
Thursday, November 02, 2017

All In A Wednesday.

The title of this post should be edited to include “And the wee small hours of Thursday morning…”

It’s been quite the madhouse over here.  One thing after another.

Just when you think you’ve caught your rhythm, someone or something changes the dance.

But we keep on going!

I’ve been on the phone constantly with family in Idaho regarding my Father-in-law who has been defying all odds even though the end is immanent. So much love being sent out to him from here.

And in the midst of it all comes a text message from the hubster with a photo of a featherweight that was found in the basement.  WHAT?!

After all of these years of sewing, no one thought that I might be able to use that “old dirty machine in the broken black box?!”

The serial number dates it to 1941.

It is thought to have belonged to Dave’s grandmother on his mom’s side, Grandma Snader, but we are checking around to be sure this didn’t belong to his step-mom’s family. (Dave's own mom died in 1983 and his dad remarried several years later.)


More cutting during back and forth photo-text sessions.

I planned on just doing some cutting and kitting up last night.  But it was nearly midnight by the time I went to bed, and 2:30am when I woke up unable to sleep.  The blocks at the top of this post were sewn between 2:30am and 5:30am when I headed back to bed to try to get some shut-eye.

It was Dave’s grandma on his dad’s side, Grandma Hunter that gave me my first cardboard templates for a churn-dash block back in the summer of 1982.

We had been through a lot already in our short marriage, having just buried our first child, a daughter born with trisomy 13.  I was 20.  Dave was 22.  And Grandma knew that my hands needed to be busy to heal my heart.

At this time there were no rotary cutters.  I traced and cut with scissors.  I sewed and stitched and layered and hand quilted in the ditch. (With a double length of thread and knots showing on the back because no one told me otherwise.)

And because I didn’t know anything about binding or how to do it, I figured out prairie points by looking at another quilt that Grandma had made and finished mine the same way.  It was a baby quilt for my baby sister Mary who was born 5 months after my loss. 

So many emotions running through my 20 year old “grow up fast” heart during this time.

I’ve been reflecting on this much over the past several days.


I thought about it while doing this -

I am where I am today because of everything I went through early on.  I had already done a bit of quilting before Grandma got me really going, but without her there at that time to encourage me, it may have taken much longer to take hold, if at all.

Oh, I’d been sewing clothes and household items like curtains, but Grandma Hunter fanned the flames of my love for patchwork.  She lived to be 104.  And now we wait for her youngest son to pass from this life to join her.  My relationship with this family is completely related to where I am on my journey and I recognize that.

And all of these things are whirling and keeping me from sleeping at night.


And Sadie kept watch!

Click to play:

She is doing much better today than she was yesterday, and yesterday was better than the night before so it is safe to say we are making progress.  She is eating, drinking, taking care of business, resting and keeping me company.

And I managed to trim about 4’’ off of that cone so it isn’t as huge on her.  She is dealing with it.

Her wound is on her side, near the armpit of her front leg (leg pit?) on her left side.  Many have suggested her wearing a shirt which will be fine in a few days but she has staples and nothing is supposed to rub there.  Right now the cone is fine.


8 tubs to the post office!

I have been assured that MORE Simple Folded Corners Rulers and Essential Triangle Tools are on their way with an expected delivery date of Monday.  We have several weeks until the Mystery starts, so don’t fear.  We WILL have them in stock.

Every year I put this out here because there are many that do not understand how the “royalties” system works when you are an author or designer. If you buy an item from another store or amazon, your designer friend only gets a token royalty for that purchase you made.  In my case it’s about 1/2 of a book royalty on a ruler which amounts to about 50 cents.  That’s all.

If you want to support your quilt author and designer friends, please be patient and order from them directly if you really want to help them out.  One of the reasons I can keep offering these mysteries for free is that they are subsidized by offering the needed tools, at a discount, on my website.  I appreciate your patience and support!


And so does Sadie!


This happened last night!

Check out what happened overnight on my Quiltville Facebook page! Due to the upcoming On Ringo Lake mystery excitement we have reached more than 110,000 followers! To the new ones who have joined in and to those who have been with me from the beginning I welcome you! Thank you for being part of my quilty life!

As to that not-much-sleep thing: I have a feeling there will be an after-lunch nap coming on:


Quiltville Quote of the Day!

This reminder is for me personally. I allowed my stress and my fear to keep me from sleeping last night. I need to not take those heavy loads to bed with me.

And neither do you!

Have a pieceful Thursday, everyone!


Mary said...

What a surprise find in Grandma Hunter's Featherweight. My heart breaks for the loss you had so young. Stitching through tears. Cheaper than Therapy. I'm watching Hallmark movies. You need a chick flick? Take good care. Love & Prayers.

Mary Ellen said...

I was truly stunned the first time I read on your blog how little profit you realize from sales of your items sold at locations other than your own website. Since then I have only ordered your items from your website.

I am still debating if I am going to jump into this year's mystery seeing as how I still have a box of parts and pieces from last year's mystery. For some reason I thought I had all the blocks constructed and only needed to put them together. What a pipe dream. I am going to try my best to get En Provence finished before the end of November so that I can participate with a clear conscience in this year's mystery quilt. I love the colors and have all of them in my stash. I also have the rulers so it would be a no-brainer if I can get the other quilt finished.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Thank you, Mary Ellen!!

blah said...

Bonnie, so sorry for your loss, though it's been many years, I know you still carry thoughts of your daughter in your heart daily. So lucky for you to have had such a great grandmother who recognized your loss and helped you heal. Prayers for you and your family during this trying time.

Pat from Florida said...

What a beautiful post, Bonnie. Reminds me of the song, "What if you blessings come through tear drops,.........". I'm amazed at how quilters like you, and Edyta Sitar, learned to quilt from grandmothers-in-law. Beautiful.

Personally, I did not realize the huge difference to you if we buy from you. Yes, I knew you would get more that way, but not that much more! I think Amazon is just so easy for us. But at what cost? Also we like to support our LQQs.

Thank you for this beautiful and encouraging post.


Unknown said...

Life can be a circle. I love how quilting can mend the heart. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself. The time changes this weekend, I always wake early this time of year. It's like my internal time clock knows the time change is coming. I do my best sewing early in the morning. I have always woke around 4 am to sew. Sending good thoughts and prayers to your family.

Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie; thank you so much for being you. I love that you share your life with us so much and not just the good things or just quilting. Reading your blog always feels like catching up with a good friend. Sending prayers for you and the whole family, and lots of love to sweet Sadie, poor thing looks pitiful in her medicine induced haze and the hated cone of shame. Thank you for all you do, and I hope you catch a great nap after lunch!

Quiltlady said...

Thank you for sharing the struggles along with the joys. I appreciate that you are so "real" with us. Please know that you are loved and that I am praying for all of you.

Aktibbs said...

Thank you for sharing your quilting knowledge as well as your family life. Both good and sad times. We share your ups and downs with you. I hope you can find peace and calm right now as you remember the good and the tough times. Hugs and prayers.

Liz V said...

Thank you for continuing to share your life with your 110,000 brothers and sisters in the quilting world. Keep up the amazing work we thank you for it and appreciate you

Ellie said...

Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt post with us this morning! You touch our hearts with your vulnerability and perspective. It's fun to read the happy exciting things but it's real life that keeps me reading your blog. I know every day there will be something here you have shared to make me happy or sad or just thoughtful. I've read you say this is the journal of your life. Thank you for trusting us enough to share it with us.

Florence said...

god bless,,,,,,,,and hug for sadie,,,and you to,,,

Penny said...

Dear Bonnie ~ Thank you for being you ~ so very caring & sharing! May you have a better day & night this day! Hugs from CA!

Karen Gail said...

Bonnie, May God bless you in all your endeavors. I just love you to pieces!! Thank you for sharing more of yourself with us today. You inspire me. The last time my husband and I were in Black Mountain we spoke of you with the owners of the yarn shop that is right there on Main Street. We were talking "crafts" and such. You touch many peoples' lives, Bonnie. You are such a good soul. All of your work is just lovely!

jerilyn said...

I have been checking out my colors for "On Ringo Lake"! I have a 21st birthday in April so may do it as a gift. Between and Patrick Sloan's "Grandma's Kitchen" challenge it should keep me focused on something
Love listening to Quiltville.com, past and present.

Feathers in my Nest said...

Oh Dear Bonnie, my heart breaks for you. What a truly difficult time you're having....You & family are in my Daily prayers & my heart is with your FIL & you..I'll be holding your hand throughout this tragic time...You are Loved by a Great many of us, don't forget that.You have lots of Love coming your way.

Debra in Ma.

khowardquilts said...

Sometime all the love a person feels keeps them going longer than expected. A family we know was planning a funeral for a loved one that wasn't expected to last much longer when she rallied and didn't pass for a number of weeks (I don't recall how long). He needs to hold on until you get Sadie back on her feet. Otherwise you would have to have someone else looking after her. It is so much better for her that you are home with her.

Lenore said...

Virtual hugs from Australia. X

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are dealing with amazing amount of things AND coming off a trip to China..I can say first hand being awake at two AM could be related to the time shift! Takes a while and you have had to hit the ground running!Take good care of you! The rest will be as it needs to...you excell at smiling through the rain..you can do this..you ARE! Caring thoughts to you..and THANKS for all you do! C in Colorado

Anne from Glasgow said...

Bonnie I would be happy to donate for the mystery pattern as would many others. We all enjoy the daily readings, tips, patterns and videos and would not have so many finished quilts with out your help. I do not buy any books as postage and UK tax charges have to be considered but I do not hesitate towards a donation PLEASE think about adding something on you mystery page for a donation.
anne from scotland

Unknown said...

It is understood now why you have so much strength. Blessings to you and yours! And, never forget to 'Lean on your Faith'.

Unknown said...

There does seem to be those nights when we simply can not put mental brakes on. We must need a level of remembering we do not quite understand. .. probably sorts out life way down deep in us. Since John died in April, many nights, I simply can not quiet my mind and rest...but those night are getting further and further apart.

So happy Dave's Grandma bonded with you and shared her wisdom about keeping your hands busy ... smart loving lady. And she gently put the doors of your talent ajar, to tempt you walk through them, one at a time.

Take care of OUR sweet Sadie Jane .. she is a priceless life treasure too.
Prayers to settle your mind and heart friend.

Unknown said...

BONNIE ... tried several times to go to SHOP on your blog. Message said something about no resources available etc. How can I get to shop please
Juliein TN

Valerie said...

Julie, Of course, I am not Bonnie, but hopefully she won't mind if I try to help. After I read your message I tried to shop and I had no problem at all. I went to various items in various categories to be sure. I think the difficulty may be on your end. Either the browser you are using or the device might not be "clicking" with Bonnie's store for some reason. Could you try changing one of those things and see if you can shop then? Good luck.

Sydney said...

Love , prayers and hugs to you, Bonnie. My heart goes out to you . ❤️

Sewgirl said...

Thanks for your great quotes at the end of your blog post...very helpful right now. Blessings to you and your family.

Lynn Czar said...

Bonnie, thank you for everything that you do for us, I just can’t tell you enough about how many of us quilters appreciate your life, that you share with us and your talent. I feel like we have been friends forever. I had the pleasure of meeting you twice once at Great Lakes Quilt guild where you were gracious enough during your break to look at my Jacob takes a wife ( orange and pinks) and once in Traverse City where you signed my book, never rushing me and taking the time to listen to me babble about putting Snoopy fabric in Alletaire. Thank you and God bless you during these difficult family times. You are in my prayers.

Kristi said...

Bonnie thank you so much for sharing all your quilty goodness with us...but more importantly thank you for sharing your heart. Everytime I come to your blog I feel the power of your love and caring for others. I aspire to share the same thing to others. Many blessings to you and your loved ones.

Jen... said...

Loads of love and prayers at this time. Memories ..... aah.. so precious . Big hugs

Unknown said...

Thank you Bonnie for all you do! I ordered your book with the essetial ruler, it's been shipped!!! Can't wait for it! I am still working on my first mq en provenece,think I will make it a couch throw so I can get it done! God bless you and your family!!

Karen said...

I just finished my Alletaire mystery quilt that I began in 2015....and I love it. Thank you.
I wasn't planning on doing this years mystery, but I love turquoise, so I may just do it again.

Glitter Girl said...

Thank you for the mystery pattern and the post tonight. The loss of a loved one is often felt more acutely during the wee hours of the morning. The quiet and solitude aids in the memories and for a few moments in time they are active in our lives again. My wish for you is that the next few days are gentle on your and your family.

Justhaveingfun said...

You need a big hug and here it is. What a load you have and had. But look at what you have created with the help of your grandma. I'm one that is waiting to support her instructor once those folded corners come in. Hugs Bonnie!

Nancy Staub said...

Thank you for your wonderful blog, Bonnie. That's about the only thing holding me together right now realizing I'm not the only one. (Please don't take that wrong. The fact that you are going through difficulties, too, isn't a positive!). Have you seen the "soft" cones for our furry babies? I haven't been able to find them locally but FB friend has a wonderful one she got in CA. Makes it much easier and comfortable for her furbaby! Prayers for both you and Sadie! ❤️

Nancy in IN said...

Bonnie, how do I order the two tools that are coming later? Will you let us know?
Love the blog and all the quilts. Prayers for you and your family.

Leah said...

Thank you for allowing us into your life and sharing your heart with us, Bonnie. Thinking of you and your family at this difficult time.

What a lovely thing to have found Grandma Hunter's machine! She wanted to show you kindness and help during a time of great sadness, and look what her legacy has led to! Beautiful.

Kristin said...

Awwww. What touching stories. You made me tear up. Xoxox

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