
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Galaxy Gram! Blue Ridge Bliss!

This was one of those most needed, happy days.

A very successful phone conference with an editor from C&T which resulted in the start of something big. I sent off my outline and proposal for my next book and all is good to go.

Tomorrow I have another phone conference and we will nail down some dates for turning things in.

There are still two quilt tops to complete, two to quilt, and 3 to bind, but the time up here at the cabin this weekend will see much of that done. At least the piecing of two tops and binding of one quilt shall be accomplished.

At least that is my goal.

It's been many weeks since I was up here last. I can't believe how green things are and all of the trees are of course leafed out.

I feel like my soul can breathe.

The new red roof looks amazing!

And the mountain laurel and rhododendrons are full of blossoms.

This is where you will find me this weekend, weather permitting I think this rocking chair is perfect for binding and for just soaking up the scenery.

I love you, my Blue Ridge Mountains! I am looking forward to indulging in your peace and beauty all weekend long.

Much love from Quilt Villa,



Old quilter said...

Sounds perfect ! Enjoy !

PalmerGal said...

So glad you made it to your happy place! It was a VERY busy May!

Irene said...

Looks like heaven! I envy you, my friend!

M. Hair said...

Glad to hear you are getting a break this weekend but with book projects I guess we won't get to see any pictures of the projects. Will just have to wait patiently for the new book.

Pauline said...

I'm so happy for you to have such a wonderful place to retreat and rejuvenate. Enjoy every second!

Anonymous said...

Another Bonnie Hunter book? I CAN'T WAIT!

Unknown said...

Totally enjoy your little piece of heaven!!

Art by Rhoda Forbes said...

Enjoy every minute of it Bonnie, after all your travels it must feel so good to be home.

Marj said...

So beautiful, makes me want to find a mountain cabin.

normajean53 said...

Looks so lovely. Enjoy, you have earned it!

Debbie Lou said...

Enjoy yourself and unwind in your Happy Place. So glad you are getting this time for YOU. Have a wonderful weekend!

Jacqueline said...

Enjoy, restore your body and soul.

Unknown said...

We vacationed in the Blue Ridge last week. Such a pretty place in Spring...want to see it in the Fall..

Mary said...

Congrats on the Big news that is Good!!! Have a relaxing extended week-end. You are long overdue!

Leslie W. said...

I was up at my mom's house in Foscoe, between Boone and Banner Elk on 105 2 weeks ago. It rained a lot, but it was so beautiful. She has a huge rhododendron at the bottom of her steps that was in full bloom. I walked a lot with the dogs and had some ah relief time, too. Enjoy!

Pat Converse said...

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Donna Endresen said...

Congrats on your C.T Deal and Enjoy Your weekend in the mountains. Your Cabin looks Great! I will be working, but did enjoy the afternoon sun working in my friend's garden. Well, we are sharing it this year. :>))).

Vic in NH said...

So glad that your conference went well and that now you can relax and still be busy quilting! I look forward to ordering the newest book from you, but on a more relaxed timetable for both of us; you and me.

Judy quiltz said...

I just clicked Noonan old link about Libbey Lehman and was wondering how she is doing. I haven't heard anything about her recently.

judyquiltz@comcast.net said...

Edit of post. Should have read I just clicked on an old link about Libbey Lehman and was wondering how she is doing,I haven't heard anything about her recently.

Unknown said...

Bonnie, enjoy your mountain time! You have certainly earned some rest(?) and relaxation! Cannot wait to see the next book whenever it comes out! I think I have plenty to keep me going til then! Joy

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