
Saturday, July 13, 2024

While They Went Shopping...

I've been working on my Huka Falls quilt in my home sewing room in the evenings.

Sometimes it's hard at the end of the day to get myself to sit at my home sewing machine. 

But somehow I found an hour or so here and there in between getting home and my usual time that I call my dad each evening to just slot that in there.

And lo and behind - block parts became block quarters.

Block quarters became blocks.

Blocks became rows.

Rows became the quilt center.

I patted myself on the back for even getting the victory lap of stay stitching around the outside edge to help minimize stretch of the bias edges and to keep seams from popping.

Center done - but what next?

It needs "SOMETHING" to finish the outside edge.

I played with fabrics, thinking I could just stitch a "plain" border on the outside and call it done.  I wanted to call it done.  But it doesn't complete the design, it just chopped it off.

So...back to the strings I go.  The plan?

Big string geese to give a ric-rac edge.

It just needs it.  It's not done as it is.

And when the quilt says it isn't done, it isn't done.  So okay.

And all of this was possible yesterday afternoon because 10 retreaters headed out on a whirlwind shop-hopping-road-trip leaving only 2 remaining retreaters at the inn to hold down the fort while they were gone.

So my afternoon was free to turn my newly cleaned up studio space (after putting all the tubs of shirt parts away) back into another creative mess of neutral and aqua string bins.

From clean to chaos in a flash!  That's how I roll!

Here are some photos of the vacant spaces from next door - it was after 5pm and I was heading home and these projects were left much unattended:

But good things are in progress!

It was Dee's birthday!  Hooray!

Australian fabrics - how fun!

This is going to be amazing...

Something autumnal is happening here -

I resonate with this creative chaos.  LOL!

This morning I'm sure to find out what all of the purchases were that made their way back to the inn.

There should be a walk happening this morning - I'm up and ready for it, shoes on and tied.

Last evening Hubster Dave asked if I wanted to ride the motorcycle to Jefferson and get Mexican for dinner.  Absolutely!

It was a lovely evening and a great end to a creative day.

Brown Eyed Susans are blooming!

I know you are wondering what happened to the red/white/blue stars.

I needed a couple days break.  I'll be back to them soon.

I want Huka Falls ready for the long arm.  While that is running I'll get back to the stars so they will be ready for basting as soon as Huka Falls is done -

And...did I mention that Hubster Dave brought my mom's gargantuan hexie home?  I think I did.

I have a backing pieced.  Last night I added a few hexies to the corners so that I can square the top off after quilting.

Today I'll also get the top loaded in the machine and start the quilting on that.

There is a LOT happening here.

And Hamilton Gardens releases next Wednesday!

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

That feeling when you can't remember if you have told that story before, or if you haven't? ⁣
If you know you know! ⁣
Happy weekend, everyone!



Diane' said...

Happy Saturday Bonnie

Debra said...

My goodness you certainly are full of energy...give me some!! I can only work on one quilt and L/E at a time. Most Gals can do several like you I think... I have all the parts fini for Indigo Way, just have to start making blocks now.
It's cooler in the basement too. Makes it tolerable to sew.
Have a Sparkling good day 💞 and weekend.

Carla said...

Definitely a lot going on and sew pretty. I love the Huka Falls. Enjoy your weekend. Hope the Mexican food was tasty.

Kim said...

Too much fun, love the way your brain can keep coming up with new patterns for us Bonnie! I've lost count of all the Bonnie Hunter patterns I have made and given to loved ones, charity and newborns at our local hospital. Happy Sewing!

Anonymous said...

So pleased to see that one of your retreaters is working on the FQS Designer Mystery Quilt from 2021! I am currently sewing the parts of the finishing kit! Mary

Anonymous said...

Wow Bonnie, your brain is spinning so fast your blocks are making me dizzy. That is so beautiful, thanks for sharing and inspiring me! Mary Johnson

Amy said...

Everything else aside -- Hamilton Gardens!!!!! Wow. Love - Love - LOVE it! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Hamilton gardens from New Zealand? They are amazing, so worth an afternoon’s visit to just stroll around and get inspired. Looking forward to seeing this one.

Machelle said...

What fun! Great border Idea.Oh joy!-just learned I can listen to this article/blog post.

Tracey Honig said...

I am looking forward to the Hamilton Gardens!! I missed my weekend post yesterday... we have a lot going on. Hopefully things slow down just a tad before school ramps up again. Sheesh... how did THAT happen?! Oh well. I hope you enjoyed that bike ride... it sounded like a lovely evening! Happy quilting! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie, I think I remember seeing a red light that projects onto the sewing machine bed for a perfect 1/4" seam and I've scanned through your posts and haven't found it. Am I dreaming or is it real and, if so, where'd you get it? Thank you!!

Jean said...

Lol we told our grandson every time he hears us repeat a story he can put his fingers up telling us how many times it is that he has heard it! Mostly joking.... then again! lol

Anonymous said...

That's the SewQLaser. There's a button on the sidebar with a link

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