
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Taking Time to Smell the Roses!

Arizona in the winter. 


Of course I was up early yesterday – my body clock was still on East Coast time, and I took a moment to just walk around my brother’s yard admiring all that they have done with it.

The vegetable gardens are much at the “in-between” stage right now, but beds have been cleared, some winter veggies have been planted in little rows.

There is a lot of good produce that comes out of Sharolyn’s veggie beds all year long.  You don’t need a huge yard to receive huge bounty.  And she is a master at it.

Where I quilt, and get my joy from working with fabric and thread, she gets the same soul-fulfilling enjoyment in working with the earth and seeing what can spring forth with just a bit of encouragement from her evergreen thumbs.

Seeing things blooming in full force as we turn the page into December is just such a wonderful “time out” from winter-to-come for me.


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

With Love from AZ!

The sky was just beginning to glow as we took off for Atlanta from Greensboro.

These early morning flights are the hardest to get up for – not to mention the hardest to fall asleep for the night before.

I haven’t hauled a trunk show to the airport since October!  I feel almost out of practice!

Did I pack everything I need?  Yes, and a big box of rulers went priority mail yesterday as well, and should beat me to Oregon before I get there.


Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jan/Feb ‘18 Quiltmaker Gift-Away

Wait a hot dern minute!

January/February of 2018?!?!?!  Someone please slow down the publication process just a bit please!

I haven’t caught my breath through the end of 2017 yet, and we are already pushing February of 2018?!  OH my goodness!

Well, the one good thing about pushing January/February 2018 to the front of the line is that the magazines are full of gorgeous color, and spring can’t be far behind.  THAT I can go for!

This magazine issue arrived just before I was headed to the cabin for Thanksgiving, and I finally had a chance to sit down and enjoy it, thinking it would be the perfect post for today – a Gift-away ahead of the holidays with the hope of spring in mind.


Monday, November 27, 2017

On Ringo Lake Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 1!

Monday, Monday – So good to me! *Singing*

How’s everyone doing this morning?

It’s our first Mystery Monday Link-Up for On Ringo Lake And I am so excited to see what you’ve been working on over Thanksgiving weekend.

We have many new folks with us this year, so if you’ve never done a link-up before, we will include some info so you can add your photo of your progress to the mix.

You’ll need either a blog, an instagram account, a pinterest account, a flickr account or a google + account.  All of which are free, and a great way of journaling your progress on any project.  ALL of these must be set to PUBLIC.  Please, no private accounts as no one will be able to see what you are sharing, so what’s the point?

We will get to that in a minute!

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Leader & Ender Addict!

How is your Leader & Ender project coming along?

Mine is slow and steady.

Generally I am fighting to finish any designated Leader & Ender project way past the July release of the NEXT one.

I do what I can through the year to legitimately work on these as “real” Leader & Ender projects until it just gets to the point where I have got to push it forward for a finish, and end up using a second Leader & Ender to finish the first!

That was the case with this year’s Checkerboard Rails release.  My Hourglass Leader & Ender Challenge was not complete yet, so I pushed it into hyper-drive and finished it using the 4-patches from this year’s challenge as Leaders & Enders for the process.

Now that some other irons are out of the fire, I’m moving ahead some other projects-in-progress to now get the Checkerboard Rails closer to a finish. ( I shared the Scrap Basket blocks in yesterday’s post.  Did you see it?)

We’ve got time.  It's not a race. This challenge doesn’t end until the first week of July.


Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Saturday After…

The Turkey Coma Aftermath!

Thanksgiving comes and goes – much preparation and anticipation.

The menu planning and yummy smells in the kitchen.

The greeting of friends as they arrive carrying side dishes and beverages and…..oh my goodness, how are we going to eat all of this food?

The calling to the men folk to CARVE THE TURKEY!

I swear, the hardest part is having it all done and ready and HOT at the same time -- with one oven, one microwave and a bevvy of crock pots.

The setting of the table, my great-grandmother’s crystal goblets ringing like bells as ice is added to each glass.

How long does it take to eat a Thanksgiving feast like this?

All of about 20 minutes. 


Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Blessed Thanksgiving.

Good Morning.

As I sit here trying to find the words to express my gratitude for oh so many things that have happened this past year,

I am smelling a pumpkin custard baking in the oven (a crust-less pie for the gluten-free hubby who never liked crust anyway and always left it behind) bacon sizzling on the griddle, the sounds of my menfolk setting the table.

It’s a tradition here – with all of the cooking that goes into the main Thanksgiving meal, the men take care of breakfast giving me just a bit of reprieve to write and enjoy a bit of the morning with some relaxation before tying an apron on and getting down to the big meal of the day.

My biggest surprise came last night when Jason texted from South Carolina that he WAS coming up to Virginia for Thanksgiving.  He didn’t think he was going to be able to make it work because he flip-flopped his holiday days off so that he could come to Idaho/Oregon with us for his grandpa’s memorial service last weekend.

He walked in my door about 9pm last night.  I guess he hasn’t had enough of us over the past week! 


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November Quilty Box Drawing–Times TWO!

On the eve of Thanksgiving – There are two quilters who will have so much MORE to be thankful for!

I am drawing for the two winners of our November Quilty Box, and this gift-away has topped the charts as far as entries go – we’ve set a new record!

I've been busy (you guys know how busy!) today – and I just took a look at our total.

6, 072 happy quilty folks all vying for these prizes!  Whoooowhoooo!

It’s the eve of Thanksgiving and I’m here with family so I’m not going to dawdle.  In fact – there is one more person who is joining us at last minute.

My son Jason is on his way up from Columbia, South Carolina and is a half-hour away as I type!  He didn’t think he could get the time off of work as he was just in Idaho and Oregon with us over the past weekend, but he evidently pulled some strings, and still likes our company enough to drive 4 hours back up to Virginia after leaving our place in North Carolina yesterday morning.  We must be doing something right!

So without further ado:


On Ringo Lake: Two More Sleeps!

Good Morning from Quilt Villa, Mouth of Wilson, Virginia!

If you missed last night’s Quiltmaker - vol 16 gift-away posts, you likely also missed that the decision was made to come up late yesterday afternoon so that today could be a day of relaxing and enjoying instead of a day of driving and grocery shopping.

Not that grocery shopping won’t happen today anyone.

In my haste to get up here before dark I forgot a couple of important items.

Can you figure out what they are from the contents of my shopping cart?

*NOTE*  If you are in the south, this is also known as a BUGGY!


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Quiltmaker vol 16 Drawing Time!

Hello from the cabin in VIRGINIA!!

Yes, I made an early escape today.  Son Jeff and I finished up getting the mail order out that had come in while we were gone to Idaho Thursday through Monday.  I am so happy to have hired my son on part time – not only does it get everything done in about half the time it normally would have taken me, but he is so much fun and a joy to be around.

We finished up the 70+ order around 1:30pm.  And the decision was made on the fly right then.  Get the groceries, and head straight on up.  Instead of Wednesday being a travel day for Thanksgiving – it can be a hang at the cabin day, and perhaps even get some FUN sewing in!

Jeff and The Hubster are also on their way up, having made a detour with the trailer to pick up lumber for the refurbishing of our deck.  Many hands make light work and if the weather holds, they’ll get that going this weekend as well.

Just about the time that clue 1 of our On Ringo Lake mystery goes live! (3 more sleeps – can’t wait!)

So, let’s get back to what this post is all about – it’s time to draw the two lucky winners of my day on Quiltmaker Magazine’s 100 blocks by 100 designers Volume 16 Road Rally!


Bringing Lillian Home.

This was the view outside of my window as we descended toward the Salt Lake Valley.

Iced ginger crinkle cookies come to mind – my absolute favorite.

I was just here in August.  Seasons have changed, the summer heat turning everything a deep baked brown, and snow is beginning to fill in the higher elevations.

It was our first flight of three yesterday, a 4 airport day with run-run-run-run in between landing and the next taking off as connections were very close.

There is something to be said for that.  It gets the heart pounding and the feet moving, perhaps getting a head start on burning off all of that food we have eaten over the past 4 days.


Monday, November 20, 2017

The Long Journey Home

We have a rather long journey home today, but our hearts are full -- not to mention our bellies, as when we get together as a family, there is always - I mean ALWAYS copious amounts of food involved, to the tune of something like every three hours!

Memorial services never leave anyone hungry as hot dishes and cold plates and desserts find their way from friends and relatives in an expression of love and support.

Sometimes when words can't be found to express our care and concern for one another, a hot loaf of bread, a plate of brownies, or a cheesecake seem to say what the heart simply can't.

I am happy to be leaving all of the left-overs at the home of my sister-in-law, and it will continue to share the message of love and concern from near-by friends and relatives for days to come.

This photo was taken of the eastern Oregon country-side as we left the home of our dear friends Joe & Sue.  There has been much visiting - as much as we could fit in, reaching out to re-connect with friends we haven't seen in many years.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

His Wings Were Ready….Our Hearts Were Not.


Please accept this photo post without words, as I just can’t find the words to express how much we loved this man, and how much we miss him already.

And yet I am so grateful for the joy and happiness of seeing so many people that we haven’t seen in 16 to 25 years. Relatives, close and distant, old family friends, friends my children knew when they were very young.  It’s been overwhelming.

I do believe one of the most important tasks we are given as humans is to bear one another’s burdens and lift each other up. 

Thank you for lifting me.


Saturday, November 18, 2017

A Trip of Remembrance.

I’m so grateful for my boys. 

Jeff who is willing to stay with Sadie and Emmy Lou while we go off to put his grandfather to rest.

And Jason, who is willing to fly with me all the way to Idaho (A 4 airport journey) to join with extended friends and family in the celebration of my father-in-law’s life.

Sacrifice comes at a cost to all.

Thanksgiving arrangements have been un-arranged and re-arranged so that Jason could have this time off of work to travel with me.  He has switched shifts with co-workers to make it work.  And he is here with me now because he will forfeited his coveted Thanksgiving holiday at the cabin in Virginia to do so.

It’s bitter-sweet, but priceless and heartfelt and there will indeed be other Thanksgivings, but this one will never be forgotten.

There were many travel mercies along our way.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Quiltmaker’s 100 Blocks, Vol 16 Road Rally Blog Hop!

Happy Friday, everyone!

If this is your first time visiting me, welcome!

My name is Bonnie Hunter, and I write the Addicted to Scraps column for Quiltmaker.

In every issue you’ll find a block pattern destined to help you fall in love with your scraps all over again.  Many of these blocks come from my own Scrap User’s System, playing with sizes of strips, squares and rectangles that work easily together, mixing and matching fabric lines, print types, genres, designers and manufacturers and playing by color family.

Today is a day long awaited – my stop on Quiltmaker Magazine’s 100 blocks by 100 designers – volume 16 – Road Rally Blog Hop!

I hope you have enjoyed the many stops along your way that have finally found you at my doorstep.  If you haven’t yet, be sure you check out the other designers participating in this tour on the Quiltmaker Blog Quilty Pleasures.  There is more fun and prizes to be had.

As you may have heard,  a new "The Quilting Company" website has just launched, rolling all of the quilting websites; Quiltmaker, McCall's Quilting and Fons & Porter, as well as the magazine's quilting stores into one giant website.  The address for the Quilty Pleasures blog has also changed, so you may want to update it in your bookmarks.

Fall is in full swing in north central North Carolina and the colors are glorious.

The change of the seasons always has an effect on the colors I choose to work with, and autumn colors are a favorite.

Would you join me for a walk around my neighborhood to see what inspires me? Click to play:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

November Quilty Box Times Two! {Gift-Away!}

Have I ever got something special for you while Jason and I are headed off to the Oregon/Idaho border!

Quilty Box has pulled out all the stops.  And due to popular demand, they are now offering a MINI BOX as well as the full sized Quilty Box we’ve all come to know, love and anticipate!

What is a Quilty Box?

Here are some highlights to keep in mind:
  • Quilty Box is a monthly subscription box of fun quilting supplies. We offer plans from $44-48/mo.
  • 5% of the profits of multi-month subscriptions are donated to Quilts for Kids - a non-profit which donates quilts for children in need
  • Each month we have 4 or more products (fabric, patterns, thread, or notions)
  • Our retail value of the products in the box is always more than $60
  • December's Quilty Box Featured Artist will be Felice Regina  from iamlunasol.com
  • The next Quilty Box will ship around December 11th. Subscribers will need to purchase before December 10th to receive this shipment.
  • We will be using the hashtags #QuiltyBox and #GetQuilty
Your support is appreciated. If you have any questions or comments don't hesitate to contact me.
Get Quilty!

Patrick Claytor, CEO
Quilty Box

Subscribe today at Quiltybox.com

I LOVE the fact that 5% of the profits go to Quilts for Kids!  It’s a win win all the way around!

Let’s look closer at this box:


Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Getting Serious With Scrap Reduction!

I have a confession to make.

Due to an extra busy life, there are parts of my fabric stash that are COMPLETELY out of control.

Oh, I’ve been very consistent with tackling scraps as *I* make them – from finishing up quilts and working on projects.  That is such a habit that my Scrap User’s System is FULL.  Drawers are burgeoning.  There is pre-cut fabric a plenty just waiting for projects.

But this?  This is the “holding pen” for things I haven’t had a chance to cut down.  Mostly because even if I DID cut it, I’d need more drawers to store it.  And sometimes you need bigger or different sizes of pieces than the 4 core sizes my Scrap User’s System provides.

BUT how did this get this way? Fabric gifts from friends and readers, or fat-quarters I wasn’t in love with any more and they hit the bins to be cut up so I could use them.

At least I HAVE sorted things by color family, but this isn’t good enough.  Something else has to happen, and I’m about ready to get busy with this.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Out and About with Mona!

I could also title this post “Slim Pickin’s in Greensboro!” 

We went to one of my favorite antique malls, and while there was plenty of glassware and repainted (ugh) furniture and vintage Christmas items (fun to see and I feel the season happily creeping up on me…) there was just NOTHING in the vintage sewing machine department. 

Not a treadle to be found.  No “free the machine!” opportunities at hand.

We did find one 1980s beat up Kenmore but it wasn’t what we were looking for.

Mona needs a machine that does a basic zig zag for making repairs and piecing batting.  I showed her how I did it by butting the edges and letting the zig zag stitches seam them together super flat and now she can see that she HAS to have one.  So we are on the look out.

Her fleet currently consists of 2 featherweights, a 301, a 66 treadle and an electric 15 in a cabinet.  What’s one more when all that she has is straight stitch only?

It was Slim Pickin’s on the quilt front as well.  There just wasn’t a whole lot, but wouldn’t this drunkard’s path comforter be cute wrapped around the base of a Christmas tree?


Monday, November 13, 2017

Sunsets & Foggy Mornings

I could title this photo Sunset and Lone Street Light.

But isn’t this color glorious??

I took this photo on Saturday evening after Mona and I had stopped quilting for the day.

Deciding we both deserved a break, we hopped into Moby and headed over to Greensboro for some antique mall wandering and a much desired Mexican dinner out.  Comfort food was needed.  Hot homemade tortilla chips and warm queso and salsa?  Yes, please!

I tend to laugh at our society and the plethora of folks taking pictures of their food – but it is true.  Food is one of life’s greatest pleasures.  We can’t live without it, and we may as well enjoy it.

And enjoy it we did.

How much?  This much:


Sunday, November 12, 2017

Sweet Mercies in the Night.

I got the call this morning that my sweet father-in-law, Carl Hunter passed away in his sleep. 

It was a mercy and a blessing we had been praying for.

It’s been a very tough road for everyone involved, but mostly for Carl who was so active all of his life, loving his hobbies of fishing and bowling, having done both on a regular and often basis every week (more than once a week!) up until the past couple of months.

The truth is, we are never ready for someone to leave us, even when it is the best for them and they are ready to go.

Shown in this photo from left to right: Eldest son Bruce, Middle son Myron, Dad, The Hubster Dave, and Bruce’s Grandson Mason. 3 generations of Hunter men and a whole mess of fish.

This reminds me of the video of old photos we went through in Minnesota in August, where all of the men were standing in front of their vehicles holding a mess of fish.  Funny.


Saturday, November 11, 2017

It’s a Mona Weekend!

We’ve had this planned for a long time.

But then it became “un-planned” due to rescheduling because I was thinking I’d be in Idaho by now.

But I’m not.  I’m here!

And it’s a weekend. 

So on yesterday’s walk around the neighborhood with Sadie, I called up Mona and asked if she still had time to come and get a couple of her quilts quilted.

She said yes!  And we were loading a quilt by early afternoon!

You might remember these tops as finishes, I shared them from the cabin at some point in the past couple of months (But search wouldn’t pull up that post for me this morning) and they are WONDEFUL!

Sadie thinks so too!


Friday, November 10, 2017

1999 to Now

Do you have a quilt top that has hung around since 1999?

I remember exactly where I was when I first was inspired to make this project.  I had picked up some hexie papers at a quilt shop in Texas – we had been down on a house hunting trip because we were moving there from Idaho.

It’s been top status for several years now, but life never slowed down enough for me to even consider getting it layered and basted, or to even think about hand quilting it.

Well things are changing around here.  I am switching up my priorities just a bit.  I NEED down time in the evenings to recharge my batteries, and it all started to become clearer to me when I instituted the “handwork only after supper” when we are at the cabin.

If I can do it at the cabin, I can do it here.  Even if it is just for an hour.  There has to be time to do some slow stitching to recharge the batteries.

So yesterday, Sadie helped me figure out just what I am going to do to quilt this – as that was part of the problem.  HOW was I going to quilt this?

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Life At Home…

I know many of us are going through life where things around us are just simply beyond our control.

There are times when I feel it so hard in the pit of my stomach and the unknown yet unfolding grips me so tightly I feel like I can’t breathe.

Tears may be close to the surface from time to time as emotions stop me in my tracks.  We’ve all been there.  I know I’m not alone here.

I have found comfort in the routine of doing normal things that I’ve been doing for 30+ years.  These are the things that are soothing for me.

Chopping and shredding veggies that will simmer in the crock pot along with the chicken stock I made the day before from the leftover rotisserie chicken.  Soup is always good for the soul.

So is folding laundry warm from the dryer.  Cleaning my kitchen. Straightening this, putting away that.  My hands know what to do to keep my heart and my mind occupied.

A fragrant candle burning.  Soft music playing.  The company of my son.


Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Peking Ducks & The Temple of Heaven!

Do we look like we are starving?

The one thing I can say about this trip to China is that the food was wonderful, plentiful and we were never hungry!

Before going, one of the many things I heard and heard again was that “Chinese food there is different than Chinese food here.”  But the kinds of things that I like meant that it wasn’t that different for me.  It was better!

Here in America the Chinese food most popular to folks seems to be of the breaded and deep fried and coated with sweet and sour sauce category.  Not my favorite here, and definitely not something I saw there.

Loads of vegetables of every variety, noodles, fish, chicken, pork, lamb, beef and seaweed –and don’t forget the rice!  The meals were utterly delicious.

The one thing we didn’t see a lot of were desserts.  Fresh fruit was often an option after a meal, and heavy desserts weren’t needed as bellies were full.  I don’t do a lot of sweets or desserts here at home either, nor do I eat them when going out, so it made no difference to me.

Tuesday, November 07, 2017

Stitching in the Evening…

A bit of binding happened!

I always look forward to binding time.

My bindings are generally phase 1 & phase 2.  Phase 1 is trimming the quilt, preparing the binding and stitching it on by machine.

I can be pretty speedy at that.  I have lost count of the number of quilts I have bound in my lifetime.  I do it without even thinking anymore, except when it gets down to that one corner where a binding seam just happens to fall just perfectly where you do NOT want it.

Even the trimming, repositioning to locate that seam further up the side of the quilt and away from the corner doesn’t phase me any more.  It’s part of the process.  A slight hiccup.  Get over it, and get on with it.

The part I long for the most?  Feet up in the recliner, quilt in my lap, snuggling in to watch something to relax to in the evenings as I slowly stitch that binding down around the quilt by hand.

Life is too fast as it is.  I love to have handwork handy in my evenings.  It gives me a reason to sit there, couch-bound for just a couple of hours without rush, rush, rush.


Monday, November 06, 2017

Quiltville & The Forbidden City!

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and time to unwind before we tackle this next week ahead.

I’m still going through my China photos, so many experiences and memories!

Over the weekend I watched a documentary on the history of the Forbidden City, and seeing it again in that context after having experienced it with my group and guide, I can so much more appreciate the history of this place.  I am fascinated by the culture, many centuries old, and how things are today as well.  If you have a hankering to sit back and enjoy a 60 minute dramatized documentary, you can find it HERE.

The one thing you can’t get over while visiting China is the number of people – everywhere.  I had always heard that the population in China was incredible, but until you are in the midst of it you really don’t realize how little elbow room there is.  And that went right along with trying to take photos with so many heads in the way.

Tourism has also exploded, and the tourists were out in droves as well.  It made for an exciting experience.


Sunday, November 05, 2017

A Saturday of Stitching–And Alias Grace!

Feet up in the recliner past 8pm and binging --

And binging, and more binging!

I mean, what’s a girl to do when her body clock is still not cooperating and it’s a “fall back an hour” night for daylight savings time?

I am always browsing the “recently added” section on Netflix to see if there is something that captures my interest.  I love anything set in the 19th century, and I looked this one over before I decided to have it a go – I was afraid it would be too dark, too scary.

But when someone mentioned there were QUILTS in the mini-series, I had no choice but to click PLAY!

The story is about the notorious 1843 murders of Thomas Kinnear and his housekeeper Nancy Montgomery in Upper Canada. Two servants of the Kinnear household, Grace Marks and James McDermott, were convicted of the crime. McDermott was hanged and Marks was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Although the novel is based on factual events, Atwood constructs a narrative with a fictional doctor, Simon Jordan, who researches the case. Although ostensibly conducting research into criminal behaviour, he slowly becomes personally involved in the story of Grace Marks and seeks to reconcile his perception of the mild-mannered woman he sees with the murder of which she has been convicted. [source]


Saturday, November 04, 2017

Stitchin’ Friday!

I finished my desk work at 5pm.

Well, not finished really – there is so much to be done that it feels like it will NEVER be finished.  But I stepped away from the desk, the keyboard, the book writing in an effort to follow what my friend Irene has been telling me to do for months. 

“You have to take time for yourself and your own projects or you are going to burn out!”

I know!  I know!

But it’s always a bit tough on the re-bound from a long trip, be it state-side or overseas.  There is so much to catch up on that the light at the end of the tunnel is pushed further back as priorities shift just a bit.

Thanks to waiting on a shipment of Essential Triangle Tools and Simple Folded Corners Rulers for our On Ringo Lake mystery I have found myself being able to shift to some other deadlines – AND some time for evening piecing.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Tiananmen Square Revisited

This is my friend Jill and I after an early morning walk before breakfast, outside of our hotel in Beijing.

We are both early risers, and each morning around 4:30am would come a ping on my phone. “Are you up? Want to go walking?” 

YES! Was the immediate answer as I’d likely been up for an hour or more already.  We’d usually head out between 6:30am and 6:45am back in time to grab breakfast and make it to the bus on time for the day’s adventures.

Interesting things about big-city China – They wash the streets.  OFTEN!  And I’m not talking just a left-sweeper type action but with huge trucks and tons of hosing force.  The streets were always wet as if from a recent deluge of rain.

There were some clips from our walking adventures that I was able to post up to Facebook and Instagram, but unable to share on the blog due to blogging by email with connectivity issues.  I’m still rather happy that I was able to get through what I did get through!

After dinner on our fist night in Beijing, loaded with energy and upside-down body clocks, we set out to find an ATM and stretch our legs in our new surroundings:


Thursday, November 02, 2017

All In A Wednesday.

The title of this post should be edited to include “And the wee small hours of Thursday morning…”

It’s been quite the madhouse over here.  One thing after another.

Just when you think you’ve caught your rhythm, someone or something changes the dance.

But we keep on going!

I’ve been on the phone constantly with family in Idaho regarding my Father-in-law who has been defying all odds even though the end is immanent. So much love being sent out to him from here.

And in the midst of it all comes a text message from the hubster with a photo of a featherweight that was found in the basement.  WHAT?!

After all of these years of sewing, no one thought that I might be able to use that “old dirty machine in the broken black box?!”

The serial number dates it to 1941.

It is thought to have belonged to Dave’s grandmother on his mom’s side, Grandma Snader, but we are checking around to be sure this didn’t belong to his step-mom’s family. (Dave's own mom died in 1983 and his dad remarried several years later.)


Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Sadie and the Late Night Vet.

This is one pitiful girl.

She was acting a bit “sad” and out of sorts yesterday afternoon, and I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.  We even took a 3 hour nap together and she just didn’t seem like herself.

It wasn’t until Jeff came home and tried to get her to roll over for her usual “tricks for treats” time when we noticed she wouldn’t roll.

Upon closer inspection we found she had a 3” or more gash in her side.  Not bleeding, but definitely oozing.  More than simply skin deep.

There we were at 8pm on Halloween night at the emergency 24 hour vet.

We think she tried to crawl UNDER The neighbor’s chain link fence to play with their dog as they are great friends.  We don't’ know for sure.

The chain link fence is a recent addition at our neighbor’s, put up so that their dog could run free without running free, and now there is a fence between two friends to deal with.
