
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Oh, What a Monday it Was!

This is what we call an Appalachian Traffic Jam!

Monday morning, Grassy Creek Road.  3 cars in a row (I am car 3) NEVER happens here.  Even the cattle, who outnumber people per square mile in this area stopped to marvel.

The entirety of Grayson County is under 16,000 people making us the 95th LARGEST county in Virginia.  LOL. (In other words, dead LAST.)

With 19 people per square mile out here - who would think there would be a Mouth of Wilson traffic pile up (HA!) on President’s Day Monday?

One turned left at the intersection, the other turned right – the first of only TWO stop signs I hit in 7 miles on my way to Quiltville Inn and the Quiltville Post Office.

Pokey Joe in the front was in no big hurry.  The highway speed limit is 55.  Going 40 mph in a 55 mph zone doesn’t cut it for me, so that passing lane came up just when I needed it most.

What was the big hurry on a no-mail day?

It was a full day of packing orders that had come in over the weekend for my new Quilty Password Keepers and Quilty Coupon Keepers.  They are proving to be quite the hot item and I need as many orders to go out today as can happen – the van is full with burgeoning mail tubs and I will drop those off at USPS this morning.

I did take a bit of a break mid-day to restock shelves, and pack the merchandise that is coming to Bedford, Virginia with me on Thursday for my weekend with the Peaks & Pieces guild – two workshop days ahead, I can’t wait!

I love teaching, I love visiting with quilters, but I also love keeping my van wheels on the ground and enjoying a driving trip instead of having to ship everything ahead and deal with planes.  It’s nice for a change.

And then – I took some time to take care of THIS CULPRIT:


Pat gets a prize for finding a pin in the Checkerboard Rails quilt!

Pins happen.  

Luckily not often for me, and also lucky for Pat that this one was nearer the binding, in the portion that hung way down the side of the bed so it wasn’t discovered until we were stripping sheets and folding quilts. 

No one got poked while sleeping under this quilt!

Dresden was curious about the pliers!

I simply used the pliers to pull the shaft from the pin head, and am leaving the pin head inside the quilt for the next person to find.  LOL!

Upon pin discovery, someone else piped in that “By the way, the binding on the quilt on my bed is coming undone.”  At closer inspection, I know about that spot.  It was the side tucked against the wall where it wouldn’t be noticeable until someone went to un-make the bed.

I had contemplated fixing that spot – but you see, that is a spot that Sadie Jane chewed when we first brought her home.  It is sentimental to me.  I tossed and turned ideas of fixing it over in my head, and even Dave said – “Leave it.  That’s Sadie saying Hello.”  

So it stays. It has a story.  And a place in my heart. The quilt knows.  The quilt understands.

The rest of my day on the day after retreat ends?


Oh, isn’t this so exciting?

In a way it is.  Getting everything ready for the next batch of retreaters that will be arriving on the 27th from Kentucky.  Everything washed and clean and folded.  Ready to transport back to the Inn.  Ready to make up towel baskets and place folded sheet sets on each bed for the cleaners to make when they come a week from Wednesday.

Routines are forming.  It feels great.  And that IS exciting to me.

And yes, you see Straits of Mackinac from String Frenzy peeking out behind the laundry baskets, as that is our workshop quilt along with Xing this weekend.  Making ready.  So many plates spinning!

Binding finished!

Sleeve and label still to go.

I started a new series binge last night.  Private Practice on Netflix.  Liking it so far!  It’s much more gentle on my senses than the CSI and other crime shows.  This is a medical kind of show.  Just something different for a change and I’m liking the characters and the story lines in the couple of episodes I watched.


26 1/2’’ x 26 1/2’’

Pattern coming in June.

Dresden will do his best to keep me on track with the mail order today.

Lola will make sure there are no more pins in quilts!

Quiltville Quote of the Day

Good morning, Tuesday! What have you got in store for us today?

Log cabin and nine-patch quilt found in West Jefferson North Carolina this weekend while playing hooky and antiquing with the Georgia girls!

Make it a good one, Everyone!


Mary said...

Oops, on finding a pin. Good to find it now, the ball can work itself around. The Irish spring Green quilt looks fabulous. No Irish in me. Just Stubborn English. Oh, ya for todays Quote. Biting my tongue does not taste good. But do it, I must!

~Kris~ said...

My grandmother accidentally sewed her thimble in a pillow cover she made for me. It is still there 46 years later. I cherish knowing it is there and feeling for it every time I pick up that pillow!

Kara Benavides said...

Busy! Busy! But sounds like you are in good "paws." Thanks for sharing.

Debbie said...

Your drive sounds like mine. It's 8 1/2 miles to the paved road. Only stop sign is at the highway. And directions to my house include what to do if the person gets behind or in front of a herd of Longhorn cattle or horses being moved between pastures. There is a 7,000 acre guest ranch a few miles from us and they move their cattle between pastures by horse when possible.

Leah said...

Awww. I remember that long-ago post when Sadie chewed on the quilt. Silly old girl.

Looks like you have two excellent supervisors on the job at the QPO. On top of things, they are. *pun intended*

Deb4330 said...

Private Practice is great! I'm re-watching it also. It is a spin off from Grey's Anatomy. Enjoy!

Phyllis said...

Oh yes finding a pin inside quilt after all finished. A little of thoughtful ideas the best way to get it out without destroying the fabric but got it done!! That's happened a couple of times. Those cat captions and expressions are so cute!! So glad your dream just keeps on going Bonnie. You are a woman on the go and the brain just keeps pumping ideas!! Thanks for everything you offer us!!

celkalee said...

Years ago I lost a needle. I felt a pinch when I stepped onto my pink shag carpeting (now don't moan, it was cute in its day) Anyway, never found it until one year later and I was on a walk, something was catching on my sandal. I sat down in someone's lawn and took off my sandal. Well, well, there was the eye end of that needle poking out of my heel. The man who lived there came out with is needle nose pliers and pulled it out. Rusty little bugger it was! A year later. Then I resumed my walk to a fabric store a few blocks away. I was on a mission! True story, still amazed that I didn't get sick from it.

Laura said...

Is it okay to ask...how is EmmyLou?

Shirleyf said...

You can always put a patch on the quilt that says "Sadie was here".

Betty S said...

I love the kitties making sure you are doing everything right! That's some traffic jam. I love reading your blogs Bonnie. Have a wonderful day.

Farm Quilter said...

Love living in a small-population county!! My county, as of the 2010 census has our population at 10,570, with 4.6 people per square mile, and that totally works for me! Have fun driving to your next destination - driving is always so much nicer than flying!

puddles said...

❤️ that Dresden and Lola look so comfortable and relaxed there with you. Great company. 👋👋

Unknown said...

"private Practice" I believe is a spin off from Greys Anatomy. I used to love watching it...will have to look it up on Netflix. I love the "Sadie chewed it" area...I have little reminders of my Phantom who went over the rainbow bridge last May ..and they are staying as well. So happy to hear you are settling in with a routine at Quiltville Inn. Some year I will get there!

Sandi said...

I loved the Private Practice series, it is a good one. Thanks for everything you do.

Kb48 said...

I just love seeing Dresden and Lola - so glad they are there helping!!!

kupton52 said...

Had to smile....you've got "us" beat! I live in Monroe County, West Virginia which abuts Virginia ....our population in the 2010 Census was just over 13,000. Love livin' here!

Evy en Petra said...

And what where you really thinking? :)

mpv61 said...

For the quilt with the binding issue, I would do some of that Japanese Sashiko stitching to make sure the binding doesn't unravel more, and also stitch "Sadie" into it. Then every quilter who finds that spot will smile and think of Sadie!

I love the laundry routine and how you have gotten all of those details figured out!

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