
Monday, January 02, 2012

New Years Housekeeping Stuff!

So here we are, in 2012 already.  I know I keep saying this, but I can’t believe it!

Today I’m teaching a String Spider Web class over at Fabric Fanatics in Plano, Tx --- and if you love batiks, let me tell you, it is ALL batiks, ALL the time, and that is all they have!!  It’s a candy store for batik fanatics, and I’ve seen some gorgeous quilts coming together this trip!

I’ll have pictures to show probably tomorrow…..we’ve been going going going and doing family stuff with Dave’s brother and his family every night.  Dave headed home last evening, and I went out to dinner with the shop crew…so there hasn’t been a spare moment to edit down pics.  I’ve gone to bed happily exhausted every night!

There are some things I need your input on. I’m hoping you will leave a comment so I can put some things together.

FIRST!  I was contacted by a few of you who want to do a link-up with our leader/ender cheddar bow tie challenges so we can see how everyone’s are coming along.  Are you up for that?  Would we have enough participation to make it interesting for everyone to see?  I’ll give you time to write a post about your progress, or you can even link it to an older blog post.  I’d just like to do a big cheddar bow tie blow out link –up ----so if YOU can post on those, leave me a YAY in the comments.  I’d like to give ONE MORE Mystery Monday Link Up next monday for those doing Orca Bay to show their progress….and then we can do it the week after that.  Deal?

SECOND --- Remember a couple of weeks ago I did a Yard Sale Saturday post?  That was fun! My blocks were snatched up quickly, and YES I do have more stuff to list. I’ve been contacted by a few of you who would like to participate as well.  Just that the holidays were not the right time to do it ((No duh!!))

How this works is ----you write a post about something quilty that you want to sell….and you link back to me on the linky…and it will be like a neighborhood yard sale!

There will be some ground rules…These items need to be QUILT RELATED. Patterns, Books, Fabric, Notions, Partial UFOs…whatever you want. This is for gently used –white elephant type items, not new-sell-at-retail-stuff or new crafts you have made to sell.. Understood? Think YARD SALE. When your item has sold, mark it sold on your blog page so people know.

You must link your post back to my YARD SALE SATURDAY POST, not just my  whole blog --- The url to use will be provided to you.

You write the post on your blog, you come back here and link it up. It is up to you to decide how you are going to interact with your buyers. I’m going to use paypal, and the selling price does not include the shipping. The shipping price will be figured depending on where the person lives, and the shipping price will be added to the purchase price.

Does this sound like something you’d like to do to clean some stuff out?  There is no limit to the number of things you want to list on your blog….you do your own listings and take care of the details, we just all link together in the linky as a “one stop shopping” spot for people to peruse our wares – yes??
If this is something you are interested in, I’m thinking we pick something like the 1st Saturday of the month, and do it once a month.  What do you think?
Please leave me your comments below and feel free to email me with any further questions, etc ---  I think it could be FUN!
If there are enough YAYS to it, we can do our first Yard Sale Saturday THIS Saturday --- how does that sound?  Choose one thing to list, choose 10 or 20 – give it a shot.  If it doesn’t go it doesn’t go, but I think this could have some real possibilities if we work at it!
And with that….is there anything else you think you’d like to see on here?  I’m open to suggestions. Any tutorials or explanations or –just something you’ve wondered about?  I could use your ideas to keep this an interesting place for quilters to gather!


Libby said...

I am doing the cheddar bow ties from your tutorial! I am loving them! I am just sewing them together here and there. I love the fact that they are all cut out and ready to sew. I have done several searches to look at others process. I would LOVE the link up for these bow ties! I have loved watching the Orca Bay links. So much fun to "meet" new people!

Kim said...

I'd like to know how much time you spend cutting and sorting after you finish with a project.
Like when you have scraps and fabric left over that you cut for your scrap saving. When do you do it? After the project is done?

Happy sewing and safe travels :0)

Brenda said...

I love the idea of the link-ups!!

I am glad you've done them, but I hope you will do another one for the Orca mystery, maybe the first Monday in February???
For the people who have not gotten to the finish line yet, this might give them the incentive to get busy on it!!!
It's fun to see where you are on the progress of this. I am so glad you did this mystery. I have people doing this that Have never done one before!! It's fun!!!

Happy New Year!! And One other thing I liked was (and why I mentioned it on a different rely to a post, but didn't explain it very well...) is when you hosted a quilt-along and got everyone doing the Strip-Twist blk on the same day, together, with you!! That was FUN!!! And it became my own retreat with 'friends'!! All working at our own speed, on the same thing, with you as our leader and I got it done!!!! Doing something like that again, sometime in the new year, would be alot of fun I think!!
Not like you don't already have your plate full, but you did ask for ideas!! ;-)

All the best to you Bonnie!!!

Anonymous said...

Are you nuts!! or a glutten for punishment?? HAHAHA As busy are you are Bonnie, and now you want to do a Yard Sale as well? LOLOLOL You are too much.
First neither will work for me as I do not blog, so that part is out. However, (my two cents worth here), your ideas sound very good. I think your fans would love to see each other's cheddar works, I know I have enjoyed looking at the Orca Bay pics. And the yard sale idea sounds cool too, not that I need to buy any thing quilt related!! haha
You never cease to amaze me with your high energy and the love for your quilty friends. That is why WE all love YOU. Safe journey on your return!

Lori said...

I got a few more bow ties done before Christmas so I'd link up:)

Anonymous said...

yard sale link up sounds like fun! I'll go see what I have to add....

Anonymous said...

Yay to them all! Participating in the group with the Ocra Bay Mystery and the Link-Up have been such fun. It's been good peer pressure for me.
~Jillian in North Dakota

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Yes to all! Except can I share my bowties if I didnt use cheddar? I am using this as scrap buster. I when through my colored bins and pulled all the 1990's printed muslins off the shelf and used them instead of cheddar. I didn't want to have to buy fabric for this. BTW I need to do another cut day as I am out of blocks to sew!

Marj said...

The bow tie link up sounds good to me, although mine are made with light shirting's for the backgrounds. The Saturday garage sale sounds interesting too

SubeeSews said...

I vote YAH! for the Cheddar BowTie link-up.
I actually WANTED to sew on something waiting between clues so I did get out the BowTie container and made quite a few. I have them all cut and ready for sewing. I am embarrassed to say there was dust on the top pieces. Bad me!

Quilting By Celia said...

The bow tie link up is a good idea...

Coloradolady said...

I love the idea of a link up for OB in Feb. I am way behind....but worked for 4 hours cutting 700 triangles today...yes, that far behind!!!

The garage sale thing is great!! I have stuff for that but could not get it done before the holidays.

Of course, you always have great ideas! I should have got on board with the bow ties...but no...I did not!! Maybe I can start that too!!

Kate said...

I agree with third, later Orca Bay link-up, for us slow-pokes who were away from our sewing machines for the holidays. :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, to the cheddar bow tie link-up. I have just a few made but all my small scraps were cut into 2 inch squares and 1 1/4 squares and are waiting patiently to be sewn. Now to get the strips and strings under control. You've inspired me to get to it!
Gail in VA
gauen at mbc dot edu

~Joan said...

I'd love to take advantage of the yard sale thing. I hope I can make it work.

Lee Ann L. said...

I'm interested. Is 100% cotton quilting fabric eligible? I know I have a few books. I'd probably use paypal too. :-)

Lee Ann L. said...

PS I probably won't be able to do this 1st Saturday of the month as it's kind of a short notice. But, I for sure would try to do February's (if there is one).

Michelle said...

I definitely want to see what everyone else is doing with their bowties - and will post pictures of my own.

Kathy said...

Love the yard sale idea - I want quilters to get the stuff so this makes sense.

Question - how do you work the shipping costs?

Mary said...

Yay on the Bowties check in. Even though not all of mine are Cheddar Bowties. I'm not getting rid of any of my Projects so I wouldn't do the Yard sale online thingy. Sounds fun though, you know one person's trash being someone else's treasure.

Bonnie said...

I have questions about your stash. Do you cut your strips when you buy new fabric or do you only use leftover fabric from projects? I haven't been quilting as long as you and don't have the amount of leftover pieces that you seem to have. I do add bits of fabric to my stash and wonder if I should start to cut it? I am doing your leader/ender zigzag nine patch quilt and find I keep running out of 2 inch squares. Also I have some fabric from my days of sewing for my girls but don't know if it is all cotton. Do you ever throw in some poly cotton when sewing a scrap quilt? Thanks for your help to a relatively new quilter.

Char said...

Bonnie ~ you never cease to amaze me with all of your energy and downright giddiness :) I don't have a blog either, but would definitely be interested in seeing what others have to offer for sale:) I am slowly but surely getting started on your stashbusting storage and even went through my scraps, cut em up and figured I might as well bag them up in color families like you did - even tho i don't have NEARLY as much as you Keep on going! You're quite an inspiration!!
Happy New Year to you too!

Teresa in Music City said...

Bonnie, I don't think you have to worry about your blog being an "interesting place for quilters to gather" - that's almost too funny! Every quilter I know loves to gather at Quiltville!!!

That being said, I would love to join in on the yard sale link-up. I actually have a pile of stuff I could start with. And now that I've taken the plunge and started a blog, I can join in! Too exciting!!! I have not done the cheddar bow ties because I simply had to draw the line somewhere and the bow ties were it, tempting though they were. I'm pretty sure that link-up would be a great success though, because many of the bloggers I'm reading are doing them. On the other hand, maybe you better not, because I'll only get inspired and have to start doing bow ties too! LOL!!!

Thanks for keeping the fun coming!!!!

Anonymous said...

I missed the Quilt along, maybe wasn't following yet? That sounds like fun! The garage sale sounds like fun too but I garage saled all my stuff quilty and not just over a year ago when I moved into a much smaller place.

Jo said...

Hey Bonnie...I will link up for yard sales and the Bow Tie challenge. Your blog is always my "must see" blog...it's exciting with just you :)

bingo~bonnie said...

Yes! I love the 1st Saturday Yard Sale idea Bonnie!!!! I don't know if I can be ready by this week, but I will be ready in coming months :)

and using Paypal is a great idea!

Pattie D said...

First off...Bonnie you are AWESOME! You have such a good heart and are always so willing to share and do for others! THANK YOU.
I think the "yard sale" sounds like way too much fun! I would love that! If I were doing the cheddar leader/ender I would love to participate in a linky...however my focus right now is finishing, not starting! (can we say this may kill me...seriously) Thanks again for all you do!

HelenMarie said...

YES! I'd be happy to link up a post on the Cheddar Bow Ties. I'll start writing now so it's ready when you are! ;)

Since I have been busy finishing gifts and presents for the holidays the only thing I have had time to do on my OB is pick fabrics. So, I vote for an OB link update in February!

I like the idea of a monthly yard sale!


waquilter said...

Thanks for all you do for us. You're the best. YAY to the cheddar linky (I'll have to figure out how to do it). Plate too full to do yard sale (that's not to say I won't shop).

waquilter said...

Thanks for all you do for us. You're the best. YAY to the cheddar linky (I'll have to figure out how to do it). Plate too full to do yard sale (that's not to say I won't shop).

sao said...

I love YARD SALE IDEA - and the linky thing for the CHEDDAR CHALLENGE....I am in!

sao in Midlothian, VA

kwiltnkats said...

Hi Bonnie, I'm up for the cheddar bow tie link-up. I've got a bunch made up already and a bunch cut up and ready to assemble. Not sure about the Saturday Yard Sales. Does sound like it has potential, but your items would be far more exciting to purchase! Sandi

Vanya said...

Yay for cheddar bow ties and Saturday yard sale!

Me and My Stitches said...

I'm in for both. I have made a ton of scrappy bow ties and now need to come up with a setting that I like - so maybe if everyone linked up we would all get some ideas. I have a few things pulled for yard sale Saturdays - would love to get rid of a few things and see what everyone else has to offer!

Genevieve said...

Im in for the yardsale. Thinking Paypal would be the way to go for payment or perhaps a money order mailed if someone doesnt have a paypal account.
I want to do the bowties at some point but right now tryine to catch up on Orca Bay and have been using the triangle that are cut off other blocks as my leader enders to make some sort of triangle quilt. Not sure yet what it will be,I have a tone of more triangles to sew.

Thanks for all the inspiration and hard work you share with all of us daily.

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