
Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Sew A Little - Rest A Lot.

The push to get these blocks complete so I can start laying them out is real.

There are less than 10 blocks left to make - I can do it, I can do it!

I've already decided to sash them with skinny sashings and cornerstones - there are too many points and thick places where seams cross seams that won't be nest-able if I were to join them side by side.

But there is also SO much more neutral than anything else - sashings that are too wide will only add to that "too much neutral" and so my brain goes round and round and round.

What about on point?  Oh man. No, I think I like them on the straight.

And so the conversation goes.  As I said.  Round and round and round.

Mixing and matching up some block halves.

The trickiest part for me is pinning to match where those chartreuse triangles kiss each other in the middle of the block.  Shift happens.  Much shift happens. But I'm trying to not over-think it and once again allow myself the grace of living happily in the Land of That'll Do.

I finished Dead To Me on Netflix yesterday, and moved right on in to Harry & Meghan.  I never saw the Oprah interviews, so I find this interesting and refreshing.  And poignant.  And a bit haunting in parts where they just want to escape the things that caused Princess Diana's death.  They want a private life.  They should have the right to have that.

Anyway - I've finished ONE episode. Are you watching?

Pardon the crackers on the table - yes, I'm still dealing with tummy troubles. And evidently Lola thinks SHE should be the only princess I am paying any attention to.

Of all of the baskets and containers in my studio - she choses THIS one to squash herself into.

Garden Party from the Addicted to Scraps book.

I have some lovely show & share for you today from CĂ©lia all the way from France!

Sher writes:

"Hi Bonnie

I thought you might like to see these three finishes - the decks now cleared for Chilhowie!

Garden Party, Crazie Mazie, and Maymont.  Still plenty of scraps left to keep me occupied through the winter."

Aren't they gorgeous?  I am always so excited to see your finishes - please keep them coming!

Today I'm planning desk day in the morning and sewing this afternoon.  Chilhowie Part Four must be written - and you can surely bet that I'll be double checking everything to make sure that there isn't a miscalculation as there was for the first couple hours of our Part Three release.

If your instructions tell you to make 16 sets of 8 matching units - you are correct.

If you printed out early and haven't been back to check and you only made 16 sets of 4 - I'm so sorry.  Please check the Part Three again for the updated instructions and NEW PDF.

It doesn't sound all that exciting - I know.  But if I get my ducks in a row, I can finish up those remaining blue/green blocks and get to the layout stage.  YES!  That's a doable to-do list.

How about you?  Is your list still long?  What are you doing so that you don't eel so overwhelmed this holiday season?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Today it's gloomy, cloudy and raining outside but love and happiness resides inside and I am grateful for this day!
There are things to do and quilts to make.
I love this arrangement in color blocks-Ideas are everywhere, aren’t they?

Grabbing Tuesday by the horns and running with it -



Kathy said...

My new coping with overwhelm strategy: JOMO - joy of missing out. There's no way to do it all, go everywhere, participate in everything, catch up every item on my to-do list, etc. That's what created the overwhelm in the first place. So I pick the highest priority things to do, people to see/talk to, and the events that are the most important to me. Let go of the rest. Let go of the need for perfection (or control). Strive to do always do my best but realize it won't always come together the way I'd like. And that's OK.

Karen and her dog Zoe from Port Orange FL said...

LOL, I love that Lola! She just wants to be close to you and that box looks like it hold the stuff you want the most help squishing down! My little dog Zoe is pretty good about leaving me alone while I sew at the sewing machine, well until she comes over to remind me to show her some attention. But, as soon as I sit in my recliner she's up on my lap and then sitting on my chest with her back under my chin. Thank goodness she's only 11 lbs of doggie love. I have enough when she decides to be a diva and stands up on my chest demanding a belly rub. If she'd just learn to roll over on her back, I could wrap my hand over her and rub her belly til we both fall asleep. Anyway, there's no way I could ever get any hand sewing done reclining with my little diva. I'd have to sit up at the kitchen table to do so. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Cats said...

oh, lola, yep, i said it out loud and laughed! right out loud again, what a great look at me look! Have ordered CraftOptics as Christmas gift to myself and fingers crossed they will help me deal with AMD (age-related macular degeneration) which has suddenly turned wet in the right eye! They are GREAT to work with, and my younger son & DIL have offered to gift them to me for Christmas, isn't THAT wonderful??? They want to encourage me to keep quilting! hmmm? can't imagine why! giggles & grins, as life gives us needles to thread!!!! Thank you, Bonnie, feel better soon, hugs from Cats in Carlsbad CA

Tina K said...

Easy peasy. They need a poison (or whatever that green is) green with white polka dot sashing. Another sashing idea might be a poison green plaid. Cornerstones? Probably blue, in order to use up more blue. And, yes, I'd not put them on point, but I would aim them in sets of four toward a center. Just my thoughts.

Mandy L said...

I live in the land of it'll do, also. It is refreshing to know I am in the best of company. I have learned so much from you. Thank you!

Ruth McIlwain said...

My Airedale, Lucy, is very demanding of my time. Walk in the morning and walk in the afternoon.
That takes a good 2 hours out of my day. I have to put up a babygate to keep her out of my sewing room when I am in there. Meeting m tvy friend and her dog at the park this pm, which will take care of the afternoon because I have to drive 30 min to get there. But, we enjoy it. This week is cookie baking time. Quilting will restart after the holidays. I hope you'll feel better soon, Bonnie.

Tracey Honig said...

The look on Lola's face says, "Mom!! What happened to my soft bed?!" HaHa! My to-do list is just getting on the downhill slope. 3 more wake-ups until the Christmas break! Then I can quilt until I wilt! Hopefully get caught up on a few projects so I can start more! I sure hope you're feeling better soon!

Mary said...

Cheering you on! It's is a Tuesday to stay home again. At least until Quilt Guild tonight. My list is shrinking. 12 more days but Mailings need to go out SOON! Love the Mystery so far! No Worries if the numbers are wrong, we can reprint...

Old soul said...

I'm excited for this mystery as it's my first one! This is a new hobby for me to deal with pain. My doggies (Pomeranians) 5 of them and Yorkie haha, they all have their own quilts . Good way to use up batting since I'm not sure yet on how to glue them together. Harry and Meghan disgust me using Diana's memory and comparing it to them, they well Megan has been caught lying about numerous things about her life that woman is evil far from a Diana!
God bless feel better. From Minnesota

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