
Monday, May 13, 2024

Short & Sweet (Weekend!)

These kinds of skies.


But daunting!

It's this kind of weather that says "Maybe it's not the best time for over the porch rail photos...."

But it also came at the RIGHT time.  Because the upstairs AC unit decided to go on the blink. 

Oh, it blew air - just not cold air.

Remember my favorite saying? "You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from?"

The warm weather cooled down due to this storm and we've had cooler nights and the upstairs temp hasn't been a problem other than the first night, which was warm but opening windows was all it took to make things nice again.

And even better - the furnace guys will come on Tuesday and our next group isn't due until Wednesday afternoon. We will be good.

I keep thinking how marvelous this is that it didn't happen in August.  Right?

Saturday dirt road hike!

With Zoey & Mabel!

We see you!

Look at the wildflowers!

Bridal veil fern - So pretty!

I love that light/bright green.

They were as interested in us as we were in them!

It was a full van with 6 quilters and 2 dogs!

As much as we love to quilt - we can't sit in chairs forever - we have to get up and move and soak up some vitamin D and see what is out there.  You never know - it might inspire us!

Nancy's mango/raspberry beauty!

Aren't these colors just delicious?

Shelly's delicate applique in Liberty fabrics -

This is a Sarah Fielke Block of the Month in progress.

Muriel's corner - all curves and flowers!

Lisa's corner -

Christmas? Already?

Ann's split nine patch blocks became this underway:

It's going to be so lovely!

Her goal is to sew up the floral fabrics in her scrap stash.

Susan's Christmas medallion in progress -

Pamela finished her four-patch posie quilt top!  Now to find a backing and get it quilted -

This is only her 4th quilt and she is doing such a great job!

Binding s going on Shelley's completed Barn Star quilt.  I believe she was working on the blocks last October, and now it is nearly complete.

Yard Man Dave works his magic!

Before the storm blew in he was out there with his hedge trimmers working on the last two bushes...and it looks so much better now.

Just in time for group photos!

And we captured that rhodie in full bloom for Mother's Day -

Right on schedule!

Thanks for a wonderful and relaxing retreat weekend, ladies! We'll see you again in October!

The laundry was "mostly" handled by early afternoon - and I gave up and went home for lunch and a long Sunday nap.

Our Mother's Day at home included steaks on the grill, baked sweet potatoes and salad. Not super fancy, but good.

Throw in a few hours of evening hand quilting time and all is right in my world.

Today I settle in to drawing up graphics for the Mabel's Choice PDF pattern release happening Friday.

I'm rested and restored and ready to get to work on that. 

The May Quiltvillians will be arriving on Wednesday - I'll be ready!

Thanks, everyone for the sweet comments you left on Saturday's Post regarding my mom's hexie quilt.

It's all her own vision, no pattern - and she just worked it out as she went.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

How true is this!
Quiet the mind and listen to your heart.
I think the simple act of sewing pieces together puts me in the right place to listen, as for many of us.
Vintage Carpenters Star found in North Carolina.

Happy Monday, everyone!



Kim said...

Another great mini quilt show :0) I love seeing what everyone is working on :0). That fern also goes be the name " American Maidenhair" , it has lovely black stems with the swirl of leaves sitting flat on top. such a delicate beauty. Happy Sewing Bonnie!

Shirley said...

Love the bom block that Shelly did.

Mary said...

Quieting the Mind is the hardest thing to do. I am losing sleep trying to figure out how to replace my Quilting Machine that is Obsolete. I wish I had a local Quilt Buddy with a Machine to rent. Sew Many Quilts in that TBQ Pile. What a Memory Quilt for your Mother. Glad you got out before the storm to enjoy some Vitamin D. We had fun trying to chase the Northern Lights down a Winding road this weekend and went to a Baseball Game. No Stitching, just family time. I got flowers and Chocolate and a Crockpot of roast beef with veggies. Too soon for that BBQ to come out.

Carol M said...

So funny Bonnie, I made ribeye steak, baked yam and tomato and cucumber salad for my mothers day feast. Great Minds...lol Thank you for your posts and I love all your patterns and books. Have a great week.

Tammy said...

I'm glad to see Yard Man Dave does not trim azaleas like a shrub!! I would love to come see Quiltville in person, your Spring photos have been so colorful, both quilts and landscaping!

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