
Thursday, May 23, 2024

When It Rains, It Pours!

That number in the bottom right corner? 5.46?  That's the rate of how much rain was falling. 

5.46 inches per hour.

And it continued for about 90 minutes giving us a total event measurement of just under 6'' of rain fall in a very short amount of time.

It was completely insane.

It broke loose when i was driving home from the inn after welcoming the Quilters of the Night and seeing most of them settled in for retreat.

By the time I reached Grassy Creek rd - the creek was starting to look more like a river and rain was falling so hard that I could barely see in front of me even with the windshield wipers on turbo.

Click to Play:

This was just nuts.

And the other thing - Hubster Dave was out playing bean bag games (my name for Corn Hole Night) with his buddies - and wouldn't be back until later.

When he came home, it wasn't in the car - he came huffing and puffing up our 1/4 mile steep drive with a flashlight telling me the road had been washed out in several places and that the end of our drive was impassable.  Sheesh.

I had no idea how bad it was until we got out this morning:

More clicking, more playing:

This is absolutely nuts.

The road closure signs are down by the big washout down toward hwy 16 (The more direct way to the inn) so we'll be going up and over and around to get me there this morning.

It was a rough night of sleep - but all in all we've got it good.  

Our neighbors? Some of them are trapped and can't cross their driveways because they are washed away, and they don't have a car on the other side like we do.

The road crews are already out there working.

It's going to be interesting over the next few days to see how we can make things better for everyone.

RZR at the bottom of our washed out drive.

Dave has his tractor ready to start fixing the end of our drive and seeing what he can do to help neighbors.

I keep reminding myself of my favorite mantra: 

"You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from."

In other good news:

Quilting is happening here!

More on that later.

I feel exhausted and this day hasn't really even begun yet.

Oh, and this message came in - I didn't see it until this morning.

Evidently there is a dog that took up shelter on the porch.

He's been trying to come in the house - and he peed on a column to mark his new territory.

No one has gotten close enough to see if there is a tag.

I'm going to post to the local FB page to see if anyone is missing a dog.

Poor guy must have panicked and took shelter where he could.

And that's all I know for now.

This happened last Friday!  Did you get your entry in on that post?

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a Mabel's Choice PDF pattern from me and a Mabel's Choice cotton roll from Cotton to Quilts.

Check out the sweet prints and plaids!

Such a great stash enhancer!

We'll draw for our winners by random number generator on Monday, 5/27/24.

Create this striking quilt with just 3 shapes and boundless scraps! Easy instruction and alternative cutting directions along with full-color photos and graphics to ensure success.

Great for 1930s/1940s fabrics!

Quilt Size: 72’’ X 84’’

Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool.

Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.

Introductory pricing:

Price is marked 25% off already - no coupon needed!

Sale good through 5/31/24.

Take time to recharge.
You do it for your phone - so why not for yourself?

I think I see some recharging in my near future, too.

Have a terrific Thursday -



Carol Weber said...

Wow. Just wow. Here in Nebraska, we got 7inches on Monday night, and more on Tuesday, so my memory is fresh on just what you experienced--it's somewhere between terrifying and nearly unbelievable. Prayers that all can be fixed fairly soon and quickly for you and your neighbors.

patti leal said...

amazing how much damage a heavy rain can cause in such a short amount of time. good thing you were prepared with a vehicle across the street. the sound of the rain was glorious, but not the damage. take care. patti in florida

dgs said...

I absolutely love all the green in your area, but this is a bizarre amount of rain. I hope your property doesn't get any bad damage. Stay warm, safe and dry. Let's both have a talk with the weather gods to send some of that rain out West. We are doing better than normal, but could use more.

Su said...

OH MY DOG! I hope you all stay safe, and that repairs are made quickly.

Karen P said...

Oh wow! This happened to us a few years ago after a summer storm. Not quite as bad as what you have. Our driveway had a big trench in it, and the shoulder in front of our house had washed away into the ditch. I hope it won't be long before things are back to normal for you!

Miss Papa said...

Oh my goodness! Your rainstorm was insane. Sorry about your and your neighbor's driveways. I hope the Inn doesn't have same problem. Love your positive attitude. It's a good thing that Hubster Dave was out playing with the bean bags otherwise you guys would have been stuck without a vehicle on the other side. I hope you find the owner of the lost dog. Our grandson's dog panics bigtime when it storms. Good Luck, Jenny

Debra said...

My goodness that's a lot of rain . It's raining here now but nothing like you experienced. Dave will be mowing soon!!!
Taking a short break from sewing as my back won't allow.
Have a good day 💗

cbott said...

In the comments of one of Wil Wheaton's blog (https://wilwheaton.net/2024/05/may-your-garden-always-thrive/) I read the following, which really spoke to me: "...being able to rest and recharge was as critical as food and water and it wasn’t something we had to earn by being good enough."


Tracey Honig said...

Holy cow! We're getting our hot & dry spell. I hope everyone is safe and where they need to be for a couple of days. I'm definitely ready for a "recharge" zone. The kids all went home today, but we have a work day tomorrow. Stày safe and dry!
P.s. I love the backing on the new quilt! :)

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry for your misfortune of no road entry from your driveway. i feel so badly for you. i wish i could help in someway. take a deep breath and breathe. it's going to work out and everything will be fine. just another bonnie hunter adventure. God bless you. blessings coming your way.

Lynn Wells said...

We have the same driveway! Always having to drag it uphill!

Lynn Wells said...

We have the same driveway!!!! After it rains, we are always dragging it up hill!!

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