
Sunday, November 05, 2017

A Saturday of Stitching–And Alias Grace!

Feet up in the recliner past 8pm and binging --

And binging, and more binging!

I mean, what’s a girl to do when her body clock is still not cooperating and it’s a “fall back an hour” night for daylight savings time?

I am always browsing the “recently added” section on Netflix to see if there is something that captures my interest.  I love anything set in the 19th century, and I looked this one over before I decided to have it a go – I was afraid it would be too dark, too scary.

But when someone mentioned there were QUILTS in the mini-series, I had no choice but to click PLAY!

The story is about the notorious 1843 murders of Thomas Kinnear and his housekeeper Nancy Montgomery in Upper Canada. Two servants of the Kinnear household, Grace Marks and James McDermott, were convicted of the crime. McDermott was hanged and Marks was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Although the novel is based on factual events, Atwood constructs a narrative with a fictional doctor, Simon Jordan, who researches the case. Although ostensibly conducting research into criminal behaviour, he slowly becomes personally involved in the story of Grace Marks and seeks to reconcile his perception of the mild-mannered woman he sees with the murder of which she has been convicted. [source]


Quilts on the line!


Quilts on the beds!

In fact, through most of the entire show Grace is found with patchwork, needle and thread in her hands as she recalls the events of what happened as she sees it to Dr Jordan.

I was captivated and mesmerized – It it’s likely what had me going to bed at midnight, only to awaken at 3am unable to sleep again.  Never fear, I was later able to get some shut-eye which explains me posting this blog at nearly 11am on a Sunday. 


First long border completely on!

I’ve left the extension where the next border turns the corner.


Top and bottom border rosette cluster.

These will fit into each other like a puzzle and is the unit I’ll move on to after finishing long border #2 – still a long way to go.

It was just very interesting watching Alias Grace while hand stitching on my own project!


This backing fabric was chosen!

I had just enough if I pieced it with a center seam running side to side instead of top to bottom.  It depends on the size of the quilt and the yardage at hand how I will piece that back.  There will be just enough left over to go into my scraps.  I’ve always loved giant polka dots.  And look – this one is On Ringo Lake colors!  Chocolate and aqua. Who knows how long it’s been laying around here.


About 30% done.

The green paisley you see in the upper center was once one of my line dancing shirts from back in the 1990s.  I loved line dancing (And this shirt!) so much.  So much fun to do that with some girlfriends once a week.  Great exercise too.

The pantograph is Gossamer by Hermione Agee of Lorien Quilting.


In the machine!


And yes, I used a Franken-batting!

I’ve posted about this many times before.  Simply butt the edges together, overlapping about 1/8’’ for extra stability and use your largest widest zig-zag stitch to sew the pieces together into a batting big enough for your project.  Easy peasy – and NO IRON ON GLUE in the quilt.

I hope to finish the quilting on this today!

Other than that we are holding the new status quo here.  Many phone messages and calls stating that Dad is still holding his own.  He is defying all odds.  We are grateful for each day we still have him with us.  I’m glad The Hubster could be in Idaho extensively during this time.  I’m glad his job allows him to telecommute from wherever he is so he doesn’t have to use vacation time to do this.  He’s just working from there instead of here.  The wonders of the internet. No time loss so far.


Quiltville Quote of the Day.

Social media makes this very hard to accomplish. Before you mindlessly type in a comment that someone's art (that they have worked hard on for months or longer) doesn't do it for you or that you don't like it for whatever reason - stop.

Whether it is your truth or not, does your comment help, or does it hurt?

Saying things like "I really don't like this quilt, but if it were mine I would bind it this way....." does not help.  "I would have chosen different fabrics."  Does not help.  

Yes, I have been busy with the delete button on all platforms. And I've seen it happening to other people when they post their best efforts in their projects as well.  

What I see with comments like this -  is the commenter making the whole post about THEM, not a response to what was being shared.  It's ME, ME, ME, I, I, I.  It's not about you. This post is about the person who posted it. Kindly remember that. We all need to remember that.

"I don't like those colors"  is no kind of response to anyone who has opened up their heart to share their project with others. Find something nice to say, or don't say anything at all.

Stay silent. Especially when opinions weren't asked for.

There is too much of this going on in this tangled web called the internet.  There is no need to comment about your dislike of someone’s project in ANY form of media be it email, Facebook, instagram, blogging, twitter, or anywhere.  You may think it all you want, but do not post it. 

Let’s make the world a kinder, more gentle place of sharing. I'd hate for the sharing to stop due to the unkind comments of others.

Let's take back our community with kindness.

Happy Fall Back day, everyone!


TXMOM said...

I have on occasion said...."not colors I generally like, but you have changed my mind for the future with this one!" We all deserve encouragement on our journey.

Unknown said...

Dear Bonnie,
Thank you for reminding everyone of how written word can hurt. Your so right! I am often surprised when I see someone suggest changes to a finished quilt. Mom always said - if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Thanks for another wonderful mystery. I really appreciate how you share you life and talent so generously.
Wishing you some peace during this trying time for your family.

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

TXMOM. Next time, leave out the first part of your sentence. Following a negative with a postitive still leaves a negative feeling. Thank you.

Mary Ellen said...

Amen, sister! Gonna go look up Alias Grace, too.

Linda said...

So pleased you are able to relax and stitch and watch TV. I so agree with your statement for the day. My parents always drummed it into my sisters and me that "If you don't have anything good to say about someone, don't say anything at all" and this was over half a century before the Internet was created and all the other avenues for slighting and hurting others were invented. I would also add the thought: " Do unto others as you would have done to you."

Terri in BC said...

The internet seems to have let the worse out in people. I truly believe in the saying "if can't say anything nice, say nothing at all". I love everything you do, and you have taught me so much. I'm going to strip down the shirts I have collected (no thanks to you!) to make Moth in a Window, and possibly this one as well!

Colleen said...

I, too, read posts about Alias Grace and the quilts so yesterday while hubby was gone, I checked it out. The quilts were gorgeous, but I had a very difficult time understanding the girl that plays Grace because I have a hearing problem with some voice tones, so I didn't watch much beyond her telling her story to the doctor :(

I love this year's MQ (actually I love them ALL) with it's gorgeous colors. Thank you so much for sharing your time and talent with us.

I finished my Sugar Bowl quilt and love it. I set mine in a Jacob's ladder pattern and used mostly Civil War colors.

CathyQuilts said...

Thank you Bonnie ... I have been heart-broken recently at the brashness of some, without a thought about the original poster. There is no such thing as an ugly quilt ... there is always something good to be said.
Thank you so much Bonnie for all you do for us so selflessly. But please, take some time to take care of you and your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very tough time. May God Bless and may the world be a better place ... one nice remark at a time!

PalmerGal said...

Goes right along with someone noticing when you forget something or do it wrong vs saying thank yiou for all the tjmes you remember or or do it right. I try to thank my husband for routine things he does, especially without be asked or reminded.

Unknown said...

I agree totally, Bonnie. If you can't find something nice to say, don't say anything. I am not sure why people feel the need to post negative comments.

Cathi in Texas said...

RE: insensitive posts on the internet. I was recently bullied by a cousin and his two daughters. They objected to a comment I posted that they found "offensive". I was called vulger, vile names, etc. Obviously I ufriended them. I am a 76 year old woman and those people aren' t youngsters either. I dont understand how people think they can lash out in a public forum such as the internet, whe they wouldn't say those things to your face. Sorry for the non-quilting rant!

Mary said...

You are a busy bee. Sorry you didn't get to enjoy the extra hour sleeping. Still praying for you and Hubsters father. There's a reason he is still here.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. Sometimes it is hard to read the comments especially on Facebook. We are all different. Let's celebrate that. I do enjoy the different colors others are posting, they may not be my colors but I look at the whole picture and hope to learn from it. The sew and support each other. P.S. Bonnie I just had a quilt quilted by my longarm friend. She commented on how great my piecing is and that is thanks to you and Mary Heuy. Big thanks. X

Mavis Reynolds said...

When you say pantograph is this a digital pantograph? I'm wondering if you use both digital and paper pantographs.

And amen to your comments about negativity!! We need to make the world a friendlier and kinder place and it starts with us.

j said...

Will your HEXI quilt be a pattern someday? I sure hope so. It's gorgeous!

Ariane said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ariane said...

I really enjoyed the series Alias Grace. It was filmed in the town where I currently live, Kingston Ontario. I actually worked at Kingston Penitentiary where it was filmed. I worked as a Correctional Officer there before it closed. I loved seeing all the quilts shown during the series.

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Bonnie, once again I must thank you for posting about all the negativity that is posted on all social media today. Like many others who have commented, I was always taught that if I couldn't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. I do my best to live up to that training. We all have our own likes and dislikes and everyone must understand we are not all alike. Thank goodness for that as the world would be a very boring and dreary place if we all liked the same things all the time! My thoughts and prayers are still going out daily to you, Dave, your FIL and your brother Mark. I hope you have a relaxing and peaceful Sunday.

Anne Hayward said...

Your sugar bowl quilt is looking gorgeous, and it’s coming together so quickly I love the whole look of it a perfect couch quilt.
So pleased your hubby is able to be with his dad at this time and I send you all my love and prayers.
Your comment about unkind words brings to mind what my mum always taught us as kids ‘if you can’t say something nice,
say nothing at all’ and I have always tried to follow this. Love and quilty hugs

Penny said...

I COVET the quilt that you just made for yourself! I especially love all the colors, the busyness & now the border you selected! Please take care of yourself at this stressful time ~ hugs to all of you!
Penny in So CA

vevans7 said...

Thank you so much for your passionate love of quilting. I have learned a great deal from you and others through their comments. I agree it is better not to say anything at all unless you are specifically asked to do so. When I posted my fabric for the MQ I asked for advice and welcomed the comments others had. If I do not agree with smeones choices who am I to tell them, and from what Ive seen here you really can't tell how it will look until it is done and some of the most unusual combinations turn out to be wonderful. You are and inspiration to us all and I am greatfull to have found this blog and all of the sisters (and brothers) who love to sew.

Kerry said...

I've learnt that while colours chosen may not always be my cup of tea, so many times I've had my mind changed - when a totally different colour is thrown in the mix, it can really make the result look fabulous! So it's best not to criticise, but always encourage. Besides such quilts make you start thinking outside the box - and a benefit for yourself (or should I say oneself) - most of us are learning and it's easy to get stuck in a rut - but how refreshing for someone who dares to be different.

Beth said...

Thank you Bonnie for your comments on ...well..comments! I find that when someone says
something like "I dont' like that much quilting (ie. denser than they like), it demeans MY work. I don't say those things about others work. I am trying to be an advocate for positive comments!I Hope when I say something about another quilter's work (that she/he put their heart and soul into), its about THEIR work and not MY feelings. :::end of soapbox:::

Shiloh Nanny said...

Well said. BTW how's Mona? What has she been working on?

helen said...

Here here! Great quilt!

Annette Schneider said...

Kindness works both ways :-)

Myrna said...

Amen and Well Said! The old saying "if you can't say something nice then don't say anything at all" needs to be put into use a lot more on social media. Don't hide behind the anonymity of your computer screen and criticize what someone has done or tell them how you would do it. If you can't be nice then keep your fingers off the keyboard and your mouth shut! There's enough negativity in the world without adding more.

Prayers for your father-in-law, your husband, and all your family during this time.

LJ said...

Your quote of the day reminds me of Mom. She always said, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything." Right on!

JuliAnn Craver said...

Bonnie, There hasn't been anything you have posted that I haven't liked. Your color choices are great! My mom also said what LJ's mom said "If you can"t say something nice, don't say nothing at all". Walt Disney even put it in the movie "Bambi". lol (When Thumper got into trouble that was his line.) To tell you the truth I'v been waiting for you to get finished the sugar bowl blocks enough so I can see the chicken block you put together on Quilt Cam. Thank you for all the quilting inspiration you provide. Waiting patiently for your On Ringo Lake to begin.

lmno said...

So funny a coincidence. I was sewing a few log cabin blocks and started watching "Alias Grace" around noon. Just finished episode 6. Very good production; quilts and all. Makes me wonder what the real story was back in 1843. Were quilts highlighted in the book as much as they were in the miniseries?

Unknown said...

I was happy to see Sadie in one of your pictures without her cone. I hope she continues to get better and better.
And yes, lets all be nicer to each other. We are all just trying to get along in this big old world.

Bobbie's Busy Basket said...

I totally agree, especially with the positive attitude you share with us daily!! God Bless You and get some rest!!

Feathers in my Nest said...

Great post Bonnie! So many inconsiderate comments being made for what?!! I don't get it...Love & Peace goes a long, long way...Love your Hexie quilt, so very pretty.
Kisses & gentle hugs for Miss Sadie.

Debra in Ma.

pdudgeon said...

Just started cutting and sewing the blocks for my Sugar Bowl quilt late last night.
Thanks for the inspiration and the tutorial!

vincenzo126 said...

We should ALL heed Thumper's "If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all."

Da Momma said...

Amen! Thank you as always for sharing your life!

Teresa said...

So often I see things that I'd do differently if it were my quilt. I'd never say it aloud, and I certainly wouldn't post it on the internet. I'm fairly new to the craft of quilting and I always can find something to learn from other quilters. A perfect example of this was on retreat this fall. A woman sitting next to me was making a quilt of valor. She was using a focal fabric that I thought was ugly. She set her fussy cut motifs on point and added red and yellow borders (at this point I was so confused!) I was making comments about her perfect piecing and ability to design a quilt on the fly, but still, I just didn't see her vision. She brought that quilt to show and tell at our last guild meeting. Gorgeous. Amazing. I was flabbergasted that I couldn't see it while it was happening. It was certainly a learning experience for me. Thanks for all that you share Bonnie. I enjoy reading about your adventures and following along with all of your quilty projects. Don't take it to heart when people say things that are unkind. There are plenty of us out here who are thankful for what you share!
I've been finding my fabrics for the mystery. Trying to push myself to select fabrics that are all across the range of aqua/teal and coral/melon. Tough for me because as you know, I like my fabrics muy caliente! Hugs from Ohio!

Anne Beth said...

Personally, I find all feedback to be valuable. The negative is a little harder to take. I was taught to say "thank you for the feedback" when I person has taken the time to give me their thoughts. It's my place to weigh the feedback to see if it is valuable to me. For example, if you are getting a lot of people who aren't keen on the colors, you can weigh that when picking next colors. Though colors is a bad example, as you just can't get everyone on the same page, as we all have our differences. I often see people comment, "I didn't like the colors, so I switched to these", and that IS valuable feedback to others that didn't like the colors, but couldn't think of an alternative. Oh yeah, I LOVE these colors!

Jetmaio from Florida said...

I met you in Tuscany in 2015. That was my first trip abroad and it was just wonderful. Since then I have read your daily posts with my morning coffee to wake up. I just love them. They are filled with adventure and I live vicariously through your eyes. I especially loved all the pictures and explanations of places you saw in China. You inspire me and make me aware that I can do more with my days. Thank You.

P.S. To Coleen, I too have difficulty hearing or understanding some people on tv. In case you are not aware there is a settings button on your tv remote to turn on Closed Captioning. I couldn't live without it.

Cathy said...

I have a question. When you finish your hexi quilt how do you intend to do the binding? My grandmother always made the binding fit the quilt. So she would sew the length of each hexagon and then make the turn at the point and then sew the next side. Just curious. I have always just cut all the hexi's straight and then sewn the binding on.

Rinachiyya said...

How sad that some quilters make comments like you wrote Bonnie. It is so sad and the never should post unkind words when some one makes a quilt. Thank goodness we all have different taste that makes this world so interesting!
Words do hurt . Hope they wake up and think about the persons who put such effort into making a quilt.
Hugs and love Bonnie I hope you soon get over the jet lag.
Yoka Bazilewich

Cindy W. said...

I agree with your being nice quote, it is so easy to be nice, it doesn't cost anything and it can really brighten a person's day. On the other hand being "not nice" has so many negative effects, that people don't even realize. I've been wanting to blog and post my creations, but I've been hesitant because of the negativity on the internet, and how I would handle it. I think you are so brave to put yourself out there, and the ones who try to drag you down are the ones loosing. By the way, your stuff is FANTASTIC! I always look forward to anything you are creating.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. You are sharing your quilts. We need to stop the unneeded negative selfishness.

Adalemc said...

God bless you, Bonnie Hunter, for all you do and give for all of us who follow you. The colors you put together for your quilts are often not ones I would have thought of using but they are always gorgeous when the quilt is finished. You've made me choose my own colors more creatively since I began following you a few years ago. Thank you for that, and for the yearly mystery, and for the yearly leaders and enders, and, and, and, you just keep giving and giving and why anyone wants to be negative toward what you do is beyond me. Thank you for all you share so freely with all of us, including your life through your blog. Prayers ascending for your husband, you, and all the family who are watching a life winding down. God bless.

Unknown said...

I have really enjoyed following your progress on your hexie quilt. What size hexies are you using? Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

claudia said...

When posting comments, i always think that if the person were in the same room with me, what would I say? I would never say anything negative in person, that's not my business. I always want to lift people up!
I live by your example!...What would Bonnie say??? ;)

Farm Quilter said...

I just finished reading your post of The Forbidden City when I popped over to read this post...the ad on top was for State Farm and all the writing was in characters I assume are Chinese!! The timing was perfect and made me laugh! I am with you on the "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Even if I don't like the colors, there is always something positive to say about the great piecing or lovely pattern or just acknowledging the hard work that went into the creation of the quilt!!! Thanks for the reminder!

kdduncan said...

I am excited to hear Alias Grace is on Netflix...something to watch during Thanksgiving break. Read the book many years ago. The parts of the book are named after quilt blocks.

Alice Cooksey said...

Amen and amen.

Agneta quilts said...

I think you are TOO nice. I was brought up with a stronger version of your words "Be nice or shut up!" I always consider mean comments a lack of manners of the writer, and try to think of the negative words in this eay; "Poor person who does have so many hardships that she needs to write or do this towards other to feel better." I try to ignore and forgive, but if I feel I was really hurt I will tell and that is sometimes the best, as some "haters, commenters and evils" really have a hard time understanding that what they write or say is poisonois. Some will stop when told not to go there, other will never listen, and for those - just pity them and move on. They are not worth your attention, anyway!

Best regards

Unknown said...

Amen! Silence is another thing that is "golden".

Aileen said...

Humans are just to much sometimes.

So I am singing this to you....

"I Love you more today than yesterday,
But not as much as Tomorrow...."

Your patterns have set me free to explore my passion of quilting without the fear I had before finding you decades ago. When your blog page was about your scrap system on a yellow background tucked into a Publisher page with a tiny link. I gasped when I read about your system! Why didn't I think of that? No need, Bonnie found it and shared it. I am forever grateful.

Love you Bonnie. Blessings to you and your family.
Aileen in Florida

Cindy W. said...

Aileen, what is this system you talk about. I've looked all over the Ringo Lake and the Quiltville sites and I can't find it,
It sounds like something I would love to read. Do you have a link to it?

Or Bonnie do you still have it somewhere?

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