
Friday, May 24, 2024

Quilting - Resumed!

I shared a photo yesterday of my Eclipsed quilt in the machine yesterday -

But I didn't share with you how I got there!

Tuesday/Wednesday was a "Do or Die" kind of push to get it done.

Blocks were completed on Monday - and I was raring to go to get them together.

Quilting needed to happen - June is right around the corner.  I leave for Ireland/Scotland one week from this Sunday!

Click to Play:

It didn't take long to sew the blocks into the top. The blocks are large (for me anyway!) and before I knew it I was running the "victory lap" of stay-stitching around the outside edge: 

Yes, upside down!

I'm stitching just shy of 1/4'' from the edge, with the quilt top face down so I can manage all of the seam allowances and keep them from flipping.

This also helps keep seams from popping open during the quilting process, and minimizes stretch - yes, there are bias-y edges all around the quilt as this is a string quilt.

Don't fear the bias! It can work in your favor once you know how to deal with it.

And this is where the fun begins!

Click to Play:

I quilted with a gold/sand colored thread - blending through everything.  Can't remember the name of the panto, but I'll check on it when I get back to the studio today and let you know.

Favorite funky fabrics!

Hello, Owl!

Sock Monkey!

Betty Boop!

Jumping Skeleton!

Just by the nature of the colors in this quilt there are quite a few Halloween prints - even though this is *NOT* a Halloween quilt. It's just the orange and black (and sometimes purple) often are associated with Halloween and....I have Halloween fabric scraps.  Makes sense?

Quilting in progress.

And done!

Time for binding!

Click to Play:

Yes, it's shaky. 

You try wearing a chest mounted phone holder and getting a non-shaky video while sewing on a minding on a heavy unwieldy quilt. 

But it's also fun with the music as we are huge Ferris Bueller fans. 

I've now got binding to hand stitch over the next several evenings.

This stray.  Sigh.

This is the dog that showed up during the big storm - soaking wet and disoriented.

That cataract tells me he is older.

That badly matted fur tells me he was neglected for a very long time.

He appears to be deaf - or at least very hard of hearing.  Could be that he has a lot of hair in his ear canals.

I get so angry when people mistreat dogs by neglect like this.  He needs a head to toe shave.

He is sweet and gentle and friendly.  He needs a home - and it can't be ours. I already have two dogs.

If we don't find a home for him he is going to have to be turned in to the shelter - and I hate to do that. 

He appears to be border collie -

Someone's neglected farm dog who found himself panicked and lost in a huge rain storm and found his way to our porch.

And all I feel is sad about the whole situation.  I'll keep you updated.

My hope is that the shelter can get him shaved and cleaned up and seen to and adopted.

Meanwhile - the Quilters of the Night are in the house!

There is much creativity underway!

This is a great way to spend a long holiday weekend with friends, family and more.

This happened last Friday!  Did you get your entry in on that post?

I'll be drawing for two winners who will each receive a Mabel's Choice PDF pattern from me and a Mabel's Choice cotton roll from Cotton to Quilts.

Check out the sweet prints and plaids!

Such a great stash enhancer!

We'll draw for our winners by random number generator on Monday, 5/27/24.

Create this striking quilt with just 3 shapes and boundless scraps! Easy instruction and alternative cutting directions along with full-color photos and graphics to ensure success.

Great for 1930s/1940s fabrics!

Quilt Size: 72’’ X 84’’

Optional but helpful: Bonnie K. Hunter's Essential Triangle Tool.

Traditional rotary cutting methods are given for those who don't have access to these rulers.

Introductory pricing:

Price is marked 25% off already - no coupon needed!

Sale good through 5/31/24.

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

It's true. Your first thoughts can set the tone for your entire day.
What are you thinking right now?
Happy Friday, everyone! ⁣



Anonymous said...

Before I went to sleep last night, I gave myself three things to do this morning and amazingly enough, I remembered and have them done already! That is a good start to a beautiful spring day. Of course, there will be sewing! I have nine baby quilts to bind! And there's a twin quilt in the works, too. Plus I fell victim to a Memorial Day sale so the stash will be growing. I'm starting the celebration! Chris

Anonymous said...

Even though it’s not a Halloween quilt, those central orange sections do look like Jack-o-lanterns!

Anonymous said...

Poor old dog, heartbreaking. I hope he has a good outcome (returning to the neglectors doesn't seem optimal). Perhaps one of your next crop of quilters needs a good dog?


Ginny A said...

So sad for the old fella. I hope someone comes forward. I was wondering about Eclipse and if it would have a border. It looks fantastic! Another string beauty!

Debra said...

Thinking about that poor dog makes me mad too. Anytime an animal is not taking care of properly and with love is a sin in my book . I'll be watching your posts for updates. Thank you.
Have a Sparkling good day 💞

Catherine A Pierce said...

I saw several Border Collie rescues in the US but not one in Virginia. There may be one willing to help with your stray. Several of the rescue groups travel across state lines to help. The humane shelter may also have contacts for rescue groups.

Tracey Honig said...

You must have been reading my mind... as I was thinking, " What I great Halloween quilt!" I got to the part where you wrote, "- even though this is *NOT* a Halloween quilt."... Ha! Oh well... thanks for clearing that up! It's beautiful... no matter what. The Betty Boop & Sock Monkey were my favorites!
I'm with you on the poor pup. Hopefully you get him home, if not, the care that he needs. I'm out for summer; well, almost. But I have a long weekend ahead in which I plan some piecing time! I have a deadline to get 2 projects done & completed before the person that wants them leaves the state again! Otherwise I have to ship them. Everyone have a safe, fun, & restful weekend! :)

Susan said...

The shelter may be able to see if he has a chip. also he could have been lost and fending for himself for awhile. I hope he gets help.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

Oh he's adorable! I hope he soon finds a loving home

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. My dog was lost for a week, not one person stopped t help her until a kind lady called me after seeing the poster with her picture. She dug under a fence.

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