
Monday, December 12, 2022

Sleeping Through The Weekend.

I had great plans for Saturday and Sunday.

I had some binge-watching queued up on Netflix, fabrics at hand, cutting ready to go.

I was able to dig in just a bit before the feeling of "Oh, I need a nap" crept in.

Later in the evening we headed out to Jefferson to exchange a new van battery that had no charge (That's a whole different story - but yes, the NEW battery was dead as the proverbial door nail.) and thought we'd grab a bite out before returning home.

I made it through the salad, but just didn't feel like I could stomach the dinner and would just take it home in a to-go box for yesterday's lunch.

On the drive home I was feeling so punky that upon reaching home at 7:30pm I crawled into bed and stayed there until morning.

I must have caught some 24 hour stomach bug because all I did yesterday was move from the bed to the couch, the couch to the bed.

Today - the aftermath is feeling just "that much" better and needless to say there isn't much I can share progress wise, other than the scene of piles of triangles being sewn in the cabin basement studio.

Saturday's batch to sew!

This quilt is being made with all of the weird, ugly and short strips I am weeding out of my Scrap User's system.

I started it last summer before the broken foot and broken nose event of July.

I've worked on it here and there, but it hasn't been primary.

It still isn't.  But it will receive some attention as future snow days are bound to happen, and it will be right here waiting for me.

Webbing the units together keeps everything in order and from turning the wrong way.

These three ready to add to the stack of already completed blocks.

Making these blocks has not been super exciting, but when put all together, I think it will be really cool.

Looking at the weather, our highs will be hovering right around freezing by Saturday with only a high of 30 projected, so I might get that snow day over the weekend after all.  We'll see.

While I slept, the hubster was busy in the kitchen making his favorite peanut clusters.

Normally I like the smell of anything chocolate cooking.  When you have an upset tummy - No.  Not really.  I haven't even tasted one yet.  maybe later.

But seriously, these are THE BEST and the easiest peanut clusters out there - made in the crock pot.  You'll find them in the Candy category under the Recipes tab at the top of the blog.

Do yourself a favor and use a crock pot liner for these and save yourself the clean up.

This morning I'm feeling "better enough" to head out to the QPO and focus on getting the weekend's orders out and checking in with Lola.  

If I feel up to it, I'll settle in, queue up the binge-worthy shows I didn't get to watch over the weekend and try to make a dent on those blue/chartreuse blocks.  I'd really like to start laying those out and figuring out how I want to set them together.

There may be a nap at the inn where it's quiet! 

That's what my Monday ahead looks like.  How about yours?  Did you have a good weekend?

Let's keep building up the holiday spirit with an IronEZ Gift-Away!

You can find out all of the details and enter to win on Yesterday's Post.

I am just this sold on the product, and we are drawing THREE winners! 

One will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, a second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

Click on over to the IronEZ website where you will find limited time FREE SHIPPING (within the USA) in addition to your 15% off for my readers using code BH15OFF.

Even Better!  While brainstorming with Scott he threw in the bonus of  a free mister spray bottle with any purchase of 2 or more IronEZ products.

We will draw for our 3 winners next Monday, 12/19/22!

(Due to shipping, this gift-away is available to USA residents only please.) 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's this time of year that I start thinking about my word of focus for the next year. In difficult situations, ⁣
I find it hard to find the patience to see me through. ⁣
Perseverance is what it takes while waiting for better things to come together.⁣
I think I found my word. Perseverance. ⁣
Are you thinking of your focus word for 2023?⁣



sue s said...

Your HSTs are very colorful and a great idea for those ugly fabrics. I'll have to try the chocolate cookies. I make a similar no-bake cookie with oatmeal added. Perseverance might be a good word for me too. We are trying to mend our relationship with our son and DIL and it's been tough going. But we keep trying and there is hope.

Carol Weber said...

Oh, stomach flu--or whatever you'd call what you have--is never fun, and especially not during the fun month of December. So very glad, however, the inn is on break; that would be so frustrating for you not to be up to spending any time with retreaters! Hopefully you're even "that much" better tomorrow and maybe even right as rain by then!

QuilterSD said...

Glad you are feeling better and it was a short illness. I think my word is going to be CONNECT, with old friends, make new friends, find an org that could use some assistance, check in with family more often, etc

acoelke said...

So sorry you caught a bug, and so happy you're feeling better. You will persevere and conquer all those scraps. Well, maybe you will persevere and diminish the current scrap piles.

Marti said...

Oh Bonnie, feel better! It seems like everyone I know has "something". l have been in hiding to try and stay healthy for my cataract surgery on my left eye tomorrow. Right eye to follow. Accurate piecing has become difficult, all I see is blur!

Kim said...

Oh no! Being sick is the pits, sounds like it is moving along now and you are feeling a bit better. take care of yourself, eat well and get some extra rest until you are a 100%. Love your hst quilt idea, what a great idea! I think my word for 2023 is going to be calmness. Starting yoga to find CALMNESS :0). Happy sewing.

BrenWall61@gmail.com said...

No stomach bug but with days of no sunshine and damp drizzly rain I believe I am getting "SAD". All I want to do is stay home and mostly sleep. It is a chore to get up and do much of anything. Hope you feel better soon.

sewann said...

So sorry you didn't feel well. But you are lucky to have someone so handy in the kitchen.

Margaret said...

First, I hope you're feeling better (writing this on the 14th). Thanks for the inspiration re: sewing triangles. I have a bucket-ful...not to mention crumbs and strings and assorted other bits and bobs!

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