
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Time Out for Piecing!

And sew - it happened!

Beds were made, things made ready - and with rain falling outside, I took the opportunity to sit myself down at my machine and continue on with the string piecing of parts.

"But I HATE removing paper!" I hear some say.

Just make sure you use a paper that is easy to tear away.  Make your stitch length SMALL so the needle holes are very close together and the paper comes off easily.

I don't mind paper removal.  I actually find it rewarding and therapeutic.

It's all in your mindset.

Say you hate something enough, and you'll convince yourself that you do.

Click to Play:

All 8 minutes!

I heard so many mentions of "please sew in real time so we can see what you are doing." in response to my hyperlapse videos. So here you go!

And those fruit ladies?  Adorable!

Adding the oranges.

Trimming up as I watch for May Quiltvillians to arrive.

The oranges went fast as I only have to add them to one side of the black triangle.

Look for Eclipsed to release as a PDF pattern in possibly August or September.  It depends on how things pan out.

Today I'll get the paper removed and add these to either side of the purple string kites.....

And there will be another batch to come.  This isn't all of them.

Look what Connie sent!

I have some more black string triangles to make, and these will be perfect for adding in.

I love the cats - but Marvin the Martian has me cracking up!

The more funny the fabric is, the more I love it.

Today's first job - after checking in on the Quiltvillians and seeing how things are going at retreat, and feeding Tula Tallulah Lou (Because you'd think she's starving the way she stares at you through the glass in the kitchen door) is to get everything uploaded to the Quiltville Store for Friday's Mabel's Choice release!

Are you pulling fabrics yet?

Yes, there will be introductory pricing - and a Gift-Away including a special Mabel's Choice fabric roll from  Cotton to Quilts.

It's a really fun quilt to make - so get ready by pulling out some springy prints and plaids.

I used one piece of yardage for my background on this quilt - so be thinking of what you might want to use.  It would be cute completely scrappy too, whichever way you decide to go.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's all about perspective, and sometimes, we need to look at life from a different perspective to understand where others are coming from.
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Have a terrific Thursday, everyone!



Anonymous said...

Love the fruit ladies fabric.

cityquilter grace said...

nice looking blocks but hate to say this, you'll never bust that stash with all those gifts....ROFL!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bonnie. There's a wonderful book called 'No Two Persons' which illustrates today's quote perfectly. Probably available at your library!

Nikki said...

Love your comment about Tula. My Roxy looks like a gargoyle when she gets hungry. She sits on the table and arches herself over the edge. Makes me chuckle. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

I think that perspective thing is true of fabric. I love to dive into the unloved fabric bins mostly because they are less expensive but also because some have been designated as "ugly". Once they are cut up and sewn into a quilt, no one calls them ugly anymore. I love your recommendation that if a fabric still looks ugly, just cut it smaller. Chris

Sharon B said...

Bonnie thanks so much for your video, I just loved it!!!!

Phyllis B said...

As a child, my mama would tell me to never say I hate something or someone, becuase one day I may find I feel the opposite. Once I actaullly experienced that shift from hating someone to liking someone, I started say "I don't like". :)

Tracey Honig said...

Oh, I'm sure I'm not the only one who busted out with " Fat Bottom Girls" from Queen @ the fruit ladies... HA! Too cute! I hope the new group has fun!
When my mister Oliver gets hungry before his feeding time goes off, he bangs on his food container against the wall & makes such a racket! These kids! :)

Carol said...

I took Pat Sloan's advice to heart, that ripping out is just another part of the quilting journey. I don't look at it as a chore, just a part of the entire process!

Kim said...

Thanks for the recommendation, just ordered it from my library :0). Happy Sewing!

Kim said...

I really enjoy the videos, not as great as being in one of your classes but fun non the less, thanks for taking the time of making them for us Bonnie. Happy Sewing!

Catholic Bibliophagist said...

I have so been looking forward to Mabel's Choice. I can hardly wait for tomorrow!

SandyG said...

My youngest son used to go to quilt shows with me when he was in middle school. They were always the best trips. But I went and was in awe of the quilts. Amazed by the piecing and the quilting. He was in awe of the artwork that he saw. Yes, we both were looking at the same thing but seeing different things!

Diane R said...

Thank you for sharing the longer video on how you string piece. It makes more sense to me now. I'm looking forward to the release of Eclipsed. Purples I have but I may need more of the other colors, yard by yard, I'll get there. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I love how string blocks can sometimes look such a mess and then when they get the trimming done they look so awesome! Thanks Bonnie. Fran in Pa.

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