
Friday, May 29, 2015

For my European Friends -- Birmingham Festival of Quilts Tickets!

This is a special Give-Away for those planning to attend or close enough to attend the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, England in August of 2015!
I'm excited to be offering up 3 PAIRS of tickets for entry in to the show, courtesy of the show itself!
I received the following email From Sara Willis at Festival of Quilts:
Dear Bonnie,
I’m an organiser of The Festival of Quilts – Europe’s largest quilt show.
We would love to give you 3 pairs of tickets to run a competition using your blog/ social media to The Festival of Quilts. The show takes place at the NEC, Birmingham, 6th - 9th August.

In August of 2015 I was lucky enough to take a trip to England and visit the festival -- it was FABULOUS!
You can visit my recap of the show HERE.
This is a great opportunity for those in the UK and close by in Europe.  If you have ever thought of going to the show, you can now go for FREE!

If you are lucky enough to win.
Please please please -- ONLY ENTER if you CAN go to the show.  Do NOT enter from the States  ((Or Australia, or South America, etc)) unless you already plan to go.  It isn't fair to those who really want to and CAN go if you enter and have no plan on attending.
And it would be a shame for tickets to be gifted and go unused.
Special thanks to the Birmingham Festival of Quilts for their generosity in putting up this prize as a give-away!
Leave me a comment in the comments section below -- and good luck, everyone!
Drawing will be Monday evening, June 1st -- upon my return home from the cabin!
Small print:
No, you can’t email your comment in, you can’t comment in the guest book, you can’t comment on Facebook or instagram…it has to be HERE. On this post. So I can use the random number generator to choose our lucky winners. It’s only fair that way!

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And most of all…GOOD LUCK!! I could be drawing YOUR ENTRY!

Click Here to like our Quiltville Friends Page on Facebook for more fun!

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Unknown said...

Oh Bonnie - I'd absolutely love to win the tickets - it would be a fabulous opportunity to meet up midway with my little sister who's only started quilting this year - hope I'm lucky!

Flickenstichlerin said...

Oh my God, thank you for this opportunity.
I have a friend going to the show and to win the tickets would be the sign for me to go with her. Please, I need a sign. This week has been so good already I will at least give myself the chance to be a even more happy person, if that is possible, I am so happy already I am squeeking.
Wishing a happy weekend to everybody,

Gill said...

I would love to enter - I think the FoQ is our best UK quilting show!!

Unknown said...

OOOh, this would be amazing, I only live about an hour or so from the NEC, so it would be amazing to win these! Loads of my bee mates are going and it would be a fab chance to catch up. Great giveaway, thank you very much to both you and Sara for the opportunity

Siobhan, Wrexham UK

shevvyrox (at) gmail (dot) com

Karen's Quilts from Cape Town said...

I would love to win these tickets for my daughter working in the UK, and for me to have another reason to go and visit her! Karen in Cape Town - karen_wcsn @ yahoo dot com

Rike Busch said...

Oh, this would be so great! Thank for this amazing chance!!!
Greetings from Germany.

Turid said...

I live in Norway, and have thought of going to Birmingham for a long time. If I win, it will be my chance to go. Thanks for this give-away.

Anonymous said...

I've never been and would love to go, thanks for this wonderful giveaway!
Kate Allen
Bristol, UK

Pauline G said...

Went last year and would love to go again - so much to see ! Thanks for the chance to win tickets

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie
FOQ... 40 minute train journey for me :-)
I am originally from Rhode Island now living in Shropshire. So many beautiful quilts ..gorgeous
fabrics to buy.. cannot wait to go again!
Ann Talbot

SewLittleToSay said...

How nice to have a giveaway for your European readers. I'm in the UK and have the time booked off work to go this in August, but need to sort everything else out (train, tickets, bank loan for fabric purchases etc).

nlcalendar said...

Would love to win tickets. My passport is up to date and I can pack in 15 minutes ;-)

Anonymous said...

hi bonnie,
would love to have the opportunity to see the FoQ...i've never been to a quilt show!...i travel to the uk a lot...and with tickets in hand, could probably convince DH to accompany me as well! :-)

ela pracht

Linda said...

I would love to win tickets. I attend every year and always take family and friends with me, so this would be a lovely gift to win.

Elaine said...

Would love the chance to go, I am tempted to go anyway, I have never been and it only a 2 hour drive for me

Anonymous said...

I would like to win and the chance of meeting you Bonnie is the icing on the cake. Jane

. mumra_baxta@hotmail.com

CC said...

great opportunity - love to go to the festival here in the uk.

Stina... said...

I'm going again this year...and I'm so looking forward to it...had so much fun last year...going with three friends and meeting up with another friend...how fun isn't this!!!

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

Each year I say I will go, then I leave it too late to get organised. I would be thrilled to win.

Sally said...

love to be included in the giveaway. I didn't go last year, and felt I missed out.

Linda Coleman said...

This is the one visit each year for me to stock ip on supplies. Have convinced three friends to visit with me from Ireland this year.

Clothkitty said...

It's been a couple of years since I last went to the Festival and I would love to go again to stock up and enjoy looking at other people's creations. One day is not enough to do it justice.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

It is a number of years since I last went to the show. I am so looking forward to going this year to see all the quilts and meet the quilters we all know about from the internet.Winning tickets to go would be wonderful. and I would be able to buy more fabric with the money I saved.

I am taking the group of ladies I am teaching to quilt with me,and some of their friends; we have hired a bus.......I cannot wait.

judibel said...

What a wonderful opportunity! If I win I would get to visit friends in London and also meet 2 friends who are going to Festival. Fingers crossed.

Man for all seasons said...

Wow, what a great opportunity! Have never actually been to that show, and would love to see the selection there - the London shows are all about selling goods, not nearly enough quilts on display! Stephen in London

Katy M said...

I'm definitely definitely going with my mam! If I won tickets then I could put the entrance fee towards even more lovely fabric! :) Thanks for the chance to win x

Abi said...

I have never been but decided a few months ago this would be the year I go. I would love to win!

Nik said...

I am looking forward to the FoQ already - have booked my time off work but haven't organised my ticket yet.... I met you at FoQ last year and when I texted my husband to tell him, he called me a stalker!

miss-linny said...

Oh yes please! I'd love to take my friend who will be visiting from Australia. It's a fab festival. Thank you.

eileen said...

Oh Bonnie, I would love to go ....it´s only a short trip from here in Spain...thanks for the chance. Eileen in Spain. ekmvalencia@gmail.com

Jude said...

Hi Bonnie, my daughter and I would love to go, couldn't make it last year and missed going so much!

marion said...

Hi Bonnie, I am planning to go with a friend and would be extremely happy to win a Ticket - or two ;-). What a coincidence. Marion (marion@paternostro.net)

conny's quilts en creaties said...

This would be great! When I might win I go and invite a friend to join me. Just a short fly from the Netherlands. Thanks for organizing this.

Unknown said...

A fabulous giveway and an easy 2 hours up the M5 for us to get there - I had my first visit last year and would love to go again!

Blue Moth said...

Oh I would love to go - it would be my first visit. Many thanks for the chance.

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said...

Oh I would LOVE to go!! I went two years ago and loved it and came away very very inspired!!! I am in the UK :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to go. I am in Scotland but have never made it yet. Thank you
Carol Wilkie crlwilkie@aol.com

Unknown said...

I would love to go having not gone for a few years due to being abroad ... Now back in the uk so I would love to win these tickets thanks so much xxxx

Susy said...

Thanks for the opportunity :-)
I've been the past 2 years and it's an inspiring event and great chance to meet up with some of the rest of the UK quilting community. Would love to win!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win these tickets, I only live an hour away!


Unknown said...

I would love to go. I went last year when I had just started quilting and was so inspired by all the amazing talent. It would be so amazing to go again now I actually have some quilts under my belt!

Patrick in IRELAND said...

Hi Bonnie,
I will be in sunny England in August and would love to win the tickets!
Much love, Patrick xo

flymac said...

Hi Bonnie
I would love the opportunity to be entered into your draw for the tickets to Festival of Quilts. My mum only lives half and hour away so would be great to take her with me.
Thanks for all the inspiration you give to everyone
Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie. I would love to win the tickets as I have never been to the Festival of Quilts. I'm new to quilting and need to build up my stash at any opportunity!

Unknown said...

Hello Bonnie!

I've never been to the Birmingham Quilt Festival, but i'd like to make a chance!

Unknown said...

It would be lovely to be able to take a friend to this show. ~Thank you for the possibility


Unknown said...

I would love to win. The ladies in the picture with you are Merlyn and her daughter Susan who own my local quilt shop here in Glasgow Scotland.

Pauline Warner said...

What a great giveaway! Went to FoQ for the first time last year and would love the chance to go again :-) pew52@hotmail.co.uk

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Bonnie, this sounds like a dream! Visiting the show in Birmingham is on my list for years, but always was too busy. This year August is time between jobs, and It will be possible to go to the UK, it is only on the other side of the sea! And what a nice way to prepare for the DIY Textile School course in Art Quilting I will start in October! Looking forward to see you in Birmingham!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie

I haven't been to the NEC for a couple of years but would love the opportunity to find new inspiration, as well as shop a whole lot.

Thanks for doing the give away.

Happy quilting

Mandy Adams


Agneta quilts said...

What a lovely giveaway, amazing! i would absolutely LOVE the chance to win a golden ticket, airflight from Sweden to UK is cheap!!
My calender is empty during those days, and unfortunately - so is the wallet... but with this drawing I will make it to the UK and finally see a real quilt show, as those here are quite...lame...

Agneta in Sweden

Unknown said...

Ooooh! Yes please! I was going to book my ticket this weekend, so will wait until Monday............. There are loads of coaches going from all over the UK, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed there will a space on the one from Saffron Waldon for me and my friend. Thanks Bonnie! That would be an excellent gift! Have a great weekend. Sarah

Sadie said...

Birmingham here I come. I just got the week off from work so this will be perfect. I have never been to a bit Quilt Festival.

Razzle Dazzle Quilter said...

Hi Bonnie
I am travelling all the way from New Zealand to attend the festival. Tickets would be a HUGE plus!

Denise said...

I was in Birmingham 3 years ago and it was a great festival! Me and one of my friends have dicided to see it again this year, so please count me :)

Steffi said...

O how beautiful! I drive this year for the first time to Birmingham and would appreciate enormously over the cards , then possibly even comes with a girlfriend !

JaneGardner said...

What a wonderful race!
A golden ticket! Wonderful!
Keeping my fingers crossed that the random generator draws my number - and then a lovely trip from Sweden to the Quilt paradise opens its doors in August in Birmingham - England
Good luck to all participants
Vivianne in Sweden (http://janegardner.blogspot.se/)

Charmingbubble2 said...

Bonnie thank you for this opportunity to win tickets. Three friends and I are going to be entering this year's quilt in a day race on Friday of the quilt show. All the quilts made will be going to the Birmingham Children's Hospital so I hope whomever wins will stop by and cheer us--The Sew Sisters--on. Although I've lived in the UK since 1981 I've retained my American accent and at last year's show I was asked, on three separate occasions if I was with your group. My fellow attendee, not a blog reader of any sort, was pretty impressed I knew who you were. Thanks for putting so much back and making many days brighter.

Unknown said...

Free tickets? Yes please. More money to spend on all the beautiful fabric I want but don't need!
Pat UK

Pam Mason243 said...

Thank you for this chance. I've never been to FOQ and would dearly love to go.

Rita Connolly said...

I went to Birmingham last year for the first time with a friend and we had such a good time we decided to go again this year. It would be wonderful to get the free tickets because between flights from Ireland and hotel there's not a lot left for buying the goodies and gadgets we just can't get here.

Sue Crowden said...

Missed going last year so really looking to visiting this year, hope I am lucky - it's a fantastic show

Sandra K said...

Hi, Bonnie I'd love to go to the show, I've never been to one and I think it's time I got out off my shell and looked around!
I love your blog your scrappy quilts are a real inspiration to me.
Sandra K

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie, I would love these as I am new to quilting and would really love to go. I will be going with my mother in law. Beeboocrochet@gmail.com

Pascale said...

I was lucky to see you last year at FOQ, by chance as you only had a few hours. I would love to go back this year.

Liz said...

I'd love to attend. It'd give me a reason to remain in England instead of just switching planes there, and what a reason!

Unknown said...

I would soooo love to win these tickets...I only live a couple of hundred miles from Birmingham and love to travel.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love to go.my email emmahdubeh@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I would love to go - haven't been for about 4 years. sappleton73(at)gmail.com

Linda H said...

Would love to go to the FoQ this year. Haven't been for a few years so would take my daughter with me. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I would take my Mom with me if I won tickets. She loves quilting but hasn't been too well over the past few months so this would cheer her up now she is on the mend.
Julie - 01nashville@gmail.com

Janet Owens said...

I'm booked to fly to FoQ from Ireland with a friend and it would be such a thrill to win the Golden Tickets.

AnnieBee said...

Hi Bonnie,
Yes I would love to win the tickets.I am going anyway but if I had my entrance fee paid I could BUY MORE FABRIC. Yay.

miscellanea said...

Hi Bonnie,
I'm planning on going to the UK this summer and I'd love to go to the FoQ this year. Thank You for the chance to win tickets.

BarbC said...

I would love to win the tickets as we are already planning to attend as part of our 50 th anniversary trip. (Hubster is a sweetie!)
Thank you once again for all you do for the quilting community!
Barb Cutler

Pam said...

I would love to win this giveaway, I am planning on going for my first visit and winning would mean that i could take friends with me. A massive treat for us all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonnie,

Festival of Quilts is my favourite quilt show in the UK and last year I was lucky enough to meet YOU there. My calendar is clear for that weekend and I'd love to win a pair of tickets:)


Fiona said...

This would be fabulous. I have already booked my flight to England to visit my girlfriend of 40 years (who I have not seen for 8 years) with part of the plan to go to the Festival of Quilts. I would be absolutely thrilled to win. Thanks for the chance. Cheers, Fiona

Unknown said...

Hi Bonnie
What a super offer from you. I live in France and have met most of my quilting friends online. This would be a fantastic chance to go over to the UK and meet some of them in person while seeing all the fabulous quilts and spending lots of money on fabrics. Fingers well and truly crossed.

Anonymous said...

I too would love to win these tickets. I love the FOQ and make an annual pilgrimage to see the amazing work exhibited there. Saving the entry cost of the show would give me more money to spend on stash enhancement for this year's mystery quilt - there will be one won't there?

This giveaway has also been fun in that it has revealed how many "Bonnie Followers" there are local(ish) to me


Sylvie said...

I have recently moved direction from embroidery to quilting so would love to visit the Birmingham show; It would make a fab birthday present as I'm 59 on the 2nd June. Love your blog and look forward to quilt cam; sylvia.fayers@btinternet.com

SueB said...

What a generous giveaway! I would love to take a bunch of friends to the Festival of Quilts.

Jo Robertson (thejoyofthehousetomyself) said...

I would love some tickets! Thanks for the giveaway jorobexeter at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to win tickets to go with my cousin who lives nearby. I will be visiting family in England at this time.


Susan Anderson said...

Would love to win these tickets!

Susan (quilterbabeuk@yahoo.com)

Anonymous said...

Would love to win tickets. I am new to quilting and have only just dipped my toe in the water so it would be a great experience for me to see the wonderful quilts that people have made. Jules. julesshodges@hotmail.com

Janet said...

Yes please. I live in England and plan to go to the show to meet up with some American friends I met in Houston last year.

Unknown said...

Yes please, I'd love to go! I live in England and this has to be the biggest and best show here. Lots of beautiful quilts to admire and fabrics to drool over!

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