
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

While Rhododendrons Bloom!

I know I posted about the rhodies blooming earlier -

And everyday more blooms are opening leading me to think that "Today must be peak!"

And then the next day it outdoes itself once again.

And I take more pictures.

Because the blooming season for this ancient bush is just not long enough.

All it will take is one big hard rain and all of the blossoms will be on the ground.

And.....that kind of storm rolled through last night in the wee small dark hours and I"m not sure what I'll find this morning.

There is beauty in all seasons...but this one?  Late spring is my favorite.

And that bright light green in the tree leafing out above the rhodie - ahhhhh!  I love that color too!

Yesterday was mostly spent finishing up laundry, making up of towel baskets and emptying the dishwasher and putting things away.

Still...there is something I love about a hot load of towels fresh out of the dryer, hugging them close to me and smelling their freshness.  It's elemental.

It was a day for refilling soap dispensers and making sure that shampoo/bodywash/shower cleaner spray were all sufficient for Wednesday's incoming retreat.

When that was handled....I spent the rest of the day at the computer drawing up graphics for Friday's Mabel's Choice PDF pattern release.

Yes, there WILL be introductory pricing and a gift-away featuring a Mabel's Choice fabric roll by Cotton to Quilts.

I am eager to get back to sewing...but the pattern writing must be finished first.

I'm ready to get into putting down words today now that all of the graphics and step out photos are done.

Nearly half way there!

Ass soon as I get those things done, this is where you'll find me. I love how this is coming together.

And I think I'm simply going to call this one Eclipsed.  I'm hoping to release this one in September.  Maybe August? I don't know.  

There are loads of things coming up shortly - I leave for Ireland in 3 weeks.

Which reminds me - I need to make 30 Cairdeas kits for that trip.

And sewing time gets pushed aside once again...

Evening hand quilting is still happening.

I'm starting the last block in row 4 - that puts me at half way done on this quilt, too.

It's slow going, but I just keep plugging away at it.

So this is where I am today - and the HVAC guys will be at the inn shortly to fix the upstairs AC. (Always something!)

And one more funny - this text came from Hubster Dave while he was out for physical therapy:

How do you know a guy is married to a quilter? He texts home photos of quilts he spots in the wild.  LOL!

How about you? What's going on in your world right now?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Never fails! 

Does this happen to you, too?!

Have a terrific Tuesday, everyone!



pam said...

The Eclipse center reminds me of a tomato slice. :) I guess I can't wait till fresh tomatoes come in.

Anonymous said...

I had to go back and look after reading Pam's comment and it does look like fresh tomatoes, if you used green instead of purple it would be a fresh tomato salad!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately right now all of my sewing is on hold. We head to Vermont and our summer camp tomorrow. All activities are geared towards that goal. I should be setup and ready to start working on a pieced backing for my Arkansas Crossroads soon. Had planned a single fabric, but it isn't as large as the front turned out. Wondering what fun I'm about to have, thinking of what blocks I want to learn, flying geese? Stars?
Thank you for all of the opportunities to learn skills that you offer us!

Brenda said...

And I always end up in the shortest line with the longest wait.

Mp3Melodiya said...

O thank you

Anonymous said...

My husband was traveling for work and saw a billboard along the interstate for a quilt shop. He knew I would be in that area in a few weeks. So he drove 10 miles to make a return trip to the site of the interstate. Pulled over, took a picture of the billboard and sent it to me. That is a good husband supporting his wife's passion.

Anonymous said...

Getting ready for a neighborhood rummage sale this weekend. That means no time for sewing in the immediate future. I have fifteen UFO's waiting for binding and or labels plus a quilt in the works. Yikes! Chris

Miss Papa said...

"Oh Mr. Golden Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun, Please shine down on me" That old nursery rhyme popped into my head as soon as I saw progress on your beautiful Eclipsed quilt. It looks so happy, and so does your beautiful Rhodie!
Love that Hubster Dave sends pics of quilts to you :-). Jenny

Ginny A said...

Always get the cart with a problem! Always! BTW - on the YT short you did - who is the artist singing the song? I'm not finding that recording and I really like it. Looking forward to Mabel's Choice and the Eclipse quilt is gorgeous. What a show your rhodie puts on for us.

Diane R said...

Nice to have husbands that are at least a little invested in your passions. I quilted 2 quilts on my niece's longarm Sunday & Monday. Today I tuck in any thread ends and make binding. Need to catch up on laundry too but at least supper is already set so hubby won't need to starve. Love the look of eclipse. Thanks for sharing.

Lynn in Australia said...

Loving a photo of Mabel's Choice again, seeing those Baptist Fans in their glory. I wish my hubby had a slightest interest in sharing quilting stuff with me, sharing would be harder though because he refuses to have a mobile phone. I'm looking forward to the sewing machine today, I might actually finish a heavily appliquéd top that I have been working on for over 2 years.

Anonymous said...

Your energy level is contagious, Bonnie. Such an inspiration to this senior with 20+ years on you. The new eclipse is on my near future, it will be for a fund raiser for our high school music program and it will fit their theme for their up coming marching band season, even the colors are perfect. So. My plan for the summer is to clear out my sewing area, get some projects off my agenda so I can launch right into it when you release the pattern. That way, with any luck, I won't miss your mystery as I have been making them since Alliatary. Thanks for all your efforts, time and talent that you have so freely given to the quilters of the world.

Joan P. said...

I always get those carts, even if I try a different one! I have even suggested they have a day to fix the carts, but they really don't care......lol.

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, me too!! I told Mister he could just plant tomatoes & I would be happy!

Tracey Honig said...

HAHA!! The quote had me literally laughing out loud, because that is sooo me!! :)
Life is happening. My mom is having major surgery so we are camping out at the hospital today. School is wrapping up, & I am dreaming of being left alone at the sewing machine so I can get caught up on some projects! I am also dreaming of fresh tomatoes! Have a good afternoon!

Kim said...

Wow Bonnie you dazzle me with all the projects you can juggle at one time, always something for us to look forward too. Happy Sewing!

cbott said...

Whenever someone in line in front of me complains of that very thing, I say to them, "Oh! So this is YOUR fault!" It seems to lighten the mood.


Anonymous said...

Just got back my Indigo Way from the longarmer so I can now sew on the binding and then spend several evenings hand stitching it down while we watch baseball. But I haven't had much sewing time as I have been helping the hubster build a railing along our back patio and stairs. But in less than a month we will be heading out on our road trip and he has included a stop in Hamilton, MO to check out all the shops at MSQC. So I'm glad to be helping him now.
Linda Kent

Anonymous said...

I feel for lilacs like you do the rhododendrons. Ours have been outstanding this spring and I have been able to see several older bushes that have been spectacular!

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