
Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Making Small Dents -

These two bins - I know folks who love brown all year round, but I am a "seasonal quilter" and I really have to be in the mood to sew something that to me feels just out of season.

I can't DO red and green things in July.  It feels weird to sew summer things in the dead of winter.

Most of what you see here was gifted as pre-cut 1 1/2'' strips.  I used quite a bit of them in Bear Branch but as you can see - there are still more!

I love this color combo!!

PDF pattern available in both the Quiltville Store and the Quiltville Etsy Pattern Shop.

This time however, I'm sticking with the browns, rusts, and toasty neutrals to recreate a version of a wall mosaic I saw in a bathroom stall in Vietnam.  Yes.  Yes I am! LOL!

It won't be exact because the pattern repeat meant a lot of set in seams, but it is reflective of my time spent taking photos of said wall in the bathroom stall.

I started here - 

A lot of the toasty neutrals I thought were pushing toward the too dark side so I pulled in some lighter ones of my own to give it a bit more sparkle.

Yes, there is some Y2K fabric in there.  I doubt it will ever truly go away.

Building nine-patches is good for the soul!

But it only starts there - it continues here -

And the challenge for me is figuring out the way that things need to press to work right as I build out from the nine-patches.

I take a whole lot of photos to help my brain remember which way to press so things will nest.

And this whole batch of the next round?  I PRESSED WRONG!  Holy Moly.  There is going to be a bunch of repressing today,

It's fiddly.  And I hate it.  And things don't like to press right the second time.

But I'll deal with it and get the job done because I am excited to watch this project grow.

In between everything, my Oopsie Daisie Leader & Ender blocks are growing!  

I smiled when I went to assembly these four units into the star block and saw "happy" and thought - yep! Even if I do have to go repress all of those strip sets to make them work with the blocks i have going.

Monday afternoon I had  an appointment with the chiropractor, and was running about 20 minutes early so I stopped at a local antique mall in search of a stand/car/cabinet I want for a certain spot in the kitchen.

I didn't find anything that will fit the purpose yet, but I did spy this little well worn and lovely 1930s string star quilt.

You know that the fan quilting and the red background caught my eye.  I love this so much!

My strings overfloweth as always....if I can get this brown/neutral thing pieced I'll be moving on to something a bit more colorful.  LOL!

Pam Beyer's Straits of Mackinac from String Frenzy!

Pam!  Your finish is wonderful - congrats on your blue ribbon - very much deserved!

This is the kind of update you get from me today as yesterday was full with waving off the August Quiltvillians, doing umpteen loads of laundry and getting the inn ready for today's arrival of the Tada Quilters who will be arriving this afternoon.

Things left on the to-do list for today include recovering the pressing stations with new freezer paper, and tidying up the porch and wiping down the table tops so everything is clean, fresh and welcoming.

And then......repressing of strip sets.  How about your own Wednesday happenings?

Quiltville Quote of the Day -

Allietare quilt in beautiful pink/green/grey.  Love it!

Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and love yourself.
Never doubt who you are and how far you can go.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, everyone!



Mary said...

I have another Chiropractor appointment snd a Haircut on my calendar. I would rather go sewing with my friends. Maybe in the afternoon. You have me curious with all that tan and brown. Happy Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Can’t wait to see this Vietnam inspired project complete. I took pictures in some odd spaces there too. There was art and inspiration everywhere! Keep on re-pressing! LOL

Anonymous said...

Bonnie, do you cover all of your ironing bpards with freezer paper (personal boards too)? Curious! Love Bear Branch!

Ginny A said...

I am intrigued by the new mosaic project you've started. Bear Branch is such a lovely quilt! I am picking up my new glasses today. I have volunteered to bind several quilts for my friend whose quilting mother recently passed. Received the latest batch of 5, so getting the binding going on a couple, at least, will be my afternoon activity.

Anonymous said...

LOL. It'll be a sad day when you finally run out of the last of that Y2K neutral. ;)

Anonymous said...

I love your "happy" in the L&E star, but isn't the cow butt below it "udderly" delightful, too?

stretchmarks said...

Getting a new knee on Friday. EPP packed up and ready for down time. Ready to get it over with. I've got quilts to make! I enjoy your every single day. Marilyn Marks

Debra said...

Oh I get it now. It's a pattern from Vietnam! Ok. Love the neutrals with the browns.
Hope to get some sewing done today. Back is kinda sore. Daily stuff.
Have a great day

Tracey Honig said...

So intrigued by the browns and neutrals!! Yes, I love the colors of the Bear Branch as well... it is on my list. Today was the first day of school... OY!! HA! Hopefully things will smooth themselves out. I am working on a baby blanket, then hopefully back to Chilhowie soon. The name of the new group is cute!

Anonymous said...

love your ironing board cover. Where can i order one?

Anonymous said...

I love your patterns as you tell in which direction to press. I can do advanced math but for the life of me I never know in which direction to press unless there are directions. Thank you! Celeste

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