
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Piece it Here, Piece it There --

See these red hexies at the end of the blue rows on either side?

Turns out on half of my sections completed I did them, and on the OTHER half -- well, I forgot about them!

Which means some decisions need to be made as to what I am going to do to continue this project.

Either way, some un-sewing was going to have to be done!

This project has been going on for 2-1/2 years now, and still has a long way to go, but as a travel project, I am not in a hurry with it, and I have loved seeing how it comes together, bit by bit, piece by piece over time.

Here is a shot of the other side, WITHOUT those red hexies:

The blue goes right up to the white.

Laid out with fill in section #5 in place.

This is when I noticed it...something was not doing what I wanted it to do.

I opted last night to remove the red hexes from the  ends of the striped blue rows, and just make it blue throughout.  I'm much happier!

Sewing the section on!

Yesterday was full day, but a relaxing day.  All of this hexi-ing was done in the evening after company had left!  ((More on that later -- that is why I missed a blog post last night!))

While I had another phone conference letting me know that my next book project is definitely a go, and I've now got dates for having my manuscript turned in, and dates for photography --I was busy sewing together a top for this book!  Can't show it to you yet, but when you see it, I know you are going to love it!

It's also one I'm taping with Quiltmaker Magazine in August -- so even if quilts don't have to be turned in for photography until November, this needs to be quilted and bound by AUGUST.  Still don't know what I'm going to do with borders yet, but that will come.

While joining the blocks in this top together, I was busy with a few other little things:

This is the box of Leader & Ender squares!

Sewing in between the rows!

In between the lines of sewing blocks and rows together I was using these squares, rectangles and center squares as Leaders & Enders!

It doesn't take much planning to have some pieces and parts just waiting next to your machine for such a purpose.

In between everything else -- with almost no thought or time wasted ((It takes no longer than just sewing on to a folded-over-thread-covered-throw-away piece at the end of a seam!)) I built these four bocks:

Four More for the Some Day Pile!

This block is called Idaho Square Dance.  You'll find it in my Addicted to Scraps column in the May/June 2015 issue of Quiltmaker Magazine!

My Bliss --

This morning I'm sipping tea out here!  I'm slower to move ---it was a late night with friends over and even later night stitching.

I'm enjoying my weekend!  When was the last time I had a Saturday at home?

There will be some working on that LAST quilt top for the new book ((And the Quiltmaker taping in August!)) but I am also going to enjoy the day, spending some part of this afternoon out on the Blue Ridge Parkway --and a BBQ at Mona & Rick's cabin along with Tim & Amber, some other Buck Mountain Friends.

The Farkle Tournament is ON!

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Unknown said...

De-stressing is wonderful! Good news to know all is well wit the books. But best news is you are finally resting and enjoying what you have worked so hard to earn. HUGS...
Remember there is a 4 pawed girl who loves her Mommy-time.

Read once we need to watch our dogs...they open up and have such joy running, playing and snuggling. If feed well, they eat good, sleep soundly etc. Being of Mohawk descent, I can tell you, we can learn much from animals...especially those we call pets.

HUGS and smiles,

Linda H said...

You hexi work is wonderful. You put me to shame. I have been doing some along the way now and again but when I see how many you have got in your super job, it makes me shudder. Still, just have to carry on for a long time to come! Glad to hear you are relaxing a little at your cabin and enjoying the great views etc.

Marionz said...

I love how you share your boboos and not quite rights, it is so easy for beginners to think when viewing exhibitions that perfection happens first time, I always think you need patchwork groups and friends to give confidence and fun

Linda said...

When will the Celtic Solstice pattern be published?

Barbara Mead said...

Bonnie, thank you for posting why I wasn't getting your feed on my facebook page. I now have checked the get notification link and YaHOOOO here you are again. I enjoy your posts.

Colleen said...

I'm glad to see you're having some "down" time. You certainly need it :) I don't know how you have the energy to keep running full throttle all the time. Enjoy the weekend with family and friends.

I'm making strippy blocks (3 1/2" out of phone book paper!) and can whip those babies out in no time. Started day before yesterday and so far I have 52 done with only short sewing periods :) I also keep a L&E box by my machine (301) and I have TONS of 2" squares sewn together. Sew much fun!! Thanks Bonnie for all your great patterns and tips. See you on the next QuiltCam :)

Mego said...

Bonnie...honestly...I'm moaning...I love the Idaho square dance! BUT I have teeny 4 patches going, the larger 4-patches going, the lozenges going, still finishing up the bowties AND I need to finish two larger quilts...oh yeah and I'm doing the itty bitty blocks...I need a BLOCK saver system to go along with the scrap saver system...OH and your hexie is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've just returned from a trip to the "big city" where I dropped off my "Fourth of July" quilt to be long armed. I think this is the only one of your patterns not made with billions of teeny, tiny pieces. I'm sure some people in the shop were skeptical that it was a real Bonnie Hunter pattern. I love it and can't wait to see what my quilter does with it. Enjoy your much-deserved time on the mountain.

Cindy in NC

Mary said...

I'm glad you took out the Red Hexies, a good solution to more ripping. I can't wait to see more NEW quilts that are secrets until the book publishes. I would have a hard time keeping the secrets! Enjoy your week-end FARKLE marathon.

Old quilter said...

A few days ago I was reading a post I got to from some kind of a link from your blog, and that quilter was saying how "finished is better than perfect" and "I can live with that mistake". It was someone else's comment, and some time ago, but reading your red hexie problem today really got me thinking.

I guess we each have to decide what we can accept, and what needs some frogging. I probably would not have corrected the mistake, but for sure my Mom would have insisted on fixing it. I accept more oops the older I get. (Just plain lazy actually).

Your hexies are going to be magnificent !!!

Bonnie K. Hunter said...

Honestly -- I only had to remove and replace 6 red hexies! It wasn't brain surgery, nor tooth pulling -- it happened easily enough in the comfort of my easy chair while watching TV...NOW the design looks better to me.

Sometimes ripping it and fixing it is a lot quicker and a lot less painful than living with it.

This one one time that a change HAD to be made....I'm glad I did :)

Irene said...

You are amazing. You make it all look so simple; like it just falls into place. I've seen how much work and dedication you put into your quilts, books, articles, blog and everything else and I know it comes not always easy and always with a price. That you have Quiltvilla is a well earned and much deserved respite and I wish you good health, happiness and a long long life to enjoy it. Blessings, my friend!

Viddy said...

Hi Bonnie,
I absolutely love your hexi quilt. In reminded me if the one in the Australian quilt convention this year with very similar patter; except that this quilter did it in 1/2" !! Omg! If I coulc past a pic here I would but not sure?
I have done one as well but it just needs the borders to go on. Why am I waiting!
I can't wIt for you to come to Melbourne next year and want to be first on the list please? And who to contact? Thankyou.
Could you please tell me where you got the plexi surround extension table for your singer?
Sorry for all the questions.
Venora Smith

Liberty said...

So cute!

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