing week - and one of the most delightful things - the rains did come and cooled everything off.  Temps are in the 50s this morning!

Monday, July 01, 2024

Hello, July!

There is no doubt what went on here through the last weekend of June 2024.

We quilted until it was time to turn the page on the calendar and welcome in JULY!

Someone please slow down the speed of Summer passing us by - seriously.

I wait all year for summer and boom.  Gone in a flash.

Meanwhile at Quiltville Inn -