
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

At Halfway -

Halfway done - with the last block in row 4 which means I have reached halfway to complete on the hand quilting of my Ladder Star quilt.

I couldn't keep my eyes open long enough to finish that block so I could move the hoop to the first block in row 5 which would put me on the downhill side -

But that's okay.  There is more evening hand quilting time to come.

Putting that hoop in my lap is like saying "What a day!" to a good friend as I settle in for the evening to put some more stitches in.

I've had some more questions come in regards to things I like to use for myj hand quilting, so this gives me the opportunity to actually have something to post today -

A huge chunk of yesterday was dealing with the HVAC guy - and yes, the HVAC unit is now fixed (To the tune of over $600 but we don't have to replace the whole unit so once again "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from!) but it doesn't leave me anything to really share here that is of interest to anyone....


This is an older pack of Coats & Clark betweens in size 9.

I can still see to thread these.  10, 11, 12? No.  They are too bendy and I can't see to thread them anymore.

Plus - I have large hands, and the longer needle doesn't cause my hand to cramp.

(Dang - I sound like an old lady quilter with bad eyes and aches and pains!  Oh wait - I am!)

For those times when I can't see to thread the needle - the eye on a size 9 is large enough that I can use this little Clover table top needle threader.

The threader also works with my #10 applique sharps - my favorite size for binding or hexie sewing.

I love YLI hand quilting thread.  I bought this spool several years ago at a quilt show I believe - 

I don't hand quilt everything in white - I sometimes like to use colors so that the stitches either blend in to the darker areas, or accent the lighter ones.

My thread snips are usually found in the top of the spool so I always know where they are.

This thread was only 7.95 when I bought it.

I haven't seen these large spools anywhere recently - but I doubt they would be 7.95

I'm half-way on this quilt and I have barely made a dent in this big spool.

The YLI does come on smaller wooden spools too.

I like the wood - it feels kind of nostalgic.

But the best thing about YLI is that I rarely get a tangle or a twisty loopy knot in the middle of my thread when quilting.  Other brands twist up and knot all of the time.

There's my hoop at halfway.

I'll finish that block in about an hour's time tonight and then move on to past halfway, which feels momentous to me.

Right when I'm taking photos.

Oh, Zoey!

How are things coming on the Mabel's Choice pattern writing front?

Nearly there!

Between the HVAC guy and the desk time - there was really little time for much else yesterday.  I should finish it up today before the May Quiltvillians arrive.

All that remains is a final proof read, the making of the PDF and getting everything set up in the Quiltville Store for Friday's pattern release.

Yes, there will be introductory pricing - and a Gift-Away including a special Mabel's Choice fabric roll from  Cotton to Quilts.

It's a really fun quilt to make - so get ready by pulling out some springy prints and plaids.

I used one piece of yardage for my background on this quilt - so be thinking of what you might want to use.  It would be cute completely scrappy too, whichever way you decide to go.

Back to string piecing -

I stepped away from the computer with about an hour's worth of free time before meeting up with Hubster Dave and friends for our standing Tuesday night dinner at Corner Market.

I've been working these in batches - when this batch is done I'll make a good counting of what is still left to do.

I know it means I'll have to make more black string pieced triangles - but it won't be too many.

Yellow strings are on maybe half of this batch - and I may have some more time to work on this today before folks arrive.

Check out Kathy's Big String Quartet!

I love her navy blue sashing!  Wow!  It's beautiful!

How are you coming on yours?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Don't let the push from others to be realistic squash your dreams.
I always love a sweet traditional double Irish chain quilt, don't you?

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Kim said...

A beautiful hand quilted Irish chain, yes absolutely wonderful and it looks well loved. I do love handwork and try to do a little everyday, mostly bindings. I can't decide if doing so makes my hands better by exercising them or worsens my arthritis. Oh well, I just love to sew :0) Happy Sewing Bonnie

Anonymous said...

I totally agree - YLI is absolutely the best for hand quilting. And yes, the spools are smaller now, a bit more $, but if you're going to hand quilt it is so worth it.
I have been quilting since the early 70's - have tried other brands - they just can't compete. PS - new quilters - don't put any glazed thread in your regular sewing machine.

Miss Papa said...

Love seeing the progress on your hand quilting. Halfway--Yay! I'm sure it seems to go by faster for me just watching. :-) Thanks for sharing the needles you use for hand quilting and binding. I also use that little threader machine because I can't seem to get my thread in the needle eye.

Anonymous said...

What size hoop do you use? Kris in Oregon

Anonymous said...

I had to really search to find your hoop!

Mary said...

A Favorite chain design in the Irish Chain. we had a great Guild last night, with lots of sharing. Thanks for all you share on your Blog! You start my day on a Quilty Note! No Earworm today. Happy Wednesday!

Sharon B said...

Haha, I'm a need, Bonnie, I find air conditioner repair interesting 🤪 but I appreciate your focus on things of interest to most people. Love your blog. ❤️

nancy c said...

Zoey has the right idea. I would be laying on your quilt too :). It's beautiful! Thanks for the information on the needles. The last ones I bought it that were advertised specifically for binding have such a small eye it takes me 5 minutes just to the thread it. I tried those old fashion needle threaders, and they actually broke when I tried to pull the thread through LOL! I will have to look into getting the ones with the bigger eye.

SALLY G said...

Hi Bonnie, since you're using the Clover threader; There is a handmade base on Etsy.

Unknown said...

Bonni, your post today brought back a memory my Mom told me about her mother (who I never got to meet, I was a "late" baby and sadly she was already gone). She was having trouble getting needles threaded also. To fix that, she had a bunch of needles (15-20 I think) and my Uncle would thread them all before school and she would use those up before lunch. We lived in a small town with no cafeteria so he had to come home at lunch. She would have his lunch ready and he would again thread her needles for her afternoon quilting. A great memory. Polly Blank

Diane R said...

Such a lovely memory. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I think Zoey is hoping for a quilt named for her ;) Mabel's quilt is beautiful. I'm also enjoying the progress on eclipsed. I only hand sew bindings in place on the back of my quilts. It's nice to see the hand quilting. Best to you.

Quiltndollmaker said...

Beautiful, oh so beautiful hand stitches! I still have my hoop from 40 years ago, bought some YLI threads, and have the needles and threader too! Think I will make that Ladder Star as well. What was your quilting pattern for the Ladder Star?

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