
Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sewing up a Frenzy in Plano!

We sewed up a storm at Fabric Fanatics in Plano, Texas yesterday!
30 quilters came from far and near to participate in this week’s 5 days of fun.  Some are taking all 4 workshops, some others just a couple as space allowed.

One workshop is a mystery that I have designed just for this occassion, so while I can’t show photos of blocks, that doesn’t mean I can’t show you photos of the fun we were having!

This mystery will also repeat on Sunday, so I’ve designated the “day after” of these events to be show & share days.

I LOVE the quilts that these gals bring to show, many with touching and heartfelt stories behind them.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Bonnie and Irene Antiquing in Dallas!

Look what came out to play while I flew to Dallas!

It was luckily an uneventful trip, and I happily stitched away while talking to a very interesting lady who lives in Greensboro not too far from me. 

She was interested in what I was doing, I showed her how each hexagon is cut larger than the paper foundation under it, explained why the paper is there to hold pieces in an exact shape so they fit easily together like a puzzle. 

I showed her the whole process of attaching one hexagon to another, to another, and she was amazed that this project has been going on for more than 2 years now.

Meanwhile, she told me all about her family and her working farm outside of Greensboro and showed me pictures of everything she grows.  It was wonderful to hear about another's passion for what they do.  While I am happiest with needle thread and fabric at hand, she is happiest when she is digging in the dirt and communing with nature.  I loved our chat!

This section is ALMOST done. I will finish it before I am home, and will start on the next.  There are 4 of these elongated triangle shapes needed to turn my hexagon shaped medallion in to a rectangle so I an call it done.

Yes, it takes a long time to make something of this magnitude, but it is worth every stitch, every found moment of otherwise wasted sitting time.  I’m happy to have it out again!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Let's Go to Dallas!

And just like that, my holiday time home is over and done –and off I go to Dallas to start my 2016 teaching year!

I'm not sure miss Emmy Lou is happy about that, but she will keep my spot warm while I'm gone and I'll be back before she misses me.

And no, she isn't mad or angry, she is just camera shy.  I'm lucky I caught this photo at all, usually as soon as I put the phone up, she turns away from it.  Awww sweet girl! You should hear her purr!

I know many are worried due to the devastating tornados that hit the Dallas area over Christmas.  My heart breaks for those affected.

What a WEIRD Christmas week we had in the south with temperatures being so warm.  Storms are a product of so many things.  And it has been weird warm.

But I have checked with my airlines, my flights are good to go and there is a whole 5 days worth of full to the gills workshops waiting for me.  So I’m off!

I can honestly say that I got EVERYTHING done this holiday break that I wanted to.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 5!

Part 5!  Part 5! We’ve made it through Part 5!

And just what do you have to show for it?

Yes, I know you were busy – you might still have family, friends, company over --

((Even though they say that fish and company have one thing in common – they start to stink after 5 days!))

I remember a sign that hung in the guest room of my Grannie’s home in Rio Verde, Arizona – it said, in all of its floral grandeur:

“Welcome to our home, we are so glad you are here!  When are you leaving?”  LOL!  No really, I love and cherish family time, and it passes all too quickly.  Enjoy it while you can!

I’ve been doing some spying around the web on how Part 5 is coming along for others, and I have a some photos to share with you:

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Gift for Mona!

Meet Mona’s new friend, Paula!

Paula walked into The Flag Store in search of Mona after reading about Mona’s surprise visit on the blog several days back.  It turns out that Paula and Mona lived literally a few houses apart from each other for many many years and never met each other!  Add quilting to the mix, and a chance reading on this blog on where to find Mona and all kinds of things can happen!

I’m so happy that she is finding quilty friends in the area.

So....this is kind of a sneaky gift-post. 

Mona has no idea that I am writing this, but as soon as I  hit send, I’m sending her a link so she can read it herself.

She has become such a dear dear friend that I wanted to do something special for her for Christmas, while she is away.

Friday, December 25, 2015

On a Lovely Christmas Morning...

Merry Christmas, everyone!

I’m up at the dining room table typing a quick post while the men folk are down stairs reviewing yesterday’s adventures in ATV riding, all recorded on go pro camera. 

The warmer weather up here has given them time to enjoy being out on the mountain, thus giving me time to squeeze in a little stitching of my own.  A gift of time to myself that I didn’t think I’d have.  I was okay with that, and then when time opened up for me to sit down and treadle a bit while they were out and about, I grabbed it.

It’s been an easy Christmas here.  A late start to the morning with everyone waking up at a normal hour –so much better than when the boys were little and up at 4am because they were so excited about Christmas they couldn’t stand it.  Yes, I miss those times, I cherish those times, but sleep is a luxury and a gift as well!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

On a Rainy Stormy Christmas Eve

Somehow the one hit wonder of “I’m dreaming of a torrential rain and thundery Christmas…” never made it to the Christmas music play list on my ipod.

But I sure could use it now as it has not stopped raining since yesterday morning, or was that the night before?

Whenever it started, the one line from “Let it snow rain” that I CAN relate to is “It shows no sign of stopping, and I’ve brought some corn for popping….”
And I’ve got cookies to be baking and quilts to be making!

This is Sadie, shaking to beat the band – who would think that there would be loud thunder in the wee small hours of Christmas Eve morning?

Did I think to bring the Thundershirt up here?  Nope.  It’s back home in Wallburg.

Dear Santa – please add one Thundershirt to your list for Sadie.  Thank you very much.


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Just Patch It!

I’m a clutz.

There.  I said it.

Not that it needs to be confirmed by me, as everyone who lives around me KNOWS –I have zero depth perception.  I’m not even allowed to pull the van into the garage, because while I may miss the driver’s side mirror, I will instead completely take off the passenger side mirror on my way in.

I can’t count the number of times I have hit my hip on a door knob, or a sewing machine cabinet corner even when there is way ample space to circumvent such a painful “that’ll leave a mark!” moment!

Such was the case in the studio the other day when I was at the machine quilting, getting ready to advance the quilt to the next area awaiting stitching.

I turned, got caught in the batting, and left a hole.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December Quilty Box Drawing Time!

It happened!

It really happened!

This is by far the largest response for ANY give-away I have ever held in the 10.5 years of this blog’s existence.

When I noticed by the clock that the drawing was about to close, and I needed to get my tail to the computer to let the Random Number Generator draw our winner, I about flipped!  We have close to 2450 entries for this one little wonderful Quilty Box!

Ohhhh, you guys want this one BAD!! 

And only one person can be drawn.

Are you ready?  Just so you know, I am blasting Christmas Music and Straight No Chaser is here to set the theme.  So let's all get in the mood now:

Quiltmaker's 1000 Blocks In House!

Hot off the Presses!  It’s Here!

Quiltmaker’s 1000 Blocks!

Yes, that’s right, ONE THOUSAND BLOCKS!

I first learned of this compilation when I was in Colorado in August filming my Craft U Scrap Quilting series. ((Have you registered? Click the link to learn more, and use the code BHSCRAP30 to save $30.00!)) Carolyn was SO excited with the prospect of having 1000 blocks from the beloved 100 blocks editions all in one volume.

I’ve been so anxious to get my hands on them as well!


Hundreds of blocks from today's top designers!
Quiltmaker magazine has long been regarded as the place to find blocks that range from innovative to traditional, whimsical to sophisticated, classic to unique! Now, these blocks are together in Quiltmaker's 1,000 Blocks.
This comprehensive guide covers every block-making approach including applique, foundation-pieced, mixed techniques and pieced. It also features settings and yardages for turning your blocks into beautiful quilts, quilt-making techniques for easy reference and a bonus CD of PDF templates.
The editors of Quiltmaker magazine have compiled an extensive block collection that is sure to be a quilter's best friend!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 4!

Sewing Parties are the best kind of parties there are!

And when Sewing Parties happen during holiday time it gives us a chance to REALLY “Deck the Halls” and add a special event with a purpose while gathering friends together.
Check out all of the #4 units decking the walls here! Fun!

These photos are from Deb, and they come with the following words:


Sunday, December 20, 2015

Antique Quilts, Oh My! Part 2!

And now the second half of the Antiquing-in-West-Jefferson-NC story!

There really was so much antique quilt inspiration that I couldn’t do it all in one long blog post.

And it didn’t seem satisfactory enough to put them in a slide show because it is really hard to discuss something, point out details and give speculations when photos are flipping by you silently in a slide show.

These quilts need to be SEEN!

If you missed this morning’s post click HERE.


Antique Quilts, Oh My!

I wrote yesterday about the adopting of Plain Jane and how she came to live here at the cabin.

I have to tell you, I am so excited about stitching with her that I could hardly wait to get out of bed this morning, and this blog post is a bit delayed because I had to go downstairs and pet her and make sure she is happy in her new cabinet!

Silly, I know --but I have really connected with this little $12.00 machine!

What I didn't tell you  was that there were SO MANY QUILTS that I fell in love with while I was there.

My camera was smoking by the time I was at the counter!

So today I am sharing with you all of the wonderful vintage quilts I found while on my antiquing jaunt in West Jefferson, NC yesterday.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Adopting Plain Jane!

I turned a corner and there she was on a shelf.

Alone and a bit, well – PLAIN was all I could sum up as far as adjectives go, but I came closer and knelt down to her shelf level, reached out to put my hand on her and give her the acknowledgement that she so rightly deserved.

It’s not easy being “plain.”  But she had given a good show of it through her life, and by the completely missing decals and not-much-there-either clear coat, not to mention the barest evidence of  dreaded pin rash from a once-upon-a-time pin rag around her neck, I knew she had been loved beyond measure.


You Just Might Chance to Meet...

This is a fun shout out to Diane, who happened to be shopping for a very special Marine flag yesterday!

She chanced to walk into my friend Mona's Flag Store in Newbury, Ohio.  Browsing, browsing, choosing items and purchasing, and at the checkout counter, she spied the quilt on the wall behind the cash register.

Conversation ensued!

Diane: "I'm a quilter, too!"
Mona: "Really?  I'm just learning, I've been quilting about a year, my friend has been teaching me when she isn't on the road teaching quilting as her job."

Diane: "Oh, really? Who's your friend?"


Thursday, December 17, 2015

December Quilty Box Give-Away!

I've got ONE December Quilty Box to gift to one lucky winner!


I'm so excited about what is in this month's box because they are either items I want or need or already use in my daily studio life.

What??  You’ve never heard of Quilty Box?  Let me back track a little bit.


Cabin-y Kinds of Things...

We ran out of plank wood.

And that's just a small hiccup because we can get some more, but it put us at a stand still for the wall remodel at the cabin.

Sadie was HAPPY that the pounding stopped!  Poor girl!  This is where she would be when the compressor was running for the nail gun.

I have never seen a dog so scared, and it seems to be getting more intense the older that she gets.

The air compressor doesn't even have to be plugged in ---if she sees it out in the room, she starts shaking like nobody's business and she finds the most comforting place to hide -- in this case, under my knees as I treadle!


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Quilt-Cam! 12/16/2015

Hooray!  It's time to sew!

And I love sewing along knowing that you are joining in and working along with me, no matter where you live or what time zone you are in.

Before we get started, I wanted to share this photo that Jean sent in.  Isn't it a great quilt?

This is her story:

Old Tobacco Road goes to Arizona!

While my dad was here over Thanksgiving he commented on how he loved that we snuggled with quilts to watch TV in the evenings, and that there was always something beautiful around to wrap up in.

Now, dad has some of my quilts and other things I've made, so it took me a while to get the hint!

After about the 3rd time of "It's so nice to have quilts around.." I asked "Dad!  Would you like another quilt for Christmas this year?"

The response?

"I thought you'd never ask!"

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Still Stitching Drawing Time!

13 winners are about to be made happy!

I've been watching the time count down on the entry post for this give-away, it's another great thing about using the Linky for drawings.  It counts down the entry time.  It's over when it's over.  And it lets me know how many have entered so far!

Along with keeping everyone's email addresses safe.  That's the big thing.  I hope you have liked entering this way, but as all of life goes, some will like it, others will not and you can't please everyone all the time.

However, I am VERY PLEASED!

I have FREE STREAMING CODES for 3 lucky winners!

Some Sewing Here, Some Sewing There!

Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain!

That was our weather here yesterday, and today looks much the same.

Don't get me wrong, I love a good storm!  Especially when I don't have to be anywhere, go anywhere or have to see anyone --
It's a day to stay in and sew!

See those glowing windows on the lower level?

That's where all of the action has happened over the past weekend.
I've been working on a couple of projects that have been long in the making.

One has been a travel project over the past year, and the other?

A UFO that has needed borders, but has been on the back burner for quite a while.

So while pine planks were going up on the walls all around me, I was giddily treadling away on this:

Monday, December 14, 2015

Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 3!

Happy Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 3 everyone!

Three clues down, how many to go?
We shall see!

I have to tell you that I have loved this whole Allietare experience with you so far.  I hope you have too.  I've tried my best to break down the parts so that they were easily doable in between busy lives and hectic holiday preparation.

I don't want ANYONE to feel that they have been left behind if they are unable to fit any of the weekly clues into their busy lives. 
Quilting is something we do around the edges of our lives, and for many of you who work, who have small children or grandchildren or elderly parents to look after, finding personal sewing time can be difficult.

I also have heard from many of you with emails of thanks --thanking me for giving you a place to put your positive focus, and the time spent sewing, a little bit here, a little bit there has been a gift to keep you centered while the world spins out of control around you.

As things ramp up for Christmas, and more time needs to be spent with Family, Food, Fun, and Festive Frivolity, do NOT worry about the mystery.  It will be here when you get back.  Do not make the mystery your main focus --it's just the icing on the cake.  

But do, if you can, a few of each week's clues until your life is back under control so you know how things fit together when we have our reveal, and you will catch up in no time because you will have had experience with each unit.  
Remember you can access all of the other Link-Ups and parts by clicking the Allietare Mystery tab at the top of the blog.


Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Day to Work, A Day to Play!

In the warm months there are OUTSIDE kinds of things to work on, saving the inside jobs for the cooler temperatures, which have NOT arrived!

This weekend is one of incredibly beautiful weather and we have taken to the outdoors in an effort to soak it in as much as possible, because this IS North Carolina, and when ice storms come, it is easy to forget just how nice it can be when it is as nice as it was yesterday.

Do you see this?  Only a denim shirt thrown over a short sleeved t shirt ((my uniform of choice on most days!)) for a morning walk in the woods, about 8am!

It was close to 60 degrees at this point and Sadie and I were loving every moment of time in the woods.

With a weekend like this upon us, we headed back to the cabin to put in a morning of planking the walls in the basement family and sewing nook --with a plan to take the motorcycle out on to the Blue Ridge Parkway in the afternoon, firmly believing that this will likely be the last riding opportunity in 2015.

Let's take it out with a bang!

But first:

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Still Stitching! Video Giveaway!

Have I ever got a great blog post this morning!

I am so excited about this streaming video and DVD I can hardly stand it.

And yes, I’ve watched it so I know!

Have you heard about STILL STITCHING?  It’s all about collectors and vintage sewing machines. 

In fact, I was contacted earlier in the year to participate.  They had asked if there was a time that crew could come out and interview me with my collection, but I just couldn’t do it.  My schedule was too cram packed with no wiggle room ((You who have followed me over the past year remember what it is like to have only one or two days turn around in between trips on opposite ends of the country!))

But I wanted to lend support to this very important project so I suggested that I help on the promotion end and do what I can to get word of this documentary out there.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Pantone 2016–Why, Oh Why!?

It’s not that I really give a lot of weight when new “hot trends” roll along.

I’ve never been a rule follower.

It doesn’t mean I don’t use colors that appear in fabric, or in home décor, or in choices in clothing.

If I like the color, I’ll wear it.  I’ll sew with it.  I’ll have it in my home.

But it feels really weird when a company goes from not promoting ONE new color trend for the year, to pairing TWO!?

Quilters are all a-buzz with very vocal opinions on this pairing, and many have given me fits of giggles in the process.

How about THIS for a description?

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

The Dentist, the Doctor & Cabin Time!

Sadie and I were out early this morning –we beat the sunrise before it crested over a ridge to shine on this beautiful day.

And a beautiful day it is.  There is only the faint haze of cloud with a blue sky plainly present behind it, and I bet anything that thin layer of cloud will be gone by mind morning.

This is the kind of December that I love –yes it is colder, but it is clear and dry and I can still get out and about and not have to deal with ice or snow – not quite yet.

That usually happens here in the Blue Ridge further into January and February.

Here is Sadie, patiently waiting for me to take her morning photo:


Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Let’s Run it AGAIN!

My first online workshop with Craft Online University (Craft U for short!) produced by Quiltmaker Magazine was SUCH a success they have asked if I wanted to “Play it Again!”

And I said YES!

The response has been so overwhelmingly positive, and the interaction so great, that it would be a shame to only offer this one time, so I am THRILLED that they are opening registration right now for the course that will run from January 25th to March 7th of 2016.

I’m extremely pleased with how this course turned out, and I’ve packed it full of all of the hints, helps, tips and tricks that I could – things I use in my every day scrappy quilt life.
It’s like being here with me in my own studio!

I’ll talk to you one on one about how to best manage your scraps, how to put the Easy Angle Ruler and Companion Angle Ruler to good use, and how to create the blocks featured in my  Addicted to Scraps column-easily, quickly, and oh so scrappily using the fabrics and scraps you already have on hand.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Allietare Link-Up: The Midday Edition.

This is my face when I go through the links in the Link-Up to find that more than half of the folks linking up have NOT followed directions and have not included a link back to the Link-up page in their photo descriptions (for those on google+, Instagram, Flickr or Pinterest) or in their blog posts.

I had this problem last year, and no matter how many times I reiterate how important it is to include a link back to the page so that those looking at YOUR page can come and see the links that others have posted as well, PEOPLE ARE NOT READING.

Slow down please.  Read what I write.  There are rules and directions to make it better for everyone.

I’m really sad that I have had to delete the more than 20 entries that I had to this morning – but there is not enough time in my life to email everyone one at a time and ask them to include the link to the page in their entries.

I shouldn’t HAVE to ask you to include it when it is already in the directions for linking up in this morning’s Link-Up post in the first place.

In the future there will be no notifications.  Include the URL to that week’s linky page IN YOUR POST or your entry will be deleted without warning.

For example:


Allietare! Mystery Monday Link-Up, Part 2!

It’s that favorite kind of Monday!

A Mystery Monday Link-Up kind of happy day!

I have seen so many photos of such great progress happening all over blogland and in Facebook and Instagram – even on Pinterest photos are popping up and everyone is getting into the spirit of Allietare!

Do you remember what Allietare means?

To GLADDEN!  To REJOICE!  To become CHEERFUL!  It’s the perfect name for this quilt, it made me so happy to watch it come together.

Especially as we go into the holidays and things wind up and get busy, let’s remember to BECOME Cheerful.  It’s a choice.  it doesn’t happen on its own.  So find those small joys and expand them in your life.

You can find out how to pronounce Allietare HERE.  Practice it until that "r" rolls right off of your tongue, and you’ll be shouting it out loud in public in no time!


Sunday, December 06, 2015

Tumblers On the Side!

Quilter, Quilter quite contrary,
How do your Tumblers grow?
In between
Each chain pieced seam
Colors and Neutrals
Alternating in rows!

Some things lend themselves to stitching with leaders & enders and some things do not --

As I was making crumb blocks for the centers of my stars, or string piecing for the alternate blocks, I found it easier to just piece two blocks at once, using each one as the leader or the ender for the other, a continual chain of two.


Saturday, December 05, 2015

Stitching on the Mountain!

It’s been a treadle weekend for me –and oh how I’ve missed it!

I’m working on these stars with crumb pieced centers – I only need 80+ of them to do what I want to do –but without a deadline, I am able to sew at a much slower pace and just enjoy the process.

Did you know that EVERY project makes crumbs and/or strings for future projects?

And no matter how you attempt to use them up, they NEVER go away and are constantly replenished by the leavings of other projects?

It’s a wonderful win win win and I love finding ways to use up the little bits, be it in crumb piecing (No foundation) or in string piecing (paper foundation) or in paper piecing. (sewing on a line on paper in a distinct pattern)  The more colors I have, the more variety I have, the better!

And you can see Sadie was working extra hard too..LOL! 

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Jan/Feb Quiltmaker Drawing Time!

Hello from back up at the cabin!

I just couldn’t stand it –and after all of my “must do” work was done today, I hightailed it up here to spend the weekend.

I’m planning a slower stitching weekend with some treadle action, and a whole lot of binding.

It’s a nice change of pace after last weekend’s Thanksgiving holiday hubbub!

Coming to the cabin involves a whole load of things like opening window blinds, turning the heat up in the gas fireplaces that we use to heat with, turning the water heater back up to HOT instead of room temperature, unloading groceries –and of course, putting corn out for the deer.

We love the wildlife up here, and love watching them.


A Bit of Stitching with the Pink Ladies!

I love it when I get stories from far away, with photos to let me into your world and see just what is going on there!

I want to introduce you to the ladies in pink –for a very special purpose!

I received the following email from Judy Simcock in Bordertown, Australia! She and her group held a quilt retreat benefiting the BCNA, the Breast Cancer Network of Australia.

Judy writes:

Hi Bonnie,
You sure are one busy lady. I love to read of your travels and see the photos that you post. It is a great way to travel without leaving home. If I traveled anywhere it would be to the US, but that’s not likely to happen, so I love to take your trips with you.
Thank you for your permission to print your Scrappy Trips instructions, and the girls loved their packs of pink strips. It certainly saved me the time of designing a pattern for them, which I do for the mystery retreats we have. And I am in the process of moving so time is really short. So thank you once again.
I had the “bright”, good idea to use mainly pink strips. And this has seriously depleted my pink stash. So it will be a good excuse now to shop for more pink fabrics.
Each lady received a pack of 100 pink strips in their little case of goodies.Sorry I forgot to take a photo of these. This would make 16 blocks, and then they could add borders, to finish it how they liked.
I have posted photos of a few of the quilts that were sewn, on my blog in case you would like to see. We raised $1100 for the Breast Cancer Network Australia, with proceeds from the pink auction and the raffle quilt. 10 ladies stayed at The Sanctuary for the weekend.
What a fab retreat, ladies!!  Well done!
I want to come retreat with these gals!

I just LOVE heart warming and fun stories like this.  16 blocks is a perfect size lap quilt for someone undergoing some tough times, and how cheery!  The more pink, the merrier!

Visit Judy’s Post HERE for more photos!  The quilts weren’t the only thing in pink..the whole retreat is a pink thing to be seen!  Really, this is just a preview – GO SEE the post!
If you have an event like this that you would like me to share on the blog, just take photos throughout your retreat or event, send them to me in email, or send me a link to YOUR blog post and I am happy to feature you here in Quiltville! 
So here I am –toying with the idea of running to the cabin for the weekend.  Once this blog has posted, and I do a few things around the house, I’m free until Sunday evening when I have to make that jury duty phone call.
I was all fine thinking that I have the month off, and if I have to do it so be it – so yesterday when I was calling to make an appointment for my mammogram ((Yes, see –there IS a reason I posted about pink today!)) I asked for a mid- January appointment.
The receptionist told me that there were plenty of openings in December, would I like to come sooner?  And I told her that my schedule is up in the air because of jury duty.  And THEN….She went on about how she’s served twice – the first one took 3 weeks, and the second one 5 1/2 weeks!  OH. FREAKING. NO!!
I had only heard from people who had either been dismissed or had served for a short week before.

This would be my luck!
So the plan is – when I go..I take my contract for my Plano teaching on Dec 30th, and my airfare receipt that has already been purchased and I go plead my case.  I can do it if it doesn’t go past Dec 28th –but time is of the essence here!
Remember, I’ll be drawing for the Quiltmaker Jan/Feb issue TONIGHT – likely from the cabin!  Did you get your entry in?  Comment THERE on that post to enter!
Have a great Thursday, everyone!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

Click Here to join our sister group, Quiltville's Open Studio on Facebook, a place to Sew, Share & Grow!!

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Some Days Like This.

Yet another run around errand on my erstwhile month OFF from the hustle and bustle of quilt travel.

It was a two shot day:  Tetanus in one arm and Flu shot in the other.

Physicals are important, and so is getting the dreaded shots, even if it means my quilting arms will be sore for a couple of days.

However, with the new insurance policies this was yet again an OFF year for getting a pap.  I’m still not sure how I feel about that – once every 3 years is good in theory.  I don’t like pelvic exams, but I’m having to trust the government where cervical cancer and other nasty things can go on undetected in my body?  I feel like I’m walking around with a huge question mark over my uterus because a lot can happen in 3 years between pap exams, especially at my age.

However, I was greatly uplifted by the fact that my cranberry gown matches my cranberry winter socks.

There are things to smile about!


Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Sewing with Sadie!

I spent yesterday morning in the sewing nook at the cabin!

Just a short morning, really as I had a little incident the night before.

Ever chew popcorn to find you’d chewed your temporary crown right OFF?!

And worse….lost the temporary crown in the process?

Oh, boy!

So I called the dentist first thing in the morning, and they made me an afternoon appointment to go have another one made.  Oh, the laughs between me and the receptionist as I was trying to explain this to her!

So that gave me just a couple of hours to get down and busy and work on these:


Monday, November 30, 2015

Mystery Monday Link-Up! Allietare, Part 1!

Oh, I love this part of our Mystery process!

Today I get to see what YOU are making with your clues!

This photo was sent in by Connie during yesterday's Quilt-Cam showing her completed step 1 units.

Great job, Connie!

Our Monday Link-Ups will happen every Monday while the Mystery runs and then after 30 days or so  past reveal we will do ANOTHER Link Up to see how quilts are coming.  Then perhaps another 90 days past reveal we can do a final one.

That said, I want to reiterate that the mystery is NOT a race!  You can take as long as you need to finish your quilt!

I have some fun photos and a story to share with you!

Check this out!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Quilt-Cam! 11/29/2015

Hello from Quilt Villa!

We are trying something new today –Our first ever Quilt-Cam from the cabin.

I had planned on doing this from home, but I really wanted to be up here at the cabin instead of at home through Thanksgiving weekend --

I drove back up after dropping my dad off at the airport in Greensboro yesterday afternoon thinking all the way of how we could do this!

This is an experient.  I can’t even promise it will be as clear as it is at home as our internet here at the cabin is not as strong or fast as it is at home – but I want to try.

I’ve hardwired the laptop directly to the modem to give it maximum connection power and speed.  The wifi signal is just not enough for good streaming.

As I said – this is a test!  And we will know whether it will work or not after this.

If it doesn’t, then we won’t do it again from up here.  But if it does?  That gives me some more options for connecting with you.

Jan/Feb Quiltmaker! Give-Away!!

Heads Up Notice!  There WILL Be Quilt-Cam from the cabin at 2pm Eastern TODAY!  

Set your alarms and be ready with a project!  This is the first time I am broadcasting from the cabin, and I’m excited to give it a try!

Those folks at Quiltmaker are really on the ball!

I was astonished to find EARLY copies of the Jan/Feb issue in my mail box…and you know what that means?

They always send some extra so I can pass them on to YOU!

I know, I know, I know – you are whining that you don’t even have the Christmas decorations out yet, and here we are pushing January/February of NEXT YEAR?

I used to feel panicky about that too, but when it comes to quilting, we need TIME to make the things we want to make.

You know what I also love?  February means Spring is right around the corner, and while I constantly try to find things about Winter that I love ((and some things I do)) I am not a big fan of cold and dark and miserably icy.  So anything that brings pink and springy into view is good by me!

What will we find in this issue?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Hiking with Friends!

This is a family photo heavy post!  But be sure you make it to the bottom for a Quilt-Cam announcement and a special sale going on!

The Blue Ridge Mountains are full of places to walk and hike, enjoy beautiful scenery, vast and distant vistas, plummeting waterfalls, and the amazing sounds of nature all while wrapping me in a sense of peace that I have yet to find anywhere else.

With family and friends here for the holiday weekend, we gook advantage of the unbelievably warm temps in the low 60s to load up the van with 6 grown ups and a little brown dog and head out onto the Blue Ridge Parkway for some hiking through this beautiful place, and take time out for what is likely to be the last great picnic of the year.

I am so glad we did!

Our first stop on the park way was to one of our favorite overlooks:


Thursday, November 26, 2015

Grateful on Buck Mountain!

Sadie says LET’S GO!!

We are so enjoying our time up here.

Friends Irene and Dave arrived on Tuesday night late so yesterday we got to show them our surroundings on Buck Mountain by daylight.

I love it when people see this place for the first time.

I love sharing this part of me with them.

And we have Sadie to lead the way!

I think Sadie enjoys the mountains more than all of us combined.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Like a Rolling Stone!

Things Bonnie does while waiting!

I got a message on my phone that my dad’s flight from Phoenix had been delayed by 1/2 hour.

And there I sat with a van full of groceries and everything I needed for almost-a-week at the cabin.  I was ready to head to the airport when the message came in –

What does a resourceful quilter do when faced with a bonus of time on her hands?

Head to the antique mall that is not too far from the airport exit!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

In Machu Picchu Pueblo

The town of Machu Picchu Pueblo is built in and around the mountains that tower above.

This little place is bustling, of course its main industry is tourism with the ruins of Machhu Picchu close by.

The railroad brings people to and from Macchu Picchu as there are no cars here.

Everything is done on foot, and that includes hauling the luggage of excited travelers who have come to explore the area ---luggage is picked up at the train station and hauled by cart or more often, the ever present Barrow-less wheel barrow contraption:

Monday, November 23, 2015

And Then There Was Some Raleigh Show & Share ---


The Capitol Quilt Guild in Raleigh is a wonderful group with a very huge heart!

Just before my presentation they did a “parade of quilts” around the very large room –so many quilts made and destined to be given to those in need.

These are the quilts just from this past month! 

This happens every month!


All of the agencies and locations that receive these quilts monthly from this fabulous group are truly blessed.

I’ve always thought of quilting as a loving, caring, giving thing and these ladies and gentlemen prove it every month when the donation quilts arrive in droves!

I quickly snuck up on stage when this presentation of the quilts was going on just so I could get a few photos.

I only regret that I couldn’t get a photo of each and every maker and the quilt they had put so much time into!

If you want to know where the heart of the guild is, look to those who are making the donation quilts.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Quiltmaker’s 100 blocks Vol 12!

Another day, another drawing time!

This time we are drawing for TWO lucky winners – one who will receive a copy of 100 blocks by 100 designers, Vol 12 directly from the offices of Quiltmaker Magazine, and a second who will receive a signed copy from me along with a free Strip Lash pattern by Gudrun Erla of GE Designs AND a Kona charm pack in neutral solids!

This must be a popular giveaway because I think we raised the roof on this one – 1353 of you are vying to be winners and the competition is tough!

It’s a good thing that we are not judging this based on entries!

Thank heavens for the lovely little random number generator who pulls the numbers for us!

I hope it doesn’t have a melt down with this one!