
Saturday, December 10, 2022

Quilts on Main, and More!

I was kidnapped Thursday.  And I welcomed it!

What else would I rather do on a drizzly December Thursday than head to nearby Galax, VA for a round of shop hopping and lunch out with a friend?

Martha pulled in the QPO drive at about 11am and off we went.

Oh, she had other things on her list too - like the feed store for more goat food, and Lowes for some electrical wire, and a run by the USPS to drop something off.

*I* was the one who posed we add the quilt shop opportunity into the mix.
But before we get to the good stuff, I need my Chilhowie Peeps to pay attention!

I was sitting in a tire shop yesterday morning an hour away from home without cell service when it hit me that the chart I've been working off of for Chilhowie was only half-right.⁣
The blog post for Part Three has new graphics, photos, new information, and new piece counts to get you where we need to go.⁣
The OLD PDF has been deleted so there is no confusion, and a new URL for the NEW PDF linked on the post so you can't get to the old one by mistake.⁣ Please delete any copies of the old one you have on your computer or device and download the new one.

And pass the word to those friends of yours who are so busy sewing they have no clue that they need to double their cutting and sewing.⁣

You will need 16 sets of 8 matching Part Three units, not 4 as stated previously.⁣

Sorry for the inconvenience. When I screw up I tend to do it on a global scale. I appreciate your understanding and encouragement.

And back to our Quilt Shop day!

Meet Roxanne and Carol, Quilts on Main owners.

While my Quiltville Inn peeps have been visiting since they opened, this was my first opportunity to get over there and spend some time meeting and greeting and yes, even stash enhancing!

They have taken what used to be an old barber school building in this beautiful old downtown area and turned it into the cutest shop that is light, bright, and airy.

The walls are lined with an ever expanding array of gorgeous fabrics - and more is coming in weekly as they build their stock to serve locals and visitors alike.

They were so excited to know that our Quiltville Inn retreaters come from all over the USA and Canada.  Quilter's purchases have already traveled back home to many states.

As much as I loved to run my hands over the beautiful fabric offerings and check out books and notions, I think I loved the hospitality and feeling of instant friendship the best.

Or maybe the vintage machine displays -

They definitely caught my eye!

Or this one - Check out that aqua machine!

Things to love about old shops - the window displays!

Of note - I love how they left parts of the old walls uncovered so we could see what is under there.  The history of this place.

On the opposite wall.  100 year old brick.

If you are near Galax, Virginia plan on taking some time to stop by.  Not only is Quilts on Main guaranteed to please, but you'll also find many other fun places in downtown Galax from antique shops to eateries and more.

Yes, I came home with more neutrals!

Aren't they cute?

On the home hand quilting front - Quilting these big neutral background areas is so boring. This is the 3rd big corner. I'm getting there but it is so slow.

The root beer float the hubster offered was too tempting and a welcome distraction. Yummy!

And the cinnamon bears??

These are my other favorite.  And they aren't so easy to find around these parts.  We have found that SOME Tractor Supply stores have them and these two bags were grabbed expeditiously right after leaving the tire store and knowing I needed to hurry home to get Chilhowie Part Three fixed.

Today I dust myself off and start all over again.

Let's keep building up the holiday spirit with an IronEZ Gift-Away!

You can find out all of the details and enter to win on Yesterday's Post.

I am just this sold on the product, and we are drawing THREE winners! 

One will win the IronEZ with standard bottle, a second will win the IronEZ with fine mist bottle, and our third winner will receive a 2 pack of fine mist bottles!

Click on over to the IronEZ website where you will find limited time FREE SHIPPING (within the USA) in addition to your 15% off for my readers using code BH15OFF.

Even Better!  While brainstorming with Scott he threw in the bonus of  a free mister spray bottle with any purchase of 2 or more IronEZ products.

We will draw for our 3 winners on Monday, 12/19/22!

(Due to shipping, this gift-away is available to USA residents only please.) 

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

I set in this morning to bring a little bit of holiday cheer to my surroundings.
This photo is a close-up of a hexie table runner made by my mom. I taught her how to do English paper piecing and she turned around and made this for me!
There is a definite need to be creative within the human spirit. The things we make with our hands we also make with our hearts!

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!



sue s said...

What a nice looking store and a bonus to retreaters! Don't fret over the mistake- better to have made too little than to spend time (and fabric!) making too many.

Joyce Frazier said...

Love the neutrals you picked out. One day I will get down to visit Quiltville and would love to visit Galax, their wonderful quilt store and the other stores there.

Mary said...

Always a fun day out with Martha. Root Beer Float s are a perfect treat! I find Cinnamon bears at our Winco, Rite Aid and Walgreens. None of those very close to you. Lucky Retreaters that get to shop in the new Quilt Shop. It does look inviting. Love the Window Space! Part 3 coming right up. I waited to print yesterday, good thing!

Joan E said...

Thanks for taking us along on your visit to the quilt shop, it struck me at how clean and attractive it was, downloaded quote, will set it as my wallpaper on my computer to remind me its okay to play with fabric, and nothing is perfect and that's okay. Have a glorious holiday season.

Carol M said...

I love Cinnamon Bears! I would love to go fabric shopping with you, Bonnie. That would be such fun. Printed out part 3 but I am still working on part 1. I am not in any hurry. Have a Merry Christmas and I hope that 2023 is a way better year than the last 3 have been. Keep pushing forward. Hugs

Kaequilt said...

My husband and I enjoyed an afternoon in Galyax several years ago. It is a lovely town to explore.

Farm Quilter said...

The "mistake" wasn't dire...you didn't tell us we needed to make 40 groups of the QSTs!!! If you had, and those eager beavers who get up at the crack of dawn to make the entire clue that morning would have been making another border or have a big jump start on a new quilt! No biggie!! Nice of you to prove to us you are just as human as we are *grin*. So glad you got to spend time with Martha and finally got to visit Quilts on Main! Fabulous LQS!!

Linda P in IL said...

Love your Mom's hexie's!

Anonymous said...

My friend Burnie and I (Jaci) came into your store and I fell in love with the scraps! As we talked and I folded (mostly so I could feel the fabrics) I fell in love with your store! I used all my scraps that evening and the next day! I need to come back and purchase some more!
Thank you for being there and I look forward to driving up there to visit again!
Jaci Krause

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