
Monday, January 02, 2012

Mystery Monday Link-Up! Part 7 & 8!

I know there are some rabid quilters among us! Some may already have their binding on by the time this post comes around so they are ready to link-up with full regalia!

And some…well, I came across a picture last week that just rang so true to me, I have to post it here!
“No matter how slow you go, you’re still lapping everyone who’s still waiting to start!”

So don’t feel bad about your progress if you are not as far along as everyone else.  Some have more time to sew than others.  Just do what you can, and KEEP SEWING!  Even if it is not a mystery to you anymore because it’s been revealed.  Just SEW! Create! LIVE!

Forest Jane has done a great job on our "Completed" logos this year!  Feel free to save these graphics and place them on your own blogs.  Please link them back to my blog.  When I get home from Dallas, I'll be able to upload them to my server so that I can place the "steal the button" code in the side bar --- but I only ftp from one computer to keep things easy for me, so that will have to wait a few more days.

You are also welcome to keep our Lil Orca badge....he's awful cute too!  I think I"m going to miss seeing his cute face adorning blogland!

And here's the quilt again if you missed yesterday's post.

2011mystery 253
Let’s link up! If you’ve linked before, you don’t need the directions below, but because we have new people joining us every week, I still want to be sure they know what to do:

If you are a blogger, please link your post showing your Orca Bay Mystery progress on Part 7   or Part 8 ((Or any other part, no matter where you are in the mystery)) below!

Remember that we need the url of the specific POST, not just the address for your whole blog.

To get the correct address in the linky-–right click on the title/subject line of the post you wrote about your quilt progress. Chose “copy link address” and paste this url in the form when you link.

You can also CLICK the title line of the post you want to link...and copy the url from the address bar at the top of your browser that way.

For instance, my blog address is  quiltville.blogspot.com but that isn't enough. I can't link to the WHOLE blog, I need the address of the post. The address of THIS post is:

  quiltville.blogspot.com/2012/01/mystery-monday-link-up-part-7-8.html  See the difference?

**NOTE**  You do NOT need to include the http:// when you insert your address into the linky!

If you link to just your whole blog, I’ll have to remove your link and have you try again because I can’t fix it FOR you.

We'll leave this open until MIDNIGHT eastern time Friday night to give you time to write your posts! I LOVED seeing what links came in last week! If you missed those, you can find them linked in the Orca Bay Mystery tab at the top of the blog ---just look at the bottom of that page below the step links for the Mystery Monday Link-Up Links!

Happy Monday!


Carolyn S. said...

I'm still so impressed with the dynamic result of all this sewing. I got to a point where I had most of the elements and was fooling around with different layouts, and I decided there was no place for the blues, and that I hated them. Silly me. I kept going, having faith that they'd work into the pattern and that I'd like them. Well, I more than like them, I love them in the final result. Bonnie, you are a piecing, designing genius! Thank you again for this awesome quilt to make.

jhhensley@aol.com said...

That is one gorgeous quilt.

SubeeSews said...

Thanks so very much for this wondeful design!

Anonymous said...

I just love the link ups! These are some absolutely gorgeous quilts.
~Jillian in North Dakota

Rebecca said...

One of the really neat side benifits of these mystery quilts is seeing how the same design shows in so many different colors.... Its funny what your eye " sees" in the different colorways....

Michelle L. Momof11 said...

I wasn't able to join in on this one...yet! I will make this pattern someday. Absolutely stunning in every color arrangement I've seen. I'm considering warm/cool/black/white, so there would be yellow and orange mixed with the reds and green and purple with the blues for a totally scrappy look. Thank you for another wonderful design Bonnie!!!

Cathy Tomm said...

Thank You Bonnie for the mystery quilt. It has been fun. I am almost sad it is done. I will be looking forward to the next mystery of yours. I have had a blast trying to keep up like it was homework. I will miss running to check for the next step on Friday mornings before I eat or get the kids to the bus. I love my quilt so far and will get more done today.

Juni said...

Thank you Bonnie for a wonderful quilt! I am working on steps 7 & 8 and can't wait to get finished! My first purchase of 1012 will be one of your books ~ I really like your ideas about color & scraps. I feel like a whole new world has opened up for me! Thanks again!

Ray and Jeanne said...

Thank you!!! This was my first mystery and I loved it! I also loved just using my stash. The quilt is amazing. I have started cutting pieces for a leader/ender quilt. Thanks again ~ Jeanne in IL

Unknown said...

I love this quilt, you think out of the box, like with the string pieces. I am trying to get the top done this week, so I can quilt it soon. I can't wait for your next mystery!

bingo~bonnie said...

love that first photo - perfect for any of your mystery quilts!! For anyone reading this that hasn't finished step 2 or even step 1, you are lapping me! b/c I never got started... just watched along from the sidelines. ;)

love the linkys and checking in to see everyone's progress. To me this is much easier than keeping up with the yahoo group. Thanks for accommodating yet one more thing Bonnie!

Love from Indiana! ~bonnie

kwiltnkats said...

Bonnie, this is a fabulous project. I'm still sewing! Thanks, Sandi

Lee said...

The reveal on this is a stunning quilt, and what fun to see what all the other quilters did with some color changes, wow! While I didn't do this one, I did print out each step, and especially after seeing the reveal, it will move to my "Must Do" list. I'm working on trimming scraps -- the first rotary cutting I've been able to do since a wrist injury in August :) Progress! And I love the image with the saying on it!!!

Anonymous said...

I just LOVE your Orca quilt!!!

Anonymous said...

Each one is prettier than the next - but I do have a fav. Liz in Australia's pink! I told her, I am not a pink person. But overtime we quilters buy all colors. Now I know what I do do with my pinks lol.

Bonnie, not only are you my online quilting guru. You are also AMAZING! No joke now. How on earth do you ever have enough time to cook, read, cut, piece and quilt your quilts ... and travel and do classes wherever you travel to? Honey, I have to eat whatever you are eating --- POWER FOOD for sure lol.
Smilies and forever good luck
JUlie In TN

Abercrombie said...

I like this post ! Thank you for your post !

Jo Ann said...

Totally not what I had going on in my mind, I had three different Ideas, but NONE as Stunning as this one! Will be be doing this on again! I have several young men in my family with graduations coming up! I think I know what they will be getting for gifts. This one is a True Stunner Bonnie!

Susan in Wisconsin said...

Wow!! I've been so busy that all I've done is choose fabrics so far, and y'all are inspiring me to get GOING! Bonnie, this is an amazing use of the scrap concept and so gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Wow I am DONE like Dinner Orca Bay is done
and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I chose to put a black inner border on my quilt with a blue half square sewn to the triangle things and it looks great. I am going to call my quilt
Orca in the Bonnie Blue BayI will get it quilted next week and take to my Retreat on the 21st as my show and tell. can't wait to show of the orca... Thank-you Bonnie it was so much fun waiting for the next clue to see where it would led to and see the spectacular end How many months till the next one??? Can't wait
:0) Terry from Alberta

scraphappy said...

Thanks so much for another great mystery! I love each more than the last.

Katie said...

Thank you so much for offering this. Though I decided not to participate, my mom did join in the fun. It took a while to get a photo and now I can't link up, but it is posted on my blog (http://katiemaytoo.blogspot.com/2012/01/moms-orca-bay.html) since my mom doesn't do the blogging thing. It's BEAUTIFUL!

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